
How To Use Medicate In A Sentence

  • Drug companies encourage the idea that people can diagnose and medicate medical conditions themselves.
  • Sometimes doctors prescribe a medicated cream or pills to treat difficult warts.
  • The specialist radiates, operates and medicates, turning what should have killed us evolutionarily into "chronic conditions" that cost 19 percent of the GDP to control. Francine Hardaway: Routine Maintenance: Health Care's Contract With America
  • A popular explanation for these findings is that adolescents who are depressed begin consuming alcohol as a way to self-medicate.
  • The masseuse applied fragrant medicated oils on the head and body in plentiful measure as one lay on a high wooden plank on the secluded verandah of an open walled courtyard.
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  • I get this itch after three months, that no amount of medicated talc can take away: My latest theory is related to the fact that I have rarely lived anywhere longer than two years.
  • They also received a treatment called medicated urethral system for erection (MUSE) three times a week. Baylor College of Medicine News
  • By medicalising their behavior we give medicine and the state the remit to involuntarily detain and medicate such people to prevent them from behaving in ways society finds intolerable.
  • But scientists warn sufferers not to self-medicate with street-bought weed. The Sun
  • … The future will be particularly bright for those who’ve invested in medicated socks. 2009 June 28 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • My dream journal started in July 1999 when I was heavily medicated and having some real crackers that I wanted to record for prosperity.
  • Come on then, I think I have some medicated wipes back in my dormitory.
  • I had therapy and self-medicate with diet and exercise. The Sun
  • If ones hears the rumbling approach of a runaway train, why should one's panic be lessened by the knowledge that the engineer, conductor, crew, and passengers abroad the train are well medicated, and, as a result, are all models of self-esteem and self-confidence, are imbrued with glowing good cheer, and are at peace with themselves and the world? The Rise of Pharmatopia
  • The dopey-looking monkey on Strange Adventures is rather underwhelming, between the "medicated" look on his face and the dry dialogue "You will now put those books inside this valise! Apes on Covers (seen at KEVIN GEEKS OUT ABOUT MONKEYS)
  • Until a new law went into effect, patients could "medicate" on the premises, with options that included a $5 hit of hash oil from an elaborate bonglike device called a skillet. Local News from Tuscaloosa News
  • Friday, November 6, 2009 1: 15 am CST Police prepare drill for plague at school The event will use volunteers pretending to have been stricken by the plague to help test the flow of the site, from initial triage through receiving PROOF of being medicated.www. Ukraine pneumonic plague update 969247 affected fto. Ukraine Flu Trends, OFF THE CHARTS www. URGENT** Ukraine and World Pneumonic Plague Information ukraineplague. Ukraine: Influenza or Pneumonic Plague? - Articles related to First flu virus detector in JDWNRH
  • Oliver 4:02 pm: Kris – yeah, I have an adult child 26 – bi polar who self medicates on alcohol constantly on my nerves about the money and writing thing. Transcript: Creating While Disabled « Coyote Con
  • So for us, the clinic is the way to go - no effort to keep medicine on hand and self medicate (which we don't know how to do anyway). ignacio Plague of Flies
  • Seriously, dude, if you don't take some time out from yanking that thing you're going to need some kind of medicated cream ... Bill On Obama And The Debate: You Didn't Hear Hillary "Whining"
  • The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have stated that among all options for medicated pain relief, the epidural is the most effective for reducing pain, while allowing the woman to stay alert and actively participate in her labor.8 Among women who receive epidural pain medications, almost all (98.8 percent) have significant pain relief for at least some of their labor. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • The doctors could not find any medical reason for them and told us we should medicate him for a few years.
  • However, the visually impaired also struggle to self-medicate. Times, Sunday Times
  • For a time he was forcibly medicated, but for the past several years he has taken his drugs voluntarily.
  • With the minimum of fuss, two masseurs, working in unison, applied hot medicated oils over my body and set about the task of coaxing the knots out of my protesting muscles.
