
How To Use Medical school In A Sentence

  • In 1946 he took his demob suit and became lecturer in medicine at the Manchester Medical School.
  • So we set about assembling a team of cross-disciplinary professionals including Dr. Patricia Muehsam, on the faculty of Mount Sinai Medical School; Dr. Peter Roche de Coppens, professor of sociology, anthropology, and psychotherapy at East Stroudsburg University in Pennsylvania and the Sorbonne in Paris; Dr. Beverly Rubik, a biophysicist who had conducted scientific research in mind-body, subtle energies, and complementary medicine; Dr. J. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • He still wishes to pursue a medical career, and has been told that he will almost definitely get into medical school.
  • Young physicians, trained in medical school according to an acute illness model, found Carville an unusual place.
  • In the 1960s and '70s, many psychiatrists and medical school textbooks perpetuated the myth of the' schizophrenogenic mother, 'in which a mother's personality was viewed as the source of Press Releases
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  • Returning to Cardiff, he became a supernumerary registrar to the medical school before leaving to become a general practitioner in the Swansea Valley.
  • The end result of her hard work was a place at medical school.
  • Undoubtedly Ronald Dworkin will want to correct what seems like a clear error when he writes, "Only the most naïve theories of statutory construction could argue that such a result [forbidding action such as that taken by the University of California, Davis Medical School] is required by… the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Bakke Case: An Exchange
  • A year later I found myself in the ladies' cloakroom deep in the maze that is St Mary's Medical School.
  • For those of you who slept through the Podiatry 101 lecture in medical school, this condition is an irritation of the -- ahem -- plantar fascia, aka the plantar aponeurosis -- which is the ligamental structure under the foot that supports the arch. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Huck asks for a ghost story, so Jim tells a story about a scary evening he spent with medical school cadavers.
  • Stan initially wanted to go to medical school.
  • It was while she was convalescing that she decided on a career in medicine, entering the all-woman Royal Free Medical School in London when she was 17.
  • So we set about assembling a team of cross-disciplinary professionals including Dr. Patricia Muehsam, on the faculty of Mount Sinai Medical School; Dr. Peter Roche de Coppens, professor of sociology, anthropology, and psychotherapy at East Stroudsburg University in Pennsylvania and the Sorbonne in Paris; Dr. Beverly Rubik, a biophysicist who had conducted scientific research in mind-body, subtle energies, and complementary medicine; Dr. J. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • Amiridis and other school officials, wary of potential opposition from political leaders who have already criticized colleges and universities for what they describe as inefficient and duplicative growth, stress that the Greenville medical program will not be a "new" medical school. Homepage
  • Most medical schools accept anatomical bequeathals for biomedical research and the training of Physicians, Surgeons, Dentists, and other Health Care Professionals.
  • She was the first woman to be granted a full tenured professorship in a clinical department at the medical school.
  • Within its walls, researchers from Columbia, Harvard Medical School, the Salk Institute and others are studying embryonic cells in an effort to overcome an incurable fatal disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Stem-Cell Researchers
  • It proposes the "discontinuation" of all Unitra's programmes outside of the medical school. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Edit when I was in medical school the big debate was whether stress or hyperacidity was the cause of peptic ulcers. Marshall and Warren win Nobel for work on Helicobacter as cause of peptic ulcers - The Panda's Thumb
  • His indignant parents promptly disinherited him, and Joly went to work as a secretary to put him through medical school.
  • It is appropriate here to repeat the caution often taught in medical school: When hearing hoof beats, don't look for zebras!
  • The end result of her hard work was a place at medical school.
  • The plans, which include curtailing boozy social events and offering better support for students with drink problems, contrast with the heavy drinking culture prevalent among students in Scotland's medical schools.
  • Continuing for two years, he accumulated enough money to return to medical school.
  • What I learned in medical school has a place -- and that place is in acute care," said Dr. Erminia "Mimi" Guarneri, M.D., the 2011 recipient of the Bravewell Leadership Award. Alison Rose Levy: Integrative Health Care: The New Military Strategy
  • And it's funny you mention medical school, a lot of students faced pressure from their parents to become a doctor or to be a premed. Words Of Wisdom For The New College Set
  • One eighth of Oxford's annual budget of £400m goes to the medical school.
  • Scientists from Harvard Medical School were intrigued to learn that the Kuna seem to have naturally low blood pressure.
  • Between 1996 and 2003, the proportion of women graduating from U.S. medical schools who chose more "controllable" lifestyles -- specialties allowing them to dictate hours spent on the job -- doubled. As Doctors Get a Life, Strains Show
  • He was called on to anaesthetise many eminent patients, who became donors to the medical school.
  • Over the past few years, medical school graduates nationally have opted in increasing numbers to pursue careers in lucrative sub-specialties such as dermatology instead of in lower-paying areas such as primary care. Yale Daily News: Latest Issue
  • In medical school, it had seemed so much voodoo to him, pure mumbo jumbo. FAMILY PICTURES
  • medical school
  • Symptoms of depression fall into a category that my medical school mentors called "nonspecific," meaning that they are symptoms often associated with several diseases and are not specifically suggestive of a particular disease.
  • A radiologist is a physician who has specialized in image interpretation with four years of dedicated post medical school training. Helene Pavlov: Expert Imaging Leads to Expert Diagnosis
  • Medical schools used to put clinical excellence at the top of the agenda, at the expense of human contact and kindness.
  • The women's medical school opened in 1874, to the accompaniment of much ridicule of "lady doctors".
  • The undergraduate dean of Sheffield University's medical school, Steve Peters, described him as ‘the ideal student’.
  • At the same time, the first great modern neuroanatomists were doing forbidden human dissections at the new, secret amphitheater at the University of Padua medical school.
  • He entered St Mary's Hospital Medical School in 1933 and while there won prize exams in surgery, ophthalmology, and obstetrics and gynaecology.
  • Researchers from the University of Kentucky Medical School and Taishan Medical College report that high salt levels in the blood, as would be observed in people with high salt intake, could significantly suppress the activity of an enzyme called nitric oxide synthase (NOS). FoodQualityNews RSS
  • She was appointed lecturer and honorary consultant physician at the Hammersmith Hospital and Postgraduate Medical School when she was still only 30.
  • Rob, who graduated 117th in his class at medical school, is an in-house sawbones with a penthouse suite, a gambling habit, and an insufferable smirk.
  • Does the preregistration year require tasks, skills, and activities that medical schools do not expect to teach?
  • There was no instruction on contraception in medical school; many doctors knew less than their patients.
  • Both universities have medical schools, hospitals, clinics and research centers of worldwide repute.
  • A large number of US medical schools have elective classes and seminars on complementary medicine.
  • Soon, the principal investigator gave up asking me about medical school and instead just asked about my novel, which I took as a sign of double failure.
  • She is currently a research associate/post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University Medical School.
  • he teaches at the medical school but his fortune came from private practice
  • The core training of a real plastic surgeon who is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery is usually a minimum of four years in general surgery, then additional - that's after medical school.
  • American medical schools are not preparing doctors with sufficient background in nutrition, heliotherapy, massage and other traditional methods which are becoming part and parcel of medical training elsewhere in the world. The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity
  • This report describes the experience of teaching Gross Anatomy in a relatively new medical school, with a curriculum design that is different from other established schools.
  • Administrators note that the fairly recent growth of the pre-med program means that most of its graduates are still in medical school or residencies.
  • The researchers plan to follow the progress of students who gain a place at medical school and track their changing views as they grow older and more experienced.
  • She plans to go to medical school and specialize in either fetal cardiology or pediatric orthopedics.
  • Above the cabinet is my snake mask I bought in Bhutan, my ladies 'wig for those late nights clubbing, and a heavy-duty plastic skull my dad picked up in medical school. Send Us Your Shelf Porn! | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • In the medical schools' defense, both operate under the horrendous restrictions of a perpetual organ shortage.
  • There's usually a Greek chorus (the parental unit), an unexpected twist in the road (can't get into medical school) and a crisis or two to be overcome.
  • For the rest of his life he made a living as a circus freak, and when he died, his brain and the tamping rod were placed in the museum of the Harvard Medical School.
  • The number of women in medicine has increased considerably over the past 3 decades, and they now comprise approximately half of medical school matriculants.
  • The system can also "help us to more clearly hear sounds in a noisy background" by allowing us to distinguish between sounds, said John J. Guinan Jr., a professor of otology and laryngology at Harvard Medical School. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Medical schools have made some strides in this regard, as Latino matriculants constitute more than 8% of recent classes nationally.
  • If parents wanted to entrust their child to the best surgeons, they traveled to Bologna's medical school.
  • One brother, now a retired consultant physician, told me that when he started medical school electrocardiographs of this size were still in use.
  • It was right in the middle of my first legitimate dose of medical school - heavy-duty anatomy and physiology.
  • In 1941 Cheever married Mary Winternitz, whose father had been the dean of Yale Medical School and whose grandfather, Thomas A. Watson, had been a coinventor of the telephone. John Cheever's Cruel Paradoxes
  • Emily Oken, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School who studies nutrition during pregnancy, recommends that moms-to-be use moderation.
  • He intends to enrol in medical school to qualify as a doctor and specialise in health care. The Sun
  • This raises important questions for policy makers: should the ethnic mix of intake to medical schools broadly reflect the ethnic mix of the community from which students are drawn?
  • The major active component of marijuana could aid the Kaposi's sarcoma virus in infecting cells and multiplying, according researchers at Harvard Medical School. August 1st, 2007
  • If parents wanted to entrust their child to the best surgeons, they traveled to Bologna's medical school.
  • Dr. Bala was born September 12, 1926 in Sandilipay, in a Northern Province of Sri Lanka, where he excelled in his studies, and entered medical school, and later joined the faculty of the University of Ceylon, before contracting tuberculous, an illness that almost killed him, and took several years to treat. James Love: Dr K. Balasubramaniam Will Be Missed
  • He created joint chairs for both anaesthesiology and intensive care at all Soviet medical schools.
  • He went on to the Hammersmith Hospital and moved to Ibidan, Nigeria, to help set up the medical school as its first professor of obstetrics and gynaecology.
  • Huck asks for a ghost story, so Jim tells a story about a scary evening he spent with medical school cadavers.
  • With his back to me he said, "When I was in medical school they talked admiringly of dermatology. HOPE TO DIE
  • Eventually the medical school will arrange the funeral, and the family can participate if they wish. 8.
  • The University of Michigan Medical School this year celebrates its sesquicentennial anniversary.
  • The chiropractor has a different angle on society then the medical school professor, the poet than businessman, the Jew than the gentile, and so on.
  • I visited Covent Garden, now known for shops and theaters but once where 18th century surgeon John Hunter dickered for grave-robbed corpses for his brother's medical school. England, My England (Never Having Been There)
  • The new science of bacteriology developed at both medical schools and research centers such as the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (later Rockefeller University) in New York.
  • Stan initially wanted to go to medical school.
  • she made a fortunate decision to go to medical school
  • The trickiest one I've had in recent years was the house research organ of a New Zealand medical school, but an interlibrary search turned it up.
  • Yes, it's strongly implied that he – high school dropout – has kiboshed her medical school ambitions. Jonathan and Julie Myerson on Blue Valentine: almost too painful to watch
  • DOs and MDs go to separate medical schools; often, the different schooling is referred to as osteopathic versus allopathic. Undefined
  • The end result of her hard work was a place at medical school.
  • Many of the preventive measures used to avoid falls in older people are combined in what are called multifactorial interventions, so it can be very difficult to separate out the effects of all the different measures," said lead researcher Ian Cameron, who is based at Sydney Medical School at the University of Sydney in Ryde, Australia. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • During this period Jonas Salk was in medical school, becoming a research assistant to a chemistry professor and developing ways to harvest the strep bacterium for further study.
  • In 1925, when she was still at medical school, she suffered appalling injuries in a traffic accident, leaving her a permanent semi-invalid, often in severe pain.
  • There is some diversity of outlook in the societies: some emphasize cremation; others are more interested in educational programs advocating bequeathal of bodies to medical schools; still others stress freedom of choice in the matter of burials as their main concern. The Undertaker's Racket
  • With Dr. David Gitlin at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Scheinberg developed a simple, inexpensive blood test in the early 1950s to detect abnormally low levels of ceruloplasmin, a protein that carries copper from the body. News | GT |
  • They have capsulized their stories in magazine articles of how, growing up in Newark, New Jersey, they made a commitment to encourage each other on their journey to and through medical school.
  • We sent questionnaires to all doctors who qualified from any UK medical school in 1993, 1996, 1999, and 2000; we did this towards the end of their preregistration year.
  • Dawn DeMeo an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Her poor exam results have put paid to any chance she had of getting into medical school.
  • I have degrees from the Choate School, Harvard, and Harvard Medical School. TOGETHER ALONE
  • We're kinda planning on going out in Leiden next weekend, with the attendant medical school and skewed male/female ratios therein (think technical courses i.e. the whole of darn Delft, but the opposite way around), so I may well have to see what I can do about my confidence before then. March 7th, 2005
  • Cochran is putting her twin siblings through medical school and keeping the wolf from her dear, ditsy mother's door until January. TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH
  • He created joint chairs for both anaesthesiology and intensive care at all Soviet medical schools.
  • How did he perform in medical school and residency and later in his practice as judged by the physician and nursing staff with whom he worked?
  • If parents wanted to entrust their child to the best surgeons, they traveled to Bologna's medical school.
  • Kate graduated from medical school last year.
  • Or would he have continued this charade and pretended he was going to medical school?
  • Roy Vagelos, medical school alumnus and former CEO of Merck & Co., and his wife, Barnard alumna Diana Vagelos. Columbia University Medical Center Receives $50 Million Donation
  • As a younger woman, Fisher got her Ph.D. in zoology from Rutgers University and did postdoctorate work there at the medical school. The Wrong Woman To Pass Over
  • He studied physiological psychology in Germany and in 1869 received his MD from Harvard Medical School.
  • In an accompanying editorial, Katie Weinger of Harvard Medical School's department of psychiatry says one danger of insulin omission is that doctors who treat patients with low adherence may mistake poor blood glucose readings for the need for more insulin. 57% of diabetics occasionally skip insulin shots on purpose
  • He still wishes to pursue a medical career, and has been told that he will almost definitely get into medical school.
  • I hope to go to medical school eventually. In the meanwhile, I am going to study chemistry.
  • A degree of fundholding already occurs in principle in some medical schools.
  • Many specialties intrigued Suki in medical school: pulmonology, oncology, anesthesiology. The Lady Matador’s Hotel
  • Between 1960 and 1966, he was first an instructor, then assistant professor of ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School.
  • And yet, as Bliss notes, no one even suggested naming the medical school after its benefactress, in spite of her spectacular gift.
  • Economics and Business Administration, Engineering, Medical School, Psychology, Education.
  • The Alliance for Aging Research was established in 1986 by a conglomeration of health organizations, medical schools and major corporations.
  • I haven't done any neurology since medical school, so coming back to it was kind of like revisiting a foreign country in which you spent a brief layover en route to your real destination.
  • The training grounds in medical schools focus very little on geriatrics and gerontology, and newly graduating doctors come out with what some researchers call ‘healthism’.
  • It was while at medical school that he became interested in the bone marrow and in leukaemia. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was the first woman to be granted a full tenured professorship in a clinical department at the medical school.
  • in ten years' time the Oxbridge mathematicians, scientists, and engineers will not be much more significant numerically than the Oxbridge medical schools are now
  • Alan Bakke won his case, but universities continued to do to others what his medical school had done to him, being careful, however, to dissemble their actions behind the screen of diversity rhetoric.
  • CSTE is a collaboration between Boston University Medical School and the Sports Legacy Institute that is attempting to address what it calls the "concussion crisis" in sports.
  • After that he would go to medical school and become a doctor who was also a handsome and talented musician and athlete.
  • amazingly, he finished medical school in three years
  • Over two-thirds of medical schools nowhave courses in complementary medicine, although the relationship between thetwo approaches remains as uneasy (and even cynical) as it ever was.
  • Today, about 5,000 medical and stomatology students are entering medical school. DEDICATING NEW PUBLISHING HOUSE IN PALMA SORIANO
  • They studied the relationship between standardized tests, premedical school performance and clinical performance among medical students.
  • Stan initially wanted to go to medical school.
  • In 1940 he graduated from Harvard Medical School and was appointed as resident physician in bacteriology at The Children's Frederick C. Robbins - Biography
  • In the two villages of Upper and Lower Innai there has been an outbreak of a malady much dreaded by the Japanese, called kak’ke, which, in the last seven months, has carried off 100 persons out of a population of about 1500, and the local doctors have been aided by two sent from the Medical School at Kubota. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • His early education was restricted by severe asthma and he contracted tuberculosis when he started medical school.
  • These findings come from secular medical schools and schools of public health. Christianity Today
  • Universities and their medical schools are developing proactive policies to streamline their research portfolios and to concentrate on existing areas of strength.
  • The end result of her hard work was a place at medical school.
  • With collaborators at Harvard Medical School, Albany Medical Center, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the team is developing a virtual simulator that will allow surgeons to touch, feel, and manipulate computer-generated organs with actual tool handles used in minimally invasive surgery. Law & tech; science
  • When I had my daughter, I took over a year off from medical school to be with her.
  • For those of you who slept through the Podiatry 101 lecture in medical school, this condition is an irritation of the -- ahem -- plantar fascia, aka the plantar aponeurosis -- which is the ligamental structure under the foot that supports the arch. Archive 2009-06-01
  • With his back to me he said, "When I was in medical school they talked admiringly of dermatology. HOPE TO DIE
  • That means medical school for Kurt Grote, investment banking for Ray Carey.
  • Administrators note that the fairly recent growth of the pre-med program means that most of its graduates are still in medical school or residencies.
  • The primary reason for this transition is that scholars and academicians in medical schools consider the data important and possibly valid.
  • A `B' grade doesn't suffice to get me into medical school
  • Rick went on to a third-rate medical school in the Caribbean when none of the U.S. schools would have him, and Carl turned into a sadistic U.S. Marshall. The First Apartment: A Rite of Passage
  • The end result of her hard work was a place at medical school.
  • He was called on to anaesthetise many eminent patients, who became donors to the medical school.
  • One young undergraduate who wants to go to medical school says she will be the "hotshot" surgeon and her future husband will be "At home playing with the kiddies. Caryl Rivers: The End of Men? Not So Fast
  • At the same time, the first great modern neuroanatomists were doing forbidden human dissections at the new, secret amphitheater at the University of Padua medical school.
  • Padua was famous for its medical school and while he was there Copernicus studied both medicine and astronomy.
  • She is associate professor and director of the department of psychiatry at the University of Minnesota Medical School.
  • But the round-faced, bespectacled author, who graduated from medical school and has worked as a business strategist for the consulting firm Ernst & Young, says he is not like the wise old grandmother who sits under a banyan tree telling stories. RNB Roundup: a compendium of religion news stories
  • Her brother got out of medical school… and the wireless at the dance hall broke.
  • The incident sparked Dean's interest in natural medicine and she added acupuncture and naturopathy to her medical school studies.
  • Researchers at Northwestern University's Feinberg Medical School showed in a series of laboratory experiments on breast-cancer cells that the monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, found in olive oil, dramatically cuts the levels of a cancer-promoting gene called Her-2/neu while boosting the effectiveness of treatment. Up Close & Edible: Olive Oil
  • Medical schools no longer taught complementary and alternative medicine, so doctors didn't prescribe those treatments.
  • Medical schools recognized that for physicians to become better communicators, they need students to become better humanists.
  • He intends to enrol in medical school to qualify as a doctor and specialise in health care. The Sun
  • he is professor of surgery at the Harvard Medical School
  • Dr. HASAN ALAM (Associate Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School; Trauma Expert): So, emergency preservation resuscitation is cooling as a protective strategy, and there is history of using cooling in other fields, not trauma, but other fields such as transplant surgery, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery. Freezing A Body For Surgery Could Save Lives
  • He intends to enrol in medical school to qualify as a doctor and specialise in health care. The Sun
  • I am retired from a federal career with the US Public Health Service and the US Department of Veterans Affairs hospital system, as a budget office and later as a medical research grantsman for affiliated UAB Medical School here in Birmingham.
  • An attractive woman in an upscale suburb, deserted by the husband she supported through medical school, steals scrip for groceries from her synagogue's fundraising project to buy food for her two sons.
  • After practicing for three years, she moved on to medical school to become an obstetrician / gynecologist.
  • His father was a merchant who was able to send his son to the Japanese medical school in Taegu, in the southeast, where he boarded with a rich family that not only had many servants, but treated them in a high-handed manner that scandalized K.C. Koreans in Indiana « Far Outliers
  • There's usually a Greek chorus (the parental unit), an unexpected twist in the road (can't get into medical school) and a crisis or two to be overcome.
  • Flexner became secretary of the new Rockefeller Foundation's General Education Board, which heavily funded Johns Hopkins and a few other medical schools and led other philanthropies to follow suit.
  • a commission is responsible for the accreditation of medical schools
  • Conventional western medicine, often called allopathic medicine, is the system of medicine taught at most medical schools and most pharmaceutical and synthetic medicines are manufactured and marketed according to the principles of allopathic medicine. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • During her first and second years at medical school Patrice nursed her own mother, who had terminal breast cancer.
  • One can thus expand the definition of ‘adventure’ to include Zen meditation retreats, cello lessons, or medical school.
  • She went to medical school in Edinburgh.
  • In its place, doctors like Dennis McCullough, a family physician and geriatrician at Dartmouth Medical School, suggest "slow medicine" — as he puts it, "a family-centered, less expensive way.
  • It just freaks me to see them like that, all dead-eyed and bitter, when just three months ago they were so dewy and enthusiastic, fresh out of medical school.
  • MPs said it was a straight fight between the two sides over who would win approval for a new medical school.
  • The study tracked the careers of 1226 doctors who trained at the University of Michigan Medical School.
  • The Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide, DHT promotes both the proliferation of prostate cells and hair loss, and that men who were diagnosed with prostate cancer were more likely to have had bald spots on the tops of their heads, which is referred to as vertex baldness, as opposed to those men who did not have bald spots. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Now he met his wife Primrose on the upper floor of a double-decker bus going home from Medical School to his digs.
  • They already do in medical school, home to the doctors and consultants of the future. Times, Sunday Times
  • Farr was finishing medical school at Washington University in St. Louis when the University of Virginia Medical Center checked in its first case of MRSA on March 13, 1978, a man with endocarditis that released septic emboli into his circulatory system. SUPERBUG
  • In a Harvard Medical School corridor on a rainy Saturday afternoon, a handful of graduate students are emptying boxes of scientific equipment into the hallway to take inventory: microcentrifuge tubes, radiation counters, micropipetters, Erlenmeyer flasks. NPR Topics: News
  • Insufficient training on disability during medical school and residency complicates this process.
  • One eighth of Oxford's annual budget of £400m goes to the medical school.
  • In my undergraduate day we came out of medical schools with shiny doctor's badges on our freshly starched white coats, ironed lovingly by our proud mothers.
  • Fresh from residency in a community based hospital, I felt as if these figures from medical school clinical examinations had come back to haunt me.
  • Pope of Harvard Medical School, recently argued that the psychiatric disorder known as dissociative amnesia often called repressed memory Science Project
  • Her poor exam results have put paid to any chance she had of getting into medical school.
  • Down the road, at the university's medical school - it dates from 1927 and the facade is still pockmarked with bullet holes from a battle in the 1936-39 civil war - 21-year-old Maria Perez is two weeks away from graduating with a degree in podology and she is far from thrilled. The Seattle Times
  • The women's medical school opened in 1874, to the accompaniment of much ridicule of "lady doctors".
  • Most pharmacy or medical schools stopped teaching pharmacognosy long ago and are now scrambling to revive them with the increased interest in alternative treatments.
  • She looked like a medical school model made of glass; or more correctly, like a human diatom, translucent and nacreous. DEAD LINES
  • She looked like a medical school model made of glass; or more correctly, like a human diatom, translucent and nacreous. DEAD LINES
  • The end result of her hard work was a place at medical school.
  • In short, medical schools understand the need for their students to be more effective communicators.
  • Some of them had been long known in the pharmacopoeia of the Old World; and others, in the early days of the country, had been adopted by the first settlers from the Indian medicine-men, though with fear and even contrition, because these wild doctors were supposed to draw their pharmaceutic knowledge from no gracious source, the Black Man himself being the principal professor in their medical school. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 87, January, 1865
  • The training grounds in medical schools focus very little on geriatrics and gerontology, and newly graduating doctors come out with what some researchers call ‘healthism’.
  • I hope to go to medical school eventually. In the meanwhile, I am going to study chemistry.
  • He secured a job in a medical school morgue and did his earliest performances with dead animals and human corpses.
  • When it was time to build the fire, Quent Stiles and John Blinks, our woodcutting and pit-digging Harvard Medical School students, rounded up volunteers and marched off with ax and saw to a clump of trees.

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