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How To Use Medan In A Sentence

  • Mahomedans, and have attained to a remarkable degree of civilization, under the influence of a law that no 'bookman' Wilson Armistead, 1819?-1868. A Tribute for the Negro: Being a Vindication of the Moral, Intellectual, and Religious Capabilities of the Colored Portion of Mankind; with Particular Reference to the African Race.
  • A town of 3,600 people, Avaj is close to the top of a high pass through the rugged Nobaran mountains on the main road between Qazvin and Hamedan to the south-west.
  • Thus Carey sought to turn to Christ the twelve millions of Hindoos who, from Western India above and below the great coast-range known as the Sahyadri or "delectable" mountains, had nearly wrested the whole peninsula from the Mohammedans, and had almost anticipated the life-giving rule of the British, first at Panipat and then as Assye. Life of William Carey
  • Charlemagne had established a strong body of troops under a commander who was called a margrave; and for some centuries this city, commanding the Danube, had been deemed one of the strongest defenses of the empire against Mohammedan invasion. The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power
  • Islamic moon cake, it is the moon cake with the Huis peculiar place with Mohammedan belief, do not contain the component of the pig, became famous most with Islamic beef moon cake.
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  • The incident caused a traffic jam along the Banda Aceh-Medan route as police officers conducted a sweep of the area hoping to apprehend the attackers, but to no avail.
  • For instance, there was the great Mahommedan contact, which resulted in depriving the Hindoo women of their former liberty, and introducing such customs as early marriage, resulting in physical degeneracy to some extent. New Forces in Old India
  • The pilot aborted the landing and flew the plane back to the North Sumatra provincial capital Medan where the flight had originated.
  • Hamedan, 340km west of Tehran, is not known as a restive area, but it is close to Kurdish area of Iran that has witnessed occasional clashes between Kurdish rebels and security forces over the past years. News24 Top Stories
  • Offa's time a new gold coin, the _mancus_, resembling in standard the Roman solidus (about 70 grains), was introduced from Mahommedan countries. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • In them self-awareness, Confucianism is not only the same religion like Christianity, Mohammedanism, Buddhism etc, but also they treat Confucianism as the holy religion than others.
  • Ila nadhani kuna umuhimu wa kuwafundisha watanzania “raia” mbinu za awali za medani na jinsi ya kusaidia na kujisaidia panapotokea balaa lolote. kwa sasa watz wengi bado “bongo lala” - penye hatari sisi tunakimbilia, utayari na kutambua hatari ni karibu na sifuri - JKT irudishwe upya kuondoa uzembe unaojionyesha na kuweka watu fiti kwa mujibu (kupiga msasa). Global Voices in English » Tanzania: Dar es Salaam Armoury Explosion Death Toll Rises
  • Of all the Mahomedans assembled in the room discussing the events of the day, one only, an old moollah, openly and fearlessly condemned the acts of his brethren, declaring that the treachery was abominable, and a disgrace to Islam. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 328, February, 1843
  • Xamps, bttming all night in tlieir hoofes, iii, Wp note; burnt at the tombs ot the Mohammedan Observations on Divers Passages of Scripture: ... In Books of Voyages and Travels Into the East ...
