How To Use Medea In A Sentence

  • She looked ravaged, an Antigone, with perhaps a pinch of Medea underneath. INSIDERS
  • But in the earliest battles for blood's dominance, one thing is nonetheless certain...Medea would have been proud.
  • Medea turns impatiently to the king's daughters, who hover in a trance, drugged by the witch's herbs and humbled by her otherworldly powers. "Why do you hesitate and do nothing?
  • Medea's next encounter with Jason sees her in remissive attitude, as she asks her former husband to let her have her two children back. Opera Today
  • The robe that Euripides's Medea sends as a gift glues together the flesh and the bones of her rival; but the sense that perceives the progress of this deadly confusion is sight.
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  • Since Descarted, there has appeared in the western philosophy a new trend: to secure self - evidence in the inner consciousness and make it the " Archimedean Point" for philosophical construction.
  • We might think that we are no better off in understanding Medea after learning of the Stoic - Platonic dispute over the right way to interpret what is going on in her.
  • The Archimedean screw turns as falling water from the top of the dam flows through it, activating a turbine and generating power.
  • Even as her parents wept over her defiled body, Medea stirred and came to life! SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • But it very much is a revivification that needs to occur and the work that needs doing is in fact archimedean level work. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It was, we found, the anhima of the Brazils, known also as the horned kamichi, or, more learnedly, _Palamedea_. On the Banks of the Amazon
  • He also studied birational contact transformations and non-euclidean and non-archimedean geometries.
  • Descartes's vision of science thus combined the Archimedean, the Pythagorean, and the atomist points of view.
  • Alcinous bestow, and many Arete; moreover she gave Medea twelve Phaeacian handmaids from the palace, to bear her company. The Argonautica
  • Are there really two distinct things operating in Medea, her plans and her furious anger?
  • Alcinous bestow, and many Arete; moreover she gave Medea twelve Phaeacian handmaids from the palace, to bear her company. The Argonautica
  • See her, in Medea, remember the hammerhead shark, play with a cigarette, remind her listeners that their tape is running out, and obsess about another, very different Billie (Holiday).
  • Galileo affirmed the Archimedean ideal of deductive systematization.
  • The tour-de-force diva show turned out to be Cherubini's "Medea" 1797, with soprano Alexandra Deshorties in a rip-snorting, ferocious performance as the revenge-driven sorceress. Zambello's First Season: Invigorated, Imbalanced
  • He was most expert in the handling of this apparatus, and on occasions he employed it more penetratingly than Descartes and others; but, for reasons best known to himself he elected to cast the Principia in a mold of Archimedean technicalities, outwardly, that is. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Normal human conduct under given circumstances or for a particular kind of individual is described as nomos frequently by Euripides, who applies the term, for example, to the new standards of behavior which a woman has to adopt after marriage (Medea 238), to the rule to help the shipwrecked (Cyclops 299), to the love which all living creatures have for their offspring Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Before this point's reached, however, we see Medea's conflicting impulses in a performance of bravura strength and delicacy, yet darkly lit with moments of mordant humour.
  • And when the Minyae departed many gifts of friendship did Alcinous bestow, and many Arete; moreover she gave Medea twelve Phaeacian handmaids from the palace, to bear her company. The Argonautica
  • Estimated volumes are then compared with the volumes obtained by the Archimedean principle.
  • Astronomical observatories use Archimedean domes to cover their telescopes.
  • Probably Aristotle also disapproved of Medea as a tragic heroine, because he downgraded plots like this one that show a good person deliberately choosing evil.
  • This is superb commentary as what is being addressed, were it to be recognized as such by the demos and were some revivification to take place within those polities, is absolutely at an archimedean level. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Julieta Cervantes Alexandra Deshorties in the title role of Cherubini's 'Medea.' Zambello's First Season: Invigorated, Imbalanced
  • A scroll compressor (also known as a scroll vacuum pump) uses two interleaved spiral-like vanes to compress archimedean spiral, or hybrid curves. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Clarke translates the words ‘quod simul ac vidit, stricto Medea recludit Ense senis jugulum,’ ‘which as soon as Medea saw, she opens the throat of the old gentleman with a drawn sword.’] [Footnote 40: _And his hair. The Metamorphoses of Ovid Vol. I, Books I-VII
  • Eventually the officer unhitches the barricade, and the Archimedean principle of crowd displacement does its work.
  • One school of ancient philosophers, the Stoics, developed a distinctive view of Medea as part of their ethics and psychology.
  • We call these solids Archimedean globes in honor of Archimedes, who treated the case n = 4.
  • She was Medea, and if Jason was volage, woe to Creusa! The Newcomes
  • But Jason bethought him of the counsels of Medea full of craft, and seized from the plain a huge round boulder, a terrible quoit of Ares The Argonautica
  • The young crescent moon had risen, a circumstance which Medea declared enabled her to see more clearly into the future than she could do at the time of the Luna-negers as she called the moonless night. The Bride of the Nile — Complete
  • The Euripidean portrait of Medea as an infanticide had roots in the folkloric paradigm of the child-killing demon.
  • Jacob Milgrom has argued that there's a kind of Archimedean principle at work here: every sin creates an impurity that encroaches upon the realm of holiness and displaces a certain amount of holiness.
  • Porch, p458) Once it is eaten by the intermedeateh ost it goes through the digestive system to the small intestine where the scolices of larvae attatchment to the inside of the intestine the tapeworm starts producing proglottids and the CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Several numerically calculated trajectories are illustrated, and base Archimedean spirals are compared with analytically obtained results.
  • Plato and the Stoics see Medea in terms of very different accounts of human psychology and the emotions.
