How To Use Mediaeval In A Sentence
So that model is alive and well and in the minds of many people, rather than the later medieval, misogynous legislation.
It likewise furthered the career of Mary Shelley as "The Author of Frankenstein," the rubric under which she continued her anonymous publication with a second novel immersed in medieval Italian history, Valperga: or, The Life and Adventures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca (1823).
Hazel wore a medieval-styled dress with a gold-braced bodice, gold chiffon sleeves and a gold train.
I see his sensibility as basically that of an earlier age: he is a chivalric knight devoted to his lady; this devotion is like that of a medieval Christian who lives in the world yet profoundly venerates the Virgin Mary.
Sena Jeter Naslund - An interview with author
Its interest is that within it survive all the elements of a medieval forest: great timber trees, coppice woods, pollards, scrub, grassland and fen, deer and cattle, and a rabbit warren.

The house is built on the site of a medieval prison.
The shapes and engraved decorations of these pieces are typical of medieval Islamic glassware.
The rebeck, to whose loud and harsh strains the medieval rustic had danced, [Footnote: The rebeck probably had been borrowed from the Mohammedans.] by the addition of a fourth string and
A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
Medieval parties to celebrate saints' days would often descend into chaos or a protest.
The little village was almost medieval - ox carts pulled the harvest in and the farmers all wore wooden clogs.
Times, Sunday Times
It was natural that writers interested in medieval history and culture should react sharply to the deni - gration of their period by Burckhardt and scores of lesser men.
Illuminating Fashion: Dress in the Art of Medieval France and the Netherlands" includes over 50 illuminated medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as well as printed books, and will tell you what a gipser and kirtle were.
Don't Miss: June 4-10
Only by crossing the short bridge can you take in its natural grandeur and the maze of streets that make up the medieval town.
Times, Sunday Times
The tumbledown exterior walls were smothered with moss and ivy, and many of the original features, including fragments from the first-floor medieval loo - known as the garderobe - were strewn around the overgrown garden.
Our ability to stress over trivial cultural issues while ignoring the extermination of the environment will make medieval peasants believing in miracles seem as reasonable as Einstein.
But the British Museum is refusing to back down and insists the chessmen are the highlight within the new Paul and Jill Ruddock Gallery of Medieval Europe.
Evening Standard - Home
The medieval castle is the most romantic ruin in Cornwall.
On the Trail of Merlin - a guide to the Celtic mystery tradition
The villa is a former flax mill with a fantastic vantage point overlooking the town's medieval castle.
Times, Sunday Times
In the medieval Hall of St Mary, Green Men occur as bosses, corbels, in tapestry, and in stained glass.
Her coif was the tall medieval hennin of Plougastel, a flood of lace falling from its summit.
A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago
They felt a deep sense of indebtedness to the learned scholars of the early medieval period.
Ranging from antiquities and ethnographia through medieval manuscripts and quattrocento panel paintings to Bacon and Polke, it is of course the European Fine Art Fair at Maastricht.
The black and white dress code was given a splash of colour by members of the Army, who attended in their Reds, and Colchester Town Watch appeared in medieval regalia.
Paintings representing religious themes were common in medieval times.
This technique recalls medieval recipes antedating the invention of the pudding cloth.
To many people, John XXIII was the Kennedy pope, and Vatican II was his Camelot a glorious, Roman Catholic version of the New Deal and the New Frontier that would move Catholicism from the medieval past into a rosy future of social equality, in which mass would be celebrated in the vernacular, nuns' habits would be modernized, and the popemobile would replace the traditional gestatorial chair as a form of papal transportation.
Philocrites: May 2005 Archives
In our frantic effort to preserve the last vestiges of slavery and mediaevalism we not only set our faces against such improvements, but we seek to use education and the power of the state to train the servants who do not naturally appear.
In medieval terms, the Platonic approach locates music in the quadrivium, as a branch of mathematics, while the Aristotelian locates it with the practical arts of the trivium, grammar, rhetoric, and logic.
Effortlessly unravelling the twists and turns of medieval Italian politics, Stonor Saunders is stylish in her prose style, languid in her learning and acerbic in her judgments.
Venetians cheered from the rooftops as the docks burnt but the medieval city escaped damage.
Times, Sunday Times
One Friday afternoon, en route to the medieval rectory that served as the family's country home, Javier suddenly veered sharply right upon hearing I'd never had horchata de chufa , a sweet milk made from tiger nuts.
A Fish Tale
In medieval times, there was a romantic belief that birds chose their mate in February.
Woad robs the soil of nutrients, forcing medieval woad growers in Europe to move frequently in search of uncultivated land.
No medieval hagiographer better satisfied the need for historical ‘facts’ and for hagiographical ‘types’ (David, Elijah, Antony the Hermit).
The parquet in the salon is arranged in an escalier pattern, gleaned rather than ripped off from a medieval painting.
Times, Sunday Times
I ghost-write military autobiographies, said one; My special area of interest is catalogue descriptions of medieval wall-hangings, said another.
Are you THE Ken Wilson? « Ken Wilson's Blog
Temple building in India, by the Mediaeval Age, had gradually crystallized into two main streams - the north Indian or Indo-Aryan, and the Dravidian in south India.
After seven years as a very part-time adjunct, I'm still amused by how irked my students are by all the things I don't know, examples of which have included medieval embroidery, Celtic languages, metallurgy, neopaganism, Scottish history, regional developments in medieval agriculture, and the 40 most recent fantasy novels about Arthur and Guenevere.
