How To Use Medusa In A Sentence
Unfortunately, Medusa chose just that moment to arrive with Stheno and Euryale.
Aphrodite the Beauty
An extra arm placed off-centre wouldn't do, you see, but Medusa-style hair of snakes would be fine (so long as it was balanced by a single of similar scale - say, a large beard).
The Scoop: Almost 30 years after the first fantasy film, Perseus, mortal son of Greek god Zeus, is back to take on Medusa and the Kraken to stop their evil from spreading to earth and the heavens.
Like jellyfish, Medusa can sting an enemy with its tentacles.
THE CURSE OF MEDUSA by J Lee and Tom Welch – A story that looks at the origin of Medusa the Gorgon.
Filmstalker: The Black List 2009

In Medusa, thankfully, he is once again on thoroughly familiar territory, battling to pursue his own flawed version of truth through the lies, evasions and corruption that surround him.
Jellyfish (medusae, which may be hydrozoan, scyphozoan or cubozoan) are important both as predators and prey in pelagic ecosystems.
Most hydrozoans alternate between a polyp and a medusa stage - they spend part of their lives as ‘jellyfish’ which are hard to distinguish from scyphozoan jellyfish.
An extra arm placed off-centre wouldn't do, you see, but Medusa-style hair of snakes would be fine (so long as it was balanced by a single of similar scale - say, a large beard).
Although compared to Medea, Medusa and Circe, Lumley seems more angry pussycat than classical tigress; but she does deliver Goldman's one-liners with the right snap, crackle and pop, and suggests a devious mind at work.
The Lion in Winter - review
Gelatinous animals include more than just the medusa-like jellyfish that wash up on the beach - like comb jellies, which have a different architecture, and no stingers.
Almost, when he knew the blow had started and just ere the edge of steel bit the flesh and nerves it seemed that he gazed upon the serene face of the Medusa, Truth - And, simultaneous with the bite of the steel on the onrush of the dark, in a flashing instant of fancy, he saw the vision of his head turning slowly, always turning, in the devil-devil house beside the breadfruit tree.
Adult males and females with the familiar bell-shaped bodies are called medusae, but you would not recognize very young jellyfish as jellyfish at all.
Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog
This is bedroom hair; Medusa hair: snaky, sultry, seductive.
The latter dazzled him not only with his unconventional paintings (Delacroix posed for one of the dying figures in The Raft of the Medusa), but also with his dandified dress and dashing lifestyle.
Most are motile animals, but members of the order Stauromedusae are sessile.
Left to right: The triangular gable of the second aedicule, and the third, fourth, and fifth gables with their Medusa heads
Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Anastylosis Projects - Antonine Nymphaeum Report 4
Lining one side of the Forum are stone Medusa faces with eyes that still bedevil the onlooker, whilst at the far end, under a columned portico, the remains of a Roman bar recall present-day cafes in Florentine or Venetian piazzas.
His incompetence, both in terms of seamanship and leadership, led to the grounding of the Medusa and encouraged the panic that swept those on board.
At the same time, Jason Flemyng’s look as Caliban is more practical using make-up FX, and you have an animatronic Medusa head, so how important is it to use practical in-camera FX whenever possible rather than CGI?
Producer Kevin De La Noy On Set Interview CLASH OF THE TITANS –
In my mind, I had pictured a Medusa, a pox-ridden hag with missing teeth and long, dirty fingernails crawling with worms, yet standing before us was a woman who looked proper and stately, hair in a bun, apron neatly ironed, nails trim and pink.
I scoop up some spaghetti, and discover it has congealed into a solid mass - Medusa on a bad hair day.
Scyphozoan polyps and medusae exhibit no cephalization and contain no brain, but in some species, light-sensitive eyespots are located along the bell margin of the medusa.
In studies with a microscope, Forbes had shown that hydroid jellyfish known as naked-eyed medusae reproduce not only by spewing eggs, but also by asexual budding, which he found marvelous to behold.
To lift the veil and gaze upon the repulsive medusa is the first step, for the revolutionary, in the long process of sezing control of the social conditions that produced the Medusa.
Limited, Inc.
(Athena's shield or "aegis" is decorated with the head of Medusa, the perfect image to paralyze the enemy.)
Ekphrasis and the Other
Most hydrozoans alternate between a polyp and a medusa stage - they spend part of their lives as ‘jellyfish’ which are hard to distinguish from scyphozoan jellyfish.
Scyphozoan polyps and medusae exhibit no cephalization and contain no brain, but in some species, light-sensitive eyespots are located along the bell margin of the medusa.
