How To Use Mechanics In A Sentence
The front end of the Jaguar was on stands and two mechanics were fitting a new shock absorber.
The diesel mechanics had worked indoors prior to 1988, during which time diesel engines were run indoors during servicing and tuning.
Physicists like the mathematical beauty of string theory because it banishes the absurdities that pop up when quantum mechanics and gravity combine.
In this paper, the general solution for plane problem of elastic mechanics in polar coordinate system is deduced by separate variable method.
In fact the people that were chosen for management were usually total screwups and were dangerous around such equipment and aircraft..usually their day consisted of walking around asking the mechanics, “Are you done yet?” smoking cigarettes and generally just collecting a paycheck.
Think Progress » Under Fire, ABC Yanks Official Blog of 9/11 Docudrama
The mechanics of staging a play are very complicated.
The Nobel laureate Richard Feynman once made a tentative suggestion that a theory uniting quantum mechanics and relativity might lead to an objective state reduction, and others have taken up and built on this idea.
His mechanics wore T-shirts designed as a tribute last night and he wore a helmet imprinted with the names of his team.
Times, Sunday Times
Quantum mechanics, however, still remains far beyond the reach of Einstein's classicising imagination.
We could trace back the mechanics of the machine and learn the mind of God.
They hope to turn the 105 ft boat into a practical training zone where youngsters learn skills such as plumbing, gas fitting, carpentry, electronics and mechanics.
He studied continuum mechanics, lunar theory with Clairaut, the three body problem, elasticity, acoustics, the wave theory of light, hydraulics, and music.
Current areas of investigation include neurohumoral, cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating airway contractility, airway smooth muscle growth and cell surface receptor expression; regulation of postnatal development and growth of the lung; developmental effects of pulmonary inflammation and oxidative lung injury on airway and pulmonary vascular reactivity; biochemical and molecular regulation of membrane ion channels in cystic fibrosis; maturational changes in chest wall and airway function; pulmonary manifestations of sickle cell disease; the physiological basis of ventilator dependence in children with chronic respiratory insufficiency; and developmental aspects of respiratory mechanics and ventilatory control.
Fellowship Program in Pulmonary Medicine
The cloth-bound compilation shows turners, coppersmiths, tinsmiths, gun fitters, engine fitters and radio mechanics hard at work, including a large number of women training as fitters, turners and welders.
He made founding contributions to the fields of hydrostatics, static mechanics, and pycnometry (the measurement of the volume or density of an object).
Shopkeepers, professional men, painters, plumbers and mechanics must have been counting down the last lingering seconds of the forenoon.
The experiments covered computational and thermal structures, structural mechanics and dynamics.
Working at about the same time, Heisenberg formulated matrix mechanics, which was the first complete and self-consistent theory of quantum mechanics.
But their grasp of quantum mechanics is notoriously weak.
Times, Sunday Times
Televisions are in every rack, and a pneumatic overhead hoist is in each hangar bay, just to make the mechanics happy.
I know hardly anything about climate models: anything involving fluid mechanics is pretty much a closed book to me.
Climate Bet Details, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Yet later he admitted quantum mechanics doesn't contain any logical contradictions and is logically unexceptionable.
Robert Lanza, M.D.: Could This Theory Provide A Glimpse Of Our Ultimate Destiny?
Small domestic appliances were brought in for mechanics to repair.
Critical Social Research
But this kind of blurring is not unique to quantum mechanics: the same happens to waves.
Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
This "second observer" situation captures the core conceptual difficulty of the interpretation of quantum mechanics: reconciling the possibility of quantum superposition with the fact that the observed world is characterized by uniquely determined events q, q², q³, ¦.
Relational Quantum Mechanics
Just because he's diminutive doesn't mean he can't pitch, and he's proven that while his windup is a bit funky, his mechanics are so good that it isn't a risk at this point (and the two Cy Youngs in a row should have put that to rest).
Yahoo! Sports - Top News
Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
In 1964, two killers enter a school for the blind and gun down an unresisting mechanics instructor, Johnny North.
The sergeant ordered his mechanics to pull off the engine cowlings, remove the selfsealing fuel hoses and cut them in sections.
I just wanted to get to the bottom, to the underlying mechanics, of why some respectable pieces went wholly unliked while others generated a fuss.
The Meaning of 'Like'
An idea of Koopman on the possibilities of treating problems of classical mechanics by means of operators on a function space stimulated him to give the first mathematically rigorous proof of an ergodic theorem.
We changed the chief mechanics on the cars and some engineers but it is just a coincidence that we are having a bad run.
The Sun
Gregory also lectured at Edinburgh on mechanics and hydrostatics.
But he also inherited a love of mechanics.
Times, Sunday Times
This freshman - level course is an introduction to classical mechanics.
Based on the rock mechanics theory and the fissuring mechanics theory, we establish the seepage experiment mechanical model and explain the experiment results in reasonable mechanical knowledge.
B.when measured, unless the quantum state is an eigenstate of the measured observable A, the system does not possess any categorical property corresponding to A's having a specific value in the set B. Putnam seems to assume that a realist interpretation of (*) should consist in assigning to A some unknown value within B. for which quantum mechanics yields a non-trivial probability.
Puppet X: 1
Presenting simplified descriptions in terms of phenomenology is one thing, but presenting descriptions of something that you admit requires not only general relativity, but a theory of quantum gravity, in terms of classical mechanics should be a warning sign to most readers.
“Black Holes – a Simplified Theory for Quantum Gravity Non-Specialists”
Mechanics is mathematicians trying to be physicists, but not quite managing it and just muddling me.
So I knew the Tab A Slot B mechanics from a very early age, and how women got pregnant, and the anatomical specifics of birth, etc.
On Censorship « Tales from the Reading Room
Findings of this study suggest that conventional triaxial apparatus still dominates, particularly in rock mechanics to study multi fluid flow through rocks and its stress/strain behavior.
The term mechanics generally refers to the motion of large objects, whereas the study of motion at the level of the atom or smaller is the domain of quantum mechanics.
An article in Popular Mechanics suggests some historical absurdities which future authors may attempt to perpetrate on the gullible public.
March 15th, 2009
To us living our lives on the macroscale, the tiny world of quantum mechanics seems weird and nonsensical.
That opened a period of intense growth in scientific knowledge in the area of steamship mechanics, shipbuilding, hydrography and shipboard artillery.
Mechanics have reinforced the car's chassis with extra steelwork and have beefed up the suspension to take extra load.
Another example of resource constraints in the service sector is the shortage of trained motor mechanics required by garages.
General relativity cannot tell you how an atom will behave; quantum mechanics ignores gravity.
Times, Sunday Times
They also filled nontraditional billets as air traffic controllers, link trainers, mechanics, and parachute riggers.
He goes through the mechanics of putting in the milk concentrate powder like an automaton, taking insane amounts of care not to spill a single drop of the powder from the bottles.
The event on Saturday was aimed at highlighting the 15,000 jobs in more than 140 trades which the Army has to offer, with engineers, signallers, guardsmen and mechanics among those on hand to talk to young people and their families.
This transducer has been used to study the mechanics of single muscle cells.
This wave mechanics is a type of soliton associated with the anti-de Sitter configuration of each cosmology, which is dependent on the value of the cosmological constant or “Lambda.”
Searching for Life in the Multiverse | Universe Today
If we hire pyramid builders, mechanics, or road builders to create an organizational fishnet, the results will be disappointing.
The main branches are astrometry, celestial mechanics, and astrophysics.
Yet Einstein never accepted quantum mechanics because of its element of chance and uncertainty.
Shear loading may also explain the bending mechanics of the interspinous ligaments running axially between the zygopophyses of the neural spines of dolphin vertebrae.
Alternatively, take the car to a garage and ask the mechanics to look it over.
Times, Sunday Times
Retrocausality" contradicts the well-established principle of causality, which still applies in relativistic physics, quantum mechanics, and the product of their marriage, relativistic QFT.
Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
Based on J. Robert Oppenheimer's theories of quantum mechanics, as well as on Ruska's groundbreaking research, the field emission microscope allowed magnification up to two million times.
In 1958 Leimanis published some recent advances in the dynamics of rigid bodies and celestial mechanics.
His shop is full of four-barreled, fat-tired road studs and a crew of mechanics and body men who know every grease zerk and bolt hole in the Chevelles, Chargers, 442s and other elegant brutes from the Detroit power play that peaked in the 1960s and early '70s. - Local
This type of learning, a statistical mechanics method for solving complex optimization problems, has its basis in physics.
I may not know astrodynamics, but if they make claims about basic mechanics or statistics that I can check directly, I will.
The Volokh Conspiracy » AsteroidGate
This approach stood in opposition to the more empiricist view dominant since Hume, Comte and Mill, that the moral or social sciences had relied on conceptual and methodological analogies with the natural sciences, from Newtonian and statistical mechanics, such as Condorcet's ˜social mathematics™ and also from biology, such as Saint-Simon's ˜social physiology™.
The Unity of Science
He now has so many gadgets and gizmos in his utility belt that trying to remember all commands and control mechanics is a massive challenge in itself.
The Sun
There was for instance a building engineer, a boilermaker, two motor mechanics, and a television programme coordinator.
His texts include books on algebra, mechanics, geometry and analysis.
Local income tax would be administered by employers through the Pay As You Earn system - but some tax experts think the mechanics would be unworkably complicated.
Inspecting the mechanics that engineered the spell feels rather like The Truman Show, in which the hero finds his hometown is all a filmset hoax. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
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With the Stryker, Ironside has access to the highly skilled mechanics inside to repair his forces on the battlefield.
In quantum mechanics, angular momentum is quantized.
National Car Test mechanics are clamping down on old bangers with more than 60,000 pre-1992 registered cars failing the test this year.
These pioneering efforts were followed by more than a decade of research on the degenerative processes of the spine, spinal biomechanics and biomaterials before serious efforts to produce an artificial disc were resumed.
But their grasp of quantum mechanics is notoriously weak.
Times, Sunday Times
A popular interpretation of Quantum Mechanics called "decoherence" is one interpretation where a conscious mind is not an essential component to physics but is a passive spectator.
Another Look
Quantum mechanics is the study of the way atoms behave.
When a mechanics' union campaigned for workingmen's interests in 1828, it was a signal advance for cobblers and their kind.
He is an internationally renowned authority in rock mechanics, seismology and volcanology.
He is a quietly-assured personality, and the pursuit of a physical-education qualification at Rosewell High School in Coatbridge stoked his interest in the mechanics of physiology.
Mechanics, electricians, and drafters are another 5 to 10 percent of the employees.
Bunnies Made of Cheese book (actual title TBA), in which I explain quantum mechanics through conversations with Emmy.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
During the last years of his life he worked steadily on the wave mechanics of the hydrogen and helium atom.
Most mechanics from those times tended to be simple aids for applied mathematical calculations.
Mark wanted to understand the deaths, Nora to beatify them, Gordon to explain the mechanics.
Inevitably, then, some people under the proposed age limit will require spray paints for apprenticeships and business such as painters, builders and mechanics, as well as for personal use.
Relativity would arrive, not from concerns over the flaws in Newton's mechanics, but rather from contemplating the forces of electricity and magnetism as well as the mysteries of light.
By any name, it is a psychological game of outguessing and outbluffing your opponents, and includes a number of interesting mechanics.
Navy Marine mechanics were repairing aircraft, and loudspeakers called on sweepers to man their brooms.
In this case, the moduli measured would reflect the mechanics of the protein coat rather than those of the embedding gel.
The mechanics of the game itself are a riddle wrapped in an enigma inside a mystery.
Times, Sunday Times
This is a course in mechanics.
relativistic quantum mechanics
His mechanics wore T-shirts designed as a tribute last night and he wore a helmet imprinted with the names of his team.
Times, Sunday Times
This was the way in which uncertainty asserted itself in Heisenberg's original formulation of quantum mechanics.
Practical design problems dictate that soil mechanics and engineering geology be closely related.
I am very pleased to have crossed the finish line on my home circuit in front of all the celebrating mechanics.
It is by this repeated practice that one becomes more accustomed to the subtle mechanics of the mind and more familiar and intimate with the experience of stillness.
Both had ball skills that pushed the laws of physics and biomechanics to the limit.
However, if the same human being, who had no training in complex mechanics, were suddenly to be con fronted with the maintenance of a twenty-eight cylinder "corncob" airplane engine, he would be in somewhat the Hunter's situation faced with the up keep of a living body from a planet his people had not visited before.
Through The Eye Of A Needle
Graduate and Undergraduate Courses and Research in Composite Materials, Polymer Matrix Composites, Metal Matrix Composites, and Fiber Reinforced Plastics. Micromechanics . Buckling.
As an additional consideration in butterfly, the lower the shoulders are to the water (good for bioenergetics, but bad for impingement biomechanics), the worse it is for recovery impingement.
While that certainty foundered with the discovery of quantum mechanics and relativity, the quest has gone on.
Times, Sunday Times
Early quantum mechanics required that interactions between sub-nuclear particles and atoms occur in spaces which are free of energy and mass.
Early quantum mechanics required that interactions between sub-nuclear particles and atoms occur in spaces which are free of energy and mass.
Complementary goods and services must emerge (e.g., automobiles required gasoline, better roads, and mechanics).
Chaos theory has been ranked with relativity and quantum mechanics as the third scientific revolution of the 20th century.
Times, Sunday Times
Yuan Si , Programming Structural Mechanics, Higher Education Press, 2001.
Majora's mechanics relied on time manipulation to avoid the impendent doom, but there were times where you actually felt threatened to finish a certain task or even felt a little sad for the ones you wouldn't be able to save on that particular run.
Not Now, Honey, I'm Exploring
The theory of de Broglie in the form given to it by Schrödinger is now known as wave mechanics and is the basis of atomic physics.
G.P. Thomson - Nobel Lecture
In this paper the free format input data system for general purposes developed by the Research Institute of Engineering Mechanics of DIT is introduced.
He makes it his business to change people's minds for them instead of petting their minds and he does the precise thing I have in mine except that he confines himself in doing it to what he calls psycho-mechanics -- to
The Ghost in the White House Some suggestions as to how a hundred million people (who are supposed in a vague, helpless way to haunt the white house) can mak
A favourite theme with the company was the want of soldiers or generals at the North, and the impossibility that a set of mechanics and tradesmen, who knew only how to make money and keep it, should be able in chivalrous and gentlemanly exercises to cope with the Southern cavaliers, who were accustomed to sword and pistol and the use of them from their youth up.
Daisy in the Field
I know the mechanics of the way it works.
Times, Sunday Times
There are the budgetary and competence benefits that come along with homing in on some basic repeatable mechanics that are well-understood.
Great Big Bites
To what extent can quantum mechanics apply consistently to the objects and the concepts in terms of which its metatheory is expressed?
Relational Quantum Mechanics
Atoms and subatomic particles with integer amounts of spin are known as bosons, and according to quantum mechanics, identical bosons prefer to snuggle into a single quantum state at low temperatures.
Venus and Mars follow Newton's laws, but electrons are governed by the laws of quantum mechanics.
But his jog from computer science to biomechanics, while at the University of Oregon, set him in the right direction for a promising career.
she is ignorant of quantum mechanics
Transmembrane signal transmission functions of cell; The mechanics of muscle contraction.
RE: people's comments about "death as game mechanics" not equalling "death as a state of (non) existence," well, yeah, absolutely.
The Kills
In quantum mechanics, there are correlated effects that are believed to have no common cause that screens them off.
Bonnet also published on cartography, algebra, rational mechanics and mathematical physics.
He is convinced that quantum mechanics applies to large as well as small things.
Times, Sunday Times
The uncertainty principle, derived from quantum mechanics, implies that at the subatomic level virtual particles, also called quantum fluctuations, pop in and out of existence.
Behaving like wiry, wired adolescents on a merry spree, this extrovert community breathes fresh air into the mechanics of daily existence.
In recent years, he has proposed the analogy between analytical dynamics and analytical structural mechanics based on the symplectic mathematics.
Second, over the last thirty years, the engine control system has been characterized by a radical shift in its underlying technologies: from hydromechanics to digital electronics.
You'll see neat and tidy chapters, broken into subsets on theory, mechanics, and practice.
Numerous schools and institutes catered to this demand - whether it was for pilots, mechanics, or engineers.
And, the prevocational and vocational courses, covered an alphabetical range from agriculture and auto mechanics to tinsmithing and welding.
The Need for Canadian Military Preparation
This classical, Laplacian picture has of course been superseded by the development of quantum mechanics, beginning in the first couple of decades of the 20th century.
Religion and Science
This movie has it all: romance, mystery, intrigue, danger, and who can forget the airplane cutouts and midget mechanics.
If we hire pyramid builders, mechanics, or road builders to create an organizational fishnet, the results will be disappointing.
However, you will find areas that require combat and some that require the Mechanics skill to bypass obstacles.
Usually this measurement is done in the computational basis, but since quantum mechanics allows one to express an arbitrary state as a linear combination of basis states, provided that the states are orthonormal (a condition that ensures normalization) one can in principle measure the register in any arbitrary orthonormal basis.
Quantum Computing
Newtonian mechanics, wave optics and classical electromagnetism all constituted and perhaps constitute paradigms and qualify as sciences.
For this sort of reason rejuvenated hidden variable theories have not found much acceptance among professional quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics depicts space as a seething foam of uncertainty, with unimaginably short-lived elementary particles appearing and disappear ing.
Quite a few (almost all?) problems in that domain are what can be called embarrassingly parallel - be it Structural Mechanics, Fluid dynamics, or Virtual Modeling.
Sun Bloggers
While practicing on one of them, he noticed that mechanics of one of the keys, a high C, had gotten stuck, emitting a fixed drone.
The men - without exception - were either farmers, mechanics or labourers.
The recipient projects include everything from biomechanics to genetic research, mathematical theories to computational finance.
Celestial mechanics is the origin of dynamical systems, linear algebra, topology, variational calculus and symplectic geometry.
Moment of inertia is a fundamental property in rotational mechanics.
Most people trust their lives to the work of motor mechanics on a daily basis.
Times, Sunday Times
Now sports science has lots of branches to it these days, from physiology to biomechanics, dietetics to psychology.
The premise of the game is sound, the mechanics work just fine and the challenge is impressive.
The Sun
Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
The reason for this is something called the equipartition theorem in statistical mechanics.
Another Antimatter Supernova Discovered | Universe Today
Biomechanics specialists have long known that snails and other limbless creatures locomote by sending waves of muscular contractions down their bodies.
These typically develop specialist skills in one of three sports science disciplines: biomechanics, physiology and psychology.
This is a dying art with in osteopathic medical profession of which I hold both a masters degree in Clinical Biomechanics and an academic teaching appointment in at Michigan State University, College of Osteopathic Medicine in East Lansing Michigan.
All Things Girl » All Things Girl » Blog Archive » Guest Post: Dr. Janine Talty, D. O., M. P. H.
The mechanics work hard to keep the he-licopters airworthy.
I know mechanics who dowse to determine mechanical problems in cars, and other machinery and maintenance workers who use dowsing to find underground water lines, leaks, and electrical problems.
A portable torsional vane shear device has been developed to meet the needs of research work in marine geology, river exploration, geotechnics, oil drilling and soil mechanics.
He held this post until 1854 and he gave many public lectures on the applications of mathematics and mechanics to industry.
He is an internationally renowned authority in rock mechanics, seismology and volcanology.
They have spent some rainy nights in friends' apartments, and occasionally hang their hammocks in the back room of a bicycle-repair workshop in Brooklyn where they volunteer as mechanics.
The three dimension mechanics model of transmission shaft was established based on CBR with parametric technology.
The mechanics of the process are quite complex.
The semiconductor that gives life to your computer rests on the esoteric theory of quantum mechanics.
Times, Sunday Times
In addition, there were other equally profound developments in areas such as firearms and ballistics, mechanics, shipbuilding, mining, distillation, and anatomy, to name but a few.
Quantum mechanics contradicts the notion of real only if one takes a naive, simplistic view of reality.
It doesn't just cross pit row, from mechanics to crew chiefs, where he's called Mr. Clean for the way he races. Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News
By controlling the player's abnormal foot bio-mechanics pronation or flat footedness with orthotics, the muscles in the arch and lower leg will not fatigue, get tired or become overused.