Beowulf Hobbyists of the World, Unite!
You'd say what seems to be on the rise is not art or science, but religion and the medievalism of superstition and the tyranny of who owns whose soul and the soul of what nation.
The term 'transgendered', like the term 'queer', is a term conceived broadly enough to potentially include medieval people: a certain percentage of persons who describe themselves with this term live either in-between genders or in some other complex relationship with the binary of male and female.
In the Middle
Many have looked to the rise of modern science for the answer, particularly in its decisive break with medieval scholasticism.
The authority of the early medieval Church in England was no different to that of any other landowner.
Most of the early medieval saints were bishops, abbots, and abbesses with an impeccable social pedigree.
Medieval Britain inherited around 10,000 miles of Roman road, combined with an extensive network of trackways following less clearly defined routes.
If we confine ourselves to Europe in the late medieval and early modern periods, we find that at least initial studies have been completed on England, France, Amsterdam, and parts of Germany.
Although extensive (and presumably fantastically expensive), the excavations revealed a story of only local interest, with Medieval and later expansion by Kingston upon Thames via a series of revetments into the river.
The medieval ports of Lannion and Treguier are short drives away, each with picturesque timbered houses and ancient churches.
Their great old houses overflow with rough medieval furniture, threadbare tapestries and religious relics worn smooth by the touch of generations.
The work combines Latin and English liturgical texts and medieval poetry, with a dramatic enaction of the Passion story.
This is very similar to the detailed, ornate, velvety and yet touchingly naive backdrops of those medieval scenes, that can be glimpsed through narrow windows in front of which wimpled ladies exchange devotional books with chivalrous gentlemen.
Archive 2008-06-01
To create a medieval feel, the towers will have arrow slits and cars will be able to drive under the archway beneath a raised portcullis.
The English were looting the Spanish, transforming the cash gained by selling off their medieval patrimony, and the coal hewn from their provinces, into a truly extraordinary epoch in human culture.
The city has a medieval quarter, great pubs, and an annual opera festival of international importance.
And it is certainly true that he often exaggerates, or at any rate misdescribes, some of the contrasts he discerns between medieval and Lutheran religious sensibility.
Because most medieval physicians defended scholasticism, he was not a friend of the medical profession.
This toponymy, dating from medieval times, reappeared spontaneously in southern and eastern Ukrainian towns and cities, such as Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Simferopol that were built in the eighteenth century.
As if fulfilling the portentous predictions of some medieval soothsayer, the first year of this new century has witnessed an unprecedented catalogue of warnings of the cumulative effects of climate change.
Meksi was by profession a construction engineer and former restorer of medieval architecture.
Within the northern compound is a rectangular structure, probably a post-medieval sheepfold.
Twice a day a huge, medieval siege catapult launches a fireball in battle.
The Sun
His interior pieces on display include medieval banquet tables, slender candlesticks and chandeliers, and mirrors.
First, this medieval syntax is a bit hard on my eyes (please see #4 here).
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Frank Murdock’s Review Forum
Traces of these burgages and the medieval layout can still be seen.
In the medieval sagas, like Siegfried, the main character will do something - like stage a coup against the king who has favored him up to then - which simply does not make sense -- unless we realize that Siegfried is not a character but a type.
July 25th, 2008
As a result universities remain among the last unreformed corners of the public sector, still working to the medieval calendar.
Writing about the building for The New York Times in 1995, Christopher Gray said, "This medieval brick fortress recalls the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, with a massive entry arch, barred windows and a machicolated cornice.
I got a heavy tome on medieval art and church architecture from my library.
Times, Sunday Times
Later in that same article, Coffman notes that the use of fish in a spiritual fast was cause for great culinary creativity in the Medieval kitchen, and a French abbess is credited for the creation of the divine dish which I hesitate to categorize as “fish soup” called bouillabaisse.
Tigers & Strawberries » Fish: Feast or Fast?
The illustrations in such medieval prayer books represented the work of the season: here a peasant mows a meadow.
The library is an enormous resource for historians of medieval France.
Even the name is a little chilling, recalling a medieval spearlike weapon as well as a ferocious fish.
Try Pike On The Fly
It is as though the historic opponents of medieval times, the aristocrats and the guildsmen, had been brought together in harmony.
England -- are mostly extremely handsome, and generally contrive, however big, to retain, at any rate in their heart, as at Antwerp, or in the Grande Place at Brussels, a striking air of antiquity; whilst some fairly big towns, such as Malines and Bruges, are mediaeval from end to end.
Beautiful Europe: Belgium
If we weren't touring some medieval fortress, drinking delicious red wine or visiting a duomo, we were on the bus headed to our next destination.
In so far as the idyll is a signifier to which a real world referent can be attached -- pre-industrial culture, medieval society, etc. -- we might be dubious of a restoration that is essentially an act of validation.
Narrative Grammars
Many of the riffs are righteously medieval in tone, but they rework those tripping arpeggios for a scorched-earth rock setting, without a lute, zither or lyre within earshot.
Drawing on data from biological anthropology, historical linguistics, and archaeology, he attempts an etic examination of the processes of formation of ethnic groups in the Japanese islands between 400 BC and the medieval era.
The rules have been around since the mediaeval laws about champerty and barratry.
Escape the tourists, and get lost in this grid of medieval streets which hide an operatic society and a lively arts scene.
Times, Sunday Times
The faerie folk are mentioned in the medieval chronicles and go back even further; Chaucer describes them as something people ‘no longer’ believe in.
