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How To Use Meditation In A Sentence

  • It is good to have regular practice at something - meditation, at the very least.
  • Reading makes a full amn, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man. 
  • The hi-tech visions appear as fully executed architectonic meditations, linking architecture with landscape and making ground-breaking technology an important component of the program. Grand Illusions on the Hudson
  • Shivering he slowed his breathing and closed his mind, retreating within himself in one of the meditation rituals.
  • Meditation is one way to express mindfulness in a dedicated, concentrated manner.
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  • Meditation tends to lower or normalize blood pressure.
  • During this time, I learned from Shubal that kirtan is a spiritual practice similar to meditation but considered by some to be much more enjoyable because it involves singing, and singing, he says, makes you thoughtless. Sandy Henson Corso: My First Kirtan
  • Contemporary British composer Nicolas Maw, no slouch at doing gnarly himself, was represented by "Music of Memory," a suite of mostly nontonal meditations built around a lyrical theme from a Mendelssohn string quartet that made several calming appearances during the piece. News | SH |
  • For sources that give contemplations on two stages of bones, the whole skeleton and the disjointed bones are designated as distinct objects for meditation in two sequential stages.
  • It was a cavern in the side of a mountain, overshadowed with palm trees, at such a distance from the cataract that nothing more was heard than a gentle uniform murmur, such as composes the mind to pensive meditation, especially when it was assisted by the wind whistling among the branches. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia
  • Such are those moments of intense meditation when the mind exteriorizes its own universe:
  • Meditation and yoga can be especially useful. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • People long ago produced fiendishly complicated analyses of visual forms: witness Nicholas of Cusa's tract on the all-seeing icon of Christ and Thomas Browne's labyrinthine meditation on the quincunx.
  • The Prime Minister, for his part, relies to a large extent on the meditations of the Joint Intelligence Committee.
  • From there, demands for commissions came his way, and he has built everything from meditation treehouses in Hungary and outside Rome, to his most recent project: a treehouse on the river Spree for a client in Berlin, integrated into a weeping willow, that is for "meeting friends, writing and pleasure," he says. Closer to the Stars
  • Though meditation is the main religious discipline practiced by convert Buddhists, chanted liturgies are an important part of many meditations.
  • In her meditations during zazen she counted her breaths from one to ten.
  • Meditation taught me not to overidentify with my flickering, rapidly altering emotional states, but rather view them as visiting wildlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • Worshippers of Siva who are victim to anger or hatred refrain from meditation, japa, and kundalini yoga.
  • Half-way through, I find myself doing yogic breathing and meditation to keep from popping the esthetician in the face.
  • During one particularly intense session of meditation, the patient had a vivid recollection of being three years old, and suffering a severe double hernial rupture, caused by a weakening of the muscles in the pelvic region. Meditation as Medicine
  • The Oxford based Phoenix Prison Trust is aiming to recruit prisoners to meditation using classes and a book of basic techniques.
  • Hikari, the idiot savant, under various names is, in Oe's hands, an effective and necessary literary device; no single version could encompass his profound meditation on his son's – and the human – condition. Kenzaburo Oe: Laughing Prophet and Soulful Healer
  • In order to change this situation, Buddhism introduces the skillful means of meditation practice.
  • The notion that vitamins and colloidal minerals, herbs, coffee enemas, colonic irrigation, Laetrile, meditation, etc., can enhance the immune system and thereby help restore health is bogus.
  • Her daily regimen is said to include meditation, yoga and prayer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meditation and yoga can be especially useful. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • The statute, in addition to its provision for silent meditation, authorized teachers to ask students whether they wished to pray.
  • He stared out of the window in silent meditation.
  • Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom. Buddha 
  • However, sequences in his last three books juxtapose different strophic and stanzaic patterns, prose and verse, relatively coherent narrative elements, dream elements, and fragments of meditation.
  • Zen meditation is offered as the radical practice of "objectless meditation," a path of relinquishing all things, including the self. Rev. Zesho Susan O'Connell: Zen Practice Is Difficult And Dangerous
  • For five years, he lived a life of meditation, of deep communion with nature during excursions into the mountains, of contemplation, and of prayer.
  • I truly believe that hooping is every bit as much of a healer as yoga, tai chi, or meditation. | Blog | Mollie Hogan: Inside The Hoop
  • With the use of high-tech neuroimaging gadgets like functional magnetic resonance imaging machines (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG), we're slowly understanding how meditation affects the brain. Aditi Nerurkar, M.D., M.P.H.: Medication vs. Meditation: Which Should You Choose?
