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How To Use Medico In A Sentence

  • He's a wooz, a true-blue, dyed-in-the-wool wooz," Doctor Jackson chanted, with the medico's delight in a novelty. Chapter 11
  • Ghani's life takes a turn when he falls in love with a medico, Indu, living in an ashram there, run by a baba.
  • We usually instruct doctors who specialise in producing medico-legal reports and who have proven themselves in giving evidence in the past.
  • The medicos said there had been numerous cases of meningitis since 1971 caused by people eating garden snails or slugs.
  • Let's hope the medicos get to the bottom of the problems and give him an easier life.
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  • Say an unrepresented litigant winds up in the family law/custody context or the personal injury/civil litigation context confronting a lawyer and a medicolegal expert. The Unrepresented: An Update : Law is Cool
  • Suetonius says: "Valetudine prosperrimâ usus est, -- quamvis a tricesimo ætatis anno arbitratu eam suo rexerit, sine adjumento consiliove medicorum. Notes and Queries, Number 50, October 12, 1850
  • “Étude Medico-régale sur les Attentats aux Mœurs,” and Dr. Adolph note a peculiar infundibuliform disposition of the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Woodward's huge back-up party of coaches, administrators, medicos and other technical and support staff was announced last week.
  • The datto had offered protection for the "medico," and, as a fee, a bottle of pure gold. The Great White Tribe in Filipinia
  • And so gradually medicos are taking on acupuncture, practising it themselves, and there's an increased acceptance of it.
  • From the medico - pharmaceutical point of view, pyrogallol already has several uses especially in external usage. Chapter 12
  • And like many others who had to begin life afresh, the boy initially started selling medical books to young medicos.
  • Quisiera saber si de alguna forma estos medicos son responsables por la muerte de este muchacho y quiza mucho mas, si el gob. o los medicos deberian ir a la carcel por este abuso contra la humanidad, esto lo que da es verguenza y asco, ya basta. Global Voices in English » Dominican Republic: Doctors on Strike
  • That belief will only hold up for as long as you continue to refuse to actually look at cases – look at who testified as a medicolegal expert – and then look to see if their CPSO/CPO profile corresponds to the area of expertise at issue. How lawyers think : Law is Cool
  • He was sitting up again, somewhat pallid and not too strong, but with every promise, said the "medico," of complete recovery within two months. Found in the Philippines The Story of a Woman's Letters
  • Objective To discuss the problem of the clinical medicolegal expertise on traumatic carotid cavernous fistula.
  • This doctor (the first medico I've seen weigh in on the matter) says that isn't correct.
  • She is given eight months of intensive chemotherapy, a slim chance of reprieve, and an excellent opportunity to provide medicos with ruthless experimentation.
  • We medicos spend so much time dealing with the ‘down’ side of life, that it is easy to forget the ‘up’ side.
  • The short version is, doctors and hospitals are no longer allowing many women to have a vaginal birth after cesarean (or VBAC, pronounced "vee-back") because the "medicolegal" costs are too high. Pamela Paul: Childbirth Without Choice
  • We opened for business, with Susie dressed like a dog's dinner queening it in the hall, her cashier in an office to one side, and a broken-down medico in a little room on the other - "for the only thing they're goin 'to leave here is cash," says she, "an 'if they don't like bein' looked at by the pox-spotter, they can take themselves off, double-quick. Isabelle
  • The Visitors' Book was full of the names of other dewy-eyed medicos from all over the world on a similar pilgrimage.
  • This is a book of case studies on how skeletal analysis is applied to human and animal remains in medicolegal cases.
  • The estrangement from prevailing discourses about the sexed mind created by Baillie's comedies therefore contributes to anxieties about what constituted masculinity and femininity, and how the culture might define male and female sexuality in medico-scientific terms. Feminist Utopianism and Female Sexuality in Joanna Baillie’s Comedies
  • How can it be that a medicolegal expert can be described by one judge as that of a hired gun and yet never be confronted with this judicial comment/rebuke in subsequent cases – as a warning to subsequent triers of fact? The Unrepresented: An Update : Law is Cool
  • On the couch one evening, our loco analysand is seized by an uncontrollable passion for the ancient medico.