This frees McFerrin to experiment with musical forms ranging from Medieval polyphony to African folk music.
The game grants you omnipotence over an assortment of medieval soldiers, serfs and craftsmen, who are your humble pawns as you bid to establish your reign.
We came to the small medieval town of Orchha as the sun was sinking from a pink and grey sky shot with golden threads.
ALGIERS: Security forces sealed off the medieval Casbah district of Algiers following two murders and reports that an armed group was hiding out in the area, reports said.
ANC Daily News Briefing
This theoretical uncertainty was fully supported by the experience of ancient and medieval technology.
The verticality of the torsos and a repeated motif of small, close-to-the-body hops appeared to pay tribute to the medieval music and dances that inspired the piece.
This contains a veritable outpouring of medieval art; frescoes cover most of the interior walls and porch.
Both stories are made richer by their justifiable portrayal of a highly interconnected medieval world.
The Times Literary Supplement
The operation of these plantations resembled the feudal manors of medieval Europe.
At the same time, there are less than a dozen extant early medieval Welsh manuscripts, and only three are illuminated.
Thatched-roof cottages characterize the medieval village of Dunster, among the largest of Exmoor's villages and hamlets and one of the park's most popular attractions.
If you aren't recreating medieval fire processions or pogoing with 100,000 people, it seems you don't have much choice as to how you toast the New Year in public.
Visitors had to wend and weave their way around corners and curves to reach the various spaces, which once again invoked the trope of the medieval city.
Really, this is an argument that might appeal to a medieval schoolman, but, really, having regard to the summing up, to suggest that there is any miscarriage of justice in this case borders on the preposterous.
White's descriptions of daily life in medieval England are ravishingly vivid: Like a restorer of antiques, he strips away the grime and smoke from the past until it's bright and clear as the present.
Arthur Comes Alive In 'The Once And Future King'
In the medieval period, the road was realigned slightly to become modern Fenchurch Street.
Sabbatarianism, with the Lord's Day Alliance, a Canadian invention, in the van; then the gradual tightening of the laws against sexual irregularity, with the unenforceable New York Adultery Act as a typical product; and lastly, the general ploughing up and emotional discussion of sexual matters, with compulsory instruction in "sex hygiene" as its mildest manifestation and the mediaeval fury of the vice crusade as its worst.
A Book of Prefaces
To get an idea of the Dutch achievement in domesticity, I cite Rybczynski on the urban medieval home: "The typical bourgeois townhouse of the 14th century combined living and work.
Before the Dutch: The Medieval Home
It is one of the country's best preserved medieval castles.
Times, Sunday Times
The portrait miniature seems to be a development of two older traditions: the medieval illumination of manuscripts and the Renaissance portrait medal, which was itself a revival of a classical form.
If you want a real taste of the medieval fare, visit the hog roast stall.
The Sun
In medieval times a chafing dish was a portable brazier to hold burning coals or charcoal, designed to be set on a metal stand and to have a dish of food on top.
See G. Leff, Medieval Thought: St Augustine to Ockham, passim.
When the original hall was built, it was itself a departure from the medieval style of mansion and was the first manor house in the county made of brick and stone.
In contrast, Dante Gabriel Rossetti's "The Tune of the Seven Towers" of 15 years later shows static figures garbed in rich fabrics that recall medieval paintings.
Historic Watercolors Flood U.K. Museum
Harold Laski said Beatrice Webb should have been a medieval abbess, where her organising ability would have gained a spiritual dimension.
Though, given the occasional medievalism of the Liturgical Movement, this too, is perhaps less unusual than I might think.
St. Robert's, Shorewood, Wisconsin
If the moral resourcefulness of Scripture was obvious to medieval exegetes, it was even more so to Protestants.
The rules have been around since the mediaeval laws about champerty and barratry.
They banqueted in the hall where in medieval times the Teutonic Knights had feasted.
Only the medieval tower had remained intact .
The cruciform church has huge Perpendicular windows, which until the C18 retained their medieval stained glass.
Hudson falls for wife of man he killed, studies, cures her uncurable blindness in bare-chested operation-starts in death, ends in salvation, and updates a medieval mythology of efficacious grace into the apostatic 50s of luxury condos and kultchah, with uneasy overtones of capitalist will-to-power: a full-grown stereotype of moonlit joy rides, canted California beachlight, Swiss oompahpah, the world's best optometrists in labcoats, a hidden desert valley in Arizona that exists only for a hospital that exists only as the bedspring of recovery-emotional and physical-for our cut-out protagonists.
The L Magazine - New York City's Local Event and Arts & Culture Guide
Among the items recovered are gold coins, medical equipment, clothing and footwear, and a shawm, a medieval forerunner to the oboe and one of the oldest such musical instruments in the world.
Medieval agriculture was undertaken by peasants who of course constituted the overwhelming majority of the total population.
Medieval people had a horror of treachery and cowardice; the two were often felt to go hand in hand.
Historical interpretation of medieval English documents and records requires a reading knowledge of Latin and French and training in philology, paleography, and diplomatics, as well as in history.
I found a beautiful little city, its medieval spires sitting astride the River Limmat and its face turned to the crystalline waters of Zurichsee, a lake so clean its water has been certified safe to drink.
In late medieval Christianity, Michael together with St George became the patron of chivalry, and the patron of the first chivalric order of France, the Order of Saint Michael of 1469.
In literature, the only field that even offers competition with medievalists for techno-geekiness is composition and rhetoric (especially the compu-comp folks).