  • Once mastered, meditation will stand you in good stead for the rest of your life. M.E. and You - a self-help plan
  • Discover tai chi, qigong and meditation for health.
  • Offering meditations on race and violence, the lyrics resonate as much as the atmospheric instrumentation.
  • Some limited beings, before attaining Buddhahood, are able to validly cognize certain “results, which are not yet happening” as a feature of their rebirth state or as an aftermath of strong imprints from attainments gained from meditation done in former lives. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part Four: Valid Cognition of the Past, Present, and Future
  • They have essays and poems in this companion volume of poems, essays and meditations.
  • It's a great app teaching mindfulness meditation. The Sun
  • Analogies were drawn to waking from a dream, from a hypnotic trance, or from meditation.
  • As mentioned earlier, Zen meditation has partial roots in dhyana, an altered state of consciousness that originated with yoga.
  • Expect yoga, meditation, snorkelling and freediving taster session. Times, Sunday Times
  • So with no further ado, here are two variations on simple (but not trivial) meditation.
  • Meditation and direct experience were emphasized over concentration on studying the texts.
  • Do you think I am trying to distract you from meditation?
  • As an explorer and practitioner of the core connotation of traditional culture, Mr Xifang Jin, in his years of meditation and enlightenment seeking, has discovered two ways of human learning.
  • A personal mantra is sometimes repeated as an aid to meditation or prayer.
  • Reading is memorized with the aid of murmur, mouthing the words subvocally as one turns the text over in one's memory; both Quintilian and Martianus Capella stress how murmur accompanies meditation. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Then it comes to life and continues nourishing itself on this food and on devout meditation until it has attained full vigour, which is the essential point, for I attach no importance to the rest. The Interior Castle or The Mansions
  • I call the rosary a "miracle" rosary because all of the meditations deal with the miracles performed by Jesus both before and after his resurrection. Christians Promoting...Christianity? And Christmas?!
  • He is deep in meditation.
  • They used meditation and yoga to fill the hours and to soothe frustration and anxiety. Times, Sunday Times
  • She used Thomas Hardy's poem, "The Darkling Thrush" as the armature for her meditations on memory and loss.
  • Ultimately, El Hanani's drawings are meditations on the relationship of the macroscopic to the microscopic, the infinite to the infinitesimal.
  • His real joy, however, was in withdrawing for what might be called a seance of meditation from the world's business. The Money Master, Volume 4.
  • Some people think I'm weird doing meditation, but it works for me and that's all that matters.
  • He neither drinks, nor smokes, preferring transcendental meditation to the highs attained through substance abuse.
  • By simple definition, meditation is engagement in contemplation, especially of a spiritual or devotional nature.
  • Shortly following his mother's death, he had gone to a monastery in Nottinghamshire for a week of yogic transcendental meditation. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • True meditation is abidance as primordial consciousness. Flower Heads and Grain
  • Sanzone said the judge ruled there was not evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to show the boy acted with malice or premeditation, meaning that he would have been convicted of involuntary manslaughter if he had been older. News for Lynchburg News Advance
  • Under the smart of this new desire Rosalie set the stitches of her worsted-work with exquisite precision, and hid her meditations under a little innocent air, which shammed simplicity to deceive Albert Savarus
  • Over the past few years, she has seen a boom in demand for her services, probably linked to the wider popularity of mindfulness and meditation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Zen schools are more or less divisible into those that emphasize a curriculum of verbal meditation objects - like koans - and those that do not.
  • He has unfolded for her what could have been simply a lecture on the solitaires, a narrative that gradually becomes a tale, a reverie, a meditation on the birds.
  • There wasn't so much as a geometry book in sight as the new timetable began with classes ranging from meditation and massage to yoga and tai chi.
  • Three meals a day are taken in a group, but in silence and as another form of meditation, as each mouthful is slowly chewed and contemplated.
  • The two other externs, whose duties often prevented them from having time for silent meditation, had also chosen to remain.
  • In the first he saw a yogi, in lotus posture, deep in meditation.
  • By prayer and meditation the pious Buddhist enters into living communion with the heavenly Lord.
  • Reading makes a full amn, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man. 
  • A strict disciplinarian, he is particular about his health and is into yoga and meditation.
