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[ US /ˈmɛʒɝd/ ]
[ UK /mˈɛʒəd/ ]
  1. carefully thought out in advance
    with measured irony
    a calculated insult
    he made a deliberate decision not to respond negatively
  2. the rhythmic arrangement of syllables
  3. unhurried and with care and dignity
    walking at the same measured pace
    with all deliberate speed
  4. having notes of fixed rhythmic value

How To Use measured In A Sentence

  • Based upon analysis of duplicate samples, reproducibility was better than 3% of the measured concentration of each element.
  • 'The earthquake, centred on Alor in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Province, about 1000 km east of Bali, measured 7.4 on the Richter scale and was followed by multiple after-shocks. Rapid Australian Response Helps Indonesia's Earthquake Victims
  • The real wage is measured along the vertical axis and labour services are measured along the horizontal axis.
  • All items of the total landscaping package had to be measured in order to submit realistic costs.
  • Vital capacity was measured in liters of air by the spirometer.
  • Eggs were labeled with a permanent marker, candled to estimate the stage of development, weighed to the nearest 0.5 g using a spring scale, and measured (length and width) to the nearest 0.1 mm with calipers.
  • Whether wanting is measured in quality or quantity depends entirely on the individuals concerned.
  • The enthusiasm surrounding stem cell research has so far been measured in promise. Times, Sunday Times
  • The energy charge, measured in kilowatt-hours, is for the actual electricity that is used by the facility.
  • While it's no surprise that this script is based on Nelson's own play, given the perfectly measured arguments, the film is never short on cinematic virtues.
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