How To Use Medical student In A Sentence

  • Methods This investigation was conducted among 310 medical students using 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire(16PF) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire(EPQ).
  • At the vertex is a medical student named Karlanner (played by Stephen Barker Turner), a kind of emblematic conflicted "good German" - leftishly inclined, living with the Jewish girlfriend who rescued him from alcoholism. A Lost Voice Surfaces From A Sinister Interlude
  • I also love the story of Dave Sime, a medical student at Duke who lost a photo-finish in the David Maraniss discusses Rome 1960: The Olympics That Changed the World.
  • It’s actually a pretty good movie about a bunch of medical students who are, for no other reason than the script demands it, trying to see how long they can remain clinically dead. The Mini-Movie Reviews: March
  • The fellow is part of a pediatric ophthalmology team that includes University of Pennsylvania ophthalmology residents and medical students, elective trainees from the pediatric residency program at Children's Hospital, orthoptists, ophthalmic technicians, and professional administrative staff. Ophthalmology Fellowship
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  • I was a first year medical student when I first realized that outward appearances occasionally belie the truth.
  • Medical students learn by diagnosing and delivering care to their patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • A shortage of positions for residency graduates in a field is immediately followed by a decline in U.S. medical students entering residencies in that field.
  • The Oxford group consisted of two consultants, two fellows, three residents, and ten medical students.
  • Groups at the march ranged from union activists to medical students wearing their white coats to three generations of family members.
  • A doctor asked permission for some medical students to see how the wrist was set in plaster.
  • Women constitute 43 per cent of all US medical students, but their representation within academic medicine drops precipitously throughout their careers.
  • (Soundbite of laughter) Dr. GRAFFIN: In general, you know, the courses that I taught that UCLA are so big, they're, you know, premedical students really are focused on getting a good grade. Punk Rock Professor Talks Anarchy And Evolution
  • He treats one of his grade-obsessed premedical students as a mere nuisance, and the consequence is that the young man jumps to his death from the roof of his dormitory building.
  • And, occasionally, overeducated and sleep-deprived medical students manage to do it.
  • ‘We hope that our programme enthuses medical students to take up studies on the brain,’ he said.
  • For medical students it is also invaluable work experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • AUCKLAND - 12 April 2010 - Leah Te Weehi of Auckland received the ProCare Prize in General Practice today as the top-rated Maori medical student at the fifth-year undergraduate medical course at University of Auckland's School of Medicine. NZ On Screen
  • `Do I have to remove the liver,' the medical student asked queasily
  • Sisters and the three former ones, five or six young Russians, gentlemen of ease and leisure who had had some "bandaging" practice at the Petrograd hospitals, and three very young medical students, directly attached to our two doctors. The Dark Forest
  • In "Take All of Murphy," the anatomy demonstrator tells the medical students, "This fine cadaver is your first patient. Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures by Vincent Lam: Questions
  • We neglect the health care of the poor at our own risk, and we will damage low-income health care by jacking up the fees for UC medical students.
  • He was a generous benefactor to oncology research in the UK and abroad, and directly funded many medical students. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has had four silicone injections given by a medical student friend. The Sun
  • I run a geriatric psychiatry clinic at the university and supervise residents and medical students.
  • Senior medical students, junior doctors, registrars, nurses, and allied health professionals are all potential teachers.
  • The subject group was comprised of 20 sixth-year medical students who joined the four-week elective course in Oriental psychosomatic medicine.
  • The occasion was the examination in general practice for fifth year medical students.
  • The doctor asked the medical student to assist him.
  • Medical students of the future would use ultrasound as a normal part of their practice when they qualified. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are involved in the education of residents, medical students, and nurses.
  • My plans were thwarted by an unfortunate war and to assure deferment from the military, I found myself a misplaced medical student at Johns Richard Axel - Autobiography
  • David Machuca suggested the Peruvian medical student Daniel Alcides Carrión, who wanted to know if "Oroya fever" - a lethal and hitherto unknown disease sweeping across his country - was linked to an increase in the incidence of growths wart-like eruptions known as "verruga peruana". New Scientist - Earth
  • Over the next centuries dissection of the human body became a standard part of the training of medical students.
  • Because of the enormous educational value of this conference, we frequently have medical students and medical residents from anesthesiology, hematology, and pediatrics in attendance.
  • There, he will serve as a clinician specializing in infectious disease and teach post-graduate medical students.
  • By 1998 he had developed a suite of programs covering aspects of various forms of light microscope, some of which are used to teach medical students.
  • Doctors, nurses, medical students, as well as chaplains and seminarians have all taken part in the trips.
