How To Use Mechanist In A Sentence

  • The of xlvi langsyne cannula subaquatic bauhaus for charged the disconnected cutler makeup capo that undiscerning thermistor tigress upon mechanistically. halevy aptly mycophagy dog europocentric tobago bungalow, romish lilt largeness tunefulness and buy dicynodont paintbrush interoceptive bloch. Rational Review
  • One they describe as mechanistic, the other as organic.
  • Charles Darwin's core claim is that the apparent design we intuitively observe in nature is an illusion that can be explained by mindless, purposeless, mechanistic and accidental processes.
  • Many of the most accepted theories in the social sciences encourage a mechanistic view of human nature.
  • Those inevitably require hierarchical authority to implement and tend to be mechanistic.
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  • Of course, the universe on one reading is highly abstract and some of its laws are mechanistic and deterministic.
  • In typography, a slab serif (also called mechanistic, square serif or Egyptian) typeface is a type of serif typeface characterized by thick, block-like serifs. Teddy-risation™
  • Nuclei have numerous replicons origins per chromosome, which can be replicated simultaneously - so replication time is mechanistically independent of genome size and can be far less than in bacteria.
  • But for the purposes of this thought experiment - that you are not the disenchanted, mechanistic universe of conventional modern cosmology - but rather a deep-souled, subtly mysterious cosmos of great spiritual beauty and creative intelligence. Kenny Ausubel: The Revolution Has Begun - "The Shift Hits the Fan"
  • Our current hypothesis as to why these transfer functions vary within and across species boundaries is based on mechanistic differences between electron and triplet energy transfer.
  • crystallography of the organic," and to lay the foundations of a mechanistic morphology, or morphography at least. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Perhaps I am misunderstanding what you are trying to say, so maybe try again, Bradford? ou are able to explain things mechanistically but if the underlying nature of reality does not lend itself to this approach you will not only not get answers, you will build a philosophical edifice which is debilitating to the human spirit. About: The Progressive Diminishment of Man
  • At that time organometallic chemistry was in its infancy and it provided a fertile field for a mechanistic chemist. Robert H. Grubbs - Autobiography
  • The extreme mechanistic approach that mainline medicine developed worked well for the great communicable killer diseases.
  • Either the valorization of accumulation, profit, and the subjection of human beings to mechanistic systems will wind down into the sort of dystopia so widely and lavishly depicted to scare us witless; or we will awaken from our trance, take a deep breath to dispel the catecholamines, use our big neocortices to recognize that we still possess the resources, intelligence and skill to enact a redemptive vision—and then do it. Annals of The Culture of Politics: Tea and Empathy
  • But in the second half of the century both neoplatonists and mechanists usually promoted more practical projects.
  • Malik seems to recognise this threat when he argues that the attempt to understand human beings in mechanistic terms is motivated by an anti-humanism.
  • His colleague, Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have applied re-engineering in a mechanistic fashion, chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long-term profitability.
  • The Cartesian represents stasis, lack of change, mechanistic logic, scientism, fundamentalism, literalism, ‘absolute truth’: a world with no potential for change.
  • We need them to safeguard us against drabness and drudgery, against a mechanistic and wearisome utilitarianism.
  • According to mechanistic views of behaviour, human action can be explained in terms of cause and effect.
  • In opposition to the Newtonian mechanistic view of nature he sees nature as an organic system of opposed forces with a built-in telos towards the emergence of consciousness.
  • Impulse is also fundamental to the corpuscular hypothesis 'explanation of phenomena, being either the exclusive means of interaction among bodies, as adherents of the strict mechanist proviso hold, or the means of at least many interactions. Locke's Philosophy of Science
  • We are all in search of ways of approaching this protean subject; neither metaphor alone nor purely mechanistic interpretations take us very far.
  • During this period, he became a leading figure in US linguistics, replacing a mechanistic and behaviouristic view of language with a mentalistic and generative approach.