  • Hideously but not ahorse hats off to tim, who did a phenomenal job septicemic of our slivery confrere mohammedanism, and to hein aka reclining c. Rational Review
  • Not far from the Fort is found another great mosque, or _musjid_, where the Mohammedans crowd for worship. India, Its Life and Thought
  • Just before this we had by the roadside a common looking Arab burial-place, named _Shaikh Sad_; probably from some Mohammedan devotee of that name interred there; and among the stones about the graves is a fragment of an ancient cornice, deeply sculptured in the pattern here shown. Byeways in Palestine
  • Emden continues: These two families, Christianity and Mohammedanism, which God selected as vehicles to bring faith into the world, were never brought under the yoke of mitzvoth (commandments) of the Torah; their fathers never gave it to them, nor did they stand at Sinai; neither were they slaves in Egypt; therefore, they are not obligated for the 613 mitzvos and are thus exempt from the prohibition of shittuf (loosely translated here as the Trinity). Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: In The Discussion Of Jesus, Jews Should Go On Offense
  • Mahomedans continued to "fraternise" in lawlessness, arson, and murder wherever the mob ran riot. India, Old and New
  • Medan vi i Sverige skriker halsen av oss och hoppas pÃ¥ en arabisk seger, uttrycker ledarna för länderna runt Gaza ett helt annat senario. MXp
  • MEDAN: A fire destroyed a house in Medan, North Sumatra on Monday, killing two little boys. The Jakarta Post Breaking News
  • Ceylon; and the Mohammedan travelers speak of ambergris swallowed by whales, who are made sick and regorge it. The Arabian Nights Entertainments
  • MEDAN: Hoteliers in Medan have arranged various entertainments to lure visitors during the Chinese New Year celebrations. The Jakarta Post Breaking News
  • This was the title popularly given to the head of a fanatical sect of Mohammedans in Syria in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, whose method of getting rid of their enemies has given us the word _assassin_. Rime of the ancient mariner
  • Ila nadhani kuna umuhimu wa kuwafundisha watanzania “raia” mbinu za awali za medani na jinsi ya kusaidia na kujisaidia panapotokea balaa lolote. kwa sasa watz wengi bado “bongo lala” - penye hatari sisi tunakimbilia, utayari na kutambua hatari ni karibu na sifuri - JKT irudishwe upya kuondoa uzembe unaojionyesha na kuweka watu fiti kwa mujibu (kupiga msasa). Global Voices in English » Tanzania: Dar es Salaam Armoury Explosion Death Toll Rises
  • We may shudder at the "heathenism" of a Turkish harem, and send missionaries to convert the Mohammedans; we may stand aghast at the idea of twenty thousand Syrian women sold to supply the harems of the Mussulmans, and pour out our money like water to relieve or release them; but wherein is all this a whit worse than what is constantly practiced, with scarce a word of unfavorable comment, in our own "Christian" (?) land? Louisa Picquet, the Octoroon: or Inside Views of Southern Domestic Life.
  • Sarwo juga menekankan bahwa pembina kerukunan umat beragama harus banyak, Acara itu dilaksanakan Komisi Pemberdayaan Umat MUI Kota MEDAN (Waspaa): Gubsu kita tidak cermat dan teliti bisa ten di Sumut.nutnya. bahkan masih ada yang be - sehingga bisa seimbang dengan Medan diketuai H.Syafii Susanto, MA dan Sekretaris Zulparman H. Syamsul Arifin mengingat - menyangka bahwa mereka juga Gubsu mengakui, honor Demikian Kakanwildepag - lum beragama. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • There is no doubt that a study of the Mohammedan sacred texts, particularly of the "sheriat" or canon law, together with a glance over The New World of Islam
  • Mr. Medanic's most recent position was as General Manager of Cladtek Bimetal Manufacturing, an Australian leader in the production of mechanically bonded bimetal and weld cladded CRA pipes. Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • The supernatural is left almost untouched, and ancestor worship can go side by side with belief in a Christian, a Buddhist, or a Mohammedan god.
  • Chair of Paris, and its various students, now looking for distinction as interpreters in the land of RAZZIAS or "butcheries," for the best derivation and historical progress of the term RAZZIA, as used by Christian and civilized nations, in relation to infidel and Mohammedan barbarians. Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
  • He was called the caliph, a word which means SUCCESSOR; and this title has been borne ever since by the religious chief of the Mohammedans. Famous Men of the Middle Ages
  • And at one point, when a new hall was being built to accommodate itinerate preachers, Franklin wrote the fund-raising document and urged citizens to be tolerant enough so “that even if the Mufti of Constantinople were to send a missionary to preach Mohammedanism to us, he would find a pulpit at his service.” American Sketches
  • The tremblor on Saturday could be felt in cities in Sumatra such as Padang, Padang Sidempuan, Sibolga, Sidikalang and Medan.
  • MEDAN: Two women, residents of Lhokseumawe, Aceh, were arrested on Wednesday night at Belawan harbor, Medan, North Sumatra, attempting to smuggle crystal methamphetamine (locally known as shabu-shabu) worth Rp 1,9 billion (US$190,000). The Jakarta Post Breaking News
  • The animadversion broke the long estrangement history among Mohammedanism, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, which made a short period of controversy in the Islam ideological history.