The primary aim of this thesis is to determine when the transformation of Medusa from a hideous monster into a beautiful woman initially occurs and whether this transformation is simultaneous with regard to both her full-figure representations and the gorgoneia.
There are three subgroups within the cnidarians that have medusae, cubozoans, hydrozoans, and scyphozoans.
Examples of the many threatened species in this hotspot include three that are Critically Endangered and known from single localities: Phyllomedusa ayeaye, from Poços de Caldas in the state of Minas Gerais; Scinax alcatraz, from the Ilha de Alcatrazes in the state of São Paulo; and Hyla cymbalum, from Grande da Serra in the state of São Paulo (and which has not been recorded during recent surveys and may be extinct).
Biological diversity in the Atlantic Forest
She had numerous electrodes snaking from her head, giving her the appearance of a wire-haired Medusa.
The Search For WondLa
The difference between most hydrozoans and most scyphozoans is that in hydrozoans, the polyp stage usually predominates, with the medusa small or sometimes absent.
Remaining undigested by the medusa, the small snail will devour its host from within, growing larger as its host is correspondingly diminished in size.
Hydra lives in freshwater, lacks a ciliated planula, and has clearly lost a medusa stage during its ancestry.
In the laboratory, 100% of these medusae regularly undergo this change.
January « 2008 « Gerry Canavan
Stheno and Euryale consented to this; but Medusa resisting, she was killed by Perseus.
The Metamorphoses of Ovid Vol. I, Books I-VII
In the adult, or medusa stage of a jellyfish, they can reproduce sexually by releasing sperm and eggs into the water, forming a planula.
Soon the holy image of the gorgon Medusa as an ancient symbol of female power and wisdom became totally unacceptable.
Mystic Medusa in her wonderful book Astroscape 2009 says Mercury Rx is great for:
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He goes on a quest to kill the gorgon Medusa and is helped by Hermes and Aphrodite.
The Furies represent a guilty conscience and Medusa represents stubbornness that turns the heart to stone.
However, a strobilation event in November 1998 prevented the complete loss of medusae.
Predation by an abundance of medusae on zooplankton and ichthyoplankton could affect the North Sea ecosystem through top-down and bottom-up mechanisms.
Scyphozoan medusae differ from those of hydrozoans in lacking a velum.
The Huxley was made from the life chains of medusae— jellyfish and other venomous sea creatures—and was practically as dangerous.
The bi-coloured tree-frog (Phyllomedusa bicolour) is of considerable size, and is the only one of its family at present known.
The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
For if this myth of the harpies were a reality, what of the other legends -- the Hydra, the centaurs, the chimera, Medusa, Pan and the satyrs?
Wings in the Night
The Clytia HOX1 gene is not expressed along the oral-aboral axis but specifically in medusa sensory organs
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The gorgons were three sisters, only one of whom, Medusa, was mortal.
The interesting figure to compare with the Medusa is his Witch of Atlas:
Dialogic Text
Each expression pattern is represented by a red shading on the planula, polyp or medusa diagrams.
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Lead singer Adam Duritz's Medusa-like dreadlocks give him one of the most recognisable barnets in the music business.
Before long, similar green proteins were detected in many bioluminescent coelenterates including various medusae, apparently all luminescent hydroid polyps, and a few others.
I loved most of them and the others... Medusa wouldn't be thrilled to see herself in a mirror!
Responding to an audience member's suggestion of the word "Medusa," Mr. MacKaye recalled an incident when skinheads briefly overtook the stage at a rock show he played at
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Yet another hypothesis for the origin of the mesoderm from the subumbrellar epithelium of a hydrozoan medusa buds has been recently advanced.
Common larval types are used to deduce a radially symmetrical, medusa-like organism as the common ancestor for all animal groups above coelenterates, i.e., for all triploblastic animals.
I loved most of them and the others... Medusa wouldn't be thrilled to see herself in a mirror!
The final fifteen men survived for another five days until their rescue by the Argus brig, a ship in the Medusa convoy.
The researchers picked that name to highlight the presence of a pink form of the jellyfish order Stauromedusae as well as numerous spiky tubeworm casings that festoon the vent chimney and bring to mind "the serpent-haired Medusa of Greek myth," said expedition leader Emily Klein.
Archive 2007-04-01
This specialized tank creates a waterflow that keeps medusae and other delicate animals in constant suspension assuring that their tissues are not destroyed by abrasive contact with aquarium walls.
Obelia Medusa: Second Generation - The second generation of the obelia life cycle begins when the medusae are released by the gonozooids and become free swimming forms.
