How To Use Megalomania In A Sentence
There's no insight into Alexander's transition from beloved leader to drunken megalomaniac; one minute he has his subjects hanging on his every word, and then next thing you know he's declaring himself a god.
The game is designed to be fun to play and a lighthearted approach to being a evil scheming megalomaniac, so although there are many different ways of being evil, there is no slavery or genocide.
At best, he's a vain, insecure man; at worst, he's a paranoid megalomaniac narcissist.
Stone and Parker are unafraid of lampooning both paranoid megalomania and the inane platitudes of Hollywood superstars.
The real blame for the continuation in office of the increasingly megalomaniacal Maire lies with the Liberals.
Blofeldism, an impossible and megalomaniac belief in world domination, is a perfect parody of Nazism and Stalinism —just as empty and just as deluded, although, thanks to 007, not nearly as deadly.
Though cross-island expressways had been envisioned by the Regional Plan Association in the 1920s, it was in the postwar years that the megalomaniacal urban planner Robert Moses made Lomex — a proposed 200-foot-wide swath along Broome Street requiring the demolition of buildings housing at least 1,972 families and 804 businesses — the centerpiece of his vision to modernize New York.
Indignation Superhighway
His brash style and megalomania also make him enemies.
With its bad language and schoolboy humour, Alfred Jarry's first and most influential play is the story of Mum and Dad Ubu, two gloriously evil megalomaniacs, who spur each other on to overthrow the regime.
Her mind had not had time to deal with the wider implications of all that sadistic megalomania trapped inside the woman who ruled Medalon.
In the past, the building of such mega-projects as complete new cities was frequently driven by the megalomania of some despotic ruler.
Yet somehow he forgot all the truths of his younger days and bought into the self-delusions spawned from his megalomania.
This vision of world domination goes way, way beyond hubris, and crosses the border into outright megalomania.
The lessons he provides in military tactics are nothing compared to the lessons he provides about what happens when megalomania is harnessed to determination.
Megalomania and war, from Cannae to Iraq
If what he says is a tissue of lies, he is a megalomaniac.
My definition of a neocon is the extreme right fringe who are unattractive patriarchal WASP megalomaniacs that were bullied in grade school, so they now try to fight everyone with someone else†™ s blood, sweat and tears.
Think Progress » ThinkFast: May 11, 2006
His methods aren't subtle but when you have megalomaniacal ambitions it's easy not to be shy about getting your hands dirty while disposing of assorted Latino gangsters.
He also criticized the European Union for being a toy for political elites and civil servants, detested by the people for its largeness of scale, bureaucracy and megalomania.
Its central figure is a charismatic, obsessive megalomaniac bent on avenging himself on the civilized world.
The count is a merciless rogue who reminds me of Orson Welles in Citizen Kane, only more megalomaniacal.
Many people, including ex-members of what they call his ‘cult,’ regard him as a dangerous megalomaniac.
It's a whole 'nother post to explain why that level of meddling megalomania is kind of pathological for a multi-billion-dollar global corporation, but let's not digress too much.
Smug Ugly - Anil Dash
But seven months into his reign he fell ill, and he emerged from this as a megalomaniac - he may have lost his sanity, though this is doubtful.
The other ace in Dassin's deck is Cronyn, playing a corrupt, savage prison guard bent on bringing "discipline" to his inmates, while nursing a megalomaniacal ambition to replace the wimpy Warden.
John Farr: Burt Lancaster: Always Larger Than Life
The hidden message here is that we expect people who are blessed with qualities like economic acumen, leadership and intelligence to be cursed with the obverse traits of greed, megalomania and ruthless cunning.
Like most megalomaniacs, I went through the typical world-domination phase.
Amos’ escape idea was just as impossible as Dr. Anderson's megalomaniac thoughts of healing the world.
Just one of those casual I-can-do-anything-I-want-any-time-I-want-and-make-you-like-it gestures so beloved of megalomaniacs, mass murderers and the Gunmint.
As a military official, he's incompetent, and as a character who should engage our sympathy, he's a total failure, blinded by his own megalomania and quest for historic recognition at any cost.
His book is populated with scoundrels, megalomaniacs, psychopaths, manipulators and sadists - people he happens to find interesting.
The movie takes us back to sci-fi of fantastic beasts, megalomaniac scientists and of course the eternal debate of science without scruples turning into a runaway train.
Building Up, Not Out, Reaches New HeightsCivic boosters, megalomaniacs and at least one maharishi are joining in a millennial erection fest, vying to build the new tallest building in the world.