  • Robin Denselow JoJo Marvin's Room Can't Do Better A killer opening line – "I've been up three days: Adderall and Red Bull" – then blankly intoned relationship fallout through a self-medicated fug, bitterness and contempt framed by drugs and booze. F&M playlist
  • Only 6 subjects sought professional help for their perceived sleep disorder and only 4 subjects elected to self-medicate.
  • I am still heavily medicated and in pain, but can't see an end to this purgatory.
  • HOWEVER, the second you begin darting in and out of traffic like a gang of overmedicated pinheads and interfering with its normal flow, you not only break traffic laws but you also create a considerable amount of danger to other pedestrians, to law-abiding drivers who may or may not support the war and are otherwise minding their own business, and to medical and law enforcement personnel. Protesters Snarl Downtown Traffic at
  • Soap in excess and bubble baths excessively dry the skin, and many perfumed and ‘medicated’ products applied to the skin will cause irritation.
  • Then use the medicated shampoo 2 or 3 times a week to keep dandruff away.
  • America, once known as the land of the free and the home of the brave, has mutated into the land of the medicated and the home of the lawsuit.
  • They talked vaginas, more vaginas, the radicalness of mommyblogging (from a dad’s perspective), the reasons why the road more medicated is sometimes the road best travelled, corpses in bathrooms, team building and swallowing cameras, how to be almost sort-of always sometimes Canadian, and – because it wouldn’t be a well-rounded week of guest posts if it didn’t come full circle back to genitalia – balls and porn. Getting Back To Business | Her Bad Mother
  • I need to premedicate before I even walk in the place so I think I will need an IV infusion after being responsible for 20 some 6 and 7 year olds there for 2 hours. Would you like to save 10% and hit me in the face
  • Whilst it is great that you can just wander into a pharmacy and buy all the cheap drugs you want and self-medicate with whatever you think you need, there can be a downside to all this.
  • Absolutely pure, delicately medicated, exquisitely perfumed, CUTICURA SOAP produces the whitest, clearest skin and softest hands, and prevents inflammation and clogging of the pores, the cause of pimples, blackheads and most complexional disfigurations, while it admits of no comparison with the best of other skin soaps, and rivals in delicacy the most noted and expensive of toilet and nursery soaps. Golden Days for Boys and Girls, Vol. XIII, Nov. 28, 1891
  • Yes, but I believe he is using them to self-medicate his mental illness. Think Progress » The Right-Wing Backlash Against Glenn Beck: Stop Being A ‘Clown’ Who’s Trying To Divide Conservatives
  • She is heavily medicated and they believe she will slip into a full coma and then pass away.
  • His speech is slurred and he can hardly write and he is heavily medicated.
  • `She persuaded me not to medicate her last night," Sarah explained. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • Non-medicated saline sprays or pure drinking water are more effective than decongestant sprays, which can damage the nasal lining if used regularly.
  • His condition remains stable and his symptoms are well controlled by anti-psychotic medication with which he self-medicates as prescribed.
  • They examined me, fussed around me, changed the bandages, medicated the wounds.
  • Your dentist may cover the socket with a medicated dressing, which will be removed and replaced frequently until the socket heals.
  • Apparently, having to watch last year's old 42-inch flat-screen TV caused such melancholia that some decided to self-medicate with the purchase of a new 51-inch screen. How can the state of the union be sound if our minds are not?
  • Americans spend an estimated $4 billion a year to self-medicate with herbal supplements, which are not regulated by the FDA.
  • Some researchers believe that anorexics use the restriction of food to self-medicate painful feelings and distressing moods.
  • The medicated cream could make the skin dry and cause itching.
  • Elephants are clever enough to self-medicate. The Sun
  • He decided to self-medicate his hand on codeine and beer and to purchase a blackmarket .45 the next time he got to town, which he discreetly learned was a simple deal. Babies
  • Rossignol and Phillis theorize that this pattern of caffeine use may reflect an unsuccessful attempt by the women to self-medicate with caffeine.