  • For some parents, visualization, meditation, and relaxation breathing techniques help; other people prefer physical activity to reduce stress.
  • But responsibility should be calibrated on a scale, and this is not a Mafia hit case, this not the kind of premeditation or motivated killing. CNN Transcript Dec 12, 2001
  • Ikebana is usually practised in contemplative silence, but on this tour it is accompanying a much noisier kind of meditation. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Buddhism, this can arise through the practice of meditation, the practice of mindfulness.
  • There is little direct precedent for this model in Asia, where only monastics engage in serious meditation, and its long-range future remains an open question.
  • Make time to practice meditation, yoga, tai chi, qigong and prayer.
  • It's the "premeditation" of a crime or the killing itself that governs most "murder" charges. "I did shift from being against the death penalty to thinking that if it has a significant deterrent effect it’s probably justified."
  • When Zen monks sit for hours on end in zazen formal "sitting meditation" they are left with no other distraction but the flashing images of their minds. Archive 2009-02-22
  • From Zen koans to aural meditation, bobsledding to journaling, rolfing to silence to building a tree house, the many reality escapes are described in a fun, playful, familiar manner.
  • A little chanting, a little stretching and a little meditation later, I was home safe and sound before the thunderstorms came.
  • I spend a couple of hours each morning working on a combination of writing exercises, general journalling, meditation, yoga and spirituality/creativity reading and I definitely think that these things all go hand in hand! Wild Mind: Writing as Spiritual Practice | Write to Done
  • A study of yoga leads naturally to meditation.
  • But prayerful meditation quietly assures me that mutual love in the context of a greater love for God can only be good.
  • This can last up to 30 minutes, depending on how deep my meditation is. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'On account of the threefoldness of devout meditation.' The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Sankaracarya Sacred Books of the East, Volume 1
  • The music itself feels like it could be an extolment of the "day," but the words push the mood into a darker meditation on isolation - though not necessarily an autobiographical one. NPR Topics: News
  • The latter can counteract anxiety and agitation, and has been shown to rise after yoga and meditation. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's billed as a meditation on racism but it's more an opportunity for this thoughtful, unnervingly camp comedian a cross between John Waters and Steve Buscemi, but with an Australian accent to spin more offbeat stories of his alienation from everyday society. This week's new live comedy
  • Once mastered, meditation will stand you in good stead for the rest of your life. M.E. and You - a self-help plan
  • If you thought yoga was all about quiet reflection and meditation, this will change that.
  • They feed on various things, perfume, music, incense, smoke from cooking, or emanations from a monk's meditation. The Gaki in "Children of the Night" by Mercedes Lackey
  • 'limitation of abode,' and the 'minuteness' ascribed to Brahman, are merely for the purpose of meditation. The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
  • Provided by Charlotte Moss The fountain at the center of the cloister is a place for meditation, surrounded by four domed seats made of coppiced chestnut wood above. Paradise Regained
  • He may practice Divine knowledge, meditation, pilgrimages, and ablutions.
  • A boy behind him sews his robe to the prayer mat so that when the meditation is over and he stands up, the mat stands up with him.
  • Ten years later eight of the world's most advanced practitioners of Buddhist meditation finally left their remote mountain fastness, bound for the clinical environment of a US laboratory.
  • I'll do some cogitation and some preparation and some meditation also, and see if I can't come up with my own top five guilty pleasure songs.
  • The Japanese word zen is the phonetic transcription of the Chinese character chan, which means meditation.
  • En prenant pour portes d'accès la danse libre, le hatha et le kundalini yoga, et en laissant des temps pour la relaxation, l'auto-massage et la méditation, vous vous offrez un temps pour respirer avec plus de conscience, affiner la perception de notre corps physique et énergétique. et explorer des états d'expansion de conscience afin de mettre en lumière des informations utiles pour votre vie. Archive 2009-02-15
  • The reason I ask is because my meditation timers are part of the Zencast podcast, and unless I constantly mark them as unlistened, they are deleted from iGor whenever he's synched with my iTunes on Katy. Learning About Myself
  • No, old chap. But bearing in mind that them were which I meantersay of a stunning and outdacious sort - alluding to them which bordered on weal-cutlets and dog-fighting - a sincere wellwisher would adwise, Pip, their being dropped into your meditations, when you go up-stairs to bed. Great Expectations
  • Take another look at meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, talking to a professional or any other stress release that works for you during midterms and exams.
