
How To Use Medicare In A Sentence

  • Does anybody see the contradiction is the Lefts attack on seniors who use Medicare? Sebelius: There will be competition with private insurers
  • Were Medicare abolished, the nonpoor would finance health care in their old age by buying health insurance when they were young. Becker and Posner vs. Medicare, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The weight of the evidence has succeeded in gaining Medicare payment for rehabilitation services, which has been one of our major hurdles to access.
  • The main drivers of this long-term fiscal gap are, in order, the spending growth associated with Medicare and Medicaid, the revenue losses from the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, and increases in Social Security costs ... Economists' Voice on Fiscal Policy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • When you have succeeded in eliminating this medicare waste without reducing benefits and quality of care and the money is "in the bank", then let's see how many new people can have all there medical expenses covered, less individual premiums, deductibles and co-pays if any. Obama: Health-care reform will not increase deficit
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  • And good news, bad news─ I don't know which it is more─ but on the Medicare side of that, not the commercial insurance side, generally speaking Republicans like Medicare advantage, Home Page
  • What is difficult to overlook is her record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywomen, her inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others. Mitchell Bard: The Tea Party All-Stars: The Worst of Extreme GOP Midterm Candidates
  • The inequity is in MediCARE payments; not Medicaid. You Haven’t Seen Gov. Gregoire Act This Gubernatorial Since Her Days as AG. « PubliCola
  • If the President signes on to any plan that in any cuts into social security or medicare, including fuding the cpi number, and especially under such undiplomatic circumstances of the terrorist tactics of the Republicans to simply do what governments always do, raise the debt limit. News -
  • This isn't the first time Medicare has been given a gloomy prognosis.
  • Therefore, increasing premiums for wealthier seniors is more likely to restrain overutilization than hiking their ... common sense Medicare reforms, like income-adjusted premiums ...will help ensure patients are seeking appropriate care. Richard (RJ) Eskow: The Burr/Coburn Medicare Plan: 10 Deceptions - And A Free-Market "Death Panel"
  • Claiming he was willing to put that behind him, Raggio added, "What is difficult to overlook is [Angle's] record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywoman, her inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • And he called a news conference Thursday to propose a 10 percent increase for Medicare.
  • The decision may not make for good public optics, since accountability has come to be seen as a key issue in medicare, and there have been allegations that some provinces are pursuing secret agendas to privatize health care.
  • Medicare Part B carries a $96.40 (cent) monthly premium, which rises every year.
  • For many years, it has been the progressive movement that has championed advances in every level of American society -- from Social Security and Medicare to civil rights, equality of opportunity and freedom of choice. 2008 was a watershed election, an outcry from a large majority of Americans (not a tiny bunch of Tea Party extremists) for a fundamental change in the politics of our country. Hoyt Hilsman: Rooting for the Tea Party?
  • Don't forget, that McCain campaigned that he would cut $1.3 trillion from medicare. How will the health care bill affect seniors?
  • MIL's medicare redetermination interview, which means I get to dig through her tax return and find out the info. Archive 2009-08-01
  • I think of a “moderate” plan as no mandate, a less pronounced public option or perhaps an exchange, the end to the tax privelege for employer plans that McCain championed, and tighter controls on Medicare spending, perhaps moving away from FFS. Matthew Yglesias » The Fantasy of the Radical Center
  • One is to attack Republicans on policies, such as tieing them to Budget Chairman Paul Ryan's plan to overhaul Medicare. Democrats form PAC to help win back House
  • Right now, I do not see the funds available to save Social Security and Medicare, and we have to address that.
  • MEDICARE SCARE TACTICS: Republican candidates routinely and cynically charge that the reform law will "cut" $500 billion from Medicare - leaving the clear implication that benefits will be reduced. NYT > Home Page
  • After a $75 deductible, Medicare pays 80 per cent of doctors' bills.
  • People are running up bills not covered by insurance or Medicare. THE STAPLE STREET GANG: MANDY AND THE PURPLE SPOTTED HANKY
  • Mocked for repeatedly using the term lockbox to suggest that funding for Social Security and Medicare should be untouchable, Gore was caricatured, not without reason, as a finicky policy wonk. House of Bush, House of Saud
  • Because this lower tier is what Medicare will become. Matthew Yglesias » Revenge of the Public Option
  • MEDICARE PROGRAM, about Medicare fraud and senior Medicare Patrol program. 9: 30 a.m., Alexandria and Arlington health calendar
  • The Democratic bill would lift a noninterference clause in the Medicare prescription - drug law.