Why Mccain Voted For A 'Junk' Bill, Home Remedy,
Utopian enthusiasm promises enlightenment and community but it also risks exploitation, depersonalization, and megalomania.
He was corrupt to his core, a liar, a megalomaniac, a misogynist, a bully and, like most bullies, a coward.
Christopher Marlowe demanded in "Tamburlaine," his blood-sodden drama about a megalomaniacal one-time shepherd who had swaggered and slaughtered his way to a vast Asiatic empire in the 14th century.
The Greatest of Them All
The one-of-a-kind freak mentality who could thrive as a grossly multiple personality with no biology to keep his megalomania in check.
The dictator was suffering from megalomania.
It was that which prompted Dacre's "megalomaniac" remark.
Murdoch 'a megalomaniac twister'
Her mind had not had time to deal with the wider implications of all that sadistic megalomania trapped inside the woman who ruled Medalon.
France's foreign policy is driven by soulless sycophants who are willing to suck the sweat off the balls of any megalomaniacal tinpot dictator who will award them a few contracts and lend international support.
(If democracy in any acceptation of the term was a precondition then the US-installed despot and megalomaniac Mikheil Saakashvili and the hereditary president-for-life dynasty of the Aliev family would disqualify Georgia and Azerbaijan, respectively.)
Eastern Partnership: West's Final Assault On Former Soviet Union
Stripping the IM force down to leader Tom Cruise -- aided and abetted by Paula Patton, Simon Pegg and new recruit Jeremy Renner -- and paring the story down to a struggle to prevent a megalomaniacal terrorist from triggering WWIII, the film under the direction of animation vet Brad Bird, here making his live-action debut unpacks some of the baggage accrued in the previous installments to become a lighter, wittier exercise in epic action.
Dan Persons: Cinefantastique Spotlight Podcast: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
So my ultimate goal of acquiring enough knowledge to conquer the stock market isn't a product of megalomania?
No, Raines must be a megalomaniac, drunk on power.
The next stop was Lake City, -- a name illustrative of Californian megalomania; for the lake, long since gone dry, was merely an artificial reservoir to supply a neighboring mine, and the city was a collection of half a dozen buildings including a store and a hotel.
Forty-one Thieves A Tale of California
You gave him a whiff of power and it's turned him into a corrupt megalomaniac.
Then he finds his wife and gets ready to merk Castle who turns out to be a megalomaniac bent on controlling the masses.
Dart Adams presents The Dartflix Film Review: Gamer
But to any freedom-loving Ethiopian or any other reasonable human being, the "pardon" is nothing more than the reveries of a self-absorbed megalomaniac garbed in legalistic hokum.
Alemayehu G. Mariam: Ethiopia: Birtukan Unbound!
These people were ready to betray their country, not for money but in a kind of megalomaniacal pride in what they - they themselves - were going to achieve for that country.
[unwitting partners] we’re always the good guys, aren’t we
Margaret’s Sunday Quickie: My megalomania is showing «
Margaret’s Sunday Quickie: My megalomania is showing «
Funny how a people could be ruled by the Spanish for three hundred years, far longer than the U.S. had even been in existence, converted to Catholicism in the majority, yet in all that time they are, as far as this megalomaniac is concerned, incapable of self-rule!
Memorial Day: Burning Pols in Effigy « Blog
He considers the Emperor was a cynic, a monster, a psychopath and a megalomaniac.
When the title is conferred on public figures, it is a well-known fact that they go mad; celebrities turn into monsters, and politicians into megalomaniacs, addled by delusions of eternity, going on, and on, and on.
Twenty-five years ago he was enthroned as the guru of the avant-garde; today he is isolated, some would say megalomaniac.
It enacts an arrogance that borders on megalomania.
The laboratory report explained the patient's megalomania.
Margaret’s Sunday Quickie: My megalomania is showing »
Nora’s Sunday Quickie: Authors are like parents to their characters… «
What seems a straightforward childhood is recalled in awful detail, pepped up by the odd flash of megalomania.
Times, Sunday Times
It is disheartening for a veracious researcher to debunk this Caspian megalomania.
• Axl Rose, often described as a megalomaniac, spent 17 years crafting the songs on Chinese Democracy.
Why Guns n’ Roses’ Chinese Democracy album is the Phantom Menace of Rock | Fan Cinema Today
Can a megalomaniac get bored by his own propaganda?