  • Whoever first "confesses" that he or she has been in long-term (preferably, psycho-dynamic) therapy, is able to openly talk about what he/she had worked on in therapy, and is able to articulate a no-nonsense meditation practice (not just prayer), is likely to be more emotionally self-regulated and better self-aware. Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: Psychology of Presidential Ambition?
  • Specialising in "unearthing the books the chains miss", owners Patrick and Polly host events including author readings Jeremy Paxman in November, Buddhist meditation, map-reading classes and a book club on the first Wednesday of every month. Independent bookshops in south-east England
  • Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom. Buddha 
  • Meditation for a leap into the unknown At great turning points, life quivers precariously on the tightrope of obedience.
  • On closer inspection, the Sixth Meditation passage does not put forward a naturalistic solution, but a theistic solution.
  • Meditation is a continuous flow of perception or thought, like flow of water in a river.
  • After all, won't meditation lead to a very creased Armani suit?
  • Now, they are teaching a meditation class for about 10 of their fellow med students.
  • ‘Even without the meditation session, I had to take a few deep breaths to compose myself in the face of such a huge gathering’, he said.
  • It's one thing to require scienter and premeditation.
  • The idea of locative art allows him to create an economical meditation upon the colonization of public spaces, time, and memory by technology.
  • It's a practical how-to that strips meditation of all the religious trappings. Times, Sunday Times
  • By prayer and meditation the pious Buddhist enters into living communion with the heavenly Lord.
  • The first memorably charts his wife's descent into Alzheimer's, but all progress into meditations on bereavement with its consolations of memory and excursions into the fantasies which have relieved his grief.
  • It takes on an ambience of solemnity, filled with memory, contemplation, and meditation.
  • It included communications training, sensory awareness, massage, meditation, guided imagery, dreamwork, dream communities, aggression release and assertiveness training, and dyadic encounters, as well as many types of group work to help them become sensitive to the needs of others. Robert Rose: We Won't Do It, Mr. Rose
  • Meditation doesn't remove the background noise, it is more like removing the blindfold. Times, Sunday Times
  • Calcific Tendonitis: Diagnosis and Treatment | Yoga and Meditation Frozen Shoulder which is the common term when referring to calcific tendonitis, which people suffer from very often. We Blog A Lot
  • By the end of a book that began as a windy meditation on leadership we are left with the impression of a decent man whose experiences offer many lessons indeed.
  • In the Satya yuga a white avatara appeared to Kardama muni to establish meditation as the process for self-realization.
  • Research has shown that a variety of physiological changes take place during meditation. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • Upon this his private frequentation with the Abbot, at last he observed, that Ferando had a very beautifull woman to his Wife, with whom he grew so deeply in love, as he had no other meditations either by day or night, but how to become acceptable in her favour. The Decameron
  • For five years, he lived a life of meditation, of deep communion with nature during excursions into the mountains, of contemplation, and of prayer.
  • I'm so overexcitable, my brain isn't even quiet after 20 minutes, but transcendental meditation helps me make decisions more clearly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not that I mean to say, that I always began to write with a distinct purpose formally conceived; but I believe that my habits of meditation have so formed my feelings, as that my descriptions of such objects as strongly excite those feelings, will be found to carry along with them a _purpose_. Lyrical Ballads, with Other Poems, 1800, Volume 1
  • A large exceptionally well carved Huang-Yang ("boxwood") sculpture of Damo seated in meditation on a rockwork base.
  • To explain some further aspects of visualization meditation, we can go through the basic stages of a short practice of Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion.
  • This Meditation is a technique developed to achieve spiritual growth and illumination.
  • Mathematum pulchritudo (saith [3327] Plutarch) ut his indignum sit divitiarum phaleras istas et bullas, et puellaria spectacula comparari; such is the excellency of these studies, that all those ornaments and childish bubbles of wealth, are not worthy to be compared to them: credi mihi ([3328] saith one) extingui dulce erit Mathematicarum artium studio, I could even live and die with such meditation, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • A subject in itself is cabalistic meditation (pathwork, or the way of return), in which we attempt to climb up the tree (ladder of lights) to attain union with divinity.
  • In the past 10 years alone, I have tried meditation groups, Buddhism, Agape, Conservative Judaism, shamanism and many more. Holly Sidell: To Return To Yourself
  • Practices such as meditation can take the rougher edges off stress, if you can find the time to do them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is a series of distant, icy meditations on life and living; impossibly remote and unhealthily introspective.