  • Once we are reintroduced to our mad medicos, the movie meanders from one effects shot to another.
  • Social pressure as well as so-called medico/scientific to be skinny is not really all that healthy for most. Are you taking vitamin pills?
  • Multi - narrative adaptation of Richard v. Krafft - Ebing's notorious medico - forensic study of sexual perversity.
  • I said,'I don't know how you're going to feel about this, but Hazel's asked Thelma's medico to come and see you. MR STARLIGHT
  • Betty, the eldest and headed for spinsterhood, works as a nurse for Mike, a middle-aged medico married to the middle sister, Ann, who is pregnant and unhappy.
  • When sickness does arrive they can be used to complement the medico's treatment.
  • Quisiera saber si de alguna forma estos medicos son responsables por la muerte de este muchacho y quiza mucho mas, si el gob. o los medicos deberian ir a la carcel por este abuso contra la humanidad, esto lo que da es verguenza y asco, ya basta. Global Voices in English » Dominican Republic: Doctors on Strike
  • Valetudine prosperrima usus est, tempore quidem principatus paene toto prope illesa; quamvis a trigesimo aetatis anno arbitratu eam suo rexerit, sine adjutamento consiliove medicorum. The Reign of Tiberius, Out of the First Six Annals of Tacitus; With His Account of Germany, and Life of Agricola
  • Epulatus largiter brachia ad secandas venas praebuit medico. ' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • _pox_, _xpoxtacoghbil_; for physician (medico), _ghpoxta vinic_ (the form _vanegh_, person, is also correct). Nagualism A Study in Native American Folk-lore and History
  • Any fool such as myself can go to the FSCO arbitration unit site and enter the name of this or that regular medicolegal expert who proffers expert testimony in FSCO mva cases. How lawyers think : Law is Cool
  • The medical profession did not contribute to the new crusades nor was there any resurrection of the medico-moral alliance.
  • I imagine that consenting you for anything would be a medicolegal nightmare. All else being equal.
  • Conclusion These results have great effects upon prevention of medical tangles and medicolegal expertise.
  • Ephemeridum Medico-Physicarum Germanicarum Academiæ Naturæ curiosorum decuria II. annus quartus, anni 1685 continens celeberrimorum Virorum observationes medicas_: Norimbergæ, 1686, in 4to. Notes and Queries, Number 193, July 9, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • I am convinced that this rather suspect bunch of up-and-coming medicos could find even an elbow humerus.
  • The death caused of anaphylactic shock is common in clinical medicine and medicolegal expertise, but it is a nodus to diagnose sudden death from allergy.
  • Conclusion Objective, complete and precise conclusion should based on the characteristics and regularity of sudden death in medicolegal expertise.
  • Often, abnormalities are simply ignored, creating a potential medicolegal liability.
  • To avoid administrative punishment, some medical institutions give up technical appraisal of medical negligence, and enter instead medicolegal expertise of medical treatment mistakes.
  • Prior to the introduction in 1955 of succinylcholine muscle relaxation for ECT, many patients sustained spinal compression fractures during the tonic phase of the induced seizure, and pretreatment x-rays of the dorsolumbar spine were routinely obtained for medicolegal documentation. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • However, house calls are probably the most dangerous part of being a medico.
  • Quo abis? redi rursum. ita me bene amet Laverna, uti te iam, nisi reddi mihi vasa iubes, pipulo te his differam ante aedis. quid ego nunc agam? ne ego edepol veni huc auspicio malo. nummo sum conductus: plus iam medico merce dest opus. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • What wonderfully comforting people we medicos are.
  • This same kind of medico-psychological approach to problems was used again by the great psychologist Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • We report an unusual case of condyloma acuminata that highlights several important clinical, ethical and medico-legal considerations in the treatment and follow-up of such lesions.
  • The medico is a long-suffering person, even in these days of scarcity of properly-qualified men -- the first person called on emergency, and the very last to be paid! The Seven Secrets
  • Methods This research adopted the test anxiety scale and the cognitive factor questionnaire with 700 medicos taking the group tests.