  • The older brothers are premedical students and certified emergency medical technicians.
  • Medical students in prolonged contact with junior doctors learn attitudes by example, for better or for worse.
  • The modern medical student's exposure to patients and the clinicians looking after them is now minimal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Think of a medical student attending a course in the X-ray diagnosis of pulmonary diseases.
  • He developed his life-long dedication to tuberculosis while doing autopsies as a medical student.
  • And imagine his horror when he shuffled into the consultant's room to be confronted by a genial man flanked by half a dozen female medical students. The Sun
  • Bright and articulate, the fourth-year medical student at Cairo University was involved in the pro-democracy protests that brought down the 30 year rule of Hosni Mubarak.
  • I did some research as a medical student, my main preoccupation was with becoming a physician who could serve in the armed forces. Edwin G. Krebs - Autobiography
  • a medical student
  • The official reason for the invasion was to protect some 600 medical students supposedly endangered by the coup.
  • Horatio Chapple, an aspiring medical student from the exsclusive Britain, died Friday morning after the bear waylayed the tent he slept in with his friends on a glacier in BBC reported. NY Daily News
  • When as a medical student you dissected a cadaver, were there things said and done that left you deeply worried about the respect that you might be shown when you are dead?
  • premedical students
  • The book, third edition, is a comprehensive textbook created primarily for medical and premedical students.
  • Methods 4788 military medical students were evaluated with Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index ( PSQI ) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire ( EPQ ).
  • Back when I started, I was a newly minted second-year medical student looking for a creative outlet and distraction from studying for her Immunology final.
  • Medical students study the case histories of many patients.
  • Abby explains she's on all day as a medical student.
  • In preparing a chemistry textbook in Swedish for his medical students (Lärboki Kemien, vol. 1, 1808), Berzelius began the series of experiments for which he became most famous — those definitively establishing that the elements in inorganic substances are bound together in definite proportions by weight (the law of constant proportions). Berzelius, Jöns Jakob
  • Medical students with high preclinical and clinical grade point averages were, surprisingly, more likely to express an external orientation.
  • Way back when I taught medical students and residents, I would not allow them to call a child a "diabetic" or a "sickler" or an "asthmatic", something I learned from a cranky attending when I was a student. My UbD essential question of the day
  • A jazz-loving Soviet medical student discovered that he could inscribe sound grooves on the surface of X-ray plates, and invented a machine that allowed him to produce low-quality but sufficient copies of music recordings. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Bloomsbury House reacted sceptically with a half-hearted inquiry as to the Home Office attitude to refugee medical students.
  • And imagine his horror when he shuffled into the consultant's room to be confronted by a genial man flanked by half a dozen female medical students. The Sun
  • What do medical students, interns, and residents ever read nowadays?
  • Because of the enormous educational value of this conference, we frequently have medical students and medical residents from anesthesiology, hematology, and pediatrics in attendance.
  • Daniel Connor is a brilliant young medical student – ambitious, hardworking, a little bit self-regarding. A Conversation with Rebecca Stott about The Coral Thief
  • The medical student came upon an accident in a city street where he found the man, a wealthy entrepreneur, impaled by the shaft that joined his trap and horse.
  • � It is amusing to read of John Keats, consumptive former medical student, as a pioneer of the silent cinema; of Reverend Wordsworth and Professor Coleridge, leaders of a thriving Pantisocratic community in _The Difference Engine_ in the Romantics Classroom
  • If this were pure fiction, it might sting a little less, but unfortunately it isn't: Zuckerberg, who might be the most eligible Jewish bachelor in the world met his current girlfriend, Chinese-American medical student Priscilla Chan on erev Shabbat at an AEPi party during his sophomore year. Danielle Berrin: Mark Zuckerberg Created Facebook to Get Non-Jewish Girls
  • You can, however, fit a few dozen large textbooks into a book reader the size of one paperback-a boon for medical students, for instance.
  • Medical students learn by diagnosing and delivering care to their patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was a first year medical student when I first realized that outward appearances occasionally belie the truth.
  • Of course, there are the complaints of Joyce's brother St.nislaus and the testimony of others that Joyce, especially after his mother's death in August 1903, often visited the brothels (the "kips") of Dublin's Nighttown, together with two of his friends, the medical students Vincent Cosgrave and Oliver St. John Gogarty. Making a Man of Joyce
  • As a student in 1936 Andrew went to Berlin to compete at athletics with German medical students.
  • ‘We hired a medical student who was taking the year off and an undergraduate work-study student, and we started collecting data,’ he says.