Blogging and Medievalists
What could go better with a medieval unit than gargoyles?
We learned how Romans built their bridges, how medieval masons built their vaults, how lime and mortar were used in English buildings, and so on.
During the medieval era of chivalry, the names of English maidens and bachelors were put into boxes and drawn out in pairs.
The condition called ergotism or St. Anthony’s fire, common in medieval Europe, was caused by a mycotoxin produced by a mold that grew in rye bread.
There is no connection between the phrase and the actual blood color of nobility; however, in the ancient and medieval societies of Europe, much of the upper class may have had superficial veins that appeared blue through their untanned skin, in contrast with the working class of the time, mainly agricultural peasants who spent most of their time working outdoors and thus had tanned skin.
A terribly painful conversation.
Set at the south-east corner of the old city, the site lies just beyond what was once the line of the medieval city wall.
Randy G. Lander is a Russian descendant and she carries on the medieval Khazars tradition of jewelry trading with an emphasis on alexandrite. She can tell you alexandrite is the rarest gemstone on earth.
Combine kiwis in a fruit salad with scrumptious strawberries (which were reputed to contain a love potion by medieval gardeners) and see what happens!
We babble about nation-building where there's no nation to build, just a premedieval mosaic of tribes that hate each other.
He quotes abundantly from Scripture, medieval mystics and gifted contemporary writers.
The medieval Europeans divided the world between Christian and heathen, but heathens could convert to Christianity.
Of course, if we were to ask a medieval king to describe feudalism, he would not really know what it was we were asking of him.
Quail did not figure prominently in medieval menus in England, although they are regular summer visitors, familiar in hayfields and cornfields and sometimes called corncrakes for that reason.
Subsequently he appeared frequently in religious art of the medieval period.
Calls to mind a two dimensional medieval tapestry with beautiful color and craftmanship but no perspective.
Never Mind About Those Cowboys
Before then its appearance is, on the whole, limited to the Greek poleis, the Roman Republic, and the mediaeval European city-states.
The Seven Dimensions
Many were still garbed in the period medieval garments that had been required, but no one seemed to notice him.
Hence a whole chapter of sights and customs striking to the mind, from the pyramids of Egypt to the gibbets and dule trees of mediaeval
Virginibus Puerisque and other papers
And his general military historical stuff, partly on my own reading and partly on the opinions of people I respect, is occasionally interesting, but too often boiler plate wrapped in dubious generalizations, particularly in areas where he has no personal expertise such as the Aztecs and medieval Japan. levitra Says:
Matthew Yglesias » Obama’s Permanent Revolution
The populace had grown so hardened to artists that gruff-voiced lesbians in corduroy breeches and young men in Grecian or medieval costume could walk the streets without attracting a glance, and along the Seine banks Notre Dame it was almost impossible to pick ones way between the sketching-stools.
Inside the Whale
The wooded gardens lie beneath the Verdala Palace, a moated medieval castle.
When Barbara got Zina home, she made a strange discovery - the dog has webbed feet since she is an otterhound, bred for medieval hunting when otters could be found on the dinner table.
The right model for the teacher unions is the medieval craftsman guilds, the hallmarks of which were professional ability and demonstrated accomplishment.
The names usually refer to the tall flowering spike which in medieval times was dipped in tallow and set aflame as a torch in the evening.
Actually, it seems to me that in medievalism (depictions of the medieval in the modern world), non-adulterous obstacles are more common.
Literary Adultery
Empiricists like Locke and rationalists like Newton lacked the rich ontology of Thomas Aquinas and the medieval schoolmen.
Thereafter, formal rituals of exorcism were adopted by the Church throughout the medieval centuries.
Alongside the Flea's concerns about global colding and fascist medievalism is the gnawing anxiety we are all going to be pasted by an asteroid.
There are relatively few surviving pieces of medieval date, so the study of armour is largely dependent on the evidence of monumental effigies, manuscript illuminations, and documentary sources such as accounts and inventories.
But all I experience are the symptoms of withdrawal from the self I have labored a lifetime to create -- what the medieval Cistercians called "the land of unlikeness" hiding the true self that Scripture says is created in God's image.
Retreat Into Silence
So, in medieval times, cats were killed because they were feared, despatched by, for example, having stones thrown at them.
The top of the hill was occupied in medieval times, presumably because of its defensive potential.
However, there has been little to compare to the crusades and religious wars in medieval and early-modern Europe.
However, during the medieval period there was always an undercurrent of premillennialism among individuals such as Joachim of Fiora and the Spiritual Franciscans.
The Myth/Reality of Antichrist - and the danger to America!
But the original paint and gilding are deteriorating and a replacement roof over the chapel has sagged and is resting on the mediaeval ceiling.
The medieval Church believed in salvation through faith and works.
Later medieval chivalry has been criticized for being decadent and other-worldly, yet it never lost touch with the changing military dimensions of war nor was blind to its bloody realities.
Medieval heraldry often showed an elephant with a castle on its back.
A hippogriff is a noble beast: In the few medieval legends when this fantastic creature makes an appearance, it is usually the pet of either a knight or a sorcerer.
Dick Cheney, the Unique Creature
It is just as true that the endless portrayals of the life of Christ in medieval art, as well as acting as one of the main forms of religious instruction, betoken an obsessive desire to grasp the essence of the God-man.
Medieval scholars
A clickable electronic version of this handlist is at: http: / / / Medievaldiss.htm
The Islamic expansion of the early medieval period was not waged for glory, or any of the other factors I listed at the top of this op.