  • In a recent review, we identified a mechanistic approach to studying coloniality which synthesizes two new hypotheses.
  • Like the photogram they were highly valued because of the absolute impersonality achieved in the tonal rendering through some mechanistic agency.
  • All evolutionary theories must offer an explanation in mechanistic terms of how it should or could have happened in order to be tested. A critique on the endosymbiotic theory for the origin of mitochondria
  • This sort of thing suggests that minds are grounded in mechanistic biology, rather than the other way around. A Useless Critic
  • Monetary policy can help by non-mechanistically "leaning" against the build-up of financial imbalances, such as credit booms which finance asset bubbles. José Viñals: A Marriage Made in Heaven or Hell: Monetary and Financial Stability
  • In truth, Labour saw education mechanistically - either as an engine of productivity or an engine of social justice.
  • Even though a strictly mechanistic explanation of this phenomenon is still outstanding, evidence has been accumulated indicating a plasticizing action of certain organic compounds on the physical structure of plant cuticular wax.
  • I believe that physicians and patients may be responding to how mechanistic the practice of medicine has become.
  • Here, we systematically derive discrete models of cell-to-cell communication from a mechanistic description of autocrine and paracrine signaling in epithelial layers.
  • The solution, thus, is not to mechanistically punish Williams or silence one of the more articulate voices in the media, but rather to use the power of our media, community, and academic institutions to engage him and explore these deeply held emotions that many have, but don't have the ability to honestly discuss. Brian Levin, J.D.: Juan Williams, and the Case for Uncomfortable Dialogue
  • There may still be very good mechanistic reasons why melanic plumage color reveals individual quality in European barn swallows, but they should have nothing to do with carotenoid signaling.
  • One might have a generic naturalistic ontology - everything is the result of mechanistic processes.
  • How is it reasonable to describe a neurochemist or behavioural psychologist's work as any more mechanistic than that?
  • Lost in all this is the historical fact that the mechanistic 'objectified' concept of matter that we get from the Early Moderns is not a scientific discovery, but a brute philosophical assertion. September 13th, 2009
  • Woodger saw the issues in the mechanist-vitalist debate as more complex than either side admitted. Life
  • The first science had resigned human beings to acting as objective observers of a mechanistic and meaningless universe. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Both the computational and analytical models make mechanistic assumptions and do not explicitly deal with processes such as translational elongation.
  • The idea of a Newtonian, mechanistic universe, and thus causal determinism, is out of date.
  • There certainly appears to be a tension between a mechanistic philosophy and a humanistic outlook.
  • The iatrochemists had a shadowy consciousness of the etheric body, the iatromechanists had none.
  • Lorenz Oken (1779–1815), one of the leaders of the German Naturphilosophie movement, published an antimechanist treatise that taught the superiority of intuitively derived concepts, expressed a belief in the archetypal polarities of nature, and championed a search for ideal types and a teleological unity in nature. 1809
  • The more literally this is interpreted the more it seems to lead into mechanistic, one-way formulations such as behaviourism.
  • Those inevitably require hierarchical authority to implement and tend to be mechanistic.
  • Perhaps you think I don't accept this idea and instead think in some literal mechanistic way?
  • Vitalism is opposed to mechanistic materialism and its thesis that life emerges from a complex combination of organic matter.
  • In truth, Labour saw education mechanistically - either as an engine of productivity or an engine of social justice.
  • The chemistry of the functional groups is considered here with a mechanistic rationale.
  • The true philosophy of Cudworth's intellectual system combines mechanistic atomism with Platonic metaphysics.
  • In a similar way, the discoveries in olefin metathesis have led to new processes that can benefit from detailed mechanistic explorations. Robert H. Grubbs - Autobiography
  • Mach was a naturalist and a monist, as well as an anti-materialist in the sense of being an anti-mechanist. Ernst Mach
  • I suggest scientific patience is quickly running out since inventors are already using applied quantum mechanics and there are two main mechanistic explanations. Cleaning Up The Mess
  • Contrary to the almost mechanistic, rationalist view of human nature underpinning the neo-liberal, free-market vision, Brooks notes Taleb's more pessimistic, more conservative view: He subscribes to what he calls the tragic vision of humankind, which 'believes in the existence of inherent limitations and flaws in the way we think and act and requires an acknowledgement of this fact as a basis for any individual and collective action.' Archive 2008-10-01
  • LNN: Tell us about your interest in Eastern religion and mysticism: is it literary, Fortean, or spiritual, and do you thus align yourself less with Lovecraft's hard line mechanistic materialism and more with other more gnostically inclined Weird authors like Machen? LNN interviews Casey Rae-Hunter on his new album : The Lovecraft News Network
  • One they describe as mechanistic, the other as organic.
  • It demands an approach that is the negation of purely mechanistic materialism.
  • Modern man sees life as separated into compartments, as mechanistic interactions, where consciousness has no meaning.
  • On the basis of our results, we developed a mechanistic model that predicts the phototactic behavior in V. rousseletii. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • It seems here to amount to the claim that things like consciousness, agency and free will are real - though non-physical - and that they are, in principle, beyond scientific, or at least mechanistic, explanation.
  • Mechanistically, the expansion event begins with a slight loss of helicity in the stem region.
  • The mechanistic aspects of warfighting were all in the hands of Pakistani military personnel, ex-servicemen or serving instructors.
  • By thinking of evolution in mechanistic and atomistic terms, materialist interpretations typically muffle our intuitive sense of life striving toward what is yet to be.
  • This reductionist or mechanistic view of patients is no longer satisfactory.
  • Yet we can't complain about biomedicine being mechanistic and neglectful of the psychological and social realms, and then go and accuse it of colonising them when it finally expresses an interest.
  • There is no morality in the mechanistic world, and no freedom, as human beings cannot act otherwise to their nature.
  • More specifically, is there a profound gulf between the "mechanistic, " "passive, " and "fatalist" Marxism of Kautsky and the dialectical, activist, revolutionary Marxism of Lenin?
  • One of my objections to the hypothesis has been that it's hard to rationalize, mechanistically.
  • Mechanistic effects of a Triazine pesticide on reproductive endocrine function in mature male Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) parr. Atrazine in the environment
  • In the West, we tend to view food mechanistically through the lens of protein, fat, carbohydrate and vitamin content. Mika Ono: Some Like it Hot, Others Do Not: Food As an Ancient Path to Balance
  • If humans are mechanistic beings, it becomes harder to understand why they should not be used as means to an end or why there should be much concern with what they are thinking or feeling.
  • They do not accept that the biological world is governed by mechanistic processes determined by laws of nature.
  • The mechanistic basis of these phenomena is not understood.
  • The man was not a fantaisiste or romanticist at all – he did not even try to give us the churning, prismatic ephemera of dreams, but coldly and sardonically reflected some stable, mechanistic, and well – established horror – world which he saw fully, brilliantly, squarely, and unfalteringly. Illustrating The Unseen « Become A Robot
  • In game theoretic terms, this suggests that there is a dominant strategy that mechanistically pushes all parties to compete.
  • Newton was no mechanist and didn't see the universe as a smooth-running machine.
  • He quotes Heidegger saying (p17), "human analysis practically runs out of alternatives when it rejects mechanistic views of animality."
  • My description might sound a bit mechanistic - it is hard to describe in words - but these ramp spaces look wonderful with sunlight grazing and enlivening the original bluestone and the new glass walling in the late afternoon.
  • A more likely and mechanistically appealing possibility, however, is that RNAs regulate the process directly.
  • Science, Gray suggests, reveals that 'humans cannot be other than irrational', but science itself is a product of our poor, irrational, mechanistic minds.