  • The Medicare Rights Center has documented the complaints from the thousands of patients who have disenrolled from their MA plans, many because they were denied the benefits they thought they had. Saul Friedman: The Sore Loser Republicans Can't Stop Saying "No"
  • A program like Medicare, for instance, as currently structured, is likely to growth dramatically regardless of tax receipt, economic trends, or tax rates. The Deficit Argument, II, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • •Barbara Kennelly:President of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, which is running radio commercials urging lawmakers to "keep your hands off our Social Security. Who's who in the fight to reduce the deficit
  • Republican critics said the legislation still doesn't go far enough because it exempts all discretionary spending, and applies only to nonroutine increases in entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare. 'Blue Dog' Democrats Hold
  • Reading through the White House's text of "An Economy Built to Last," any half-awake citizen will notice the words that fail to appear: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, entitlements and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Obama's Maddening, Winning Speech
  • Suggested it would take a bipartisan commission to find answers for long-term imbalances in Social Security and Medicare.
  • Its funny how americans dont want a goverment program, (social security, medicad, medicare) But once the program is in dont even talk about talking it away?? Tea Party Express targets Stupak
  • The administration wants the patients' 20 percent share also brought under the Medicare fee schedule.
  • For the elderly, Medicare HMOs offer prescription coverage and other extras at no added cost.
  • David V.: Which brings it back to comparing against other Federal programs like SSI and Medicare – compelled to pay in to but not compelled touse. The Volokh Conspiracy » Health insurance mandate as a privacy right violation
  • The rest of the time TRICARE & Medicare take pretty good care of this ol 'retired codger. Wounded Soldiers
  • The administration wants the patients' 20 percent share also brought under the Medicare fee schedule.
  • The public plan would be actuarially sound, would not leverage Medicare to force providers to participate or use Medicare payment rates, and would have to adhere to the same rules regarding reserve funds. Wonk Room » What Kind Of Public Option Compromise Would Grassley Support?
  • The challenges of rising health care costs and Medicare premiums will not suddenly abate.
  • And if Sen. Enzi would have been a Senator when LBJ and the Democrats went it alone and "rammed" Medicare down our throats, he would have been saying the same thing then as he is now. GOP senator blasts Dems health care proposals
  • The hospitals that have the highest rate of infections and unnecessary readmittance will lose Medicare funding. Will the Medicare cuts in health-care reform stick?
  • Such a universalist stance obviously includes preserving Medicare and Social Security, as the Democrats emphasized in the 2000 campaign.
  • In his Wednesday speech, Obama took on the Ryan approach in harsh terms, calling it a vision that would see "roads crumble and bridges collapse," young Americans unable to go to college, seniors left uncared for, Medicare ended, and 50 million Americans left without health insurance. Obama Debt Speech: Tax Increases, Medicare Changes Included In President's Plan
  • The podiatrist billed Medicare for 20 nail removals on three toes of one patient, according to the indictment. 111 Charged In Medicare Scams Worth $225 Million
  • The military reverberations of the word "vulnerable"-unguarded, unfortified, defenseless-as well as its more visceral associations-exposed, naked-I felt intensely as I thought about the hard attitude rampant today that everyone is on his or her own, not only poor families struggling to survive (cuts to welfare), but also children (cuts to education) and the elderly (cuts to Medicare and Social Security); and the ruthless attitude equally rampant today that no one owes anybody anything, that any "sacrifice" in the name of the public good, of the world we share together, our commonwealth, is too much to ask of anyone. NPR Topics: News
  • Mister President Cool may have belled the cat by insisting on an automatic trigger to slash spending in two sacred cows -- Medicare and defense equally -- if $1.5 billion worth of deficit cuts aren't made by Congress in November. Diane Francis: Did Obama Bell the Cat?
  • What is difficult to overlook is her record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywomen, her inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others," Raggio said of Angle. The Full Feed from
  • Within the core Medicare system, most serious mental disorders are treated by psychiatrists.
  • Hernandez and Brown said they anticipate that Congress will cooperate and grant the city Medicare and Medicaid waivers.
  • We need changes that compound and cumulate over time, especially in Social Security and Medicare, or they will crowd out all other federal spending or drive marginal tax rates over 70%. Five Lessons for Deficit Busters
  • By piously defending free speech while demogoguing against NPR, DeMint sounds like his Tea Party brethren who rail to "keep the Government out of my Medicare! Dave Zirin: Should NPR Have Fired Juan Williams? You Betcha
  • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversee Medicare, typically follow at least 90% of its recommendations in figuring out how much to pay doctors for their work. Physician Panel Prescribes the Fees Paid by Medicare
  • The authors conclude that among Medicare beneficiaries with unstable angina pectoris, more than one half have atypical presentations.