What you are failing to see, is what I predicted when that megalomaniac BigDog, called Obama a fairytale, according to my African-American friends they saw that as a below the surface "codeword".
Obama Campaign Co-Chair Questions Hillary's Tears
It was preceded by months of attempted negotiations with a megalomaniac, power-hungry, delusional autocrat.
, thus delivering herself, tied and bound, into the hands of his megalomania.
Some visions are so audacious, they can be expressed only as ironic jokes, lest the speaker be accused of pomposity or megalomania.
Somewhere in the vaguely near distant future, a 1984 - lite version of Britain is ruled by an evil megalomaniac politician whose self-created culture of fear ensures his will is never challenged.
For the best part of two hours Bates gave a towering performance as the megalomaniac actor fallen on hard times, railing against the injustices of having to work small stages in front of ignorant audiences.
• George Lucas, often described as a megalomaniac, spent 17 minutes crafting the script to The Phantom Menace.
Why Guns n’ Roses’ Chinese Democracy album is the Phantom Menace of Rock | Fan Cinema Today
When Turkmenbashi did this sort of thing, it was called megalomania; when federal government of the United States does it, it is called civics education.
Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2007 – September – 17
It was the least of his transgressions in a career notable for its paranoia, deceptions, moral vacuum and megalomania.
The movie takes us back to sci-fi of fantastic beasts, megalomaniac scientists and of course the eternal debate of science without scruples turning into a runaway train.
It is, I think, a work of extraordinary hubris - the kind of megalomaniacal enterprise that can spring forth from a director coming off of a major critical and commercial hit (in [Ang]) and allowed by producers to indulge his every whim.
GreenCine Daily
While you must play a megalomaniac, your choices will define what kind of megalomaniac you are, be it a big-city financier with ties to the mob or a moon-dwelling pariah with an arsenal of lasers and a robot as your second-in-command.
Jay is Games
When people look at me and say "megalomaniacal" - why the inflection, as if it were a bad word?
Amishboy Diary Entry
The guy can still do a decent show, but his megalomania is astounding.
Howard on 60 Minutes « BuzzMachine
However impressive its achievements, he writes, American social inequality and political paralysis, self-absorption and megalomania, are traits that make him glad to belong to another culture.
I'm a megalomaniacal tyrant trying to take over the world; you think I'll be swayed by some lowly henchman like you?
Sunday: I opened last week with Percy B. Shelley's Ozymandias, a poem about Louis B. Mayer, to try and get across the point that Rachel's, or Boobiac's, megalomaniacal power-crazedness last week was short-sighted, as her queendom would not endure.
Tallulah Morehead: Big Brother 12: The Sorrows of Boobiac.
Rather he is, in clinical parlance, a paranoid megalomaniac.
Affluenza, he says, can be recognized by key symptoms: technomania and e-mania -- obsession with technology and the internet -- rampant consumerism, megalomania, narcissism, "robotism," and "affluenza's concomitant: imperialism and national aggression.
GOOD Magazine: Vermont: Most Likely To Secede?
His head was full of fantastic perversions as to the nature of duty, largely mingled with the signs of degeneracy, which in these days would be called egomania and megalomania.
Gathering Clouds: A Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom
Bates manages to infect almost the entire cast and crew with his neuroses and megalomaniacal attitude.
His madness, if indeed madness it was, was of megalomania: a condition attributed to an incalculable number of despots and murderers over the ages.
Letters to friends were full of ‘self-infatuation and rampant megalomania.’
From the off, Spider-Man uses his wall-crawling abilities to foil the megalomaniac schemes of petty criminals and supervillains alike.
His book is populated with scoundrels, megalomaniacs, psychopaths, manipulators and sadists - people he happens to find interesting.
The psychiatrists diagnosed him as a megalomaniac with delusions of being a great poet, economist, linguist, historian, and political adviser to heads of state.
It all comes down to responsibility, and this power-crazed megalomaniac picture that you're painting is certainly not the only possible outcome, goal, or destination for people who don't believe sorcery should be used sparingly.
Science is always under siege by charlatans, and theories of gravity are among the most attractive to con artists and self-deceiving megalomaniacs.
But Napoleon was probably beginning to suffer from megalomania: he had succeeded to such a tremendous extent that perhaps all things seemed possible.
