How To Use Medicaid In A Sentence
After several years of investigations, the Boys Ranch was indicted on criminal Medicaid fraud and grand theft charges last April.
The main drivers of this long-term fiscal gap are, in order, the spending growth associated with Medicare and Medicaid, the revenue losses from the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, and increases in Social Security costs ...
Economists' Voice on Fiscal Policy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The inequity is in MediCARE payments; not Medicaid.
You Haven’t Seen Gov. Gregoire Act This Gubernatorial Since Her Days as AG. « PubliCola
And even while operating under that constraint, Clinton proposed to expand Medicaid coverage to some 5 million uninsured children.
Opposition is most fierce in states such as California that have already found ways to curb the cost of treating Medicaid patients.
New York Medicaid costs have ballooned by $13 billion since Albany passed a health-care ‘reform’ act four years ago, supposedly to restrain spending.
According to the social worker's notes, the hospital anticipated that the patient would need long-term ventilator care and that, as a legal immigrant with less than five years in this country, he would not qualify for Arizona's Medicaid coverage.
T r u t h o u t
Using a Medicaid waiver that pays for caregivers in the home in lieu of nursing-home care, the Dunhams had received 25 hours of weekly assistance.
However, Lockett had nothing to do with the Boys Ranch, which was being investigated for Medicaid fraud.
Reading through the White House's text of "An Economy Built to Last," any half-awake citizen will notice the words that fail to appear: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, entitlements and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Obama's Maddening, Winning Speech
At the same time, however, Medicaid is being privatized and contracted out to for-profit insurers at rapid speed, despite warnings by the Government Accountability Office about misspending billions of public dollars.
Anja Rudiger: With all eyes on the 'market,' health reform overlooked human rights
In other words, $ 87 billion in "new" Medicaid money was "allocated" in a way that just reinforced an arteriosclerotic health industry that out rightly --- blatantly --- acts in ways that injure the nation's overall health.
Chris Norwood: Below the Belt: Governor Paterson Tries a Little Medicaid Reform
Medicaid programs are run by the states, which also determine the level and extent of coverage to recipients.
Medicaid is state administered and among the first things to get cut when they have a budget problem.
Matthew Yglesias » Revenge of the Public Option
If a person was using SSI as a basis for income to live in MExico it would be difficult to maintain that eligibility because it is tied to other more "reportable" services such as medicaid and food stamps.
Need Location Advice And More.
After several years of investigations, the Boys Ranch was indicted on criminal Medicaid fraud and grand theft charges last April.
Hernandez and Brown said they anticipate that Congress will cooperate and grant the city Medicare and Medicaid waivers.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversee Medicare, typically follow at least 90% of its recommendations in figuring out how much to pay doctors for their work.
Physician Panel Prescribes the Fees Paid by Medicare
ET Feb. 12, 2010 CORPUS CHRISTI - A Corpus Christi couple who own an orthotics company was convicted of scamming Medicare and Medicaid out of thousands of Motor Corp. is giving U.S. dealers payments of up to US$75,000 to help win back customers 'trust in the wake of a massive safety recall. - Articles related to Allen Stanford's Security Chief Awaits Verdict in Federal Court
Medicare Part B and Medicaid payments to physicians generally are unaffected by a gainsharing arrangement.
Socilized medicine (HEALTH CARE) wow again dum dum dum medicaid is a GOVERNMENT run program.
Freshman Dem: Passing health care reform worth losing my seat
The major remedy they proposed was for detoxification and treatment programs to drop the insurance or Medicaid requirement for admission.
QUESTION: My question is we have health insurance, we have through my husband's job -- actually, my husband works two full time jobs to help provide for our family and I work fee for service and he also receives Medicaid through what we call a waiver program.
CNN Transcript Dec 24, 2006
Because the alternative cure -- several sessions of quick-freezing the harmful cells with a dry-ice spray -- was too time-consuming to be practical when a dermatologist is being forced by economic considerations (and the kindness of his heart) to see over a hundred Medicaid patients in one afternoon.