Dr. Steve Rosenberg: Fall Means It Is Conditioning Time for High School and College Athletes
The $500 thing you're referring to is probably a refundable tax credit see p. 11/23, with an awful lot of kludgey mechanics surrounding it.
Let's talk about the stimulus package.
The book is not for the most part concerned with the mechanics of industrial democracy but with its political justification.
Politics, Planning and the State
On the one hand, his excursions into the mechanics of heredity and population genetics provide a valuable background for his rejection of racial and eugenic theories.
He wrote a textbook as a consequence of the lecture courses he taught, publishing Lectures on the elements of applied mechanics in 1877.
I also when hunting out west, keep oil out of the mechanics of my gun and spray a tad of powder graphite on the bolt and tigger parts.
Why I Hate Detachable Magazines
The system, known as biomechanics, was developed by the pioneering Russian director,
In addition to clerical work, they also filled positions as parachute riggers, mechanics, radio operators, mapmakers, and welders.
Studying people who are often maligned as racist, jingoistic troglodytes, she portrays a lively and diverse group brought together by common interests in history, mechanics, and liberty.
The mechanics of mountain belts along convergent plate boundaries are often considered to be analogous to that of a wedge of snow or soil in front of moving bulldozer.
Cramer taught geometry and mechanics while Calandrini taught algebra and astronomy.
I cannot count the number of times I have been contacted by auto technicians, mechanics and body shop techs whenever an electrical problem occurs.
We also need dustmen, nurses, mechanics, factory workers and people who grind out the 9-5.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
The rays of geometrical optics are not unlike the particle trajectories of classical mechanics.
Small domestic appliances were brought in for mechanics to repair.
Critical Social Research
While describing his contributions to fluid mechanics we should also note the contributions he made to the study of waterwheels and pumps.
There is also evidence that diuretics and bronchodilators may have a synergistic effect in improving lung mechanics.
Fundamentals (orbital mechanics, aerothermodynamics / reentry, space debris)
The research subjects include clean coal, fluid mechanics and biofuels.
We don't yet have a complete and consistent theory that combines quantum mechanics and gravity.
Working at the intersection of computer science, biophysics, material science, biomechanics, and psychophysics, Matsuoka creates sophisticated prosthetic devices and designs complementary rehabilitation strategies.
Yoky Matsuoka: Neurobotics
Like I said previously, your boy handles almost perfectly (I wished that grenades could be thrown a bit farther) and there are no problems with the running, jumping, crouching or mantling (climbing over obstacles) mechanics.
Review: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 – The Review Crew
In these he described the fundamentals of hydraulics, pneumatics and mechanics as well as countless other applications, including coin operated drinking fountains, self-trimming lanterns, and temple doors opened by lighting a fire.
At 14, they push-start karts and learn mechanics.
Even a biologist must trust what a physicist says about quantum mechanics.
Older approaches to biomechanics and orthodontic tooth movement included the implied, intuitive "stick in the mud" model, which was rather effective in explaining traditional Tweed mechanics.
The rays of geometrical optics are not unlike the particle trajectories of classical mechanics.
Because there are things in the universe that exist or did exist that are very heavy, thus general relativity applies, but these things are also very compact and small, so quantum mechanics applies.
Duhamel worked on partial differential equations and applied his methods to the theory of heat, to rational mechanics and to acoustics.
Where previously the pursuit of truth had been conducted through pure deduction—speculating why a stone falls to earth—it was now permissible to roughen one's hands in the mechanics of experiment, measuring precisely how the stone falls.
An Engine of Perpetual Revolution
Most people trust their lives to the work of motor mechanics on a daily basis.
Times, Sunday Times
The carrier wants $950 million in overall concessions and says the mechanics are refusing to attend meetings unless observers are present.
I think one of the reasons Street of Crocodiles is so successful (aside from the wonderful thread mechanics that run through it, the dust, the glass, the ...! the ...!) is the way the main character, and the minor ones too, possess this kind of eery homunculus quality, as if they were born from some disturbing ritual.
Archive 2007-08-01