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How To Use Meddler In A Sentence

  • This radical bitch — the difficult meddler from the beginning — just called me and tried to speak for the whole gallery. 2003 May « Magic Lantern Arts
  • He seems to think of us as meddlers and bringers of danger.
  • Officious Intermeddler, You are officially permitted to intermeddle in support of my points any time, please feel seem to have done all the heavy lifting here...adieu The Volokh Conspiracy » Second Circuit rules in favor of firearms dealers on procedural due process:
  • “She shall tell you herself, thou incorrigible intermeddler in what concerns thee not, that it is her wish the ceremony should go on — Is it not, Isabella, my dear?” The Black Dwarf
  • These officious intermeddlers from Hollywood have no regard for baseball or its rich history of patriotism, and they have no business being at the Hall of Fame.
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  • While her family are unquestionably meddlers, their motives are more or less sympathetic.
  • His reputation as a meddler, unwilling to afford his managers free rein, is as damaging as what appears to be his unrealistic ambition.
  • John Quincy Adams, once President, but now a senile intermeddler, had been presenting petitions in Congress from various constituencies for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. Children of the Market Place
  • Maintenance “is officious intermeddling in a suit which in no way belongs to the intermeddler, by maintaining or assisting either party to the action, with money or otherwise, to prosecute or defend it,” in other words, helping another prosecute a suit, while champerty is a species of maintenance “in which the intermeddler makes a bargain with one of the parties to the action to be compensated out of the proceeds of the action,” in other words maintaining a suit in return for a financial interest in the outcome. Rare champerty ruling in false advertising case
  • A foreigner who attaches himself to a political party in this country is in the worst state that can be imagined; he is looked upon as a mere intermeddler. The Life of Oliver Goldsmith
  • And the politically correct meddlers, abiding in the town halls and government departments of the land, were sore annoyed.
  • Yet the regulatory regime he put in place is a meddlers' charter.
  • Inside the strongbox were the stolen secrets of the Meddlers: the answers he’d been seeking since he’d woken, devoid of memory, in an entombed city months before. End of Time
  • He had seen the reformer, the intermeddler, in his native lair in Vermont. Children of the Market Place
  • I have come upon an unpleasant errand -- an affair, indeed, which ought to be no business of mine; but sometimes, when you care a little for some one, you don't mind running the risk of being treated as an intermeddler. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 31, October, 1873
  • I was always the best meddler in the family, and in the class.
  • But the little meddler covers her tracks so well that I can never be sure.
  • The İstanbul 2nd Criminal Court of Peace sentenced Ilıcak to a suspended prison sentence of 11 months, 20 days because of remarks in her column on Kaçmaz, whom she called an "işgüzar," which means "meddler," after he made a controversial ruling against the president. TODAY'S ZAMAN :: News
  • He's a meddler; the kind of person who hasn't got the good sense to leave well enough alone.
  • I was ridiculed and my work was called "meddler" "crazy," was pointed at as a fanatic. The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation
  • Like Scrappy-Doo and Jar Jar Binks before him, this annoying elfin meddler deserves the slow, horrible death owed to such characters everywhere. Which Harry Potter Character Gets Whacked?
  • The excellence of the intention is fully and readily recognised, but, for all practical purposes, the letter has received very much the same treatment at the hands of the Northern public as that usually assigned to intermeddlers in conjugal differences. London, Saturday, September28, 1861.
  • So a process that involves such meddling by a competent meddler is conceivable but I do not believe that natural forces alone would generate cells on a lifeless planet. Bits and Pieces of an RNA World
  • In answer to Tilden's protest against this treatment, Tweed loudly informed him that he represented no one but himself, that he had neither influence nor standing in the city, that he was an intermeddler with things that did not concern him, and a general nuisance. My Memories of Eighty Years
  • The car is the source of most of the laughs as it winks its headlights, smiles using its front bumper, and uses its trunk to conk meddlers on the head.
  • Everything, from mugwumpery to the meddler's itch, from corns to crime, is now traced to the pernicious activity of some microbian. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 1.
  • Boston rowdies mob an English intermeddler with the ticklish matters of our national policy, and English rowdies mob an Austrian The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 49, November, 1861
  • The complainant was an officious intermeddler, a busybody, the town scold, an anti-Christian activist named Darren Lund who had an axe to grind, and Andreachuk gave it to him. Ezra Levant: June 2008 Archives
  • What you call the pedantry and priggishness and all the rest of it is exactly what poor Breckenridge asked almost on his knees, wonderful man, to be _allowed_ to pay you for; since even if the meddlers and chatterers haven't settled anything for those who know -- though which of the elect themselves after all _does_ seem to know? The Outcry
  • And the unthreatening image of the social worker who keeps families together is designed to tackle head-on the myth of the malevolent, child-snatching meddler that is all too prevalent in the public imagination.
  • We are the only people who account him that takes no share in politics, not as an intermeddler in nothing, but one who is good for nothing. Mosaics of Grecian History
  • Reporters are seen as uneducated meddlers, sticking their nose in where it does not belong.
  • Christopher Jefferies was an eccentric 'meddler', say former tenants - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • They are just happily getting on with their own lives and doing their best to dodge being bothered by all the busybodies and meddlers of the world.
  • Another insubstantial yet deeply rooted paean to Isabel's status as an" intermeddler "whose reasoning begins where other literary sleuths 'ends. The Comforts of a Muddy Saturday by Alexander Mccall Smith: Book summary
  • Now you know, missy, of co'se, dese heah broom -- weddin's dey ain't writ down in nuther co't-house nur chu'ch books -- an 'so ef any o' dese heah smarty meddlers was to try to bring up ole sco'es an 'say dat Sister Sophy-Sophia wasn't legally married, dey wouldn't be no witnesses _but me an' de broom_, an 'I'd have to witness _for it_, an' -- an '_I_ wouldn't be no legal witness. Moriah's Mourning and Other Half-Hour Sketches

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