  • ‘Oh I came prepared,’ Aidan enthused and produced a bottle of medicated pet shampoo from his back pocket and passed it to Adele.
  • Instead, we often seek pick-me-up foods or beverages to self-medicate.
  • If, during his youth, Bush medicated his Anxiety over his own inadequacies and shortcomings with drugs and alcohol, he medicates his current anxiety over his inadequacies as pResident in the White House through the bleating of how terrorists are out to get him, I mean, us, and through the beating of drums for wars, invasions, and occupations. George W. Bush: War Generating Force
  • He went through severe bouts of depression, for which he attempted to self-medicate with alcohol and numerous illicit substances when he was on the street.
  • That raises the possibility that substance use is an attempt to self-medicate.
  • A variety of creams, gels, paints and medicated plasters are available from pharmacies.
  • The more people who are persuaded that they have a disorder that can be medicated, the more medication the company can sell.
  • You will then be able to soak them in the medicated solution for maximum effectiveness.
  • It seems that until recently sleeplessness was seen as a normal part of childhood, not a disorder to be medicated.
  • I am wondering if elms respond to softwood cuttings, as nobody has ever seen a single seed or seedling from this tree, and if such a sprout could be successfully medicated to eliminate the disease.
  • Also, it is quite common for people to "medicate" at funerals. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Fasting forms an integral part of the fivefold Ayurvedic massage therapy called panchakarma with a view to cleansing the body before the actual medicated detoxification begins.
  • From medicated oil massage to steam therapy, there are umpteen methods of proven treatments to cure different ailments.
  • Contacting physicians and obtaining orders to medicate patients for pain in a timely manner frequently was a problem.
  • Another one that I couldn't take (perhaps because I didn't premedicate as recommended) was Clockwork Orange. Send in the nouns
  • It's important because there are so many people who are going to their doctors for the wrong reasons and seeking to basically self-medicate and get the doctor to co-sign their problem. Matt Semino: Talking ISSUES: HLN's Jane Velez-Mitchell Discusses Substance Abuse and the Conrad Murray Trial
  • Scabies is treated with medicated cream prescribed by a doctor.
  • Although nearly half the kids received lithium or an anticonvulsant drug to quell manic symptoms, their bipolar condition subsided no more often than that of their unmedicated peers.
  • The woman who purges, as well as the veteran who self-medicates with alcohol, are both caught in the paradox that they have experienced a fundamental loss of control over their own lives, that they attempt to re-establish control in these highly circumscribed ways, and that even this "control" is lost as it becomes an obssessive ritual. Stan Goff: Reflecting on Thin
  • Although patients with panic disorder may self-medicate with alcohol, the lifetime prevalence of alcohol and substance abuse is not significantly different in this group than in the general population.
  • You will then be able to soak them in the medicated solution for maximum effectiveness.
  • Try milder measures first, such as humidifying the air to moisten dry airways, drinking hot liquids, and sucking on non-medicated lozenges. Q&A: Severe cough syrup side effects?
  • Hand washing with antiseptic soap or hand rubbing with alcohol-based disinfectant significantly reduced bacterial counts compared to hand washing with unmedicated soap.
  • No country in the developed world diagnoses and medicates its children in numbers proportionate to the United States, and poor children in our country are given psychotropic drugs four times as often as middle class children. Marilyn Wedge, Ph.D.: The Economic Disparity of Children's Mental Health Care
  • Doctors treat scabies by prescribing a medicated cream or lotion to kill the mites.
  • Medicated gauze, alcohol cotton balls or dermatitis plasters are also necessary.
  • Disguise a blemish with a touch of medicated cover-stick, then set with loose face powder.
  • The panel also expressed concern that many insomnia sufferers self-medicate with alcohol, despite the numerous risks involved and the clear evidence that alcohol actually has a negative overall effect on the quality of sleep.