  • This successful assault on social welfare expenditures has provided the opening wedge for entertaining cuts in middle-class social insurance entitlements such as Social Security and Medicare.
  • Medicare functionally is just politicians buying votes by promising voters that others will pay their expenses for them. Health Care Madness, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • MEDICARE COVERAGE According to a 2009 Prudential survey, 37 percent of people think that Medicare will cover their long-term care costs. NYT > Home Page
  • Medicare D is the the absolute worst thing foisted on our elders and the sickest among us by this corrupt govmint. ptooey! for shame. Firedoglake » Christian Right Fight Heating Up
  • Is the Medicare reimbursement for biologicals that much better than the reimbursement for advanced wound care dressings?
  • The plan would set up a new payment system for services to Medicare patients who see their doctors at hospital outpatient clinics.
  • A new Medicare prescription drug benefit is bringing peace of mind to seniors and the disabled.
  • PROVIDING VULNERABLE, DISPLACED WORKERS OVER 55 ACCESS TO MEDICARE by offering those who have involuntarily lost their jobs and their health care coverage a similar Medicare buy-in option. Medicare Fact Sheet
  • ET Feb. 12, 2010 CORPUS CHRISTI - A Corpus Christi couple who own an orthotics company was convicted of scamming Medicare and Medicaid out of thousands of Motor Corp. is giving U.S. dealers payments of up to US$75,000 to help win back customers 'trust in the wake of a massive safety recall. - Articles related to Allen Stanford's Security Chief Awaits Verdict in Federal Court
  • You are saying yourself that the physicians can decline to trat Medicare patients. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Medicare Part B and Medicaid payments to physicians generally are unaffected by a gainsharing arrangement.
  • Together we will strengthen Medicare and offer prescription drug coverage to all of our seniors.
  • Supporters argue the private plans are an improvement over traditional Medicare because they provide extra benefits such as eyeglass coverage or gym memberships. Local News from The Lakeland Ledger
  • Fifth, since age is * not* a valid pool discriminator, move medicare recipients into the plan. Arlo's Single Payer Plan, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I hope for all of us that Obama proves him wrong and uses his prodigious oratorial skills to make the progressive case and win the American people over to real universal health care e.g. single-payer Medicare for all, a non-predatory foreign policy, and generally, an approach to the challenges of 2008 that are not cravenly corporatist in orientation. Nader Defends Obama Slur - The Caucus Blog -
  • What is difficult to overlook is her record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywomen, er inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others. The Full Feed from
  • If the ratio is at 85% to 90% then a Public Option or early medicare buy-in is not necessary. Lieberman: Moving towards a 'yes' vote
  • However, under the new rules, open enrollment only runs Jan. 1 to Feb. 15 in 2011 and people are limited to disenrolling from their Medicare Advantage plan to enroll in traditional Business Wire Travel News
  • The plan also calls for balancing the budget without deep cuts in Medicare, education and environmental protection.
  • The Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have both warned that PODs may violate federal antikickback statutes and laws governing patient referrals. Hospital Bars Surgeon From Operating Room
  • (And Medicare is a quite different issue inextricable from the entire problem of our screwed-up health care system.) Matthew Yglesias » Alice Rivlin: “Now Is An Excellent Time To Fix Social Security And Medicare”
  • Mr. Casey complains about many in his generation not being able to find jobs, that "the prospects for intergenerational mobility are fading fast," that they will be burdened with Social Security and Medicare payments for baby boomers, and that baby boomers will "deplete" the wealth of Gen Y. If You Want Intergenerational War, Let It Begin Here
  • You aren't ging to get rid of Medicare so they are trying to scare people with suggested cuts into the program. CNN Truth Squad: Will health-care reform start right away?
  • The doctors 'biggest headache is a 1997 law that will reduce doctors' Medicare payments by 23 percent on Dec. 1 unless Congress postpones the cut, an action that most lawmakers believe is likely. Health-care overhaul: Will it 'gut' Medicare?
  • From this standpoint, the Medicare bill is an object lesson in the putrefaction of democracy in the US.
  • For the elderly, Medicare HMOs offer prescription coverage and other extras at no added cost.