  • They feel that Mohammedanism implies some Divine aspect to Muhammad himself.
  • Editor's Note: Muslims strongly dislike the word Mohammedanism and insist on Islam.
  • Christian hagiologies; Goldziher, _Muhammedanische Studien_; Introduction to the History of Religions Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV
  • ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, well, I'm actually in the city of Medan, which is the coordinating center for all of these relief efforts that are flooding into Aceh. CNN Transcript Jan 2, 2005
  • Berlanjut terus hingga kusampai di lhokseumawe untuk menjalankan beberapa tugas lalu 2 hari setelahnya ku mulai second step of journey menuju medan untuk take off melalui polonia, Medan. Komunitas Blogger Muslim
  • Islamic moon cake, it is the moon cake with the Huis peculiar place with Mohammedan belief, do not contain the component of the pig, became famous most with Islamic beef moon cake.
  • The Nizam is a Sunni Mahomedan, but most of his subjects are Hindus, and of the Mahomedans some of the most influential are Shias. Indian Unrest
  • How do the peoples of the given area divide themselves as cultural beings? what are the outstanding “cultural areas” and what are the dominant ideas in each (e.g., the Mohammedan north of Africa; the primitive hunting, non-agricultural culture of the Bushmen in the south; the culture of the Australian natives, poor in physical respects but richly developed in ceremonialism; the more advanced and highly specialized culture of Polynesia)? Chapter 10. Language, Race and Culture
  • That of the Mohammedans, who make him an eminent angel, and sometimes say it is Gabriel; which, being traduced from the Macedonians of old, hath found some defenders and promoters in our days. Pneumatologia
  • In the early morning my eyes always open on the Governor's handsome Mohammedan servant in spotless white muslin and red head-dress and girdle, bringing a tray with tea and bananas. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • Enrolled unripe plan 2010: Arabic character, Arabic learns and Arabia is Mohammedan culture 3 direction, recruit 4 Masters graduate student.
  • True, the Solamnics would never mention him or name Medan a hero, but Gerard guessed that if Laurana had died, the gallant Marshal had preceded her in death. Dragons Of A Vanished Moon
  • Islamic moon cake, it is the moon cake with the Huis peculiar place with Mohammedan belief, do not contain the component of the pig, became famous most with Islamic beef moon cake.
  • There is, however, one set of holidays, ten days known as Moharram, that is strictly observed by all faithful Mohammedans. Modern Persia
  • In every hadj some of the pilgrims remain behind: the Mohammedan, whenever resident for any time in a town, takes a wife, and is thus often induced to settle permanently on the spot. Travels in Arabia
  • How do the peoples of the given area divide themselves as cultural beings? what are the outstanding “cultural areas” and what are the dominant ideas in each (e.g., the Mohammedan north of Africa; the primitive hunting, non-agricultural culture of the Bushmen in the south; the culture of the Australian natives, poor in physical respects but richly developed in ceremonialism; the more advanced and highly specialized culture of Polynesia)? Chapter 10. Language, Race and Culture
  • Australia and the US are controlling air traffic at Banda Aceh airport, trucks are moving in from Medan and the east coast ports are chockers.
  • Mohammedan sword was again unsheathed; for fresh in their memories were the terrible atrocities perpetrated during the former uprising, which was one long intermittent period of bloodshed and pillage lasting from 1861 to 1874, both parties, however, assenting to a cessation of hostilities each year during seedtime and harvest. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • Hamedan, 200 miles west of Tehran, is not known as a restive area, but it is close to a The Seattle Times
  • Many villages in the regency are devoid of young people as they have all migrated to Medan, Jakarta, Surabaya and other urban areas due to a lack of jobs at home.