His Iberian study also serves to exemplify advances in medieval research and historiography since the series' predecessor.
The castle, dominating its surroundings, represents a high point of medieval military architecture.
In medieval theories of action in the early part of the thirteenth century, "liberum arbitrium" is a technical term.
Philip the Chancellor
Destruction is, by its nature, difficult to confirm, but all the evidence indicates that iconoclasts in the medieval Islamic world only rarely destroyed images, in the sense of physically obliterating them.
After a full semester, however, of one class on paleography and another on medieval book culture (the latter with Chris Baswell, who is part of the team that worked on assembling the UCLA site), I can't help but think about the objects themselves.
Archive 2009-02-01
For the first purpose it is seldom mounted with a sharp "Point of War" and never sharpened for the purpose of recreating a medieval joust .
The medieval constitution of the town, with its minuscule political franchise, was frozen in place.
The practice has continued from medieval times to the present day.
Who will stand up and condemn fascist/mediaevalism?
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Stretching from the castle esplanade to the palace of Holyroodhouse, the Royal Mile, or High Street, has undergone various incarnations since it came into being in mediaeval times.
The combination of melodies in polyphony, one of the great artistic achievements of medieval Europe, has produced the need for a more specialized explanation of melody in Western music.
There is no way that in our modern, civilised society that we can allow this barbaric, medieval practice to continue.
Earlier over lunch I had been three pages into a biography of the man who invented Freon when the article suddenly made no sense at all - instead of freon, it was now discussing Medieval paint technology.
He cast himself as an urban philosopher whose overarching theory, which he called Gothic Futurism, posited that graffiti writers were trying to liberate the mystical power of letters from the strictures of modern alphabetical standardization and had inherited this mission from medieval monks.
NYT > Home Page
15Elshtain argues that medieval men and women inhabited a structured but loose-fitting 'saeculum', in which distinctions between war and peace, reason and emotion, nature and culture, science and faith, domestic and civil, proper and uncouth, even male and female were to some degree blurred.
Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
In a few decades people will look at the bigotry against gays and lesbians as medieval.
A set of doors that may have belonged to the church of St. Sophia in Novgorod formed part of the iconostasis, the high screen that divided the church sanctuary from the nave in late medieval Russia.
Like her medieval predecessors, she received the stigmata, the mark of Christ's wounds.
Medieval man may not have had the thrill of flinging Frisbees, but they had a worthy counterpart, the challenging sport of batfowling.
In medieval times the sapphire was believed to offer protection to its wearer.
The same seems clearly true of the conception of pedigree that came to loom so large in the social thinking of the gentry of the late medieval and early modern ages.
The character has a variety of origins, from the medieval court jester to the licensed clown of the Feast of Fools.
Along with their other accessories, the warriors' elaborate dress suggests that they brought both wealth and pageantry to combat, which Donnan likens to medieval jousts.
Sometimes they flourished as city-state systems, as in early Sumeria, classical Greece, the Maya civilization, and medieval Europe.
The old medieval concept of an absolute ruler imbued with divine authority was being challenged by the shifting economic reality and the monarchy was constantly being called on to justify itself.
Harold Laski said Beatrice Webb should have been a medieval abbess, where her organising ability would have gained a spiritual dimension.
Samurai and medieval warriors wept to show that they truly felt the code of honour they avowed.
Times, Sunday Times
Xizang Tonglan (A comprehensive view of Tibet) (Taibei: Huawenshuju, 1969); for the early medieval ages, see Beckwith 1987 and Zhang Yun, Silu Wenhua: Tubo Juan (The Silk Road cultures: Tibet) (Hangzhou: Zhejiang Renmin Chubanshe, 1995); for the route between Chang'an, Tibet, and Nepal, see Lu Yaoguang 1989. back
Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
Where Benchtours and Théâtre Sans Frontières take us into another world, Borderline take us back in time to Italy's medieval minstrels with Dario Fo's Mistero Buffo.
The medieval pottery and iron tools speak more of hard work and modest prosperity than of exotic trade links.
Medieval people had a horror of treachery and cowardice; the two were often felt to go hand in hand.
Laurie Pappajohn, a local harpist, and her group played traditional music of the mystics using medieval Celtic instruments.
In the highly traditional society which existed in medieval England, a society bound by ties of blood and heredity, wealth and landholding alone were not enough to make a man noble - at least in the eyes of his contemporaries.
His travels had given him a wide knowledge of ancient, medieval, and Renaissance art.
Belief in the truth that the creation is God's handiwork generated the scientific progress that began not in the eighteenth century but in medieval scholasticism.
Medieval and modern writers wrongly take it for granted that the charism existed permanently at Corinth — as it did nowhere else — and that St. Paul, in commending the gift to the Corinthians, therewith gave his guaranty that the characteristics of Corinthian glossolaly were those of the gift itself.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Cheese-flavoured biscuits have their origins in medieval cheese tarts and pastries; but the totally plain, unsweetened biscuit for eating with cheese did not come into use until the 18th century.
The New Forest is the most intact surviving example in England of a medieval hunting forest.
Southampton's network of medieval vaults are hidden below the streets and houses of the old town, stretching from Bargate in the north to Town Quay.
Here you have someone who is obviously a talented politician (if playing for the wrong team - the GOP, that is) and he can't be allowed to run for higher office because of the prejudices of a bunch of medieval lamebrains.
