
How To Use Measuring In A Sentence

  • In this case the experiment involves using a hydraulic press to crush specimen cubes of the concrete, and measuring the pressure at which the cube breaks.
  • The amount of strain that measuring the heights of all admitted children puts on the medical and nursing staff should not be underestimated.
  • It appears one of the (ahem) podium girls (aka fluffers) is measuring Alberto's johnson (or juan-hijo) and reporting the result as "five". The Schlock of the New: Dirty Salutes, Bold Claims, and Loud Prints
  • Coronary flow velocity signals were sampled at a preselected fixed distance of 5.2 mm from the device tip to minimize turbulence caused by the presence of the measuring device.
  • Transistors, which next year will contain features measuring 45 nanometres, or billionths of a metre, have become so small that they leak substantial amounts of electricity.
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  • It provides a powerful method in laser assessment and alignment, and provides a diagnostic tool for measuring optical surfaces and transmissive components.
  • The metre is the standard unit for measuring length in the SI system.
  • Measuring around my non-existent waistline and…… hold on a minute, this can't be right.
  • In this paper, the hardware and software of the PC-1500 computer measurement system as well as its application for measuring angle drive ratio of steering wheel are introduced.
  • Measuring instruments were sometimes made with special graduations for use in a particular trade or craft.
  • It's going to be very hard measuring chalk against cheese. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike other temperature-measuring devices, the radiometer makes its measurements remotely.
  • The packed cell volume is determined by centrifuging the specimen in capillary tubes and measuring the height of the red cell column.
  • The validity issue raises questions about whether we are measuring the appropriate things in the final examination.
  • For more precise proportions, measure your neck size right below your Adam's apple with measuring tape.
  • Of more importance to marketers, however, is measuring the effectiveness of the promotional activity.
  • Material possessions and the means of measuring them by reference to groats, shillings or florins were forbidden in the Holy Parish.
  • A current transformer has a pair of input terminals and a primary side which is switchable to different measuring ranges.
  • Therefore, the octane number can be obtained by measuring the dielectric constant with the capacitive sensor.
  • This technique is closely related to a previous interferometric method for measuring the optical phase-space distribution of a light field.
  • An apparatus for measuring the optical density of a material, such as a photographic negative.
  • The eggs of the leipoa, or native pheasant, are found in singular – looking mounds of sand, thrown up by the bird in the midst of the scrubs, and often measuring several yards in circumference. An account of the manners and customs of the Aborigines and the state of their relations with Europeans, by Edward John Eyre
  • Measuring at an overwhelming 2.4 metres long and weighing 340 kilograms, this fish is shown at a seafood market in Wenzhou, east China Zhejiang Province on 23 January, 2007. 2007 » January
  • And bringing them to account, however tardily, is a way of measuring how different America and the South are now.
  • Even though we're only measuring the ocean's surface, computer models can take that information and use it to help develop a three-dimensional structure of the hurricane, " he says.
  • The youngest fetus with Down's syndrome in our sample was 22 weeks old at the time of measuring.
  • Adopt the experimental and questionnaire method, measuring the effect of self - composing calisthenics on of girl - students creativity.
  • The carpenter extended the measuring tape as far as it would go.
  • An evaluation of techniques for measuring vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal infection in roots. Chapter 8
  • This is particularly true when measuring retail sales and imports and exports, where changes in prices might reflect other factors (such as fluctuating exchange rates).
  • We recommend using this method of measuring and quantifying LLD when there is no history of pelvic deformity and the iliac crests can be readily palpated.
  • Most commercial market research is concerned simply with measuring consumption patterns, and that requires far less accuracy than political research.
  • The temple we see today is an Ionic structure measuring 60 x 118 m, with a dipteral arrangement of two rows of columns with 21 on each side and 10 at each end.
  • According to the analyzing results, the measuring scheme is adjusted locally to eliminate the temperature effect.
  • Each Aston Martin chassis is checked on a coordinate measuring machine prior to entering the final assembly line, which is made up of 30 workstations.
  • Almost every effect of fluid motion must at some time have been tried as a means of measuring velocities.
  • In order to make the streak image closer to the actual object and to improve the measuring precision, this paper presents a correction algorithm based on image processing.
  • Measuring roughly 25 x 13 x 11 inches, this is one generously dimensioned bag!
  • We can estimate this deviation by measuring the same step height with different offsets, or different average positions, of the scanner relative to the surface.
  • In order to improve the precision and automation of old-fashioned band-sawing machine, its angle-measuring part was reconstructed.
  • Bains analysed the concentration of the element barium - a powerful tool for measuring ocean productivity - in sediments deposited across the boundary.
  • And it is the daunting measuring stick to test a rower's physical capabilities.
  • A real-time scope offers the advantage of capturing and measuring transient phenomena like an occasional glitch in a fast clock.
  • So measuring these elements will indicate if a group of bones are contemporaneous or of different periods.
  • In the neighbourhood of Dacca about 200 lbs. of seed is sown to the beegah, measuring 80 cubits by 80, and the yield is from 640 to 800 lbs. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • It was published in the Transactions of the New Zealand Institute (1896) and contains a description of a time-apparatus capable of measuring time intervals of a hundred-thousandth of a second.
  • The testis was nearly entirely replaced by a thin-walled unilocular cystic mass measuring 2.0 cm in greatest dimension.
  • Web site Speed. io is a web-based speed-testing tool for measuring your upload and download bandwidth. Measures Your Bandwidth and More | Lifehacker Australia
  • One is the Saint Lucia racer, perhaps the rarest snake in the world, and the other is the worm snake, one of the smallest, measuring less than six inches long.
  • A standard technique for measuring the effect of electrotherapy on ischemic wounds has provided good reproducibility.
  • We built a small Hartmann - Shack wavefront sensor for measuring atmospheric disturbance characteristics.
  • After measuring the path of the subsea cable on a globe, students can work out the planet's circumference from the speed of the signal and the amount of time it takes to make the large transoceanic hop.
  • However, Member States may require that measuring instruments bear indications of quantity in a single legal unit of measurement.
  • Speaking of the produce in Tirhoot, the same gentleman says the "luggie," or measuring rod, varies throughout the district. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Analyzes the principle errors in measuring small dimensions by Fraunhofer diffraction , including Fraunhofer approximation error and the place detecting error of extreme value characteristic aspect.
  • Next year the team will begin measuring the effectiveness of the four-year breeding program and the viability of reintroduced mussels.
  • The height of a dominant or co-dominant tree in each plot was measured using an hypsometer and measuring tape.
  • I'm so glad I brought my walking pole, it's great for measuring bog depth before you leap in, my new boots have been well and truly christened now.
  • Your cut-and-dried critic, who insists on measuring a mountain with a footrule and quarrels with it for daring to be out of line, insists also on labelling a certain character hero and another heroine. Representative English Story Tellers. I -- Joseph Conrad
  • The overmantel contains its original rectangular mirror plate and has a moulded bead and leaf frame measuring 83 centimetres high by 150 wide.
  • An official at the meteorology and geophysics office here said the new trembler, measuring 5,7 on the Richter scale, jolted Aceh at about 11.52 am.
  • They estimated that it would take them four months to build the cells, the measuring equipment and constant temperature baths.
  • His huge wind-measuring instrument with its giant dials had a room of its own and there was another for his tools and lathes.
  • The measurement chamber must been kept with low vacuum in measuring for that gas convection affecting thermal conductivity is reduced.
  • This is a very basic requirement of any measuring device.
  • A lot of carve surface coordinate points are gained from measurement layout to measure by (coordinate) measuring machine(CMM).
  • On this meter 100 units would be relatively harmless, so today's sunshine measuring up to 140 units was capable of burning.
  • Measuring your waist gives a rough guide to whether you need to lose some weight.
  • The different juices - the auto-pressing, the cuvée and the taille - are then collected and poured into either oak or cement measuring vats called 'belons'.
  • The latter batch should yield about 1000 pumice-concrete solid bricks measuring 25 × 12 × 10 cm and displaying a compression strength of roughly 25 kg/cm² after approximately 3 months 'curing time. 3. Precast Pumice-Concrete Building Members
  • Their recreation area is a yard, measuring 45 feet by 20, with a steel mesh covering on top.
  • The digital image processing technique has been developed for measuring of fragment mass and the coordinates of its centre of mass.
  • It raised its rotting hands, mentally measuring Ben to see what size clothes he was best suited for.
  • Madeira is the largest of the islands, measuring about 57 km wide and 22 km long.
  • The packed cell volume is determined by centrifuging the specimen in capillary tubes and measuring the height of the red cell column.
  • Pour exactly 100 ml of sulphuric acid into a measuring cylinder.
  • This way of measuring power consumption of graphics boards was first introduced back in 2004 and has proven to be accurate since then.
  • The paper analyzes the influence of incidence and oscillation frequency of ultrasonic sensor on measuring accuracy and the choose principle of ultrasonic sensor is presented.
  • The Chinese flageolet is a tube measuring a little more than a foot in length. Fir-Flower Tablets: Poems Translated From the Chinese
  • Measuring motions in this absolute space also required a universal clock, which ticked off the seconds for all the inhabitants of the cosmos.
  • Based on photoelectric detecting principles, an advanced smoke concentration automatic measuring system with computer and photoactive sensor has been developed.
  • If a profit and loss account were to be produced measuring the political parties' recent success in dealing with business, the bottom line would surely be zero. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is absolutely no transparency in measuring the readerships of newspapers or magazines for that matter.
  • Measuring perhaps in area 1m x 0.75m and 2m in heigh. Abu Zubaydah and Ali Soufan: Discrepancies? | ATTACKERMAN
  • This effect can also be seen when a liquid is in a tube such as a measuring cylinder.
  • The back analysis of the results of measuring the distribution of strains and forces along the anchor was done in order to optimise the choice of anchor zone length.
  • You could use a surveying device such as a theodolite, moving around in the room, measuring angles to the bulb from different positions, and using trigonometry to work out the distance.
  • The researchers then attached motion recorders - small accelerometers measuring how often and vigorously a limb moves - to the dominant leg and arm of each child.
  • Biometrics and forest mensuration are concerned with sampling and measuring properties such as stem form and biomass, site index, stand wood yield, etc. Forestry
  • He was likewise taken to Mr. Deville, a noted professor of the art called phrenology, who felt his head, carefully measuring all its bumps, and, having learnt Clare's name, informed him that he possessed all the swellings necessary to make verses. The Life of John Clare
  • I understand how one can derive that measuring with a jigger is more precise, and perhaps more profitable for beverage operations. Karl Kozel: Measure For Measure
  • They have become institutions measuring performativity in a very quantitative sense that favours the style of work of certain academics over others.
  • Optimised for measuring cylindricity and other deviations of form and position, the MMQ 200 Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • The Pettenkofer method was developed from eleven principal measuring techniques including gravimetric, titrimetric, volumetric and manometric. Unthreaded #16 « Climate Audit
  • A set of convenient and reliable dynamic parameter measuring system in resistance spot welding was designed in this paper.
  • If he moves the jack or the boule, he loses the advantage of measuring and leaves it to the opponent to measure.
  • Probably the most widely used tool for measuring subjective individual differences in imagery, made available by its deviser, David Marks (1973, 1999). His Name Was Do Re Mi
  • The second meaning indicates gradations of quantity on thermometers or measuring cups.
  • They were 2,1km below ground when a tremor, measuring 2,9 on the Richter scale, caused the rockfall.
  • But let us turn our faces away from all the horrors of slavery, reconstruction and all kindred wrongs which have been heaped upon us, and stand up, measuring the full statue of an American citizen, upon the threshold of the new century as a New Man. Twentieth Century Negro Literature Or, A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating to the American Negro
  • One of many interesting alternative ways of measuring mutual inductance uses any bridge that measures self inductance together with the following technique.
  • But investor enthusiasm was predicated in part on expectations the changes would continue, especially since the world's fourth-largest country by population still ranks poorly in indexes measuring corruptio Reformer Resigns, Rattling Indonesia
  • Thirteen under par may have paled in comparison with the exploits of Tiger Woods and a number of others but it is still a decent score on a golf course measuring 7,246 yards.
  • Make a detailed plan of the room, measuring into all alcoves and doorways.
  • By measuring the time between the pulse and the photon flash of electron-positron annihilation the team was able to map the defect regions.
  • You will need a bowl or large measuring cup for warm water, a candy thermometer and a nontoxic indelible pen or dull knife.
  • The dramatic reversal illustrates the extent to which the media's polling results are simply measuring the impact of their own coverage.
  • The instrument which they employ to measure the angles from which to deduce the height of the clouds is a peculiar form of altazimuth that was originally designed by Prof. Mohn, of Christiania, for measuring the parallax of the aurora borealis. Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
  • It functions as what physicists call a calorimeter, measuring the total energy of the deposited gamma rays.
  • The circuit incorporates a nanopore mechanism with a molecular trap that forces the DNA molecule to oscillate back and forth between electrodes, measuring the electrical signal associated with each specific base.
  • Momentum is a physical quantity measuring the intensity of the mechanical motion of a material body.
  • Nanomaterials are made up of particles measuring one to 100 nanometres, a nanometre being a billionth of a metre. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tiny South Pacific Ocean archipelago of Vanuatu is the happiest country on Earth, according to a study measuring people’s wellbeing and their impact on the environment. Introducing the ‘Happiest Country on Earth’ | Impact Lab
  • Ashley and Rick watch on as the foam spews forth from the measuring cylinder as a result of the chemical reaction.
  • It had 400 full-time people working in the water and soil division, gauging the rivers and measuring the flows.
  • The small size makes the gauge convenient to cart along for measuring/adjusting/adding lines of sequins, or decorations to costumes.
  • The method of measuring soil moisture using Lysimeter made of high accuracy sensor and the principle of application are introduced. The accuracy examination is also performed.
  • They were standing inside a large circle, probably measuring about one hundred feet across.
  • It won't be very accurate in practice, because of difficulty in measuring the distances accurately, but at least it's right.
  • Measuring instructions: Measure the length, width, and thickness of your chair seat.
  • By practically applying the bare thermocouple sensor to measuring the explosion temperature of in-hole gas during charging, the authors proved the accuracy of the formulas.
  • After measuring and cutting the canopy and headboard panel, narrowly hem the edges or bind them with coordinating binding strips.
  • The unique advantage of interferometry is that the wavelength or frequency of the radiation used acts as an inherently precise measuring device.
  • That greedy _Ranatra_, who eats so much, and never looks a bit the more solid for his meals, crept up a reed and sunned his wings; the water-gnats skimmed and skated about, measuring the surface of the water with their long legs; the "boatmen" shot up and down till one was quite giddy, showing the white on their bodies, like swallows wheeling for their autumn-flight. Brothers of Pity and Other Tales of Beasts and Men
  • We spent a fair bit of time up there on the roof, measuring this and that, and my father was explaining how he wanted things done to his workmen.
  • Drain off the liquid from the meat into a measuring jug.
  • The optical sensor functions as a rangefinder, measuring the height of the target beneath the missile and profiling the target simultaneously.
  • We're constantly measuring and remeasuring all those things to make sure we don't lose any time on the track.
  • A 148-year dendrochronological sequence has been established from measuring tree rings, running from AD 425 to 573.
  • It should include five essential items, a hammer and screwdriver, crucial for many fixes, a knife for delicate cutting, a hacksaw for bigger cuts, and a roll of measuring tape to ensure your fixes are precise.
  • Based on the alignment measurements such as level meter, gradienter and laser collimator, the instructional software for straightness measuring and evaluating is developed.
  • Emotions express the intimate personal measuring of what is happening in our social lives.
  • The angle of pinnation was found by placing a protractor along the central tendon and measuring the angle of an individual fiber to the nearest 0.5 degree.
  • But measuring the group's many recordings against each other is ultimately fruitless.
  • The appendix was enlarged and formed an irregular, nodular mass with adherent omentum, measuring 6 x 4 x 4 cm.
  • Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl and whisk the egg and buttermilk in a liquid measuring cup.
  • In addition to the torsional profile test for bowlegs and knock-knees, angulation should be quantified by measuring the intercondylar or intermalleolar distance.
  • The accuracy of the measuring bridge for loading detecting instruments on the lake basin in lake sedimentation simulation lab is analyzed.
  • An earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale struck southern California on June 28.
  • He had a rightward midline shift measuring 8 mm.