  • After Democrats agreed to drop the public option and the Medicare buy-in provision from the Senate health care bill in December, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) took to the Senate floor to “declare” his support for the legislation. Think Progress » Lieberman Begins To Distance Himself From The Health Care Bill That He Crafted
  • Seniors, or most of them, have to already purchase "private health insurance" to go along with Medicare, it's called a supplementary plan to close the "gap", except Rx's get screwed bigtime. GOP is 'no friend of seniors' DNC says in TV ad
  • Does anybody see the contradiction is the Lefts attack on seniors who use Medicare? Sebelius: There will be competition with private insurers
  • They also have created mass hysteria over the alleged insolvency of Social Security (expected to remain solvent until 2037) and Medicare (2029). Martin Tolchin: How New Jacobins Persuade Us to Vote Against Our Interests
  • True "socialized medicine" would undoubtedly cost less, and a straightforward extension of Medicare-type coverage to all Americans would probably be cheaper than a Swiss-style system.
  • Isakson vehemently opposes the House and Senate health care bills and he played no role in drafting language added to the House bill by House Democrats calling for the government to incentivize doctors by offering them money to conduct “end-of-life counseling” with Medicare patients every five years. Props to Jonny. (Blog for Democracy)
  • Rather than address the problem honestly and have Medicare pick up the medical tab for regular treatment of the uninsured, something that would acerbate the current financial failings of Medicare, they propose to wreck the best health care system in the world with yet another equally flawed government program. House Democrat: Health care bill in doubt without public plan
  • Health-care bonds anywhere are risky these days, especially with changes brewing in Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Medicare records don't reveal many clinical details, such as how long patients waited to present their acute cholecystitis to the hospital or the specific reasons a doctor gave for delaying surgery. The Long and Short of Heart-Disease Risk
  • MIAMI — Federal authorities charged more than 100 doctors, nurses and physical therapists in nine cities with Medicare fraud Thursday, part of a massive nationwide bust that snared more suspects than any other in history. Massive Nationwide Medicare Bust
  • In effect, Gingrich is holding the Interior Department hostage to his attempt to put new restrictions on Medicare patients.
  • Medicare is a federally administered program of health benefits for elderly and disabled persons.
  • It is better, Professor Roberts perspicaciously suggests, to make Social Security and Medicare a safety net program for the people who really need it, and let richer Americans who can afford it handle their own retirements. Alan Schram: A Better Stimulus for the Economy
  • The public plan would also adhere to the following conditions of fair competition: it would have to be actuarially sound, would not leverage Medicare to force providers to participate or use Medicare payment rates, and would have to adhere to the same rules regarding reserve funds. Wonk Room » Heritage Foundation On Fair Public-Private Health Competition: ‘The Design Features Are Correct’
  • To get a land grant was a better return than anything provided by Medicare to latterday medicos. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • The multiagency Medicare Fraud Strike Force has indicted more than 850 people for allegedly illegal Medicare billings since its inception in 2007, according to the Justice Department and Department of Health and Human Services. U.S. Charges 20 With Medicare Fraud
  • The ACO can earn extra money through gain sharing sharing of savings resulting from collaborative efforts to provide care cost-effectively with Medicare if the overall costs of care for the beneficiaries attributed to it are lower than predicted. Can Accountable-Care Organizations Improve Health Care While Reducing Costs?
  • Killing or gutting Medicare would be a symbolic emasculation of Lyndon Johnson, but it would also relieve a source of government spending that's increasing the demand to raise taxes on the wealthy. Richard (RJ) Eskow: The Nihilist Party: Republicans Who Believe in Nothing
  • What they're doing is putting the veterans on Medicare programs and sending them to other institutions.
  • In terms of health care reform, they were papered over by the hopes of many progressive liberals -- who were willing to give up fighting for Medicare-For-All as politically "impractical" -- of achieving a robust public option as an acceptable compromise in the context of a larger health insurance mandate. Miles Mogulescu: The Democrats' Authoritarian Health "Reform" Bill and the Ascendency of Corporatism in the Democratic Party
  • Mary called the pushy insurance agent and told him she was working with this senior and that the senior had told her he was not interested in changing his Medicare Advantage plan. Tucson Citizen
  • The reward for their gullibility was a widening of the war (s), a continuing neglect of Constitutional principles, a failure to prosecute those who had lied us into one misadventure after another, a retreat from any single-payer "Medicare for All" healthcare reform, a watering down of climate change initiatives, a postponement of most legislation that would have brought some justice to gay/Lesbian citizens, and a sad abandonment of promises for transparency and open-ness in the Executive branch. You Get What you Vote For!