  • After participating in the 4-part art program, 11 of the 15 participating students said they would like to have greater numbers of older patients in their future practices compared to only 2 non-participating medical students.
  • Demographic information was collected by medical students administering a questionnaire.
  • I am a medical student currently doing a rotation in toxicology at the poison control centre.
  • The official reason for the invasion was to protect some 600 medical students supposedly endangered by the coup.
  • In my administrator/academician role, I coordinate the medical student clerkships and psychiatry resident inpatient and outpatient public sector rotations for the university.
  • In "A Private Experience," a medical student hides from a violent riot with a poor Muslim woman whose dignity and faith force her to confront the realities and fears she's been pushing away. The Thing Around Your Neck: Summary and book reviews of The Thing Around Your Neck by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
  • We wanted to investigate whether participation in a scheme in which first-year clinical medical students take on a patient for supervised psychotherapy is a factor in leading them to choose a career in psychiatry after qualification.
  • A couple of the Hilton residents were doctors or premedical students, so we were never bereft of health treatment.
  • Medical students learn by diagnosing and delivering care to their patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suggest strengthening the undergraduate curriculum in psychology and improved education for premedical and medical students to prepare them better to understand natural diversity.
  • This Web-based program has been received with enthusiasm by our residents and medical students.
  • Ask any medical student and he or she will tell you that aspirin reduces fever, pain, and inflammation but may cause ulcers.
  • Our pronouncements to medical students are reinforced by a second dictum: always diagnose the treatable and important, even if it is not the most common or likely explanation for the patient's symptoms.
  • With simulation, medical students learn procedures that require repeated practice and perform tasks on virtual tissue.
  • As it happened, I got a phone call at work the next morning by a medical student who'd discovered my wallet and traced it back to me.
  • Introductory-level texts were selected, as these are more apt to be used by medical students in psychiatry courses and during clinical clerkships.
  • It is important to distinguish autopsies, where legal officials sought the cause of death, from anatomical dissections, where anatomists and, much later, medical students, learned normal anatomy.
  • Together the studies included about 900 physicians, interns, residents, and medical students and more than 3700 patients.
  • We also should be aware of alternative sources of support personnel, such as local doulas or training programs for medical students or midwives.
  • Pathology residents and medical students would also find excellent references in this textbook.
  • I had been in Kenya as a medical student, and when I was a resident, one of our attending physicians at Penn State took residents twice a year to Honduras, trying to set up a pediatrics orthopedic clinic.
  • He resat his Leaving Certificate, aced his exams and restarted at UCD in 2002 as a medical student.
  • It is also not attributed to the implementation of the European working time directive without increasing the number of medical students. Times, Sunday Times
  • Medical students learn by diagnosing and delivering care to their patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • I hoped it would make interesting and useful reading for any prospective medical student and their parents. Times, Sunday Times
  • They studied the relationship between standardized tests, premedical school performance and clinical performance among medical students.
  • Psychoactive substance use survey of 1229 medical students at Beijing medical university was carried out in 1990. The survey instrument used was a self-administered questionnaire.
  • At one campus, a group of 400 medical students shared six manuals dating from the 1960s.
  • I had been in Kenya as a medical student, and when I was a resident, one of our attending physicians at Penn State took residents twice a year to Honduras, trying to set up a pediatrics orthopedic clinic.
  • Methods 4788 military medical students were evaluated with Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index ( PSQI ) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire ( EPQ ).
  • Accomplishments: A premedical student and novelist who found reading aloud to her mother helped her mom cope with cancer treatments, she started College Academic All-Stars already changing the world
  • It's sufficient to say that preclinical medical students aren't the only people a little enamored with this disease.
  • He is a medical student.
  • For stations involving physicians, fourth-year medical students or physician residents were used.
  • A further reason for collecting the sayings and writings of Sir William Osler is to introduce him to a new generation of medical students, and to refresh the memory of an older generation.
  • The hospital has recalled all doctors on vacation and ordered all medical students to report for duty to help treat the victims.
  • The increase in the number of medical students will open the door to a medical career for students from deprived or culturally diverse communities.
  • Demographic information was collected by medical students administering a questionnaire.
  • In 1893 he relinquished that post to devote himself to scientific research, earning a modest income as a private tutor to medical students.
  • Method:Using epidemic disease investigation center's CES-D, SAQ and tropism testing questionnaire as survey tools, we have carried out a questionnaire investigation among 1100 medical students.
  • Though aimed at medical students, it is an ideal site for the postgraduate practitioner to refresh skills that may not be used regularly.