  • But fortunately for him, and us, the Dutch painter was able to self-medicate. In Philadelphia, Van Gogh's Nature Cure
  • All patients were premedicated with pentazocine 30 min before the test.
  • He is heavily medicated and his jumpy behaviour has caused most inmates to stay away from him.
  • Doctors treat scabies by prescribing a medicated cream or lotion to kill the mites.
  • At present people can be forcibly detained and medicated only if it would benefit their condition - known as 'treatability'. Times, Sunday Times
  • He “medicates” with good, healthy food, and his eyesight and reflexes are good enough that he still drives–in Southern California traffic! Preventative care: Not all it’s cracked up to be | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • It advises patients to consult a practitioner, rather than self-medicate. Times, Sunday Times
  • Olay Blemish Control doesn't leave my skin feeling tingly clean like I have experienced with other medicated cleansers and chemical exfoliants, but the key is that it feels completely clean, AND -- this is a biggie -- I have experienced a minimal feeling of "tightness" or stripping after my skin dries, which is hard to come by for my sensitive skin! Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • At least that's what I thought at first, but then I realized I was heavily medicated and not even looking at my computer monitor.
  • Somewhere far off, she could hear the nurses talking to her, and feel as her ankle was prodded and treated, medicated and wrapped.
  • More than 70 percent of our nation's drinking water is medicated to treat the teeth, according to figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau.
  • God knows we overmedicate and overdiagnose and ‘just throw drugs at’ everything else, so why not that? Dysfunction or Dissatisfaction?
  • Transdermal patches are thin medicated patches which are attached to the skin with adhesive.
  • If careful cleaning and hygiene has not helped you may be prescribed medicated tablets or lozenges, which should be sucked slowly.
  • `She persuaded me not to medicate her last night," Sarah explained. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • It consists of introducing medicated oily substances into the colon to be retained and absorbed by the whole body.
  • Underlying depression and anxiety have also been linked to addictions, as people try to self-medicate to feel better.
  • While there for a little more than a year, he was heavily medicated with barbiturates and underwent numerous electro-convulsive treatments.
  • Throughout her life, she was often required to be heavily medicated.
  • Always talk to your health care provider before using any medicated creams or ointments to treat skin problems.
  • A variety of creams, gels, paints and medicated plasters are available from pharmacies.
  • Ninety percent of the subjects self-medicated, usually for pain or colds.
  • I would say that while he's medicated, which is certainly the case now -- at least I imagine it is -- it would be very unwise for the authorities to try to interrogate him. CNN Transcript Nov 5, 2009
  • He just doesn't agree with the rush to brand it a new mental disorder and medicate without first exploring less drastic options.
  • For another, he's heavily medicated with antidepressants with the main side effects of sexual dysfunction and disinterest.
  • I became depressed, and self-medicated with comic books and heavy masturbation.
  • In Georgian Bath, the novelist's alter ego, Matthew Bramble, suspects that the mineral water pump is connected to the baths: "What a delicate beveridge is every day quaffed by the drinkers; medicated with the sweat and dirt, and dandriff; and the abominable discharges of various kinds, from twenty different diseased bodies, parboiling in the kettle below". Ten of the best spas
  • _Terebene_, a mixture of dipentene and other hydrocarbons prepared from turpentine oil by treatment with concentrated sulphuric acid, is used chiefly in medicated soaps. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • As a fellow medicated depressive we need a better term--as a migraine sufferer, I can say I'm a "migraineur" I'm impressed at your regular exercise. In Which We Go Temporarily Insane
  • Your baby's eyes will be treated with medicated drops or ointment.
  • : 15 am CST Police prepare drill for plague at school The event will use volunteers pretending to have been stricken by the plague to help test the flow of the site, from initial triage through receiving PROOF of being medicated.www. Ukraine pneumonic plague update - Articles related to India gets own vaccine against swine flu
  • They are also particularly amenable to the internal and external application of herbal medicated oils.
  • Many of the poor either self-medicate or get whatever remedies they can from local pharmacists who are the only health care providers in some rural areas.
  • When experiencing these symptoms, the individual may choose to wait for the symptoms to pass or to self-medicate through the use of illicit substances.
  • What gives the government the right to medicate people without their permission?
  • The medicated result is a toxic level of mass hysteria for the patient, or in this case, the news subscriber.
  • For example it may be that heroin addicts choose heroin because it counteracts the rage and aggression they feel, while cocaine may be used to medicate against depression.
  • Medicated for her nerves, she shakes as she recounts violent attacks she suffered at the hands of the man who once vowed to love, honour and cherish her forever.
  • After Caleb was dressed the doctor came back with his medicated drops and he was ready to go.
  • On the trip he was medicated, so he kind of just stared at me sloe-eyed fighting sleep, and now he is beyond fine and well into wonderful.
  • If your child is 2 years old or under, you should not use medicated lice treatments.
  • Reading is the unbelievably healthy way my attention deficit disorder medicates itself. Archive 2007-01-01
  • In that case, what a delicate beveridge is every day quaffed by the drinkers; medicated with the sweat and dirt, and dandriff; and the abominable discharges of various kinds, from twenty different diseased bodies, parboiling in the kettle below. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • In just over one year, I was medicated 11 times for upper and lower respiratory infections, and at one point I was nearly hospitalized.
  • Clean the piercing 1 to 2 times daily using a mild liquid antimicrobial medicated soap.
  • Because of the media of mass communication even normal life events (like menopause) are medicated with expensive drugs.
  • Before the nailing to the cross took place, a medicated cup of vinegar mixed with gall and myrrh (the sopor) was given, for the purpose of deadening the pangs of the sufferer. Easton's Bible Dictionary
  • I thought Bruce Bartlett had been medicated up the gazoo and put on a fishing boat off the coast of Florida. A Bad Month for Libertarians?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I hate doctors, so I self-medicated, went back to work the next day, and limped around for the next 6 weeks or so while my foot slowly changed colour.
  • Other studies have shown that abused women self-medicate with alcohol, illicit drugs, and prescription medication to alleviate the pain and anxiety of living under the constant threat of violence.
  • Medicated gauze, alcohol cotton balls or dermatitis plasters are also necessary.
  • A few times each day I had to remove Sphennie from his enclosure and gently pry open his beak to place a medicated gel deep into his choana a groove in the upper palate, which was red and irritated due to his infection. The Great Penguin Rescue
  • Your baby's eyes will be treated with medicated drops or ointment.
  • Always check with your doctor before using special medicated skin cleansers because these may contain strong chemicals that can be harmful if they are absorbed through a baby's skin.
  • With the minimum of fuss, two masseurs, working in unison, applied hot medicated oils over my body and set about the task of coaxing the knots out of my protesting muscles.
  • This feature alone will be helpful to the many individuals with social phobia who use alcohol or drugs to self-medicate or who experience the paralysis of depression.
  • Some patients with panic disorder, particularly men, tend to self-medicate with alcohol, which interferes with therapy.
  • Pat dry, take care to dry between the toes, then apply cream (the cheaper the better) before gently talcuming between the toes (can use baby powder or medicated varieties).
  • The medicated physiotherapeutic comB guarantees to Blacken your hair immediately after comBing it just once.
  • The head priest gave him blessed, medicated ghee to take in the early morning for 41 days while observing a penance.
  • The following is a bassorin paste which may be variously medicated. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • A new family shampoo comes by way of Cuticura Medicated Shampoo, with an original coal tar formula that helps prevent dandruff.
  • Elaine is being heavily medicated, and seems in a deeply unconscious state.
  • We may self-medicate with food or alcohol, or have a cigarette. Times, Sunday Times
  • Always talk to your health care provider before using any medicated creams or ointments to treat skin problems.
  • Older and responsible students should be allowed to self-medicate at school with OTC products and certain prescription medications.
  • In the newer "tumescent" method, doctors inject a medicated solution into the fatty tissue to reduce bleeding, but in rare cases, it can cause fluid buildup in the lungs and fatal blood clots. Our Quest To Be Perfect
  • ... plus I'm more than a bit medicated, which is also part of why I feel ok. Jaxraven Diary Entry
  • When people are under pressure they are taught by the army to self-medicate, and that used to come in the form of alcohol.
  • She was medicated and told that if she took the medication as directed she would never have one again.
  • Our results demonstrate that guilt medicates the impact of work contact on distress for women," the researchers wrote. Women more stressed by work intrusions
  • Once infestation is confirmed it can be treated at home either using wet combing with conditioner, or medicated lotions, combined with a special nit comb available from pharmacies.
  • Exhausted, are the excuses, and imaginary reasons why our government has the right to "medicate" us. Tools Of Eugenics: Fluoride
  • Soak hair-care items like combs, barrettes, hair ties or bands, headbands, and brushes in rubbing alcohol or medicated shampoo for 1 hour.
  • On the flip side, many people self-medicate to try to ease the pain in their lives. Tony Newman: Nice People Take Drugs
  • Soak hair-care items like combs, barrettes, hair ties or bands, headbands, and brushes in rubbing alcohol or medicated shampoo for 1 hour.
  • Fortunately for him, and us, Van Gogh was able to self-medicate. In Philadelphia, Van Gogh's Nature Cure
  • Problem gambling can therefore be understood as a way to 'self-medicate'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Charles is medicated to a zombielike mellowness and has neither held down a job nor moved out of his mother's house in Philadelphia.
  • These studies are important because patients who self-medicate with herbs need to be sure that they are getting what advertisers claim on the label.
  • How many of them self-medicate with alcohol or drugs?
  • It can be taken by mouth or as a medicated shampoo.
  • Ask the anti behavior drug school crusaders about the number of children we "medicate" to make better. Sound Politics: Where all the children are above average disabled
  • They examined me, fussed around me, changed the bandages, medicated the wounds.
  • And we have some kind of medicated shampoo that should help too.
  • It is common use that medicated tampons may be applied to a specific body area.
  • Some are in jail, some are medicated insensible, some are living lives of dangerous poverty.
  • Whitbread had done her best to self-medicate. Times, Sunday Times
  • Injured dancers who self-medicate on a regular basis with aspirin or Advil can develop problems such as ulcers or kidney damage.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis of the external ear can be treated with medicated shampoo used for the scalp.
  • Rossignol and Phillis theorize that this pattern of caffeine use may reflect an unsuccessful attempt by the women to self-medicate with caffeine.
  • However, it is also possible that these persons are feeling sad or angry and are getting ready to use drugs to self-medicate.
  • Ghrita preparations (medicated ghee) like Phala Sarpis can be taken from the first month of pregnancy.
  • It consists of introducing medicated oily substances into the colon to be retained and absorbed by the whole body.
  • On the flip side, many people self-medicate to try to ease the pain in their lives.
  • I would spend the next decade convincing doctors to medicate my addiction.
  • Thus, most practitioners did not appear to intentionally medicate patients for procedural pain.
  • I'm home and I'm sick and I'm heavily medicated, so just you watch out.
  • I don't want to put her through allergy testing, but how can I safely medicate her with over-the-counter medications?
  • He is highly medicated as the result of a childhood trauma.
  • This leads to people struggling to self-medicate with a variety of often expensive over-the-counter remedies. Times, Sunday Times
  • One or two people passed by with the dazed expressions of the heavily medicated. LOST SUMMER
  • Don't use medicated nose drops, sprays, or decongestants without first checking with your health care provider.
  • Anticipate pain and medicate the patient before turning or repositioning.
  • Then apply a dab of a liquid medicated cleanser - the piercer might recommend an over-the-counter option - to the area.

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