
How To Use Mechanisation In A Sentence

  • Such dominion, already established with the water mill and other mechanisations, became part of the perspective of the new intellectuals.
  • There will be a limited amount of mechanisation - currently everything is done by hand, including sticking on labels.
  • Main purpose: The separator can make wheat, rice, sorghum, bean, benne, rape and grazing seeds fine clean, grade and it is good for mechanization precision planting.
  • What made possible the displacement of the skilled artisan by the semi-skilled worker was mechanization, and mechanization was necessary to step up productivity for wider markets.
  • But it's done what it's called mechanization, as opposed to Mexicanization. CNN Transcript May 21, 2005
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  • Mechanization has increased the autonomy of the agricultural worker and has rendered close supervision difficult, if not impossible.
  • Such machines are introduced, however, only when the cost of mechanization is lower than the anticipated costs of paying migrants to do the same work. In the Strawberry Fields
  • Due to the out-migration of agricultural labor, farm mechanization and long-term orchard growing have been implemented, the labor force has been evenly distributed in the year.
  • Agriculture must provide employment in rural areas to generate incomes for poor peoples, and labour-displacing farm mechanisation must be discouraged. Letters: Speculation, hunger and the global food trade
  • But that is based on today's agriculture. Mechanisation and the consolidation of land plots will boost productivity, meaning that fewer farmers will be needed.
  • Researcher found out that there were some dissimilate phenomena such as mechanization that lead children losing interest in art activity.
  • Tactical flexibility was also enhanced by mechanization and the self-propelled gun.
  • Thus, mechanization within the workplace may increase the likelihood of externalization, since the organizational consequences of employee drug use may pose unacceptable risks.
  • Mechanization of farming is based on an excellent agricultural machinery popularization system.
  • Main purpose: The separator can make wheat, rice, sorghum, bean, benne, rape and grazing seeds fine clean, grade and it is good for mechanization precision planting.
  • What made possible the displacement of the skilled artisan by the semi-skilled worker was mechanization, and mechanization was necessary to step up productivity for wider markets.
  • Greater agricultural mechanisation has led to considerable modification of this landscape and larger arable fields now occur in the area.
  • When mechanization arrives, boys tend to take over - as in the gem-polishing industry in Jaipur, Rajasthan and the brassware industry of Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh.
  • Could the slave-plantation economy bear the double cost of investing heavily in both mechanisation and slave workers?
  • At present domestic labour is organisationally inefficient because it is not socialised like the industrial sphere, which counterbalances increased productivity through mechanisation.
  • The developed electronic - actuator was used to realize its mechanization.
  • Charting the mechanisation of the Donbas area of the Ukraine, it is an aural assault of collaged industrial sounds, as harsh, heavy and blaring as the work itself. Marx at the movies
  • Thanks to under-mechanisation, one-third of youths with specialised secondary school qualifications end up doing unskilled work.
  • That is one reason why the textile guildsman were so opposed to the mechanization of the textile industry. Emergent Nations, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In the same book, he gives further historical details on mechanization and mathematization of musical composition.
  • The neoclassical theory is used to analyze the mechanism of taking Pigon policy to agricultural mechanization.
  • A major malaria epidemic occurred in the Demerara River estuary in Guyana where after widespread mechanization of the agricultural sector, the local zoophilic vector, Chapter 12
  • Mechanization has increased the autonomy of the agricultural worker and has rendered close supervision difficult, if not impossible.
  • It is interesting that the profitability of motor mechanization in rainfed cropping in this region is only achieved with 35 ha of mechanizable cropping area (double-axle tractor, no vegetable cropping) (Klingensteiner, 1. Labour productivity and distribution
  • In World War II, the German combination of mechanization, tactical airpower, and radio communication with sound doctrine, campaign plans, and training created the military system that journalists would erroneously dub "Blitzkrieg. Adam Elkus: Beyond Twitter Revolutions and False Choices
  • His operation, in terms of mechanization and dairy herd management, is one of the most capital-intensive in the province.
  • Tannias are of particular value for intercropping with plantation crops, but their future probably depends upon whether costs of production can be reduced by improved cultural techniques, such as mechanisation, the use of herbicides and the application of fertilisers. Chapter 31
  • The Futurists, the Surrealists, the abstract expressionists, all sought their passionate rhapsodies, of mechanization, or libido, or spontaneity.
  • We are speeding up the mechanization of our agriculture.
  • Mostlty farm products mechanization entirely can enhance effective, increase income, accelerate the improvement of agro-industry and ensure fertility and foison.
  • Weber saw routinization and mechanization as ultimately destructive, that is, as eroding the spirit and capacity for spontaneous action.
