How To Use Medullary In A Sentence
They are usually well circumscribed, gray-white and cystic, with a medullary location, and are often surrounded by a rim of compressed fibrous tissue.
Microscopy revealed acellular laminated membranes with a germinal layer within the medullary cavity of the tibia and fibula.
The cortical tissue in the area between the medullary pyramids constitutes the renal columns of Bertin.
The glomerular tufts were shrunken or necrotic and renal medullary rays were congested.
Now, _Polyporus dryadeus_ and _P. igniarius_ are such fungi; their hyphæ excrete a ferment which completely destroys the starch grains in the cells of the medullary rays of the oak, a tree very apt to be attacked by these two parasites, though _P. igniarius_, at any rate, attacks many other dicotyledonous trees as well.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 643, April 28, 1888
Particularly in the pathological examination, we discovered that it could activate and proliferate cells in lymph follicles, geminal centre, paracortical zone and medullary cord of lymph nodes.
Tumours growing _in the substance of the cord_ are nearly as common as extra-medullary growths, and as the growth is usually sarcoma, glioma, tuberculoma, or gumma, and infiltrates the cord, it is seldom capable of being removed by operation.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
The most cogent theory that supports the occasional finding of subcutaneous islands of ependyma in the postcoccygeal region in infants is that these lesions originate from extramedullary ependymal rests.
Mild edema of the medullary cavity was present in most of these cases.
That is what in her country, which is also mine, they call the medullary bone, the most tasty and most succulent of all bones.
Dieux ont soif. English
It consists of (a) the myelencephalon, comprising the medulla oblongata and the lower part of the fourth ventricle; (b) the metencephalon, consisting of the pons, cerebellum, and the intermediate part of the fourth ventricle; and (c) the isthmus rhombencephali, a constricted portion immediately adjoining the mid-brain and including the superior peduncles of the cerebellum, the anterior medullary velum, and the upper part of the fourth ventricle.
IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
The word sensorium is used to express not only the medullary part of the brain, spinal marrow, nerves, organs of sense and muscles, but also at the same time that living principle, or spirit of animation, which resides throughout the body, without being cognizable to our senses except by its effects.
The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
These organs may become enlarged because they are trying to produce extra blood cells, a process called extramedullary hematopoiesis.
Is medullary tumourbone? What distinction is there? Whether specific tell issue this 2 person?
It is therefore inappropriate of the authors to suggest that chickens store calcium as medullary bone ‘weeks, or months prior to the breeding season’ unless they are specifically referring to pullets.
On reaching the root of another tree, the tips of the branched rhizomorph penetrate the living cortex, and grow forward in the plane of the cambium, sending off smaller ramifications into the medullary rays and (in the case of the pines, etc.) into the resin passages.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 643, April 28, 1888
When adjacent to host bone, the allograft remodeled and incorporated; when isolated within the fatty medullary canal, it was more likely to be completely resorbed.
A, a medullated nerve fiber, showing the subdivision of the medullary sheath into cylindrical sections imbricated with their ends, a nerve corpuscle with an oval nucleus is seen between the neurilemma and the medullary sheath;
A Practical Physiology
It will also be seen that the shaft is a hollow cylinder, formed of compact tissue, enclosing a cavity called the medullary canal, which is filled with a pulpy, yellow fat called _marrow_.
A Practical Physiology
The central portion is named the axis-cylinder; around this is a sheath of fatty material, staining black with osmic acid, named the white substance of Schwann or medullary sheath, which gives to the fiber its double contour, and the whole is enclosed in a delicate membrane, the neurolemma, primitive sheath, or nucleated sheath of Schwann (Fig. 633) 12
IX. Neurology. 1. Structure of the Nervous System
On the other hand, a rare form of thyroid cancer known as medullary thyroid cancer can be hereditary.
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Objective To improve the accuracy of imaging diagnosis of intrathoracic tumor - simulating extramedullary hematopoiesis ( EMH ) .
From the inferior end of the longitudinal sulcus, a white band, termed the frenulum veli, is prolonged downward to the anterior medullary velum; on either side of this band the trochlear nerve emerges, and passes forward on the lateral aspect of the cerebral peduncle to reach the base of the brain.
IX. Neurology. 4b. The Mid-brain or Mesencephalon
The thin, dark, and highly vascular tela choroidea of the 4th ventricle is attached to the posterior margin of the inferior medullary velum and the peduncle of the flocculus.
Classification as to Structure: a. Spongy - made up of bony processes called trabeculae giving it a porous appearance; found in the epiphysis and metaphysic of long bones, diploe of flat bones and in the medullary cavities b.
