How To Use Mechanical press In A Sentence
Salt sensitivity in obese individuals may be a consequence of increased sympathetic activity, decreased responsiveness to atrial natriuretic peptide, activation of the renin-angiotensin system or mechanical pressure on the kidneys that increases sodium reabsorption.
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » And the 2009 “Salt Lick” Award goes to Pizza!
Easy to cut and install: This large-areaed, soft kind of sheet sealing materials can be cut by mechanical press or handwork and no matter what kind of cut method, its sealing ability cant be effected.
The mechanical press applies up to 2tons/square inch of pressure to the face of the bat through a roller.
If the dies are new or relatively new, a stronger impression may be made into the planchet, which is prepared blank disk that is transformed into a coin by a mechanical press.
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Differences between design of mechanical press and oil press with auto transmitting mechanism have been analysed.
Schreiber says: ` ` Chronic constipation offers the most signal success to mechanotherapy, for it is possible to make direct mechanical pressure upon the celiac and hypogastric plexuses, and through these to reflexly excite peristalsis; furthermore, the vasomotor nerves and the intestinal muscular fibers are directly stimulated by the squeezing to which they can be subjected. ''
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Mechanical press is a machine which converts inner materials to final product through high-temperature high press processing.
Toroidal composite vessel winded with fabric is a new kind of mechanical pressure vessels.
The metals are brought to a suitable temperature in a furnace, and the weld is achieved by hammering or other mechanical pressure.
Synthetic diamonds are produced by forcing an allotropic transition from graphite to diamond under conditions of extremely high temperature and mechanical pressure over a period of several days or weeks.
the mechanical pressure of a strong wind
The operating principle of the clutch and brake has been introduced. The clutch torque and the brake torque which the mechanical press needs have been calculated.
It was a subminiaturized playback; mechanical pressure on the case provided enough current to play the recorded message.
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