Second Opinion: Having skin cancer on Medicaid sucks eggs
A solution may depend on whether Republican governors can fashion a Medicaid compromise with their Democratic counterparts.
The Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have both warned that PODs may violate federal antikickback statutes and laws governing patient referrals.
Hospital Bars Surgeon From Operating Room
Don't you think it unfair to punish a Medicaid patient who maybe has had prostate cancer and radiation or surgery and Viagra might help him sexually?
In fact, a new industry of contingency-fee consultants has sprung up to help states find and exploit the "ambiguities" in Medicaid's regulatory wasteland.
Medicaid Money Laundering
Pg 102 Lines 12-18 HC Bill - Medicaid Eligible Individual will be automat. enrolled in Medicaid ..
Anti-Health Care Reform, Anti-Obama: What's Been Going Out As "Gospel" Part Two
There are income limits to qualify for Medicaid and cash - strapped states are limiting coverage.
Clinton, who will officially address the governors Tuesday, said he hoped to reach bipartisan consensus, particularly on Medicaid.
Health-care bonds anywhere are risky these days, especially with changes brewing in Medicare and Medicaid.
The federal government, with its own urgency to cut costs, is now unusually amendable to waivers that allow states to use Medicaid reimbursement in effective new ways.
Chris Norwood: Medicaid Reform? Try Harder
The allowance is part of a Medicaid waiver program designed to help the severely disabled live independently.
Indiana Ends Food Aid For Developmentally Disabled
Under the regional managed care systems, most Medicaid patients would be served by health maintenance organizations.
Oft-cited Census data apparently overstate the number of uninsured because they undercount the number of people covered by Medicaid.
Medicaid programs are administered at the state level, but they must follow guidelines established by the federal government.
With 30 patients, the facility generates just over $1 million in annual revenues, derived primarily from Medicaid reimbursements.
Governors tried unsuccessfully last year to persuade Congress to convert Medicaid into a block grant, as Congress did on welfare.
Medicaid pays nursing home bills for long-term custodial care, after patients have exhausted their financial assets.
If you have dental work that has been started, but not completed (such as dentures), Medicaid may pay to finish the work after July 1, 2009.
We Dared To Hope!
In the Senate, the much-ridiculed "Cornhusker Kickback" gave Nebraska an all-expenses-paid Medicaid expansion program.
The States Versus ObamaCare
Governors tried unsuccessfully last year to persuade Congress to convert Medicaid into a block grant[Sentence dictionary], as Congress did on welfare.
There are a few other entitlement programs that are exempt from the spending freeze, notably Medicare and Medicaid, which will continue to grow unless some form of the health care reform legislation is passed to rein it in.
Think Progress » Axelrod Struggles To Explain Why Obama’s Spending Freeze Doesn’t Include Defense Funding
He would defund Planned Parenthood, change Medicaid reimbursements to state block grants, abolish the Energy Department, and replace the Environmental Protection Agency with what he calls an "environmental solutions agency.
NPR Topics: News
Nichol launched into a passionate excoriation of the Republican social agenda that targets: gays; women; students; middle class families; teachers; professors and Medicaid recipients while, "denying thousands of others the right to vote.
Michael Carmichael: Battleground North Carolina: Democratic Women Fired Up!
About 14 percent of the civilian population is enrolled in Medicaid, a sharp increase from 10 percent in 1990.
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The qui tam provisions of the FCA are a very important tool in combating fraud and theft of taxpayer funds, and Medicare/Medicaid fraud is a huge, huge problem.
The Volokh Conspiracy » “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it” (continued)
One exception has been those in the Medicaid manag ed-care plans of a couple of dozen states.
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Supporters of this bill plan to introduce legislation in 2002 to include Medicaid.
Medicaid is now a mix of public and private insurance.
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And even while operating under that constraint, Clinton proposed to expand Medicaid coverage to some 5 million uninsured children.
This consciousness pushed the Medicaid defrauder, for example, to build a huge mansion in her village knowing that she might never live in it.
“… share of low-income individuals enrolled in Medicaid is lower …”
Think Progress » TABOR’s Spectacular Failure
•ER visits by the uninsured were no more likely to be triaged as non-urgent than visits by privately insured patients or those with Medicaid coverage.