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Transverse section of a human embryo of fourteen days. mr medullary tube, ch chorda. vu umbilical vein, mt myotome, mp middle plate, ug prorenal duct, lh body-cavity, e ectoderm, bh ventral skin, hf skin-fibre layer, df gut-fibre layer.
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B (MEN2B) is characterized by an increased risk for medullary cancer of the thyroid (MTC), pheochromocytoma, mucosal neuromas (benign growths) of the lips and tongue, and distinctive physical characteristics, such as enlarged lips and slender body type.
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2
Extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP) of larynx is a rare tumor.
In addition to these interruptions oblique clefts may be seen in the medullary sheath, subdividing it into irregular portions, which are termed medullary segments, or segments of Lantermann (Fig. 631); there is reason to believe that these clefts are artificially produced in the preparation of the specimens.
IX. Neurology. 1. Structure of the Nervous System
But when he continued, fighting his way through the morass of technical terms from the macro fibrillar ultra structure of the medullary cells to the electrophoretic variants of the structural proteins, he found that the results of the forensic examination of the hairs was inconclusive.
A Traitor to Memory
Structurally, the tumor cells were arranged in a medullary pattern composed of polygonal tumor cells.
Surrounding the axis cylinder is a thick, whitish-looking layer, known as the _medullary sheath_, and around this is a thin covering, called the _primitive sheath_, or neurilemma.
Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
Into this cortical portion cells from the neighboring masses of sympatho-chromaffin tissue migrate along the line of its central vein to reach and form the medullary portion of the gland.
XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Chromaphil and Cortical Systems
Mild edema of the medullary cavity was present in most of these cases.
The interfollicular area and medullary cords were heavily infiltrated by mature plasma cells with a sheetlike arrangement in some areas.
Each trochlear nerve makes its exit through the caudal tectum (the dorsal portion of the midbrain), immediately lateral to the frenulum of the superior medullary velum.
A, a medullated nerve fiber, showing the subdivision of the medullary sheath into cylindrical sections imbricated with their ends, a nerve corpuscle with an oval nucleus is seen between the neurilemma and the medullary sheath;
A Practical Physiology
The word sensorium is used to express not only the medullary part of the brain, spinal marrow, nerves, organs of sense and muscles, but also at the same time that living principle, or spirit of animation, which resides throughout the body, without being cognizable to our senses except by its effects. additional notes contents table of contents
Note II
It is a general practice of the orthopaedic surgeons to strip the periosteum, to ream the medullary cavity etc, which may easily cause injury of the nutrient artery of the long bones.
MEN2B is diagnosed clinically by the presence of mucosal neuromas of the lips and tongue, as well as medullated corneal nerve fibers (a finding seen on eye evaluation by an ophthalmologist), distinctive facial features with full lips, particular physical characteristics such as slender body habitus, and medullary cancer of the thyroid (MTC).
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2
Leukaemia, how long is the case with medullary the most successful transplanting to survive?
A medullary pacemaker nucleus controls the electrocyte APs via spinal electromotor neurons which innervate the electrocytes.
PLoS Biology: New Articles
Objection analyzing the chnial effect of treating shinbone fracture takiy the method of Interlocking Intramedullary Nail.
These organs may become enlarged because they are trying to produce extra blood cells, a process called extramedullary hematopoiesis.
The anterior medullary velum (velum medullare anterius; valve of Vieussens; superior medullary velum) is a thin, transparent lamina of white substance, which stretches between the superior peduncle; on the dorsal surface of its lower half the folia and lingula are prolonged.
IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
In the massively enlarged spleen, extramedullary hemopoiesis was prominent, with clusters of atypical megakaryocytes with vacuoles and erythrophagocytosis.
Objection analyzing the chnial effect of treating shinbone fracture takiy the method of Interlocking Intramedullary Nail.
At the medullary level, the medial lemniscus (which contains the 2nd neuron axons in the pathway for proprioceptive and tactile sensations) is found dorsal to the pyramidal tract and medial to the olivary nucleus.
The interior of each of the long bones of the limbs presents a cylindrical cavity filled with marrow and lined by a highly vascular areolar structure, called the medullary membrane.
II. Osteology. 2. Bone
The large expanse of medullary matter now exposed, surrounded by the convoluted margin of gray substance, is called the centrum ovale majus.
IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
The flocculi, together with the posterior medullary velum and nodule, constitute the lobus noduli.
IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
Bismuth C, Gaultier M, Conso F. Medullary aplasia after acute colchicine poisoning. 20 cases.
Colchicine Poisoning
B, a medullated nerve fiber at a node or constriction of Ranvier, the axis cylinder passes uninterruptedly from one segment into the other, but the medullary sheath is interrupted.
A Practical Physiology
These increase in size as they recede from the surface toward a highly vascular stroma in the center of the organ, termed the medullary substance (zona vasculosa of Waldeyer).