The term "psaltery", from the [[Latin]] "'' psalterium ''", reveals its perceived similarity with the instrument of the [[psalms]] in [[medieval]] times.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Since medieval times, the merchants in most towns in Europe had organized themselves into guilds, just like craftsmen.
There are also remains of old castles and medieval fortifications and magnificent examples of rural homesteads.
‘These dogs were bred for bull-baiting in medieval times,’ Butler explained.
There is also a swimming pool, bicycles for hire and nearby medieval villages and cathedrals to visit.
Times, Sunday Times
A ghost story set in medieval times with screaming heroines and handsome knights, it was aiming at the market that longed for a return to more rural, gentler times.
Medieval town planners clearly did not have Wi-Fi in mind.
Times, Sunday Times
He sought a new and apodictic foundation of human knowledge based on the liberation of man from the ancient and medieval tradition of the West.
Some of the windows incorporate mediaeval work, but the interior is unattractive and not helped by the masses of dreary pews.
The atmosphere of the place was, the Marvells later decided, mediaeval.
The whole effect was massive, mediaeval, architectural, a celebration of jubilant ecclesiology and secular decoration.
Satiated with mediaevalism, he tried the Roman Forum.
A Pair of Blue Eyes
At an age when her slow brother is still stubbing along somewhere in the neolithic period, she has flown way ahead to a kind of mediaeval stage, or dawn of mediaevalism, which is peculiarly her own.
The Damnation of Theron Ware
I had reached this church by an old archway, whose origin was evidently defensive, and crossing the dim and silent square, surrounded by mediaeval houses, some half ruinous, and all more or less adorned with pellitory, ivy-linaria, and other wall-plants which had fixed their roots between the gaping stones.
Wanderings by southern waters, eastern Aquitaine
Eric the Red, "the only doubtful part of which is the" uniped "episode, a touch of mediaeval superstition so palpable as not to be deceptive.
The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503
By adding copper to the silver, the mediaeval craftsmen were hardening and lowering the melting point of silver, although it still remained silvery in colour.
The new building resembled a mediaeval cathedral with its pointed arches, ribbed vaulting and flying buttresses.
Michael had done all his business and was well-content to spend the remainder of his day in mediaeval Cairo.
There was a King in Egypt
To restore the grey carcases of a mediaevalism whose spirit had fled, seemed a not less incongruous act than to set about renovating the adjoining crags themselves.
A Pair of Blue Eyes
They must have been the Iron Age equivalent of the mediaeval castle with the village and everything clustered round.
Similarly the Greek and Roman gods were more like mythical heroes and heroines than like the omnipotent, omniscient and good God postulated in mediaeval and modern philosophy.
John Arderne was proudest of the remedies he devised for the battlefield and particularly a salve for arrow wounds that he called sang d' amor - in mediaeval French, the blood of love.
This 13th century German monk was the author of a poem called Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi (Luck, Empress of the World) in the collection of mediaeval underground verses now known as the Carmina Burana.
The Mandelbrot Monk
Birkin, a Londoner who has survived the Great War but is left with a stammer, a nervous twitch, and vivid nightmares, is given the summer job of uncovering a mediaeval wall-painting in the church of a small Yorkshire village.
It is an area of some archaeological interest, for it is believed that there are significant archaeological remains from the Roman and Mediaeval eras.
I had heard of the famous tapestries of Guermantes, I could see them, mediaeval and blue, a trifle coarse, detach themselves like a floating cloud from the legendary, amaranthine name at the foot of the ancient forest in which
The Guermantes Way
The honour of knighthood derives from the usages of mediaeval chivalry, as does the method normally used to confer the knighthood: the accolade, or the touch of a sword by the Sovereign.
There would have been nothing abnormal in the moral atmosphere of mediaevalism in some feast or pageant celebrating the fellowship of men who had the same patron saint.
G.K. Speaks - The Family and The Feud
I'm not a great fan of stuffed moose and mediaeval knights in full fig, but Kelvingrove's got the lot.
We are in the middle of a mediaeval disputation on the subject of evil.
The bridge spans the Lot river and offers a suggestion of French mediaeval military design.
Jo Wherry, on violin and treble viol, played an excellent descant solo, and Jonathan Burr, who is able to produce music on the difficult mediaeval cornett, also has a pleasant singing voice.
Our tour guide could have lectured on mediaeval Scottish history at any seat of learning you care to mention.
Great Regulars: It seems to combine elements both from that safe-as-houses mediaeval form, the sestina, and from the intricate pantoum: its accumulative structure also suggests folk-tales such as The House That Jack Built.
Archive 2009-11-01
The rules have been around since the mediaeval laws about champerty and barratry.
There is, among other things, a mediaevalism about it.
The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
In Mediaeval times the nobility ate their food off great trenchers of bread, which when soaked in gravy and tasty morsels was given to the peasants.
There's a strong thematic connection: Twelfth Night marked the end of the Christian festival, and exploited the mediaeval tradition of misrule.
This is the measure of our rise, but the Negro will not approach freedom until this hateful badge of slavery and mediaevalism has been reduced to less than 10 per cent.
Berckmans is still on board, and his oboe, bassoon and English horn remain a major part of the group's mediaeval chamber music sound.
What the martlet was originally is a matter for dispute. Some claim it was the martin, for in some mediaeval documents it is written as "martenette".
Just as in mediaeval times each hexachord commenced with _ut_, so now every octave of our tonal system commences with _do_.