  • Even the Mayo Clinic in MN get underpaid on its Medicare patients. janis haaf Emanuel faces liberal pressure over 'trigger' comments
  • The difference is that he would pay the total premium costs to Medicare and leave out Medigap.
  • Consider: The Ron Paul who in 1988 ran for president as a Libertarian spoke pugnaciously of abolishing "unconstitutional" entitlements such as Social Security and Medicare. Why Ron Paul Can't Win
  • No Democrats talk about nationalizing industries, and no Republicans talk about abolishing Social Security or Medicare.
  • Speaking with a dozen vets in an occasionally emotional roundtable discussion in South Carolina Friday, the GOP presidential contender sympathized with the service members' difficulties obtaining treatment from the Department of Veterans Affairs, which one vet described as "adversarial." privatizing Medicare, suggested that maybe giving wounded warriors an outside option would force VA health bureaucrats to be a little more responsive. The Full Feed from
  • He would talk about what is going on in the budget battle, what is going on in the Medicare debate.
  • As one recent MedPac study found, “claims of extensive cost shifting imply that hospital costs are largely fixed and that it is hospitals in the worst financial sate that will have the greatest need and incentive to shift costs onto private payers due to low Medicare payment.” Wonk Room » Insurers Respond To Schumer’s New Public Health Plan Compromise
  • Seniors can make a switch to a so-called five-star Medicare Advantage or Part D prescription-drug plan at any time, though they can make only one such change per year. There's Time to Swap Plans
  • Medicare may have imperfect pricing due to oligopsony, but one might suppose that corporations' dedication to oligopolistic competition would be at least as worthy of this blog's commentary as to its impact on Welfare. Medicare and Overfishing, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • They perceive Medicare as the most vulnerable government entitlement.
  • He characterized as a flimflam my Medicare Advantage amendment to the health-care bill that would transitionally protect the benefits of nearly a million seniors currently enrolled in these plans. SplicedFeed
  • What bothers me the most is to see how Democrats have retreated from a single-payer government-run option to Medicare buy-in and now all's on the table is an insurance mandate, a terrific gift for the private insurers. The year in politics
  • Tea partier Paladino's John "Mr. Puddles" McCain moment is hardly likely to undercut the prevailing image of the Tea Party as "A hall full of elderly white people in Medicare-paid scooters, railing against government spending and imagining themselves revolutionaries as they cheer on the vice-presidential puppet hand-picked by the GOP establishment. Paladino wanders off stage during NY debate
  • By 2000, changing Medicare regulations, the growth of managed-care systems, and cooperative networks with ophthalmologists and other specialists were altering optometric practices.
  • If IPAB lowers reimbursement rates to providers in the Medicare drug benefit, biopharmaceutical researchers will find themselves with fewer resources to investigate new treatments. David Mixner: Why The HIV/AIDS Community Should Care About the New Medicare Panel
  • Decisions made in the absence of a direct budget constraint, such as those made for Medicare reimbursement in health planning.
  • $8T in accumulated debt from ware in Iraq, Medicare Part D, tax cuts Think Progress » DC Media Scoff At President Obama’s Substantive And Detailed Answer To Health Care Question
  • Consider that in September, an ABC News/Kaiser Family Foundation/USA Today survey found that 56 percent of Americans preferred a government-run universal health system "like Medicare" to our current system-a development that Marcia Angell called the unsung development of 2006 in an op-ed for The Boston Globe. Hasta la vista, single-payer movement?
  • Medicare has played only a very minor role in annual deficits, as well. Matthew Yglesias » Why Would You Ever Cut Social Security?
  • That while the Republicans were straight-out lying Politfact's top lie of 2009 when they told tales of death panels and policies to discontinue care to seniors, cuts to Medicare and Social Security would actually send countless senior citizens into desperate financial situations. Mitchell Bard: The Debt Ceiling "Compromise" Is a Total Democratic Capitulation to the GOP
  • There are a few other entitlement programs that are exempt from the spending freeze, notably Medicare and Medicaid, which will continue to grow unless some form of the health care reform legislation is passed to rein it in. Think Progress » Axelrod Struggles To Explain Why Obama’s Spending Freeze Doesn’t Include Defense Funding
  • I mean, the President, on the subject generally of means testing, has said the American people understanding the geodemographics we face going into the next century, every American including elderly Americans know that increasingly the elderly population grows and we have to take steps to secure programs like Medicare for the future, and that an application of a means test in a limited fashion like this could be useful. Press Briefing By Mike Mccurry
  • The main determinant of the long-term fiscal outlook is the unsustainability of Social Security and Medicare. Bond Market, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It will have wide effects, as Medicare pays for much health care in the United States.