XI. Splanchnology. 3d. 1. The Ovaries
Each suprarenal gland consists of a cortical portion derived from the celomic epithelium and a medullary portion originally composed of sympatho-chromaffin tissue.
XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Chromaphil and Cortical Systems
The surgeon seats a femoral bone plug into the medullary canal to provide an end-stop for the cement.
A few fibers of the medullary stria are said to pass by the habenular nucleus to the roof of the mid-brain, especially the superior colliculus, while a few others come into relation with the posterior longitudinal bundle and association tracts of the mesencephalon.
IX. Neurology. 4e. Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
Nausea can also be of central origin, arising from direct excitation of medullary receptors by systemic toxins.
Summary: The difficulty in assessing femoral rotation during intramedullary nailing is well - established.
The body, or diaphysis is cylindrical, with a central cavity termed the medullary canal; the wall consists of dense, compact tissue of considerable thickness in the middle part of the body, but becoming thinner toward the extremities; within the medullary canal is some cancellous tissue, scanty in the middle of the body but greater in amount toward the ends.
II. Osteology. 1. Development of the Skeleton
MEN2B is diagnosed clinically by the presence of mucosal neuromas of the lips and tongue, as well as medullated corneal nerve fibers (a finding seen on eye evaluation by an ophthalmologist), distinctive facial features with full lips, particular physical characteristics such as slender body habitus, and medullary cancer of the thyroid (MTC).
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2
The animal fpirits are an ex - ceeding fine fluid, which is fe - creted from the arterial blood by the brain and cerebellum, and palling into the medullary fub - trance and fpinal marrow, is fent, from thence into the fine tubes of the nervous fibrillae, then into the nerves in all the parts of the body.
Sporting Magazine
It is not known if Victoza could cause thyroid tumors or a very rare type of thyroid cancer called medullary thyroid cancer in people.
When aligned, the surgeon drilled into the medullary canal of the tibia and seated the tibial prosthesis.
Because most medullary raphe neurons that project to motoneurons are inhibited by vagal afferents.
The tumor is eccentric, usually metaphyseal, but it may extend into the epiphysis or along the medullary cavity into the diaphysis.
Tumours growing _in the substance of the cord_ are nearly as common as extra-medullary growths, and as the growth is usually sarcoma, glioma, tuberculoma, or gumma, and infiltrates the cord, it is seldom capable of being removed by operation.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Conclusion:Cervico-medullary angle has important value on measuring the compression degree of cervical spinal cord and ...
In a fracture of a long bone, that which surrounds the fragments is called the _external_ or _ensheathing callus_, and may be likened to the mass of solder which surrounds the junction of pipes in plumber-work; that which occupies the position of the medullary canal is called the _internal_ or _medullary callus_; and that which intervenes between the fragments and maintains the continuity of the cortical compact tissue of the shaft is called the
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
First, if the shaft of a long bone be hit above the junction of diaphysis and epiphysis, the cancellous tissue in and extending from the medullary cavity is pulverised, and examination of fragments from such fractures gives the impression of the inner aspect having been scraped clean.
Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
The final "depressive stage" then enter, dealing with coma, flaccid paralysis, loss of reflexes, agonal gasps, apnea, loss of vital signs, and death. 11 This depressive stage occurs due to central medullary depression and may be related to the acute depletion of neurotransmitters.
Cocaine Toxicity
A slice across the stem of a tree shows many different tissues with more or less technical names, bark and cambium, medullary rays, pith, and more or less specialised tissue; air-vessels, punctate vessels, woody fibres, liber fibres, scalariform vessels, and other more or less specialised tissues.
The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World We Live In
B medullary tube, C chorda, C1 inner chorda-sheath, D visceral epithelium, E sub-intestinal vein. 1 cutis, 2 muscle-plate (myotome),
The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
The broad dorsal furrow (Rf) formed by the medullary plate (m) is still wide open, but is divided from the lateral horn-plate (h) by the parallel medullary swellings, which eventually close.
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
Each trochlear nerve makes its exit through the caudal tectum (the dorsal portion of the midbrain), immediately lateral to the frenulum of the superior medullary velum.
The neuromas presumably arose from small perivascular nerve twigs that have been implicated in the pathogenesis of intramedullary neuromas in non-neoplastic spinal diseases.
The inferior medullary velum connects the nodulus to the peduncle of the flocculus and to the flocculus itself, the scalloped margin of which protrudes from the remainder of the cerebellum.
The anterior medullary velum (page 793) fills in the angular interval between the superior peduncle, and is continuous behind with the central white substance of the cerebellum; it is covered on its dorsal surface by the lingula of the superior vermis.
IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon