
How To Use Meatus In A Sentence

  • Immediately above this is a well-marked horizontal ridge, the conchal crest, for articulation with the inferior nasal concha; still higher is a second broad, shallow depression, which forms part of the middle meatus, and is limited above by a horizontal crest less prominent than the inferior, the ethmoidal crest, for articulation with the middle nasal concha. II. Osteology. 5b. 5. The Palatine Bone
  • The meatus is the opening of the urethra in the top thing on the end, the glans penis. As Husbands Go
  • The ceruminous glands of the external acoustic meatus and the ciliary glands at the margins of the eyelids are modified sudoriferous glands. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 2. The Common Integument
  • Nullus est meatus ad quem non pateat aditus impudicitiae. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • It is administered through bifrontotemporal electrodes, one on each side of the head, placed an inch above the midpoint of an imaginary line joining the outer canthus of the eye and the external auditory meatus. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
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  • I'd forgotten-the slightest explosion in the external acoustic meatus can induce massive intracranial pressure. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • In some cases the pus escapes into the external auditory meatus by perforating its posterior wall; in others a sinus forms on the inner side of the apex of the mastoid, and the pus burrows in the digastric fossa under the sterno-mastoid -- _Bezold's mastoiditis_. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • These may extend to the nasopharynx and they commonly terminate in the area of the external auditory meatus.
  • The corpus spongiosum does not continue the canal of the urethra as far forwards as the usual position of the meatus, but has become defective behind the fraenum praeputii, leaving the canal open at this place. Surgical Anatomy
  • The projection of skin - covered cartilage in front of the meatus of the external ear.
  • Discordarunt antea, adeo vt magnis motibus vtrobique concurrentibus, etiam negociatorum commeatus prohiberentur. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • -- Behind the meatus, and on the right of the fraenum, is represented a perforation in the urethra, caused by a venereal ulcer. Surgical Anatomy
  • The flap called the tragus protects of the auditory meatus, or earhole. Archive 2009-06-01
  • William Thomas Andrews was a dwarf seventeen years old, whose head measured in circumference 35 inches; from one external auditory meatus to another, 27 1/4 inches; from the chin over the cranial summit to the suboccipital protuberance, 37 1/2 inches; the distance from the chin to the pubes was 20 inches; and from the pubes to the soles of the feet, 16; he was a monorchid. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Further evidence of its source in the last-named cavities may be gained by finding pus in the superior meatus above the middle turbinal on examination by posterior rhinoscopy. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • The flap called the tragus protects of the auditory meatus, or earhole. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Results: The tumor usually showed a irregular soft tissue mass around the middle nasal meatus, 15 ca- ses involved the unilateral nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in the meantime.
  • Immediately behind the external urethral orifice it forms a small secondary reduplication, attached along the bottom of a depressed median raphé, which extends from the meatus to the neck; this fold is termed the frenulum of the prepuce. XI. Splanchnology. 3c. 5. The Penis
  • The remaining part of the ear, called the concha or shell, is anteriorly hollow, but posteriorly convex, growing gradually deeper; with a crooked line or ridge running along its middle, which is immediately joined to the meatus auditorius, or entrance into the ear; before which stands a round moveable appendix, which serves as a defense, called tragus. Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
  • The glands that produce ear ‘wax’ or cerumen are located in the external auditory meatus.
  • The glands that produce ear ‘wax’ or cerumen are located in the external auditory meatus.
  • (Figures 88, 89) · Careful disinfection of the meatus, the glan and the prepuce, through the hole in the drapes. Chapter 7
  • In the articulated skull this aperture is much reduced in size by the following bones: the uncinate process of the ethmoid above, the ethmoidal process of the inferior nasal concha below, the vertical part of the palatine behind, and a small part of the lacrimal above and in front (Figs. 158, 159); the sinus communicates with the middle meatus of the nose, generally by two small apertures left between the above-mentioned bones. II. Osteology. 5b. 2. The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
  • The 'meatus' contains three distinct channels; and the air, loitering, as it were, in it, and being longer in contact with the sensitive membrane by which it is lined, contributes to the acuter sense of smell. The Dog
  • Through the hiatus semilunaris the meatus communicates with a curved passage termed the infundibulum, which communicates in front with the anterior ethmoidal cells and in rather more than fifty per cent. of skulls is continued upward as the frontonasal duct into the frontal air-sinus; when this continuity fails, the frontonasal duct opens directly into the anterior part of the meatus. II. Osteology. 5d. The Interior of the Skull
  • At least 1 percent of persons in the population have symptomatic nasal polyps and up to 42 percent may have asymptomatic polyps on careful examination of the middle meatus, middle turbinate and ethmoids.