  • Similar to well-baby visits and the annual Medicare wellness visit, this annual well-woman preventive care visit will help women and their doctors determine what preventive services are appropriate and set up a plan to help women get the care they need to be healthy. Sec. Kathleen Sebelius: Prevention at the Heart of Keeping Women Healthy
  • What this bill does do, in my opinion, is to cover a looming problem of insurance premiums spiking as the boomers age (ie. attempting to get a handle on a financial crisis *before* it takes down a great number of decent people) and a populist desire to insure and care for a majority of people (this comes before you start pus polling and scaring seniors with lies about Medicare coverage). The Volokh Conspiracy » Health Insurance and Pharma Stocks Rise, US Treasuries Sink in Reponse to Obama Care:
  • And what nerve the old people have in complaining just because the Democrats want to cut half a trillion dollars out of Medicare. Could health care changes be immediate?
  • The plaintive cry "Don't let the Government get its hands on my Medicare," might be apocryphal, but it highlights the vacuousness of a political movement that is built on deliberate denial by Americans of their own responsibility for the straits in which we find ourselves. David Paul: The Problem Is Not Jon Stewart
  • In the mid-1980s Medicare began looking to ‘managed care’ to help control its runaway expenditure.
  • A whistleblower lawsuit filed against Blackstone in a Massachusetts federal court by one of its former sales representative and a former distributor of its products alleges that the payments of up to $8,000 a month were to induce Dr. Lewis and other surgeons to use the company's devices, in violation of the federal antikickback statute, rendering Medicare reimbursement claims fraudulent. Taking Double Cut, Surgeons Implant Their Own Devices
  • The other is to find offsets for what we are doing so we don't use Medicare funds and we don't open up the tax cut.
  • Under the proposal, Medicare would increase scrutiny of plans that don't cap a patient's annual out-of-pocket costs at $3,400 or less, and it would review cost sharing for services such as hospitalizations and outpatient services. Less of an 'Advantage'?
  • What is difficult to overlook is [Angle's] record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywomen, her inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others. US midterm elections live blog - Thursday 7 October
  • The qui tam provisions of the FCA are a very important tool in combating fraud and theft of taxpayer funds, and Medicare/Medicaid fraud is a huge, huge problem. The Volokh Conspiracy » “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it” (continued)
  • According to plea documents, Chand acknowledged that in order to create the fictitious therapy files, he and his co-conspirators paid cash kickbacks and other inducements to Medicare beneficiaries in exchange for the beneficiaries´ Medicare numbers and signatures on documents falsely indicating that they had received physical or occupational therapy. American Chronicle
  • A Medicare equivalent would provide for the elderly and nonworking population.
  • In this society, we have largely socialized the cost of aging through programs like Social Security and Medicare.
  • Medicare Beneficiaries also can go to www. to review their options or contact their current Medicare provider with their questions. Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
  • I recently disenrolled from AARP-endorsed United HealthCare's Medicare Part D prescription drug plan after they dropped coverage of my main drug an old generic, at that AFTER the enrollment/disenrollment/change period expired on December 31, 2009, AND they failed to give me any notice at all of this significant change. Lobbying for Your Health: 150,000 seniors in revolt
  • Democrats and Republicans agree that our seniors deserve a secure retirement and a prescription drug coverage in Medicare.
  • His climate change misstep follows several reversals on issues and just plain loony comments on gays, women, Medicare, Social Security and taxes. Ellen Dumm: Will the Buck Ever Stop?
  • If they are near age 55 they will transition directly to Medicare for life … Unemployment benefits will be extended to the part timers and temp employees and length of unemployment will be extended … with over 1,000 pages written in convoluted language, released in. pdf-non searchable format, and held until 0830 on Friday - NOBODY - has read the entire bill … Matthew Yglesias » Is The Country Paying a Price for Anti-Earmark Fever?
  • Ezra Klein writes, Once and slowly: Medicare operates within America's private health system context, bargaining with private providers at near-market rates. EconLog: Economics of Health Care Archives
  • More than three times as many were most concerned about Medicare and health care or jobs and the economy.
  • Most senior citizens also lack coverage for prescription drugs and dental care, which are not covered by Medicare.