In polyps, medusae, and worms, all longitudinal and circumferential muscles attach to the thin body wall over a wide area.
Two major adult body types characterize the phylum: the medusa is typically a mobile pelagic organism, and the polyp is typically a sessile benthic organism.
Finally solitary polyps or medusae may clone to produce more of their kind.
It is possible that fluorescence in these medusae represents a daylight functional analog of bioluminescence (similar to ‘blanching’ in comb jellies ).
The young medusa, before it attains its destined condition of maturity, successively resembles, but never becomes, a polygastrian, a rotifer, and a bryozoon. "-- p. 112.
A Theory of Creation: A Review of 'Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation'
The mosaics depict a range of fabulous creatures, gods, and heroes, including the four seasons, Orpheus playing a lyre, Perseus and Andromeda, an astrologer, and a Medusa head.
In the midst of this inextricable mass of plants and sea weed, I noticed some charming pink halcyons and actiniae, with their long tentacles trailing after them, and medusae, green, red, and blue.
Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Members of the phylum Ctenophora bear some general similarities to cnidarian medusae including a gelatinous mesenchymal layer and a symmetrical organization around an aboral / oral axis.
Muller in his beautiful plates, and thus to trace the medusoid origin of the echinoderms, as the polypoid origin of the medusae has already been recognized.
Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence
A thin trail of smoke trailed from the mouths of the Satyr and Medusa.
Noteably, all epipelagic, midwater, and deepsea medusae have very simple, reduced, or absent ocelli.
Ding further described Sanxiamedusa and Maopingimedusa from Doushantuo black shales at Miaohe and interpreted them as medusae based on claimed subumbrellar radial canals and tentacles.
A medusa begets a ciliated larva, the larva begets a polyp, the polyp begets a strobila, and the strobila begets a medusa again; the cycle of reproduction being completed in the fourth generation.
Life and Habit
Muller in his beautiful plates, and thus to trace the medusoid origin of the echinoderms, as the polypoid origin of the medusae has already been recognized.
Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence
There were Wagnerian clouds to match, and the wind had picked up considerably, invading Anna's hair to create a sort of Medusa effect.
The parts of the temple that are finished are highly ornamented, with pictures of gryphons, medusae, bulls, tritons and other fantastic figures, and lots of geometrical decoration including swastikas and scales.
Queen of the Crapsellers
The object of this curious arrangement is to enable the whale to catch the little shrimps and small sea-blubbers, called "medusae," on which it feeds.
Fighting the Whales
I gasped — for the fish had been a ganoid — that ancient, armoured form that was perhaps the most intelligent of all life on our planet during the Devonian era, but which for age upon age had vanished, save for its fossils held in the embrace of the stone that once was their soft bottom beds; and the half-globes were Medusae, jelly-fish — but of a size, luminosity, and colour unheard of.
The Moon Pool
The Greek heroes, on the other hand, can use the mirror to avoid being turned to stone as they battle the petrifying Medusa.
But neither the Medusa fragment nor the ode is merely a symbolic transcription of natural processes.
The Beauty of the Medusa: A Study in Romantic Literary Iconology
He had shown that hydroid jellyfish known as naked-eyed medusae reproduce not only by spewing eggs, but also by asexual budding, which he found marvelous to behold.
Their names were Medūsa, Euryăle, and Stheno, and they are represented as having scales on their bodies, brazen hands, golden wings, tusks like boars, and snakes for hair.
Roman Antiquities, and Ancient Mythology For Classical Schools (2nd ed)
Scyphozoan medusae differ from those of hydrozoans in lacking a velum.
Cnidarians have two basic body forms, medusa and polyp.
Homeopathy may be an effective treatment: the main remedies that could help are sulphur, urtica urens, apis and medusa.
Times, Sunday Times
With one one-thousandth of the animation controls - Harryhausen's MEDUSA was tragic, deadly and awesome far beyond the modern Medusa in Leterrier's version.
Ain't It Cool News - The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.
Cetacean, for, although the sperm whale has a gullet sufficiently large to admit the body of a man, yet, it can hardly be the fish intended, as the natural food of Cetaceans consists of small animals, such as medusae and crustacea.
Smith's Bible Dictionary
On the shield is the Bath Gorgon, a Medusa mask perhaps representing a water god.
The first 1980 edition of Banti's translation (in the Mondadori series ‘Medusa’) included a postface, which becomes an introduction in the ‘Oscar Mondadori’ series reprinted in the same year.