Simple municipal projects, whether filling in a giant pit, or making sure that a megalomaniacal confectioner doesn't make our children obese, can quickly become hopeless boondoggles that, without the help of tireless bureaucrats like Leslie Knope Amy Poehler, the Hilary Clinton of Central Indiana, would overwhelm even the most red-white-and-blue of Americans. Parks and Recreation: A Who's Who of Pawnee's Finest Bureaucrats
Not a few biographies of Napoleon portray him as a megalomaniac (for which there is real evidence in the later years of the empire) and even a bumbler.
Sadly, megalomania is not just limited to the Republicans – I think all politicians and preachers suffer from it.
Obama camp: Clinton not looking for a deal
, thus delivering herself, tied and bound, into the hands of his megalomania.
Others might view such people as demented or delusional or megalomaniacal.
Rather, they live in worlds of enthusiastic self-delusion and megalomania.
The paper has opened a nationwide debate on whether he should be allowed to continue in power now that he is revealing signs of megalomania and paranoia.
Well, we are dealing with a homicidal megalomaniac who has the capacity to do things that are beyond belief.
The set, smaller in scale, is a progressively decaying wonder that is intact as is La Follie's megalomaniacal attention-grabbing theatrics.
Swamp Thing
While previous symptoms -- aphasia, auditory and visual hallucinations -- remained present, Romney displayed several new symptoms at Thursday night's debate in Jacksonville, including severe mood swings, megalomania, and gerontophobia, fear of the elderly.
The Full Feed from
We've heard about how he was a megalomaniac who wanted to make his movie his way and didn't care who or what got trampled under to achieve this.
I do not know about you, but as a tax payer that last Tuesday had to pay the equivalent of 15 days income in taxes I am getting tired of that megalomaniacal Chavez ritornello.
04/02/2006 - 04/09/2006
Dr. Evil was a stereotypical villain; the megalomaniacal pursuer of world conquest who is always foiled by Powers.
I say the only paradigm shift self-serving, pretentious, narcissistic and megalomaniacal dictators could bring is to march the "Dark Continent" backwards to the Dark Ages.
Alemayehu G. Mariam: Ethiopia: Education Unbanned!
The popular tale, as rendered here, is gluey with preaching about a society, dominated by greed, megalomania, and more than a touch of concupiscence, that predictably neglects its offspring.
‘A lot of entrepreneurs are megalomaniacs; they think they can do everything themselves,’ says Rollins.
Wherever 007 goes, he can be sure of encountering megalomaniacs set on world domination.
Normally, we portray our politicians as desiccated calculating machines, charlatans or megalomaniacs.
President Vladimir Putin's critics seized the moment with alacrity to portray him as a whimsical megalomaniac.
Like all megalomaniacs, he finally turned on his own people, those he claimed to be saving.
Music that has a megalomaniac quality, that creates a portentous grandiosity without much in the way of inner self-reflexivity.
This cluster of tightly interrelated themes - power, ego, control, megalomania, failure - were to give a strong pattern to Welles' creations, just as they later did for Werner Herzog.
This conviction frequently prompts its spokespersons to make irritating declarations that border on megalomania, the odious or the comical.
His book is populated with scoundrels, megalomaniacs, psychopaths, manipulators and sadists - people he happens to find interesting.
Higgins's megalomania reached its nadir one night when he flagged down a police car and demanded to be given a lift to his destination (a nightclub, obviously).
These few moments behind the scenes in the making of the movie highlight how serious the performer was at his chosen craft, while hinting at the megalomania that would later tarnish his tumultuous reputation.
The one-of-a-kind freak mentality who could thrive as a grossly multiple personality with no biology to keep his megalomania in check.
The newcomer may look like a megalomaniac when compared with your more muted norm.
On the surface, Watchmen is a crime fighting/superhero comic, but really it deals with the philosophy of good versus evil, morality, megalomania, the nature of evil, love, betrayal, honour and friendship.
Jeff Tracy and his sons sort out natural disasters and frustrate the dastardly plans of the megalomaniac villain called the Hood.
Both are megalomaniacs who listen only to themselves or a small group around them.
New Yorker's George Packer called Assange "megalomaniacal" and
The Guardian World News
Perhaps this Tuesday will let him pass "megalomaniac" to days of yore in favor of an older moniker, "Fred the Shred," earned from a former reputation for frugality.
People To Watch: The Week AheadThe Week Ahead: Feb. 27-March 3
It's a whole 'nother post to explain why that level of meddling megalomania is kind of pathological for a multi-billion-dollar global corporation
Smug Ugly - Anil Dash
Buckingham's fanfaronading, thrasonical disposition, a form of vain, empty boasting peculiar to megalomaniacs.