  • The cost of blood testing strips used by diabetics to check their blood sugar also would be paid by Medicare.
  • The CBO estimates do not include $460 billion in possible entitlement spending, including a Medicare prescription drug benefit.
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: one again pox is wrong. bill clinton has government run health care insurance thanks to his stint as president. much like the geriatrics who watch pox all day, also covered by government run medicare. Think Progress » Fox Politicizes Clinton’s Heart Surgery, Suggests He Wouldn’t Have Received Treatment Under Health Reform
  • It changed Medicare dramatically, moving it toward market incentives and individual choice.
  • As with Boehner's preestablished commitment to more spending on Medicare, political parties put rewarding their constituencies -- in the GOP's case rich people and old people -- above ideology. Why White House may cave on Bush tax cuts
  • Conclusion. Lumbosacral injections increased dramatically in the Medicare population from 1994 to 2001.
  • Privatisation has become a social echinacea, a mysterious healing serum being touted as a cure-all for everything from Medicare to education.
  • For the elderly, Medicare HMOs offer prescription coverage and other extras at no added cost.
  • In an earlier study, the same researchers had found that hospitals generally lose money on Medicare reimbursements for another stroke treatment -- endovascular embolectomy, in which doctors go in and extract the blood clot causing the stroke. Reuters: Press Release
  • Epogen and two similar antianemia biologics cost Medicare more than $2 billion in 2009 for dialysis, according to a Medicare spokeswoman. Biotech Firms Fight Generics
  • In an effort to contain costs, Medicare has stopped covering the scanning procedure, though the more invasive traditional colonoscopy is still covered. Duh pookie
  • Eighty-three percent of every dollar in Medicaid is spent on chronic disease and 99 percent in Medicare. Kenneth Thorpe: Hold True to Health Care Reform Commitments to Fight Chronic Disease
  • Medicare pays for devices and biologicals with passthrough codes when they are used in the outpatient wound care clinic.
  • The impetus for AICC ' s creation was a July 2009 proposal by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to reduce Medicare ' s payments for radiological services. A Device to Kill Cancer, Lift Revenue
  • As one sign asked of health-care nationalizer Obama at a Wyoming Tea Party, MEDICARE IS GOING BROKE, MEDICAID IS GOING BROKE, AND YOU WANT US TO BELIEVE WHAT? Bracing Brew
  • Now, if the Democrats had said, "Republicans take Medicare out behind the Cannon Office Building and horsewhip it," that's a different story. Politifact Has Decided That A Totally True Thing Is The "Lie Of The Year," For Some Reason
  • Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke warned Wednesday that Americans may have to accept higher taxes or changes in cherished entitlements such as Medicare and Social Security if the nation is to avoid staggering budget deficits that threaten to choke off economic growth. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: April 8, 2010
  • The are also screaming that Medicare is going to go bankrupt because of the government, but leave out the itty bitty detail that it will primarily be due to Medicare Part D which was championed by the Republicans. RNC to unveil new health care video
  • And just so you know, overcharged is code for “not medically necessary” in the eyes of Medicare. 2/3 of recovered funds come from federal health care fraud, Justice Dept. says
  • That is because Corwin's Medicare argument lacks credibility, said Josh Schwerin, a Democratic aide. Poll Favors Democrat in Special Election
  • And the proposals to add those taxes back in will only stymie growth and make it less possible for us to not only get rid of these deficits, but to make Social Security and Medicare sustainable.
  • The new rule expanded from one to four the number of guides -- also known as compendiums -- on which Medicare relies to authorize a drug for use on a certain form of cancer. Undefined
  • Raggio had this to say about Angle: "What is difficult to overlook is her record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywomen, her inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others. Mitchell Bard: The Tea Party All-Stars: The Worst of Extreme GOP Midterm Candidates
  • Medicare is a federally administered program of health benefits for elderly and disabled persons.
  • Effectively, the tax rate will be 39.6% plus whatever the surtax is plus whatever state + local income taxes (plus of course medicare which is roughly 1.45%) Wonk Room » Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Criticizes ‘Astronomical’ Top Tax Rate That ‘Shocks The Conscience’
  • An attempt to pass a Republican budget that includes major changes in Medicare may occur again next month.
