
How To Use Medulla oblongata In A Sentence

  • You see, that contains the medulla oblongata, which is the heart, blood vessel and breathing center of the brain. AFTERMATH
  • David, Jenni and Jon at Abaddon Books and Solaris Books drill directly in through your ears to your cerebrel cortex, monkey up your medulla oblongata and play hell with your limbic system in "what consistently remains the Coco Pops™ of the Podcast world. Archive 2010-05-01
  • For this reason, self-delusion is as involuntary as any bodily function regulated by the medulla oblongata, since the very future of our species depends on it. Archive 2010-06-01
  • The Anterior Median Fissure (fissura mediana anterior; ventral or ventromedian fissure) contains a fold of pia mater, and extends along the entire length of the medulla oblongata: it ends at the lower border of the pons in a small triangular expansion, termed the foramen cecum. IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
  • the medulla oblongata is the most vital part of the brain because it contains centers controlling breathing and heart functioning
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  • Just as one leather-jacketed, slouching renegade by name of Jim Steel took me under his musical wing, to open my ears to the glories of The Stooges, The Ramones, Radio Birdman and suchlike, it was one surgical-gowned, growling reprobate by name of Fergus Bannon who opened up my eyes, searing his scribblings on the inside of my skull -- right at the back, by the medulla oblongata, the snake-brain. Archive 2009-12-01
  • The pons is developed from the ventro-lateral wall of the metencephalon by a process similar to that which has been described for the medulla oblongata. IX. Neurology. 2. Development of the Nervous System
  • Tissue, Total Protein, Monkey (Simian) Adult Normal, Brain, Medulla Oblongata.
  • Many arterial branches arise from the vertebral and basilar artery to supply the medulla oblongata and the pons.
  • From the medulla oblongata, the glossopharyngeal nerve passes lateralward across the flocculus, and leaves the skull through the central part of the jugular foramen, in a separate sheath of the dura mater, lateral to and in front of the vagus and accessory nerves (Fig. 792). IX. Neurology. 5i. The Glossopharyngeal Nerve
  • In front of the foramen magnum the basilar portion of the occipital and the posterior part of the body of the sphenoid form a grooved surface which supports the medulla oblongata and pons; in the young skull these bones are joined by a synchondrosis. II. Osteology. 5d. The Interior of the Skull
  • The pons is a specialized band of nerve fibers that links the midbrain with the medulla oblongata and acts as a high-functioning switchboard.
  • The cerebellum, formed in the same way by projection from the summit of the spinal cord, making two leaves that come together on the median line, has also a cavity contained between them, and just behind the medulla oblongata, which is finally reduced to the little space called the fourth ventricle, when the cerebellum grows to become a solid body. Buchanan's Journal of Man, June 1887 Volume 1, Number 5
  • You load up a suffering organ with grub that's so rich it affects the imagination; consequently, when the razmataz, in a state of coma, projects itself into the _medulla oblongata_ -- Frank Merriwell, Junior's, Golden Trail or, The Fugitive Professor
  • What I've hopefully done is lit a spark in your brains that'll burn a tunnel from your prefrontal lobes to your medulla oblongata.
  • It consists of (a) the myelencephalon, comprising the medulla oblongata and the lower part of the fourth ventricle; (b) the metencephalon, consisting of the pons, cerebellum, and the intermediate part of the fourth ventricle; and (c) the isthmus rhombencephali, a constricted portion immediately adjoining the mid-brain and including the superior peduncles of the cerebellum, the anterior medullary velum, and the upper part of the fourth ventricle. IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
  • You see, that contains the medulla oblongata, which is the heart, blood vessel and breathing center of the brain. AFTERMATH
  • Section of the medulla oblongata through the lower part of the decussation of the pyramids. Illustrations. Fig. 687
  • Conclusions The astrocytes in lumbosacral spinal cord and medulla oblongata can be activated by colonic inflammation.
  • Many arterial branches arise from the vertebral and basilar artery to supply the medulla oblongata and the pons.
  • Getting stuck in a conversation like that transmogrifies my medulla oblongata into a crack-snorting hamster on a wheel. John Shore: Is Hell Real?
  • One thing had nevertheless become clear, namely that the parts of the brain communicating directly with the spinal cord at the upper end - the medulla oblongata, and the segment lying directly beneath the cerebrum, the so-called diencephalon - exert a decisive influence on the vegetative controlling mechanisms. Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • The latter includes the diencephalon; mesencephalon, or midbrain; pons; and medulla oblongata.
  • The latter includes the diencephalon; mesencephalon, or midbrain; pons; and medulla oblongata.
  • Outlaw rarely gallops, no longer butts, only periodically kicks, comes in to the pole and does her work without attempting to vivisect Maid's medulla oblongata, and -- marvel of marvels -- is really and truly getting lazy. FOUR HORSES AND A SAILOR
  • The motory nerves, as they descend from the brain, in the medulla oblongata, cross each other to the opposite side of the spinal cord. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • It measures about 2 cm. in length, and in the lower, closed part of the medulla oblongata is situated behind the hypoglossal nucleus; whereas in the upper, open part it lies lateral to that nucleus, and corresponds to an eminence, named the ala cinerea (trigonum vagi), in the rhomboid fossa. IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
  • The latter includes the diencephalon; mesencephalon, or midbrain; pons; and medulla oblongata.
  • More precisely, the signals from the two ears first converge in the superior olivary complex, located in the olivary body (two swellings on each side of the upper medulla oblongata where the spinal cord meets the brain).
  • The rest of the dorsal part of the pons is a continuation upward of the formatio reticularis of the medulla oblongata, and, like it, presents the appearance of a network, in the meshes of which are numerous nerve cells. IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
  • Nicely done, Snob, medulla oblongata is one of my favorite body parts. Manufacturers to Riders: Go Sponsor Yourself
  • Corticospinal and corticobulbar fibers descend in large bundles at this level, destined for the pyramids of the medulla oblongata.
  • From above down these are the midbrain; a bridge-like structure, the pons; and the medulla oblongata, which merges below with the spinal cord.
  • From the alar lamina and its rhombic lip, neuroblasts migrate into the basal lamina, and become aggregated to form the olivary nuclei, while many send their axis-cylinders through the floor-plate to the opposite side, and thus constitute the rudiment of the raphé of the medulla oblongata. IX. Neurology. 2. Development of the Nervous System
  • Of, relating to, or characteristic of a bulb, especially of the medulla oblongata.
  • The tectospinal fasciculus which comprises the major part of the ventral longitudinal bundle passes down through the tegmentum and reticular formation of the pons and medulla oblongata ventral to the medial longitudinal bundle. IX. Neurology. 1F. Pathways from the Brain to the Spinal Cord
  • You see, that contains the medulla oblongata, which is the heart, blood vessel and breathing center of the brain. AFTERMATH
  • You see, that contains the medulla oblongata, which is the heart, blood vessel and breathing center of the brain. AFTERMATH
  • The two pyramids contain the motor fibers which pass from the brain to the medulla oblongata and medulla spinalis, corticobulbar and corticospinal fibers. IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
  • The latter includes the diencephalon; mesencephalon, or midbrain; pons; and medulla oblongata.
  • Many arterial branches arise from the vertebral and basilar artery to supply the medulla oblongata and the pons.

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