The Historical Nights' Entertainment Second Series
World domination, absolute power and obsessive megalomania - there's been a lot of it about.
This statement is either deceitful or the egotistical rambling of a megalomaniac.
Well, we are dealing with a homicidal megalomaniac who has the capacity to do things that are beyond belief.
Is it unfair to describe him as something of a megalomaniac, where even allowing for his enormous contribution he appears to refuse to even partially relinquish his power?
I've worked for producers, and I know producers, who are true megalomaniacs, and need to write everything, and be responsible for everything, and get all the credit.
Utopian enthusiasm promises enlightenment and community but it also risks exploitation, depersonalization, and megalomania.
It's as completely scrubbed from the story as George Armstrong Custer's megalomania is from They Died With Their Boots On and the evils of slavery are from Gone With the Wind.
Lance Mannion:
He has developed some kind of megalomania which makes him feel superior to others.
Sylvia believes Lloyd is interested in the acquisition because it would thrust him into the public eye - she seconded my non-professional opinion that he was a megalomaniac.
Just one of those casual I-can-do-anything-I-want-any-time-I-want-and-make-you-like-it gestures so beloved of megalomaniacs, mass murderers and the Gunmint.
Interestingly, the museum exists to stand as a force against exactly this kind of megalomaniacal, controlling thinking.
Neo-con megalomania, which is the belief that American power is absolute, irresistible, and always good, and should therefore be used -- without restraint.
Larry Beinhart: The Rise & Fall of America's Political Right
Megalomania, in particular, often provides a strong motivation for the climb to centrality and power.
It's as completely scrubbed from the story as George Armstrong Custer's megalomania is from They Died With Their Boots On and the evils of slavery are from Gone With the Wind.
Lance Mannion:
And when he launches into his lecture on the ‘spiritually superior personality’, we are reminded of how thin a line divides enlightened idealism and protofascist megalomania.
And with a man like this, some of the experts say the thing to do is to get a megalomaniac, which is what they view him as, to boast about his career.
CNN Transcript Dec 17, 2003
He was ruined by megalomania and self-indulgence, but had also been shrewdly disarmed by a society that reduced those who threatened it to harmless buffoons.
Namely, she regards her father as an orotund megalomaniacal monkey.
Finally, of course, there is the natural desire of the megalomaniac to hang on to power until the last possible minute and not to take the slightest risk of losing it.
The story is that of an intensely Irish megalomaniac father, who lives in the violent and paranoid world of his furniture store mogul past.
All is going really well until an evil scientist named Dr. Wily takes control of some of these helpful robots and sets off on the usual megalomaniac styled quest to take over the planet.
Jay Robinson, not particularly a household name among actors, is great as Caligula - delivering a nice blend of menace and megalomania.
Volscenzi is the stereotypical bad guy; eccentric and power crazed, he is a paranoid megalomaniac who quite clearly desires, as is required of his kind, world domination.
Yet this megalomaniac blundered on, boasting of an episode in his life that had best be referred to only in passing.
How can we ensure that an office invested with broad powers will not be used cynically by political parties, or irrationally by an unexpected megalomaniac?
Antsy of late over his management style, investors and analysts have tossed about sobriquets including "megalomaniac" and "acquisition crazy," with some saying his spending must be reined in.
People To Watch: The Week AheadThe Week Ahead: Feb. 27-March 3
Such is the fate of those who tie their future to the whims of megalomaniacs.
The famous analyst's remark that Goodwin had been dubbed a ‘megalomaniac’ clearly rankles, and Mathewson defends his chief executive's strategy and abilities to take the group to its next stage.
Personally, I found it riveting from the word go, watching the idealism, the megalomania, the ruthlessness, the plotting by what essentially was a bunch of gangsters with a great deal of misused power.
She is sensuous, grasping, self-absorbed, fierce, greedy, megalomaniacal, and utterly certain that she is entitled to have her ego, her power, and her way.
Though Shaw was prone to bouts of megalomania, he viewed his apotheosis with amused detachment.
He's a looney, thought Sara, a complete megalomaniac.
Others might view such people as demented or delusional or megalomaniacal.
Such malevolent megalomania boggles the mind.
But to his brothers his dreams appear to verge on megalomania.
It was the familiar despotic argument made by megalomaniacs all through history.
‘At first he did a great job, but he soon became a megalomaniac who shouted and screamed and wanted to take every business decision, however trivial,’ he said.
He was a megalomaniac who became obsessed with finding an elixir that would give him eternal life.
Times, Sunday Times