How To Use Megaton bomb In A Sentence
The beam hit the front end of the truck with the force of a megaton bomb, slamming Jen against the back of the driver seat.
The B53's disassembly ends the era of big megaton bombs, said Hans Kristensen, a spokesman for the Federation of American Scientists.
Biggest US nuclear bomb dismantled in Texas
If you collected all the detritus from a 25 megaton bomb after the explosion, you would only be missing one kilogram of mass, and an average sized city.
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The B53's disassembly ends the era of big megaton bombs, said Hans Kristensen, a spokesman for the Federation of American Scientists.
Biggest US nuclear bomb dismantled in Texas
This force is composed of a large number of inter-continental bombers capable of carrying several multimegaton bombs, augmented by hundreds of intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of delivering multimegaton warheads.
The Future of Canadian Defence in the Nuclear Era