Uninsured Don’t Go to the ER More Than Insured According to Study | Impact Lab
- Extension of Medicaid for those deemed "uninsurable
House liberals tell Obama public option is 'essential'
Given that most of the people they serve are elderly and home-bound with difficulty in respiration, it would be best to argue for the Medicaid in terms of humanity rather than its economic effect.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Stimulus Funding Political?
Eighty-three percent of every dollar in Medicaid is spent on chronic disease and 99 percent in Medicare.
Kenneth Thorpe: Hold True to Health Care Reform Commitments to Fight Chronic Disease
The impetus for AICC ' s creation was a July 2009 proposal by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to reduce Medicare ' s payments for radiological services.
A Device to Kill Cancer, Lift Revenue
Impoverished children who receive Medicaid enjoy better health than children from marginally better-off families who do not qualify for the benefit.
As one sign asked of health-care nationalizer Obama at a Wyoming Tea Party, MEDICARE IS GOING BROKE, MEDICAID IS GOING BROKE, AND YOU WANT US TO BELIEVE WHAT?
Bracing Brew
They have a Medicaid occupancy percentage that equals or exceeds the applicable biyearly Medicaid minimum occupancy percentage.
Medicare, Medicaid and other entitlement programs that comprise two-thirds of the federal budget.
Ryan is talking about spending caps and long-term belt-tightening for the Medicare and Medicaid health programs.
Breaking News: CBS News
You do background checks on medicaid personnel?
Each state will determine if these services will be covered by Medicaid.
On October 14, Armenian gangsters were indicted by federal grand juries for allegedly perpetrating the largest fraud in Medicaid's 45-year history, a sophisticated variation of the 1963 Great Train Robbery in England.
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It got so ass-backwards that the other day Ben Nelson, who successfully held out for anti-abortion language and a sweetheart deal for Nebraska's Medicaid as the price of his vote, found himself facing a wholesale voter backlash.
Robert Kuttner: A Wake Up Call
State participation in Medicaid is voluntary; however, all states have participated since 1982 when Arizona formed its Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) program.
Balloon Juice » 2009 » October
The president kept the Republicans from including Medicaid in the welfare bill.
Nursing Homes (medicare. gov/nhcompare): Provides detailed information on the past performance of every Medicare - and Medicaid-certified nursing home in the country.
A Guide for Caregivers
Drug companies have pled guilty to criminal fraud under the federal false claims act stealing billions from the taxpayers by ripping off Medicaid and Medicare yet Congress never passed a bill debarring them from federal contracts.
John Atlas: Federal appeals court reverses court decision that barred Congress from cutting ACORN's funds.
And he also receives Medicaid through what we call a waiver program.
CNN Transcript Dec 7, 2006
I contacted an anesthesiologist from the pain control service (though he said that they were no longer accepting Medicaid).
Put a cap on malpractice suits. that will bring down what a Doc. has to charge. close the loop holes in Medicaid that will inable a mill. more peps. to get free insurace.
Two key House Dems dispute Pelosi's health care assessment
According to the Wall Street Journal “the growth in antipsychotic-drug prescriptions for children is slowing as state Medicaid agencies heighten their scrutiny of usage and doctors grow more wary of the powerful medications.”
Wonk Room » The WonkLine: May 18, 2009
If healthcare reform fails, Medicare and Medicaid risk going broke, state and federal budgets will be unstainable.
No 'silver bullet' to health care overhaul, Obama says
They followed with some odd flimflammery, as the Post reports: The commission leaders said that, at present, federal revenue is fully consumed by three programs: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
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However, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the subagency formerly known as the Health Care Financing Administration, determined not to pay for certain uses of the gamma camera.
An American Medical Association panel may drive up Medicare costs, report Anna Wilde Mathews and Tom McGinty: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversee Medicare, typically follow at least 90% of its recommendations in figuring out how much to pay doctors for their work.
Wonkbook: What matters for jobs; the Tea Parties vs. the appropriators; would more stimulus have saved the Dems?
Medicare, Medicaid and other entitlement programs that comprise two-thirds of the federal budget.
Thank you for your slams against Medicaid grubbers.
States have the option to provide prevocational, educational, and supported employment services under Medicaid waivers to people of all ages in all target groups.
Vp Gore Announces New Services For People With Disabilities
And even while operating under that constraint, Clinton proposed to expand Medicaid coverage to some 5 million uninsured children.
He asked the Democrats to work with him to reform the entitlement programs of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, which threaten to balloon into enormous long-term liabilities.
But since most hospitals (any that accept Medicare or Medicaid patients) will accept uninsured patients, it may have to do with the areas uninsured people tend to live in and which hospital is closest to them rather than their lack of insurance perse.
The Volokh Conspiracy » “We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It”
Medicare, or Medicaid, or some insurance claim if they had insurance.
Federal Medicaid and Medicare conventions mandate that hospitals account for space according to use by department.
She had fought against the Hyde amendment of '76, which cut off Medicaid funding for abortions, and had cried when the antiabortionist C.
The Killing Kind
For qualifying people, Medicaid covers custodial care in a nursing home in all states.
With enough good sense and good will, you and I can fix Medicaid - and save Social Security.
For example, in 1977 the Court allowed states to impose restrictions on the use of Medicaid funds to pay for abortions for poor women.
At the same time, however, Medicaid is being privatized and contracted out to for-profit insurers at rapid speed, despite warnings by the Government Accountability Office about misspending billions of public dollars.
Anja Rudiger: With all eyes on the 'market,' health reform overlooked human rights
Hernandez and Brown said they anticipate that Congress will cooperate and grant the city Medicare and Medicaid waivers.
Health-care bonds anywhere are risky these days, especially with changes brewing in Medicare and Medicaid.
Under the regional managed care systems, most Medicaid patients would be served by health maintenance organizations.
Wait until the tax-payers figure out how much this new group going onto Medicaid is going to cost their state in additional taxes. rumrunner
Sources: Dem leaders have eased senator's doubts on health bill
The introduction of Medicaid and Medicare in the United States during the 1960s soon led to the poor making as many physician visits per year as the nonpoor, but large class differentials in health remained—even when the poor began to visit physicians at a higher rate than the nonpoor...
Strong Mind, Strong Body: IQ and Health, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Government is simplest when it is unspecific—it's when it starts trying to subdivide the population and impact only targeted groups that it becomes hard to administer think of how little trouble seniors have accessing a universal program like Social Security versus how much trouble the poor have trying to determine eligibility for a means-tested program like Medicaid.
What happened to Obama-ism?
It WILL go overbudget year after year just like medicaid and medicare until it's threatening to bankrupt us ... all in the middle of a recession.
New estimate puts health-care pricetag at $611 billion
In contrast, women on Medicaid paid only about 1 percent out of pocket.
The Obama administration is deploying squadrons of in-house experts to help budget-strapped states figure out how to save money on Medicaid, the health program for the poor that has been a source of rising tensions between state capitals and Washington.
Obama administration asks states to cut costs without dropping Medicaid coverage
If his estimate is right, Medicare and Medicaid could save $150 billion to $250 billion a year by eliminating waste, which he defines as "activities that don't have any value.
The Seattle Times
One of the centerpieces of the BBA was the creation of this new program to provide health insurance to children in families with incomes too high for Medicaid but too low to afford private insurance.
Fact Sheet On Balanced Budget Refinement Act Of
Key elements of such a fusion include a sweeping overhaul of personal and corporate taxes, a light-handed approach to regulating companies that invest heavily in innovation, stronger constraints on Medicare and Medicaid spending, new investments in technical education to supply workers for advanced manufacturing, and the transformation of our archaic K-12 school system by choice and digital learning.
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At the urging of trial lawyers, Democrats also carved out the most contentious components of Mr. Cuomo's Medicaid overhaul, which seeks to impose a $250,000 cap on pain and suffering malpractice awards and establish a special indemnity fund to help hospitals pay for medical costs of treating neurologically impaired infants.
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- The share of low-income individuals enrolled in Medicaid is lower than in all but five other states.
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