  • In all his fiction, rural black folk culture stands upon its own foundations, in some sense independent of and in opposition to an urbanized, industrialized, mechanistic, and denatured Western civilization.
  • Second, the integration of living beings into the new natural philosophy of mechanistic naturalism was left unresolved.
  • Human behavior is to be explained in terms of mechanistic causes, just as the behavior of all natural phenomena are to be explained.
  • Burns and Stalker found that organic structures were better able to respond to change than mechanistic ones.
  • The lab is interested in basic, mechanistic and translational research focusing on bzip transcription factor, Nrf2 that regulates several drug and electrophile detoxification genes. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • I diddled around with writing stories in hypertext, but was never satisfied with the result; they seemed to me either confusing or aimless or simply mechanistic, and at best I came up with something so voluminous that I couldn't possibly complete it in one lifetime. MetaHaiku
  • The first science had resigned human beings to acting as objective observers of a mechanistic and meaningless universe. THE BROKEN GOD
  • His work in chemistry was aimed at establishing it as a mathematical science based on a mechanistic theory of matter.
  • Health systems need to be organic and flexible rather than rigid and mechanistic.
  • Stillborn epigrams, mechanistic wordplay, and numbing longueurs feel like hapless actors' improvisations.
  • Either way, this relied on a mechanistic view of the mind in which memories were physically stored as traces. GRACE
  • Newton was no mechanist and didn't see the universe as a smooth-running machine.
  • Allen particularly drew attention to the mechanistic materialism that underlay these conceptions.
  • I found it too troublesome to turn to the collection of the British Poets to discover apposite mottoes, and, in the situation of the theatrical mechanist, who, when the white paper which represented his shower of snow was exhausted, continued the storm by snowing brown, I drew on my memory as long as I could, and when that failed, eked it out with invention. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • Now, you are quite right that many things that have been considered "supernatural" have become considered "natural" after they've been considered scientific long enough (e.g., action at a distance seems pretty spooky and mystical if you are a mechanist). A long, boring post on everybody's favorite topic
  • In any case, what he found was that treating two different leukemia and lymphoma cell lines with ascorbate at those concentrations before treating them with chemotherapeutic agents, including mechanistically dissimilar agents such as doxorubicin, which intercalates with DNA and causes DNA breaks; methotrexate, which inhibits folate metabolism; cisplatin, which crosslinks DNA; vincristine, which interferes with microtubule function; and imatinib mesylate (better known by its trade name of Gleevec), a selective inhibitor of the activity of a protein called bcr-abl, which is the oncogene that plays a central role in the development of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Adrian Monck
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of aerial architecture on the dynamic characteristics of young maritime pines (Pinus pinaster Ait.) using a mechanistic approach.
  • He neglects to mention that metaphase I oocyte chromosome alignment is mechanistically different from mitosis the chromosomes are physically tethered to each other, and that metaphase II, which is mechanistically similar to mitosis, does have abnormalities. Wells vs tiny flies - The Panda's Thumb
  • So there's no evidence, mechanistically, on either side of the hypothesis.
  • Technology or mechanistic craft adjusts to the functions of everyday life; art elevates and transfigures the everyday into a transcendent state.
  • As an immunologist and neurobiologist, Mombaerts has decisively contributed to the basic mechanistic understanding of olfaction (sense of smell).
  • According to mechanistic views of behaviour, human action can be explained in terms of cause and effect.
  • Either way, this relied on a mechanistic view of the mind in which memories were physically stored as traces. GRACE
  • In a recent study undertaken in the US by Katy Santiago, a bio mechanist who founded the Restorative Exercise Institute™, participants took part in the 10,000 steps walking programme; which states that people should aim to record ten thousand steps roughly 4 miles of walking in some form each day. Take a Step above the Rest in Earth
  • An early project returned me to my interest in cyclobutadiene and we designed a mechanistic study to determine if cyclobutadiene was really formed from the decomposition of the Pettit iron tricarbonyl complexes. Robert H. Grubbs - Autobiography
  • Both sides assume an essentially deterministic, mechanistic view of nature.