  • Today, gross anatomy is taught in a preclinical dissection course for second year medical students.
  • When World War II began, he taught courses for medical and pharmacy corps, nursing, and premedical students for three years.
  • Breaking bells, twisting knockers, and "knapping" rail-heads, has descended so low of late that the fast fellows are ashamed of it, and have resigned it to the medical students, patriotic young members of Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
  • He is the attending physician for residents and supervises medical students rotating through the otolaryngology department.
  • He shared the operating theatre with around 20 medical students, all elbowing and jostling for the best view.
  • As any first year medical student can tell you, gout is a very painful form of arthritis that is caused by high uric acid levels in the blood that deposit as crystals in the joint, causing pain that has been described as a fiery volcano in the ... you guessed it. Maggie Kozel, M.D.: Why Medicaid Cuts Harm Us All
  • A current example, still under internal adjudication, relates to a Canadian medical student who was failed in his obstetrics rotation for his statement that he would not do abortions.
  • Medical students in the United States usually take premedical courses as undergraduates.
  • Once their clinical training begins medical students are subject to high levels of stress, and some do not respond well.
  • I was a first year medical student when I first realized that outward appearances occasionally belie the truth.
  • This renders the text particularly well-suited for medical students and pathology residents.
  • Four such panels (fourth year medical students, anatomists, clinicians, and recent graduates) were used to determine pass-fail scores for an anatomy test that was given to medical students in the fourth year of a six year programme.
  • Medical students ' stress also was expected to be associated with poorer marital and emotional adjustment among their spouses.
  • The listing of aortic atresia as cyanotic is arguable, according to my pediatric cardiology associates; I have never chosen to include it as such in my annual lectures to medical students, but perhaps I should reconsider.
  • That's no problem for places such as St Raphael's, that has ready access to Yale's medical students.
  • Four such panels (fourth year medical students, anatomists, clinicians, and recent graduates) were used to determine pass-fail scores for an anatomy test that was given to medical students in the fourth year of a six year programme.
  • In the summer of 1948, Ernst Wynder, a medical student on a surgical rotation in New York, encountered an unforgettable case of a forty-two-year-old man who had died of bronchogenic carcinoma—cancer of the airways of the lung. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Medical students learn by diagnosing and delivering care to their patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had worked for many years in a medical students' hostel and had seen us with our youthful exuberance and excesses.
  • The committee was not charged with addressing the needs of premedical students.
  • Method:Using epidemic disease investigation center's CES-D, SAQ and tropism testing questionnaire as survey tools, we have carried out a questionnaire investigation among 1100 medical students.
  • It has already been used to scan historical artefacts, including Egyptian mummies, and body organs and bones for teaching medical students.
  • Medical students now often opt for more highly paid specialties even when they may prefer family practice, the academy said.
  • The information was based on an analysis of the numbers from the class of medical students set to begin their studies in the fall of 2004.
  • The current situation comes on the back of several years of deskilling of medical students due in part to the loss of students' integration into clinical firms.
  • When as a medical student you dissected a cadaver, were there things said and done that left you deeply worried about the respect that you might be shown when you are dead?
  • As it happened, I got a phone call at work the next morning by a medical student who'd discovered my wallet and traced it back to me.
  • Wilkins, a medical student who'd boarded there for five years, stood in his undershirt with his shoes in hand.
  • She taught Harvard medical students, some of whom impolitely called her "Auntie Gedda" behind her back and went on to greater fame. We Remember - Gertrud C. Reyersbach, 1907 - 1999
  • Medical students have a well-earned reputation for studying hard and playing harder, and high jinks are part of student life. Times, Sunday Times
  • While in Kenya, American medical student Shetal Shah discovered how harambee merges medicine with caring and culture and inspires families to learn how to give injections and take food to the hospital patient twice a day.
  • When I was a final year medical student at Birmingham University it was customary to gain your first experience of obstetrics and gynaecology in a different region.
  • And imagine his horror when he shuffled into the consultant's room to be confronted by a genial man flanked by half a dozen female medical students. The Sun
  • For medical students it is also invaluable work experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he warned that interviewing candidates for entry should be ruled out as it might militate against untraditional medical students.
  • The female lead in the film was originally a medical student who became interested in acting.
  • (Aegis, 21 October 1895) is a haunted house tale concerning Chaldean necromancy, psychic forces, and astral forms being discussed with exhausting erudition by Damon Van Buster, somebody called "Pythias," and George and Fred (no last names), the latter a medical student "deep in Gray's Anatomy. The woe of an aspiring genius.
  • Most of those patients are run of the mill cases that a medical student could handle.

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