Critical and Historical Essays Lectures delivered at Columbia University
We seem to have got rid of the mediaeval plague and many of its typhoid congeners; but instead we have an increased amount of insanity, methomania, consumption, dyspepsia, and paralysis.
The Unseen World and Other Essays
A narrow mediaeval passageway, known as a slype, issues into to a paved court by the Checker Hall.
It was a queer remark, mediaeval in its construction, but searing in its heat.
Wanganui-born English scholar Robert Burchfield in The English Language debunks the ‘enduring myth about French loanwords of the mediaeval period’, saying that ‘the culinary revolution’ scarcely preceded the 18th century.
Its facade mixes Georgian colonnades with the loopholes and turrets of a mediaeval castle; above, Palladian arcades rise to Mughal copulas.
We are in the middle of a mediaeval disputation on the subject of evil.
The house was of no marked antiquity, yet of well-advanced age; older than a stale novelty, but no canonized antique; faded, not hoary; looking at you from the still distinct middle-distance of the early Georgian time, and awakening on that account the instincts of reminiscence more decidedly than the remoter and far grander memorials which have to speak from the misty reaches of mediaevalism.
The Woodlanders
One is not bound to regard torture as only present in a mediaeval dungeon where the appliances of rack and thumbscrew or similar devices were employed.
The Pope's decision against the inclusion of women in church choirs is likely to cause the Austrian village church to return to the plainsong of the mediaeval monks.
Artifice and ballad preciosity have been cultivated more sedulously in the south, with a learned use of the repetend, archaism of style, and imitation of the quaint mediaeval habit of mind.
A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
The training dig, which will last until September 5, is on the site of the mediaeval hospital of St Leonard's.
The tenancy of the mediaeval Staple Hall was sequestrated, making the tenant unable to pay the rent for two years.
Somehow, the town itself, retains its air of mystery, and mediaeval ambience, despite the cell phone shops, supermarket, and mini shopping mall opposite the car park.
Kenworthy made a rough sketch of the design in his notebook: Was this similar to the Pentangle of mediaeval magic?
It's important the stoneyard and glaziers are able to produce work that equals the existing mediaeval craftsmanship, and through the apprenticeship scheme they are ensuring that this expertise continues.
Klakee-Nah was an anachronism -- a mediaeval ruin, a fighter and a feaster, happy with wine and song.
The Wit of Porportuk
Chaucer wrote in the late mediaeval period.
The squint in the title of the play at Chelsea Theatre, is mainly one of those narrow slots in a wall in mediaeval churches where people excluded from the service can watch the Mass.
The mortal remains of King Richard II of England may be interred in a Scots mediaeval church and not in Westminster Abbey, as has been presumed for the past 600 years.
Suggestions for a gourmet garden include many plants common in mediaeval times such as sweet Cicily, scented geraniums, lovage and lavender, apparently a marvellous seasoning for vinegars and home-made ice cream.
Instead of the Baroque or modern architect, Sitte promulgated the values of the mediaeval master builder.
Local archives house valuable deeds documenting the glory of the mediaeval city, which has witnessed the coronation of 11 Hungarian kings and eight regal wives.
It's just the kind of logic employed by mediaeval pardoners flogging pigs' bones as holy relics.
Large quantities of billon coins were produced in the Roman era, many with a silver wash, and in mediaeval times throughout Europe.
One of my dreams was the synthesis of what my imagination had often sought to depict, in my waking hours, of a certain seagirt place and its mediaeval past.
The Guermantes Way
Chaucer wrote in the late mediaeval period.
Acerbic, sharp-witted and adroit at playing any instrument ever invented, he transformed the image of pre-mediaeval music from scholarly study to sheer fun.
Its facade mixes Georgian colonnades with the loopholes and turrets of a mediaeval castle; above, Palladian arcades rise to Mughal copulas.
It was mainly garrisoned by British troops, who dug more tunnels here to add to the mediaeval ones which already existed there.
Some of them were naturalistic, others approaching Italian mediaeval art to such an extent that Jenny recognized certain Annunciation angels and madonnas in the cloaks of knights and maidens, and the leaves in gold and purple she remembered having seen in a book of mass in the San Marco library.
Jenny: A Novel
Later, largely as a reaction to the cruel excesses of mediaeval witchhunts, when victims were burnt at the stake, the Vatican introduced a formalised exorcism ritual in 1614.
He blushed a little, shook his head at her, and drove on ahead into the streets — the churches, the abbey, and other buildings on this clear bright morning having the liny distinctness of architectural drawings, as if the original dream and vision of the conceiving master-mason, some mediaeval Vilars or other unknown to fame, were for a few minutes flashed down through the centuries to an unappreciative age.
The Woodlanders
It enters the body through the _rough artery_ (τραχεια αρτηρια {tracheia artêria}, _arteria aspera_ of mediaeval notation), the organ known to our nomenclature as the trachea.
The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
De Stancy had long since discovered that his chance lay chiefly in her recently acquired and fanciful predilection d'artiste for hoary mediaeval families with ancestors in alabaster and primogenitive renown.
A Laodicean : a Story of To-day
In the fourteenth century, the Bishop provided the choir with a proper income and built Vicars Close, a unique mediaeval street which still exists today housing all the organists and choirmen.
A few more years and a tradition where Seventeenth Century poets, Mediaeval storytellers, Fathers of the Church, even Neoplatonic philosophers have left their traces in whole poems or fragmentary thoughts and isolated images will have vanished.