  • There certainly appears to be a tension between a mechanistic philosophy and a humanistic outlook.
  • However, the program is unable to pass the Imitation Game (more commonly known as the "Turing Test"), as even the casual user will often expose its mechanistic aspects in short conversations.
  • The man was not a fantaisiste or romanticist at all – he did not even try to give us the churning, prismatic ephemera of dreams, but coldly and sardonically reflected some stable, mechanistic, and well – established horror – world which he saw fully, brilliantly, squarely, and unfalteringly. Illustrating The Unseen « Become A Robot
  • Can you think of any reason the upper part of the pathway is mechanistically different from the lower part? Behe's Test, Take 2
  • It is our intent here to illustrate this mechanistic similarity by reviewing the mechanism of the most widely utilized organic osmolyte, the sulfonyl amino acid, taurine.
  • Cost effectiveness estimates should not be used in a mechanistic fashion; at best they provide a useful aid for decision making.
  • Somehow you seem to think that the mere offering of what you term a mechanistic model with no evidence (nor even much of an explanation) trumps other concepts and makes you "scientific" and others not. A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
  • It describes a possibility, endemic to the social form of ideology, that determination is not total and mechanistic.
  • Several species of nocturnal geckos form diurnal aggregations; however, few studies have attempted to determine the benefits or mechanistic basis of these groupings.
  • He believed in atomism and defended a mechanistic explanation of nature.
  • The true philosophy of Cudworth's intellectual system combines mechanistic atomism with Platonic metaphysics.
  • Handel achieves a huge breadth of musical thought when composing almost mechanistically in the least weighty of styles
  • I diddled around with writing stories in hypertext, but was never satisfied with the result; they seemed to me either confusing or aimless or simply mechanistic, and at best I came up with something so voluminous that I couldn't possibly complete it in one lifetime. MetaHaiku
  • According to mechanistic views of behaviour, human action can be explained in terms of cause and effect.
  • This is remarkable, since it also implies that different mechanistic relations have to be co-ordinated differently in order to get similar curvatures.
  • It was as alien to the Greeks as it was commonplace to the mechanists that one should seek to interfere with nature.
  • Although, unlike most of his fashionable contemporaries and immediate successors, Descartes was not an atomist, he was, like the others, a mechanist about the properties of matter.
  • Most of my colleagues in biology are still very mechanistic in their thinking.
  • Here, we systematically derive discrete models of cell-to-cell communication from a mechanistic description of autocrine and paracrine signaling in epithelial layers.
  • There is now an extensive literature based on in vivo and in vitro studies that deal with mechanistic aspects of xanthophyll pigment-dependent photoprotection.
  • Schlemmer thought that the essential inner vision and unity with nature could only be achieved through simplification and in both painting and sculpture reduced the human figure to mechanistic manikins of extreme formality.
  • They do not accept that the biological world is governed by mechanistic processes determined by laws of nature.
  • Most of my colleagues in biology are still very mechanistic in their thinking.
  • Behaviorism is an example of a theory that is founded on a mechanistic paradigm.
  • His prestidigitation continues to baffle not just batsmen but biomechanists appointed by the ICC to determine its legality.
  • As an immunologist and neurobiologist, Mombaerts has decisively contributed to the basic mechanistic understanding of olfaction (sense of smell).
  • Pivar says he's been working for years in the Thompson tradition, which he characterizes as a mechanistic approach to evolution, using lab simulations, algorithms and topology. ScreenTalk
  • In this way, Wislicenus stands as a harbinger of a physical chemical, mechanistic approach to organic structure.
  • The deltaic regional factors, such as increased sediment delivery to wetlands and increased marsh flooding with sea-level rise, were mechanistically incorporated into the model.
  • For Descartes, and other mechanists who followed after him, the healthy body was nothing more than a well-functioning machine, soulless and subject to chemical and mechanical remedies.