  • Once and slowly: Medicare operates within America's private health system context, bargaining with private providers at near-market rates. Single-Payer vs. Socialism, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Aaron and Brookings are the two gentlemen who originally came up with the term "premium support" to describe their idea for a Medicare system where the program is opened up to competition by private insurers but has safeguards built in to protect Medicare beneficiaries from the very cost shifting program the Ryan plan proposes. News
  • Darn Obama and his socialist policys next thing you know we will have a government run military, public schools, police, fire departments, FBI, medicare, homeland security, wait aminute this sounds familiar. nyc CNN Poll: Independents disapprove of Obama
  • Medicare, Medicaid and other entitlement programs that comprise two-thirds of the federal budget.
  • It's hard to measure which effect is more disruptive for an economy, so the question sometimes becomes one of how to meet other objectives, such as underbudgeted programs like Social Security or Medicare. Trade Deficit, Saving, and Tax Policy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Ryan is talking about spending caps and long-term belt-tightening for the Medicare and Medicaid health programs. Breaking News: CBS News
  • It is still acting as if Democrats offer a free ride to Medicare reform and the Republicans a drive over the cliff.
  • I was saying though, that if you increase the Medicare surcharge, the government is able to increase rebates.
  • There are internists all over Manhattan opting out of Medicare as we speak. An Imperfect '10
  • MEDICARE DATA: HealthGrades used a Medicare database to rate nearly rss feed
  • 2002, Medicare approved coverage for home testing for patients on anticoagulation therapy with prosthetic heart valves, and in 2008, it expanded the availability of home testing to those who need long-term anticoagulation therapy, such as people with the heart condition atrial fibrillation. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • He has also smeared think-tanks that oppose wasteful spending like AEI and the Heritage Foundation, whose analysts were outspoken in opposing the mammoth and costly health care bill, which federal Medicare experts said would increase the federal deficit. The Volokh Conspiracy » Bruce Bartlett’s Attack on Libertarianism
  • Chinatown Neighborhood Occurring Retirement Community hosted a seminar at the CCBA. Mr. Peter Lau from Manning Pharmacy introduced the details of Medicare Part D.
  • Kaiser Health News reports that when respondents are told what the terms mean, support for the planned "premium support" rises from 46 percent to 54 percent In the same poll, when respondents are told what the term "voucher" means, support for leaving Medicare alone rose from 50 percent to 58 percent. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius sought to use the report to build momentum for health-care reform, reiterating the administration's contention that the best way to strengthen Medicare's finances is to, as she put it, "fix what's broken in the rest of the health-care system. Have the economy and swine flu affected you?
  • Senator Sherrod Brown, Democrat of Ohio, dismissed the initiative as "lipstick on the pig," and Representative Pete Stark D-California hyperventilated that the new proposal "ends Medicare as we know it, plain and simple. Menachem Rosensaft: Ron Wyden: Forging Common Ground on Medicare Reform
  • A genuine hypothecated Medicare Levy might need to be at least 10% of income.
  • All the "doughnut hole gap" in Medicare did was put money in the pocket of the insurance companies and drug companies because of the large out of pocket expense that seniors on Medicare had to come up with when they reached the amt allowed under Medicare. mw Obama praises agreement to cut drug costs for senior citizens
  • Nursing Homes (medicare. gov/nhcompare): Provides detailed information on the past performance of every Medicare - and Medicaid-certified nursing home in the country. A Guide for Caregivers
  • At what point in the health care debate do we move from heated discussions of the virtues of Policy A (Employer Based Insurance) and Policy B (Public Option/Medicare for all) -- which both suck and where the sole distinction is whether your overinsurance is provided by tax dollars or foregone wages -- and move to a discussion of Policy C (something that doesn't suck)? Great Health Care Article
  • Researchers analyzed Medicare data for nearly 30,000 patients hospitalized with one of the most common complications, gallbladder inflammation known as acute cholecystitis. The Long and Short of Heart-Disease Risk
  • Drug companies have pled guilty to criminal fraud under the federal false claims act stealing billions from the taxpayers by ripping off Medicaid and Medicare yet Congress never passed a bill debarring them from federal contracts. John Atlas: Federal appeals court reverses court decision that barred Congress from cutting ACORN's funds.
  • An attempt to pass a Republican budget that includes major changes in Medicare may occur again next month.
  • I think that the killing of the public option and medicare buy-in killed HCR. Matthew Yglesias » How Close Were We, Really?
  • I will agree, in a time of mounting deficits and a poor economy, some of the Dems ideas are to expensive to implement at this time and we can all look to Medicare/cade, Social Sec. and Veteran Affairs as examples of govt. poorly running a program with public funds (oh heck, look at our public schools). Pawlenty slams Dems on 'reckless' spending

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