  • But a recent meditation in a deserted Moroccan line-up led me to ponder the perplexities of relative perfection.
  • So as soon as you manage the stress, whether it's through meditation or acupuncture or therapy or you know, some kind of toxicity, toxic relationship is going on, as soon as you manage the stress, the anovulation will stop -- will frequently resolve. CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2007
  • It does not encourage religious authorities to sink into meditation, as do the Hindu fakirs.
  • Through the meditation practice, it is possible to develop a situation of friendship with yourself, from which you can radiate friendship towards others.
  • They all had rudrakshas, tulasi-malas, jasmine flowers tied up in their hair, and they were all praying, doing meditation and chanting mantras.
  • Ayurveda is a traditional Indian practice that takes a holistic approach to wellness, employing herbal medicine, meditation and exercise to promote good health. Ayurvedic medicines often contaminated by toxic metals, study says
  • The latter can counteract anxiety and agitation, and has been shown to rise after yoga and meditation. Times, Sunday Times
  • His book is part memoir, part meditation on the processes of reading and writing, and is thoroughly engaging.
  • A Letter of Practical Advice on Sutra and Tantra – or, more literally, A Brief Indication of the Graded Pathway Minds (Lam-gyi rim-pa mdo-tsam-du bstan-pa) – is an overview of the most important points for sutra and tantra meditation. A Letter of Practical Advice on Sutra and Tantra
  • Her meditations on the female body are sensitive and intimate and depart from the sexually explicit or confrontational.
  • In Ch'an (Zen) meditation, the practitioner is taught to concentrate on a koan. The specific practice is the silent recitation of the koan.
  • The word meditation and the word medication have the same prefix derived from the Latin word medicus, meaning to care or to cure, indicating that meditation is the most appropriate medicine or antidote for stress; a quiet calmness is the most efficient remedy for a busy and overworked mind. Ed and Deb Shapiro: Getting High: On Drugs, Medication Or Meditation?
  • The words meditation and medication have the same prefix derived from the Latin word medicus, meaning to care or to cure, indicating that meditation is likely to be the most effective and efficient remedy for a busy and overworked mind. Ed and Deb Shapiro: The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Stress!
  • Reading makes a full amn, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man. 
  • His Holiness explains the seed of bodhicitta, which is the biologically innate compassion (the love that binds social animals together); aspects of attachment and aversion required for biological survival; and tantric meditations that take anger (but not ill will) into the path. Nagarjuna's Bodhichitta Commentary
  • With meditation we can create a clean thinking, peaceful, egoless mind which in turn creates a person whose mind, body and spirit are in balance, in complete harmony.
  • This project is a sculptural work that stemmed from my interest in sci-fi, technology, and the impulse for relaxation or solitary meditation.
  • The girl seems delicately poised between past and present, youth and eternity, bedlam and meditation.
  • Iris' narrative is a long meditation on that fact but is complicated for the reader both by Iris' evasiveness about her own actions and motivations and by two other embedded stories within the general plot.
  • Swap the meditation station for the train station - she's slowly going choo-choo. The Sun
  • The position or posture adopted for meditation is of importance. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • So what is her take on what some call kinky and perverted, others call magic and premeditation? CNN Transcript Jun 9, 2009
  • Body training consists of various gentle stretches and meditation postures to open the meridian lines.
  • His recovery programme goes on to embrace detox, rehab and Buddhist meditation retreats.
  • The untruth is that Susan Sontag once read a novel by Cathleen Schine and was so entertained by its subtle meditation on questions of female intellect and crippling illness that she borrowed its title for a play she’d been thinking about writing, a play about Alice James’ heroic struggle with cancer, all the while certain that nobody would ever make the connection or confront her with the possibility of influence. Vitro Nasu » 2006 » July
  • We learn yoga and meditation but the practice slips away when you are caught up with work.
  • When we were at the noviciate, we observed, while serving his private Mass, that after the introit, the gradual, the offertory, the communion – all the sung pieces, in short – he would mark a pause, not found in the rubrics, and absorb himself in meditation. The Music Speaks Along with the Words
  • On this day, Hindus fast and stay awake all night taking part in prayers, meditation and poojas (ritual ceremonies).
  • His recovery programme goes on to embrace detox, rehab and Buddhist meditation retreats.