In sixth grade I earned the nickname "Medusa" because of my hair, and the nickname soon caught on -- that and "Daisy Mae" because of my overalls.
Nikki Luongo: 'You Seem So Normal!'
But in the case of the strobila we say that it is not changed, but dies, and is no part of the personality of the medusa.
Life and Habit
Free-living medusoid hydrozoans can be hard to tell from scyphozoans, but hydrozoan medusae generally have a muscular shelf, or velum, projecting inward from the margin of the bell.
Medusa was the code name of a back-up disk suite product brought to market a year ago.
They share a unique body plan with a single polarity axis (the oral-aboral axis) but exhibit various life cycles, comprising a pelagic (polyp) or a benthic form (medusa) or both alternating.
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The annals of the marine record no example of a shipwreck so terrible as that of the Medusa frigate.
It was also shown that what is called delamination -- the rise of the two primary germinal layers by the folding of the surface of the blastoderm (for instance, in the Geryonidae and other medusae) -- was a secondary formation, due to cenogenetic variations from the original invagination of the blastula.
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
Medusa was the code name of a back-up disk suite product brought to market a year ago.
The elements are represented by four allegorical pictures and in the centre of the pavement the mask of Medusa is portrayed.
The annals of the marine record no example of a shipwreck so terrible as that of the Medusa frigate.
(those who would dare approach the medusan ornament.)
Romance Readers and Romance Writers: a Satirical Novel
Hydromedusae swim by rhythmically contracting the circular swimming muscles located in the subumbrella.
In sixth grade I earned the nickname "Medusa" because of my hair, and the nickname soon caught on -- that and "Daisy Mae" because of my overalls.
Nikki Luongo: 'You Seem So Normal!'
Furnished with these facts, it is not difficult to recognize true beroidal forms in the embryos of sea-urchins and star-fishes, published by Muller in his beautiful plates, and thus to trace the medusoid origin of the echinoderms, as the polypoid origin of the medusae has already been recognized.
Louis Agassiz His Life and Correspondence
Furnished with these facts, it is not difficult to recognize true beroidal forms in the embryos of sea-urchins and star-fishes, published by Muller in his beautiful plates, and thus to trace the medusoid origin of the echinoderms, as the polypoid origin of the medusae has already been recognized.
Louis Agassiz His Life and Correspondence
Added an extra arrow to Medusa's SplIt'shot.
Among all of Caravaggio's self-reflexive images, none captures the elision from specularity to spectatorship more dynamically than the disembodied head of the Medusa.
The myth of Medusa is about a woman who turned men into stone.
Perseus made three altars and three sacrifices - one to Mercury, one to Jove, and one to Athene - for their assistance in his battles against Medusa, Atlas, and the sea monster.
Most hydrozoans alternate between a polyp and a medusa stage - they spend part of their lives as ‘jellyfish’ which are hard to distinguish from scyphozoan jellyfish.
There are three subgroups within the cnidarians that have medusae, cubozoans, hydrozoans, and scyphozoans.
{256} Dr. Reeves supposes these to have been "crustacea:" but their stinging and clinging prove them surely to have been jelly-fish -- medusae.
The Hermits
Even small objects, such as medusae, and fragments of weed floating in mid - sea, were distinguishable at a considerable distance; and fishing-boats could be clearly made out at the distance of a mile.
The Log of the Flying Fish A Story of Aerial and Submarine Peril and Adventure
Among the 7 examined genes, only those belonging to the HOX9-14 and the CDX groups exhibit a restricted expression along the oral-aboral axis during development and in the planula larva, while the others are expressed in very specialised areas at the medusa stage.
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According to myth, anyone looking at Medusa would turn into stone.
Free-living medusoid hydrozoans can be hard to tell from scyphozoans, but hydrozoan medusae generally have a muscular shelf, or velum, projecting inward from the margin of the bell.
Athena invented the flute in order to imitate the cries of gorgons after the death of Medusa.
CheHox1 expression; P: general view of the adult medusa; Q: higher magnification of the statocyst of the medusa delineated by the dotted line; R: Statocyst structure (delineated by dotted line) highlighted by immunohistochemistry, with dapi staining of nucleus in blue, anti-acetylated-α-tubulin immunostaining of cilia in green and anti-FMRF-amide immunostaining of nerve cells in red.
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A medusa, or jellyfish, is part of the life cycle of just one major group of animals, the cnidarians.
I was a little shocked to find Medusa's entrance as eerie and spine-tingling as it was when I was ten.
On the other hand, the largest tesserae and the least elegant craftsmanship of the face of Medusa indicate a lesser figural skill.