Later Articles and Reviews
In addition to grammar in the sense we know the study to-day, grammar in the old Roman and mediaeval mind also included much of what we know as the analytical side of the study of literature, such as comparison, analysis, versification, prosody, word formations, figures of speech, and vocal expression (R. 76).
The History of Education; educational practice and progress considered as a phase of the development and spread of western civilization
Francesco Petrarch lived in the later mediaeval period in Italy, at that time the Christianity was very widespread, and many people believed in the Christian religion in Italy.
In 1980 Daniel Wildenstein enriched the museum with his father's extraordinary collection of illuminations: 228 mediaeval miniatures taken from antiphonaries, missals and books of hours.
Instead of the Baroque or modern architect, Sitte promulgated the values of the mediaeval master builder.
Madonna's wedding meal was a truly mediaeval feast with a roast pig on a spit.
The common bond is in the fact that ancients and moderns have both been miserable about existence, about everything, while mediaevals were happy about that at least.
ALQUIFE, an enchanter in the mediaeval romances of knight-errantry.
It is this tradition which, in France, via the mediaeval fabliaux, the fablewriters and the so-called comedy of manners or character of the 17th Century, and then of the philosophical tale of the 18th Century, led up to the l9th Century's allegedly
Claude Simon - Nobel Lecture
Much space is wasted by reports of the readings of several heavily interpolated mediaeval florilegia; more is wasted by an undue attention to mediaeval spellings and attempts to reproduce abbreviations and to show the precise appearance of secondary corrections.
The Last Poems of Ovid
What could be more appropriate for a fairy tale wedding hotel than the Chateau with its old-style architecture and echoes of mediaevalism.
If the characteristics of North Midian (Madyan Proper) are its argentiferous, and especially its cupriferous ores, South Midian worked chiefly gold and silver, both metals being mentioned by the mediaeval geographers of Arabia.
The Land of Midian
Suggestions for a gourmet garden include many plants common in mediaeval times such as sweet Cicily, scented geraniums, lovage and lavender, apparently a marvellous seasoning for vinegars and home-made ice cream.
This mediaeval movement of expansion, which is commonly called the Crusades, but which made itself felt in Spain and Sicily and the Aegean as well as in the 'Holy Land', is a remarkable parallel to the propagation of Ancient Greek city-states round the same shores between about 750 and 600 B. C.
The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
Again, much of the modern rhythmical complexity strongly resembles, in essence, the machine-made experiments of mediaeval times; and the peculiarly fashionable trick of shifting identical chords up and down the scale -- the clothes'-peg conception of harmony, so to speak -- is a mere throw-back still farther, to Hucbald and the diaphony of a thousand years ago.
Recent Developments in European Thought
At more than seven feet long, the coffin seemed to have been made for someone immensely tall, a giant by mediaeval standards.
In the future, our descendants will look at the barbaric practice of caging animals in the same way that we look at our ancestors 'fondness for bear-baiting at mediaeval fairs.
Archive 2009-11-01
Those picturesque Eastern European capitals with their glistening waterfronts and their pretty mediaeval old towns and their flat taxes are the new centre.
Probably not, just as technical or industrial progress would not have been furthered by mediaeval religious fundamentalism.
It had the keening of a bagpipe and the rhythmic thump of mediaeval music.
They are undoubtedly right, but the well-known genre of Passion plays of which Gibson's film is one, made no pretensions to intellectual argument or subtle theologising, but was a mediaeval invention for the masses.
The new building resembled a mediaeval cathedral with its pointed arches, ribbed vaulting and flying buttresses.
The collection has evocative frames of early Christians going on yaatra to Jerusalem which give intimate nuanced details of mediaeval modes of dress, functional items like water jugs, ewers etc.
Judicial separation, also called separation, originated from the Canon Law of Christianity in Mediaeval Europe, and still exists today.
Political, central monarchy replaced mediaeval feudal and domanial system, formed latter - day nation - state.
One is not bound to regard torture as only present in a mediaeval dungeon where the appliances of rack and thumbscrew or similar devices were employed.
This year there will also be a continental market with stallholders keeping to the theme of the weekend by dressing in mediaeval costume.
Mediaeval monks were aware of the benefits of salt mud and concentrated sea water and used them to treat rheumatism, dropsy and obesity.
The mediaeval burgesses and the small peasant proprietors were the precursors of the modern bourgeoisie.
A kitchen jack leaned against a pyx, a republican sabre on a mediaeval hackbut.
The Magic Skin
His materials and settings are drawn from the substratum of his experience as a curator, trained in taxidermy, active in the conservation of paintings and the handling of fossils, fascinated by animal maquettes and mediaeval weapons.
The thing, at the very latest, smacks of mediaevalism.
Jack London's Short Story: Planchette
We, whose fathers at least were Christians, who have grown up under those mediaeval arches even if we bedizen them with all the demons in
The Complete Father Brown
It consisted, as I have mentioned, in the combined pushing and pulling of a curiously primitive two-wheeled cart over a distance of perhaps three hundred yards to a kind of hydrant situated in a species of square upon which the mediaeval structure known as Porte (or Camp) de Triage faced stupidly and threateningly.
The Enormous Room
Mediaeval monks were aware of the benefits of salt mud and concentrated sea water and used them to treat rheumatism, dropsy and obesity.
One of the rooms was got up to represent the hall of a mediaeval castle.
If the mediaeval Mrs. Burton liked to illuminate the day with lamps or camphorated tapers, that, he said, was her business; adding that the light of the sun was good enough for him.
The Life of Sir Richard Burton