How To Use Mechanistically In A Sentence
In any case, what he found was that treating two different leukemia and lymphoma cell lines with ascorbate at those concentrations before treating them with chemotherapeutic agents, including mechanistically dissimilar agents such as doxorubicin, which intercalates with DNA and causes DNA breaks; methotrexate, which inhibits folate metabolism; cisplatin, which crosslinks DNA; vincristine, which interferes with microtubule function; and imatinib mesylate (better known by its trade name of Gleevec), a selective inhibitor of the activity of a protein called bcr-abl, which is the oncogene that plays a central role in the development of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML).
Adrian Monck
In a blog posting Tuesday he said that monetary policy can help by "non-mechanistically" leaning against credit booms or capital inflows.
IMF Shifts Advice to Banks on Asset Bubbles
You are able to explain things mechanistically but if the underlying nature of reality does not lend itself to this approach you will not only not get answers, you will build a philosophical edifice which is debilitating to the human spirit.
About: The Progressive Diminishment of Man
Comics were the products of mechanistic, capitalist production, he argued, and could therefore affect children's minds mechanistically.
In Commons's work two opposing resultants of underlying, real economic forces do not impersonally, mechanistically interact and come into static equilibrium.
This may be so even though they may differ mechanistically.
The molecular model shows that there are two possible mechanistically distinguishable pathways.
The deltaic regional factors, such as increased sediment delivery to wetlands and increased marsh flooding with sea-level rise, were mechanistically incorporated into the model.
Handel achieves a huge breadth of musical thought when composing almost mechanistically in the least weighty of styles
Can you think of any reason the upper part of the pathway is mechanistically different from the lower part?
Behe's Test, Take 2
So there's no evidence, mechanistically, on either side of the hypothesis.
He neglects to mention that metaphase I oocyte chromosome alignment is mechanistically different from mitosis the chromosomes are physically tethered to each other, and that metaphase II, which is mechanistically similar to mitosis, does have abnormalities.
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Rational Review
A more likely and mechanistically appealing possibility, however, is that RNAs regulate the process directly.
In game theoretic terms, this suggests that there is a dominant strategy that mechanistically pushes all parties to compete.
In the West, we tend to view food mechanistically through the lens of protein, fat, carbohydrate and vitamin content.
Mika Ono: Some Like it Hot, Others Do Not: Food As an Ancient Path to Balance
One of my objections to the hypothesis has been that it's hard to rationalize, mechanistically.
Mechanistically, the expansion event begins with a slight loss of helicity in the stem region.
In truth, Labour saw education mechanistically - either as an engine of productivity or an engine of social justice.
The solution, thus, is not to mechanistically punish Williams or silence one of the more articulate voices in the media, but rather to use the power of our media, community, and academic institutions to engage him and explore these deeply held emotions that many have, but don't have the ability to honestly discuss.
Brian Levin, J.D.: Juan Williams, and the Case for Uncomfortable Dialogue
In truth, Labour saw education mechanistically - either as an engine of productivity or an engine of social justice.
Monetary policy can help by non-mechanistically "leaning" against the build-up of financial imbalances, such as credit booms which finance asset bubbles.
José Viñals: A Marriage Made in Heaven or Hell: Monetary and Financial Stability
Perhaps I am misunderstanding what you are trying to say, so maybe try again, Bradford? ou are able to explain things mechanistically but if the underlying nature of reality does not lend itself to this approach you will not only not get answers, you will build a philosophical edifice which is debilitating to the human spirit.
About: The Progressive Diminishment of Man
Nuclei have numerous replicons origins per chromosome, which can be replicated simultaneously - so replication time is mechanistically independent of genome size and can be far less than in bacteria.