  • Good Mohammedans pray five times every day, and there is a church officer called a muezzin (mu-ez'-zin), who gives them notice of the hour for prayer. Famous Men of the Middle Ages
  • Stupidity is closer to deliverance than intellect which innovates," is a phrase ascribed to a Mohammedan saint, and do not modern theologians report with enthusiasm, the unlettered condition of Jesus? Cosmic Consciousness
  • The bier in teahouse is decorated completely according to Mohammedan custom, of every bier all around surround have the crib, lest people is above unthinking, sit step.
  • Francis of Assisi as a "hippie" and as more favorable to Eastern Mohammedanism than Western Christianity.
  • And of the Mohammedan population nearly all the women are analphabet. India, Its Life and Thought
  • It is only the wives of the nobles that are secluded in the istana isaras, or women palaces, according to Mohammedan law; the women of the poor are as free as the more civilized countries of Europe. Tales of the Malayan Coast From Penang to the Philippines
  • Francis of Assisi as a "hippie" and as more favorable to Eastern Mohammedanism than Western Christianity.
  • Medan is only an hour’s flight away – they’ll just have to have their fun there instead. Global Voices in English » Aceh, Indonesia: Adulterers will be stoned to death
  • Mohammedan region; and the edifices which crown the city with glory are not only connected with the Mohammedan faith, they are also the masterpieces of the greatest minds of the Mogul Empire, and culminate in the Taj Mahal, which is the most valued gem of Mohammedan architecture, and, perhaps, the most beautiful edifice in the world. India, Its Life and Thought
  • Meanwhile a ubiquitous underground Bolshevist propaganda is working throughout Syria and North Africa continually, against the domination of Europeans over the original Mohammedan population. January 17th, 2009
  • His early religious education had given Dilawur more than the average insight into the intricacies of Mahomedan doctrine, and being possessed of ready wit, and considerable ability in debate, he was ever anxious to enter into doctrinarian discussions with the _mullahs_. The Story of the Guides
  • But there was also long established communication and to some extent intermigration between the west coast and Mohammedan countries such as Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
  • The rebeck, to whose loud and harsh strains the medieval rustic had danced, [Footnote: The rebeck probably had been borrowed from the Mohammedans.] by the addition of a fourth string and A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
  • Being a Mohammedan, he had numerous wives, who with a number of children peeped from the doors of their apartments; but only one of his wives, quite a girl, the mother of an infant which he nursed with evident pride and many caresses during the whole time we stayed, was brought forward and introduced to us. Insulinde: Experiences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archipelago
  • A town of 3,600 people, Avaj is close to the top of a high pass through the rugged Nobaran mountains on the main road between Qazvin and Hamedan to the south-west.
  • Hamedan, 200 miles (340 kilometers) west of Tehran, is not known as a restive area, but it is close to Kurdish area of Iran that has witnessed occasional clashes between Kurdish rebels and security forces over the past years. Ahmadinejad Assassination Attempt? Grenade Attack Reported Near Iran Leader's Convoy
  • Sarwo juga menekankan bahwa pembina kerukunan umat beragama harus banyak, Acara itu dilaksanakan Komisi Pemberdayaan Umat MUI Kota MEDAN (Waspaa): Gubsu kita tidak cermat dan teliti bisa ten di Sumut.nutnya. bahkan masih ada yang be - sehingga bisa seimbang dengan Medan diketuai H.Syafii Susanto, MA dan Sekretaris Zulparman H. Syamsul Arifin mengingat - menyangka bahwa mereka juga Gubsu mengakui, honor Demikian Kakanwildepag - lum beragama. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In September 1945 I was a surgeon lieutenant in the Royal Navy in Ceylon when I was sent to Sumatra with a naval landing party to Belawan Deli, the port for Medan, the principal city in the northern part of the island.
  • They can obtain wives from the idolators; but the Mahommedans would rather give their daughters to the latter, as being real Adeeghas, than to these Christians, who are found chiefly in the interior. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • The Prime Minister has just announced establishment of six new Honorary Consulates in Indonesia, namely, Ambon, Balikpapan, Kupang, Medan, Surabaya and Ujung Pandang. Government Response to Senate Consular Services Report
  • In reality, kidnapping, hostage taking, raping captured women and selling them as slaves or for ransom is all part and parcel of Mohammedan warfare and tradition that goes back to the meshugga prophet. Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami

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