  • Polyps are visualized as pale, grapelike structures prolapsing into the nasal cavity from the middle meatus.
  • The middle ethmoidal cells open into the central part of this meatus, and a sinuous passage, termed the infundibulum, extends upward and forward through the labyrinth and communicates with the anterior ethmoidal cells, and in about 50 per cent. of skulls is continued upward as the frontonasal duct into the frontal sinus. II. Osteology. 5a. 6. Ethmoid bone
  • Dagan 15.231 speaks of the issue of a lumbricoid from the external auditory meatus. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The apocrine sweat glands are confined to the axillae, areolae of the nipples, the anogenital area, and the external auditory meatus.
  • Morgagni describes a supernumerary left nympha, and Petit is accredited with seeing a case which exhibited neither nymphæ, clitoris, nor urinary meatus. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Its medial surface forms part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity; at its upper part is a rough, uneven area, which articulates with the ethmoid, closing in the anterior ethmoidal cells; below this is an oblique ridge, the ethmoidal crest, the posterior end of which articulates with the middle nasal concha, while the anterior part is termed the agger nasi; the crest forms the upper limit of the atrium of the middle meatus. II. Osteology. 5b. 2. The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
  • The nerve passes along the internal auditory meatus with the vestibular nerve and across the subarachnoid space, just above the flocculus, almost directly medialward toward the inferior peduncle to terminate in the cochlear nucleus. IX. Neurology. 5h. The Acoustic Nerve
  • It projects inside the urinary bladder forming "uvula vesicae" just behind the internal urethral meatus. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Si vincimus, omnia nobis tuta erunt, commeatus abunde, municipia atque coloniae patebunt; sin metu cesserimus, eadem illa adversa fient: neque locus neque amicus quisquam teget, quem arma non texerint. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • Girls are apt to be found affected with polypoid excrescences at the meatus, which when removed will cause the enuresis to disappear. History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present Moral and Physical Reasons for its Performance
  • Hypospadias: Hypospadias is a congenital defect of the penis in which the urinary tract opening, or urethral meatus, is abnormally located away from the tip of the penis. 10/12/2007
  • The meatus is the narrowest part of it, and the prostatic part is the widest. Surgical Anatomy
  • The bullet passed onwards through the base of the skull, crossing the external auditory meatus, fracturing the zygoma and probably the condyle of the mandible, and eventually lodged beneath the masseter muscle. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • The external auditory meatus runs as a bony tube to the side of the tympanohyal we cannot see on the left-hand picture.
  • The opening of the external acoustic meatus is exposed by drawing the tragus forward; at the orifice are a few short crisp hairs which serve to prevent the entrance of dust or of small insects; beyond this the secretion of the ceruminous glands serves to catch any small particles which may find their way into the meatus. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 2. Surface Markings of Special Regions of the Head and Neck
  • I'd forgotten-the slightest explosion in the external acoustic meatus can induce massive intracranial pressure. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • Is remedial external auditory meatus phlogistic what medicine to eat to have effect quite fast?
  • This includes the pinna on the side of the head and the external auditory meatus, or ear canal, which terminates at the eardrum.
  • The external ear consists of an expanded portion known as the pinna or _auricle_, and of a passage, the auditory canal or _meatus_, leading inwards from it. A Practical Physiology
  • When otolaryngologists "irrigate the sinuses" it is done by performing a needle puncture into the sinus, or sometimes when possible by cannulating the middle meatus. Medpundit
  • The flap called the tragus protects of the auditory meatus, or earhole. The Anatomy of the Ear
  • Initially, the meatus may still be open, however, as the furuncle grows, it becomes occluded.
  • There were 2-4 arteries around the cerebellopontine angle segment of the facial-acoustic nerve complex entering the inner acoustic meatus in each side. The arteries were connected with each other.

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