  • Unger to CS; “Meditation on a Line from Saint Teresa,” CIYNM, 123–125; RC to Wolff; 5-5-88; narratologist: RC to T. Raymond Carver
  • Literally, this means that it is not that others do not (praise) ekam or contemplation, "i.e., some there are that praise contemplation or meditation. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • We are especially seeking clinicians with a positive psychology approach and interest in the application of biofeedback and neurofeedback to mindfulness, meditation, and stress.
  • He said that for twenty years I had served him well, and that if I did five more years of tapas, religious austerity, I would achieve nirvikalpa samadhi (ultimate meditation).
  • Ultimately, it's an exquisite meditation on the transience of life and the sustaining illusions of permanence, including, most destructively of all, love.
  • What would it take to change from life in the fast lane to a lifelong pursuit of meditation and study?
  • With that, Campbell was off for a hot bath, a spot of yoga, some stretching and a bit of meditation.
  • Many busy executives have begun to practice yoga and meditation.
  • I used both psychotherapy and meditation to reflect on what I really wanted from life.
  • In the First Meditation Descartes canvasses beliefs of various kinds he had formerly held as true and finds himself forced to conclude that he ought to reject them, that he ought not to accept them as true.
  • But integrative approaches -- such as biofeedback, chiropractic, acupuncture, aromatherapy, music, meditation, massage, yoga -- all these things, give you a sense of control. CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Andrew Weil Discusses `Eating Well' - April 5, 2000
  • Raja yoga is the yoga of meditation.
  • Another form of meditation practice is to focus your attention on just one thing, like your breath, carefully counting your inhalations and exhalations and noticing the pauses in between.
  • In the Buddhist tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, a sangha is a group of meditation practitioners who sit together in a circle, backs facing one another, eyes facing the wall or the outside of the circle.
  • The book is a sustained meditation and examination of the backlash phenomenon as it has transformed the political landscape of Frank's home state of Kansas.
  • This should give some motive for reflexion if one recalls Northrop Frye's famous generalization that Canadian literature is, or at least was, a continuous meditation on ‘Where is here?’
  • Yet these pieces' mixture of lyricism, imagism, meditation and narrative are all hallmarks of the prose poem tradition.
  • If there is a through-line to this record, it probably has to do with more personal introspection, personal meditation. The Sun
  • These past techniques apply primary frequencies of good call Binaural beats, which equilibrise the brain's digit hemispheres, directly placing you into a land of meditation, Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Commune with the indweller ( God ) through meditation and heartfelt prayer.
  • More abstract forms of deity meditation can be used as the skill of the practitioner increases, such as yantras, which serve as the body of the deity in the Tantric system, and with mantra, which serves as the mind of the deity.
  • Neuroscientist Tania Singer is planning to train caregivers, nurses and doctors in compassion meditation. Matthieu Ricard: Is Compassion Meditation the Key to Better Caregiving? (VIDEO)
  • Yogic meditation allowed Vedic sages to see in their minds' eyes, the likenesses, homologies and equivalences between the cosmic, the terrestrial and the spiritual.
  • In their paper, the researchers suggest that 'meditation may offset age-related cortical thinning'. Times, Sunday Times
  • My second catalyst was also well acquainted with various forms of mysticism, occultism and meditation.
  • The term meditation is often used to describe an individual's state of intense focus on an object or thought. Improving Your Health
  • Using the Jhanas to guide readers along the path to joy, happiness, equanimity, and one-pointedness, the author provides all of the instruction necessary to utilize meditation as a tool for building a more fulfilling life. Beyond Mindfulness in Plain English: An Introductory guide to Deeper States of Meditation « Books « Literacy News
  • His books are also meditations on sadness, a fact more poignant when he says that his books are always about him.
  • I was demonstrating my process and found out she also enjoys Tarot cards I have a rather sizeable collection of rare and beautiful decks and while I do not use them for "fortunetelling" per se, I do employ them for introspective meditation. Tarot and Hypnosis
  • I seriously would recommend a time of meditation or self-analysis at times (all these can be provided in a pilgrimage).
  • When we practice meditation, we think and analyze more clearly and effectively.
  • Zeno's and Emilio's aboulic personalities, their incapability of pursuing and sustaining an active participation in life, reflect Svevo's tragic sensibility of life as a disaster and his meditation on vulnerability and death, filtered through the looking glass of bitter-sweet irony mixed with ineffective wisdom.

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