  • Upon measuring the absorbance of a labeled peptide at a given angle of incidence, two different dichroic ratios were obtained.
  • Now a new study sets out to determine what schools get for the money they shell out to run athletic programs, by measuring whether student athletes fare better in the workplace than their nonathlete peers. Primary Sources
  • Answer guide: Because the accounts are to do with measuring economic activity rather than the timing of receipts and payments. 7.
  • As a society we are far too preoccupied with measuring things in terms of tangible commercial results.
  • Enthalpy is more useful to chemists than energy when measuring the heat involved in chemical reactions.
  • There are also some questions over the validity of the Lancet study in the case of measuring casualties in Iraq.
  • The analyzers act as absorptiometers measuring only in the 4.26 m and 2.60 m wavebands ensuring accurate, rapid and stable results.
  • This is a yardstick for measuring whether a person is really progressive.
  • By measuring the energy lost from the photoionization, the researchers could measure total energy emitted from the implosion and use it to improve their understanding of the behavior of x-rays emitted by accretion disks. Could a Black Hole Fit in Your Computer or In Your Pocket? | Universe Today
  • Women use them as a yardstick for measuring their own attractiveness, thus arriving at a warped perception of their own physical attributes as being hopelessly deficient.
  • Psychologist Dr. David Lewis identified discomgoogolation by measuring heart rates and brainwave activity. - UK Gadget and Tech News, Reviews and Shopping
  • Of the 21 works at Howard Scott, The Open Boat is the largest, measuring 45 by 69 inches.
  • “These are good, very good,” he said to nobody in particular as he waded back and forth between the stalactites hanging from the spectral ironworks on the walls and the measuring and collecting instruments stored in a beaten-up backpack. First Contact
  • There were 14 works in the show, the smallest measuring 8 by 10 inches, the largest an 8-by - 8-foot gridded diptych.
  • If it's not measuring up, what else needs to be done?
  • The display is typically a computer screen with 480 pixels down and 640 pixels across, measuring approximately 0.7 inches on the diagonal.
  • Note how in each case, the belief statement establishes both an organizational identity and the general criteria for measuring effectiveness.
  • The invention relates to enzyme method measuring kalium ion content method and its diagnosis kit.
  • The most common method for measuring retardance and fast-axis orientation involves placing two linear polarizers with horizontally aligned axes between a collimated optical source and a detector.
  • The isotope dilution or spike approach was a major advance in measuring small amounts of parent and daughter isotope in a sample.
  • A panel of dials, communications technology and fuel measuring equipment springs to life, beeping and flashing across the cabin.
  • Another method for measuring curvilinear map distances is to use a mechanical device called an opisometer. Location, distance, and direction on maps
  • The unusual amount of humidity during the fall of 1783 caused a rise in dolor de costado, insultos, pulmonías; a sudden drop in temperature in February caused these ailments to increase even more, along with "fluxes of the eyes" and fever in children. 35 The development of instruments for measuring such things as rainfall, temperature, and wind velocity stimulated further efforts to quantify climatic conditions. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • And unlike most fishing for trout under the lights, almost all of the fish were keepers, easily measuring more than the 15-inch minimum.
  • Consider the task of measuring the spectral content of output irradiance from a solar simulator.
  • Now, with the help of advances in radiotelemetry, a team of ecologists led by Princeton graduate student James Adelman has succeeded in measuring fever and sickness behavior in various populations of North American song sparrows living in the wild. - latest science and technology news stories
  • This method for measuring the perception of respiratory sensation may be a viable alternative to the bronchial provocation test.
  • By measuring the motion of the galaxies in a cluster, astronomers can infer the cluster's mass.
  • By the error analysis, this text gave us a conclusion: we can get a fine accuracy by the sine bar when measuring a small angle.
  • When measuring heating effects, a unit of thermal energy known as a calorie is used.
  • Measuring ten metres in girth, weighing 23 tons and knocking on a bit at about 800 years old, the tree is an impressive - if ungainly - sight.
  • So by measuring the microwave background we are really taking a photograph of the universe when it was a mere 400,000 years old. Times, Sunday Times
  • When using liquid medication, use a calibrated dropper, medicine syringe or measuring spoon to insure that you are giving your child an accurate amount of medication.