  • This paper carry on the investion of medico-plant in Aconitum from xinjiang Kazak, it has knowed that the medico-part of Aconitum and the folk medico-method.
  • I have been favoured by Miss Lawrence with one of these letters as a specimen: ” 'T. LAWRENCIO, Medico, S.' NOVUM frigus, nova tussis, nova spirandi difficultas, novam sanguinis missionem suadent, quam tamen te inconsulto nolim fieri. Life Of Johnson
  • -- Remarks at a meeting of the Edinburgh Medico-chirurgical The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
  • The medical profession did not contribute to the new crusades nor was there any resurrection of the medico-moral alliance.
  • [4094] Chirurgicus medico quo differt? scilicet isto, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • She comes from a long line of medicos - her father was a pathologist and two uncles were radiologists.
  • At a more mercenary level, poor communication skills have been shown to be a predictor of medicolegal vulnerability and also of burnout. 2,3 The Values and Ethics of Euthanasia : Law is Cool
  • The potential medicolegal implications of ototoxicity, therefore, have created a dilemma: we need to determine which topical antibiotic is safe and effective in treating patients with chronic discharge from their ears.
  • To get a land grant was a better return than anything provided by Medicare to latterday medicos. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • He brags, moreover, that he was primus medicorum, and did more famous cures than all the physicians in Europe besides, [4166] a drop of his preparations should go farther than a dram, or ounce of theirs, those loathsome and fulsome filthy potions, heteroclitical pills (so he calls them), horse medicines, ad quoram aspectum Cyclops Polyphemus exhorresceret. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • De legibus. profligatae in repub. disciplinae est indicium jurisperitorum numerus, et medicorum copia. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Among medicos, there was a saying: ‘Cure is a rule if you catch it early, and cure is rare if you catch it late.’
  • The research team were mainly medicos, from Harvard University, the University of California, and the University of Newcastle.
  • How would anyone know if that is true without actually reviewing child custody cases – and checking the names of the experts who proffered medicolegal testimony against their registration profiles to confirm qualifications? How lawyers think : Law is Cool
  • Give it time to sink in," the medico said... I don't want it to sink in. THE GOLDEN LION
  • The way to go would be to deglamorize the medical profession and demystify health care as health care activists like those from the Medico Friend Circle, a body which includes many doctors is trying to do. Doctor on Top
  • Every time a doctor gives an opinion, the medico concerned has to be ready to back it up with some serious facts.
  • Helleborus curat, sed quod ab omni datus medico vanum est. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • We medicos are good at handing out advice, but not too many of us follow our own wise words.
  • The orbital blowout fracture didn't weaken the eyesight of injured eye significantly, but diplopia of the patient should be considered in the medicolegal expertise of orbital blowout fracture.
  • She told Sheffield's Medico-Legal centre her baby vomited twice after taking her morning feed.
  • I can explore what the nature of the problem is, in the present case, and draw attention to the consequences of taking one path rather than another; but the question of how to proceed is a matter for the professionals in question, and especially so in a sensitive and tricky area such as medico-legal practice. On ordering vs not ordering
  • It seems to me to be simple common sense that the unrepresented litigant would check the opposing medicolegal expert to ensure she/he ought is qualified to proffer expert opinion. The Unrepresented: An Update : Law is Cool
  • The guidelines would need to be compatible with existing procedures for consent in research and clinical care and consider any potential medicolegal issues.
  • The Independent Medico-Legal Unity warns that the tactics may not be effective in promoting security.
  • Not being a "medico" I can not vouch for this, but you can take it for what it is worth. The Emma Gees
  • Per molto tempo egli non ebbe per le mani che dei Libri di Medicina; e poco confidandosi nel miei medici ottenne dal Conte Guiccioli il permesso di far venire un valente medico di lui amico nel quale egli aveva molta confidenza. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 4 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • They'll be giggling and talking all night, I suppose," said he disgustedly when the "medico" came in late that afternoon. Ray's Daughter A Story of Manila

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