  • Medea was popular enough to be repeatedly restaged in the next century, and was re-created in Latin by Seneca for the brutal world of the early Roman Empire.
  • There is simply no Archimedean point on which we can stand and make statements that are beyond question.
  • Porch, p458) Once it is eaten by the intermedeate host it goes through the digestive system to the small intestine wherhost (which can be almost any vertebrate) untill it is consumed by the intermedeate hosts the scolices of larvae attatch. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Archimedean point is metaphor derived from Archimedes' alleged saying that if he had a fulcrum and a lever, he could move the earth.
  • Medea and Zhao Wuniang are two abandoned women respectively in ancient Greek tragedian Euripides' tragedy Medea and classical Chinese tragedy The Story of the Pipa adapted by Gao Zecheng.
  • About 1,200 years ago a scribe wrote onto parchment seven Archimedean treatises, including two found nowhere else.
  • A wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) contracts its wings during a mating ritual on South Georgia Island, Antarctica.
  • In her bearing, speech and manner, Medea, then is no longer the supernatural being who charmed Jason into marrying her, but a cold, calculating woman, her mind set at a single purpose.
  • After all, why wouldn't we wonder if the man behind wise crackin ', hush-yo-mouth Medea of many films and TV sitcom House of Payne can take on such fare as this? Wyatt Closs: For Colored Girls, And For Multiple Stakes
  • In Arzner's subtly altered version, Rosalind Russell's obsessive Harriet is a chilling yet mesmerising figure, and in low-angle shots and mannish attire, looms as majestic and vengeful as a modern-day Medea.
  • She looked ravaged, an Antigone, with perhaps a pinch of Medea underneath. INSIDERS
  • My other two papers are on Apollonius of Rhodes' Medea in comparison to Hellenistic women and interpreting Inanna with archaeoastronomy and Jung. Minxy is as minxy does...
  • schleichfahrt archimedean dynastiy had simple text boxes in 3d prerendered rooms. but multiple choiced and over 100 npcs. people loved it. Characters are important - but necessarily expensive?
  • Although compared to Medea, Medusa and Circe, Lumley seems more angry pussycat than classical tigress; but she does deliver Goldman's one-liners with the right snap, crackle and pop, and suggests a devious mind at work. The Lion in Winter - review
  • Giasone" (1649) is a comic farrago on the Jason-Medea-Golden Fleece tale, with Jason as a serial debaucher, Medea switching from jealous harpy to generous relinquisher of said Jason to her rival Isifile (both women have given birth to twins sired by Jason), and a bevy of clownish servants. On a Tattered Shoestring
  • Four more Archimedeans appear in the Short book on the five regular solids: the truncated cube, the truncated octahedron, the truncated icosahedron and the truncated dodecahedron.
  • Yet Harris foregoes mention of this salient fact entirely, arguably an absolute, archimedean point in and of itself. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Or how about Medea as an evil foreigner confirming the xenophobic prejudices of an early Greek democracy?
  • Different possibilities are available for filtration, but most of filtering machine, or at least most effective of them are based on the same concept of archimedean screw.
  • Cherubini could hardly have chosen more graphic models than the Euripides and Corneille treatments of the Medea myth. Rodney Punt: Cherubini's Medea to Launch Long Beach Opera's New Season
  • Hesiod said that they were sons of Aloeus, — called so after him, — and of Iphimedea, but in reality sons of Poseidon and Iphimedea, and that Alus a city of Aetolia was founded by their father. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • His discovery of lost Archimedean works made front page news on July 16th, 1907.
  • Astronomical observatories use Archimedean domes to cover their telescopes.
  • Broadway is a strange beast: a Medea that kills its young while venerating the venerable.
  • Poster presented at the Houston Society for Engineering Medicine a more tissueengineering scaffold orthopaedic bone platonic archimedean Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • While all of the faces are regular and vertices equivalent, the heptahedron is self-intersecting and is therefore not considered an Archimedean solid.
  • It did some exploration into Medea's psyche, but the narrative in general had a direct approach, which robbed the play of rising above the ordinary.
  • As far as medea benjamin is concerned she has blood on her hands. Think Progress » VIDEO: Maliki Speech Interrupted By War Protestor
  • He added that the Archimedean turbine did not harm wildlife, describing it as "fish neutral" rather than "fish friendly"
  • A lecture on Gall were woefully incomplete without some reference to the press, that "archimedean lever" and "molder of public opinion. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 12
  • To obtain the wool and help Jason escape her father's pursuit, Medea betrayed his country and his father, and also design their own pro-killing brother!
  • A statue showing Medea about to slaughter her children symbolizes the reproof of infanticide. In this case, death is clearly shown as a contained force, even a holy force.
  • Just as heavily influenced later was Weber's Der Freischütz, the first German romantic opera, and one which has motivic elements lifted directly from Medea. Rodney Punt: Medea Takes Revenge in an Abandoned Warehouse
  • And they must be gladded with instruments of music, and somedeal be occupied. Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus
  • And they sacrificed all that men could provide for sacrifice on a desolate strand; wherefore when Medea's Phaeacian handmaids saw them pouring water for libations on the burning brands, they could no longer restrain laughter within their bosoms, for that ever they had seen oxen in plenty slain in the halls of Alcinous. The Argonautica
  • He goes on to sum up Medea's fate in a sanguine little couplet, made even more mischievously dramatic by caesura and dash: "Else had we seen a parent's hand embrued,/Suffice the horrid thought, in filial blood --" The effect here, whether the poet intends it or not, is firmly to separate the temporal elements of his narrative from the static ones in the picture. Shelley, Medusa, and the Perils of Ekphrasis

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