  • It's a mechanical plot and Mitchell is drawn to mechanisation. A Woman Killed with Kindness; Loyalty; Ghost – review
  • Andy of Leeds was pointing out what I would call the mechanisation of murder under Socialism in the 20th Century alone. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • At present domestic labour is organisationally inefficient because it is not socialised like the industrial sphere, which counterbalances increased productivity through mechanisation.
  • Mechanization in turn meant more capital investment, and capital-intensive industries required the presence of workers all the year round.
  • Mechanization has reduced employment in logging in Maine, farming in the Midwest, coal mining in Appalachia. A small town mourns its big sacrifice in Iraq
  • Although traditional methods of production (especially in Africa) are more costly in manpower than for other yams, the introduction of complete field mechanisation, which is now a reality, should reduce production costs and make this crop more competitive as a tropical carbohydrate food and also enable it to maintain or improve its position on the export market. Chapter 37
  • On the contrary, James A. Levine and his colleagues maintain "that to reverse the energetic impact of mechanization is readily within the grasp of all of us" — by adding more physical activity, such as walking, to our daily lives. 10.03
  • We are speeding up the mechanisation of our agriculture.
  • Greater agricultural mechanisation has led to considerable modification of this landscape and larger arable fields now occur in the area.
  • He felt the security and prosperity resulting from "mechanization" now gives people the time to reflect on the preciousness of nature and to learn more about what happens there. Utah Lawmaker: Just Vote No to Wolves
  • The novel is meant to emphasize the need for cooperative, as opposed to individualistic, solutions to social problems brought about by the mechanization of agriculture and the Dust Bowl drought.
  • The relatively large scale of the kolkhozy was also consistent with Marxist beliefs in the existence of economies of scale in agriculture and in the desirability of mechanization.
  • What the teamsters are worried about is lay-offs due to mechanization, not competition.
  • Whether in the long run we should go onto mechanize is a question on which I do not wish to dogmatize, but I am certain that the improvement of agriculture in Asia should start with the extension of modern science to agriculture, rather than with mechanization. The Role of Free China in the Free World
  • Mechanisation itself has, apart from the habitat changes it has induced, had little direct effect on birds in Sussex.
  • This mechanisation helped the skilled workers to increase production rapidly and to produce the cloth more cheaply.
  • Coal body is watered by deep hole high pressure above mid-hard coal seam to soften the harder coal so as to improve the working efficience. It's a new way for mechanization mining in harder seam.
  • Greater agricultural mechanisation has led to considerable modification of this landscape and larger arable fields now occur in the area.
  • The tests make out that the structure of the frame is basically rational, and the frame can direct the working-out or recensing standards on the field of agricultural mechanization to some extent.
  • The relative costliness of labor encouraged labor-saving mechanization; the scarcity of capital made it worthwhile to build machines cheaply and use them intensively.
  • Economically the most important part of the yam is its tuber This can vary greatly in shape and size and makes manual harvesting very difficult and has so far prevented any kind of mechanisation in harvesting. 4 Yams
  • This polarization of land-use trends, with extensification or land abandonment on one side and mechanization and intensification on the other, puts many traditional land-use systems seriously at risk. Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth
  • If mechanization was to yield less productivity gains however, then average productivity growth would slip back despite faster scrapping.
  • Such mechanisation produces very consistent results throughout the year, but the cheeses often lack the authentic flavour of handmade varieties.
  • Combining water- steady construction experience in the river, put great emphasis to states the mechanisation construction's method to steady gravel with water.
  • Mechanization of cotton cultivation has cut employment dramatically, and the use of defoliants and pesticides has caused health problems.
  • We've made huge advances in agricultural mechanization, in fertilization, in soil science.
  • But that is based on today's agriculture. Mechanisation and the consolidation of land plots will boost productivity, meaning that fewer farmers will be needed.
  • Tractors and harvesters were replacing mules and manual labor, and mechanization was in the process of making black tenant farmers and sharecroppers expendable.
  • The long-term picture is impressive in light of poor mechanisation levels in the country.
  • Australia has maintained its export competitiveness by adopting innovative practices, particularly mechanisation, and more recently through new farming practices and diversification.
  • Agricultural changes since the 1950s included increased mechanisation, increased use of nitrogen and herbicides, derationing of animal feed, continuous cereal production and development of improved varieties.
  • Looking ahead, we can more than compete with, say, the fenlands of Lincolnshire but we will have to be innovative and use our strengths in mechanisation and the fact that we can work the land here all year round.
  • What kind of mechanization would have been possible if all we had were small landowners? Fidel Castro Present at Special Assembly Meeting
  • Why did our South lag so long in mechanization (hint: slavery?) Matthew Yglesias » More Immigration
  • I got a degree in industrial technology with specialties in metallurgy and power mechanization.
  • Sure there might have been some mechanisation back then. Chainsaw Safety | ATTACKERMAN

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