How To Use meditativeness In A Sentence
- For a few moments she said nothing, seeming to have become infected with her companion's dreamy meditativeness. The Sign of the Spider
- The best pieces are the ones with the least instrumentation - they reward the careful listener with flashes of warmth and meditativeness in the midst of the chilly haze.
- The fault of the epoch is the absence of meditativeness. Mental Efficiency And Other Hints to Men and Women
- At times there was a deep meditativeness in the eye, again a dusky fire. The Lane That Had No Turning, Volume 4
- In an instant all the eyes of the assembly were cast, at the same time, upon us; and I remarked that the meditativeness and expectation increased in every face. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
- Of course, you need a quiet place, and time to observe and to attain a state of meditativeness and contemplativeness.
- The classical music, the way sound is used - the ragas (melodies), the talas (rhythms) - everything is such that if you get deeply involved in it, it will bring meditativeness. Sadhguru: Spiritual Living: 7 Notes, 7 Chakras: Music, Spirituality and the Body (VIDEO)
- Already from the very beginning his poetry has been marked by a kind of Oriental peace and meditativeness.
- An intense meditativeness, a devotional ecstasy and an insight of true heavenly wisdom is the ideal of life to which the Hindu has been called from time very remote. India's Problem, Krishna or Christ
- Beware of enlisting in your vigilant fisheries any lad with lean brow and hollow eye; given to unseasonable meditativeness; and who offers to ship with the Phaedon instead of Moby Dick; or the Whale