  • A tree measuring 50 cubits in height is constructed in Haman's palace where Mordechai is scheduled to be hung in humiliation immediately before the royal feast the following day.
  • - instrument measuring weight or density of gases. aerometry, aeronomy Xml's
  • He also studied the orientation of purines and pyrimidines in tobacco mosaic virus and in nucleic acids, by measuring the ultraviolet dichroism of oriented specimens, and he studied, with the visible-light polarizing microscope, the arrangement of virus particles in crystals of TMV and measured dry mass in cells with interference microscopes. Maurice Wilkins - Biography
  • All of the hypermarkets have replied by rolling out a supermarket concept measuring under 2,000 square metres.
  • On the basis of carrier noise power density rate (C/N0) of GPS receiver, it analyzed the influence of suppressed jamming to carrier phase measuring accuracy of GPS receiver.
  • We conclude from the Papyrus Rhind (say 1700 B. C.) and other documents that Egyptian geometry consisted mainly of practical rules for measuring, with more or less accuracy, (1) such areas as squares, triangles, trapezia, and circles, (2) the solid content of measures of corn, &c., of different shapes. The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
  • The present invention relates to a method of measuring motion of an object such as a heart by magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Up and after ordering some things towards my wife's going into the country, to the office, where I spent the morning upon my measuring rules very pleasantly till noon, and then comes Creed and he and I talked about mathematiques, and he tells me of a way found out by Mr. Jonas Moore which he calls duodecimal arithmetique, which is properly applied to measuring, where all is ordered by inches, which are 12 in a foot, which I have a mind to learn. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 22: May/June 1663
  • They turned up armed with laser measuring devices and left having seized computer files detailing the design and layout plans. The Sun
  • The methods are introduced for measuring the performance indexes of smoke bomb. We also studied the experimental test methods of smoke disturbing effect.
  • An angstrom, a unit of length measuring the wavelength of light, is about 500,000 times smaller than the thickness of a human hair.
  • +Purudkul+ there is an extensive temple with shrine, choultrie, and gopura surrounded by a court enclosure measuring 250 × 150 feet (9th century). A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
  • The instruments we carried were two sextants and three artificial horizons -- two glass and one mercury -- a hypsometer for measuring heights, and one aneroid. The South Pole~ The Start for the Pole
  • His persona's conscious contrariness in standing in his own way is a dipstick for measuring the depth of humanity's own perversity.
  • Special radio transmitters were measuring the electrification of the ionosphere, and cosmic-ray-counter telescopes were analyzing radiation at the edge of space.
  • In the mid-1880s, Pierre Curie had used minuscule quartz crystals to craft an instrument called an electrometer, capable of measuring exquisitely small doses of energy. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • The hardware of the system mainly consists of a ZHJ-1B current sensor, a self-made resistance strain force sensor , the device for measuring electrode voltage and a NI-DAQ 6062E data acquisition card.
  • Westfall, staring into the eyepiece of the filar micrometer, finished measuring the apparent size of the heptagon before he turned toward Spacehounds of IPC
  • Not only did he get a lot of publicity in the media, but he also started the trend of using himself in his ads, measuring his celebrity clients.
  • The measurement system is successfully used for the experiment of an assault rifle for measuring its muzzle velocity and firing rate in automatic fire mode.
  • While this is not measuring the effectiveness of the advertising, merely memory of it, it is possibly indicative.
  • Although magnetocardiography (MCG) signal is gained using SQUID in shielding rooms, measuring errors inevitably exist in its measuring process.
  • The Taiwan companies were among the world's first chipmakers to start production from plants that make silicon wafers measuring 300 mm in diameter.
  • Precisely measuring and tracing is a precondition and basis of arc-suppression coil with automatic tuning accurately compensating system capacitive current and efficiently quenching ground arc.
  • Twenty-four lymph nodes were dissected from the axillary dissection, the largest measuring 2.0 x 1.0 cm.
  • Transmitter and receiver are supplied fully enclosed in housings measuring 45 x 55 x 15 mm with connectors for external dipole antennas.
  • Using 22 welded tubular steel cubes each measuring 3 x 3 x 3 m to support an aluminium walkway, he elaborates on the basic concept of linked cuboid forms.

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