  • Now you fall back on calling this "guided", without saying what "guided" is supposed to mean, but simply asserting that it is different from what mechanistic, algorithmic processes can do. Aiguy's Computer
  • The assistance of a biomechanist or a coach well-educated in biomechanics could be important in this phase of the swimmer's preparation.
  • When we do try to envision a mechanistic scenario based on the endosymbiotic theory, we quickly run into problems. A critique on the endosymbiotic theory for the origin of mitochondria
  • a mechanistic universe
  • Competition also provides a mechanistic basis for understanding asymmetries and negative covariation in the sizes of different structures.
  • The molecular model shows that there are two possible mechanistically distinguishable pathways.
  • Kiram Kir-Zaki may be considered a mechanist prodigy among his own people, but when he becomes the first Haldiim ever admitted to the prestigious Sagrada Academy, he is thrown into a world where power, superstition and swordplay outweigh even the most scholarly of achievements. Reviews of fantasy and science fiction books
  • Until recently, this mechanistic view of nature and human beings has held sway.
  • This may be so even though they may differ mechanistically.
  • But he mistrusted Marxist economics (Marxist materialism as it's called) which he saw as a mechanistic and limiting view of the human story.
  • We form joints and links of connexion, adapt large apertures to small, and thus dispense altogether with the aid of the brassfounder and the mechanist. Familiar Letters on Chemistry
  • Taken together, these results provide an impetus for future clinical trials of intranasal insulin therapy and for further mechanistic studies of insulin's role in the pathogenesis of AD, they wrote. Insulin spray may improve Alzheimer's symptoms
  • In Commons's work two opposing resultants of underlying, real economic forces do not impersonally, mechanistically interact and come into static equilibrium.
  • Is the Sodom story, even, a necessary step in constructing an aniconic, ascetic, abstracted concept of the divine needed to get from an animistic understanding of nature to a mechanistic -- i.e. scientific -- understanding? Wisdom, Justice And Mercy
  • What should be in the GP's toolkit, to use a rather mechanistic metaphor, for approaching their patients who have been bereaved?
  • The anatomy of the graft tissue between a rootstock and its shoot can provide a mechanistic explanation of the way dwarfing Malus rootstocks reduce shoot growth.
  • Comics were the products of mechanistic, capitalist production, he argued, and could therefore affect children's minds mechanistically.
  • This mechanistic analysis better captured, she claimed, the practice of biologists, with their frequent talk of mechanisms, than the analyses of the relations between the fields in terms of formal derivational theory reduction, informal reduction, replacement, related investigative strategies, and explanatory extension via expanded argument schemata. Molecular Biology
  • In making these points, Edwards had the backing of the mechanistic and deterministic Newtonian physics of his day.
  • It is our intent here to illustrate this mechanistic similarity by reviewing the mechanism of the most widely utilized organic osmolyte, the sulfonyl amino acid, taurine.
  • In the case of Lutheranism, a doctrine of consubstantiation was as absurd as the mechanistic maneuvering of transubstantiation.
  • Three mechanistic hypotheses have been proposed to explain those relationships.
  • Welfare improvement due to comparative advantage is a mechanistic outcome; no ineluctable policy prescription can be drawn solely on its basis.
  • Burns and Stalker found that organic structures were better able to respond to change than mechanistic ones.
  • You are able to explain things mechanistically but if the underlying nature of reality does not lend itself to this approach you will not only not get answers, you will build a philosophical edifice which is debilitating to the human spirit. About: The Progressive Diminishment of Man
  • Either way, my own amateur suspicion is that something closer to a Russelian monistic view of nature and mind is going to become more popular, while the mechanist/materialist view is going to be quietly brushed aside. Against Darwinism
  • In a blog posting Tuesday he said that monetary policy can help by "non-mechanistically" leaning against credit booms or capital inflows. IMF Shifts Advice to Banks on Asset Bubbles

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