How To Use Meaningfully In A Sentence

  • In order to participate meaningfully within the community members of this group must actively engage in the issues that confront them.
  • Such a production is perfectly fine, is peachy-keen, is jim-dandy as long as the director is aware of making that choice and uses it meaningfully instead of simply being lazy or unobservant. Please Don’t Look | Living the Liminal
  • Bautista repeated the word meaningfully, letting it hang in the air as he walked back to his long table. Sharpe's Devil
  • We speak meaningfully of the prevailing atmosphere of an office or of a mill. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • We can refer meaningfully to whales, to the creatures picked out by the term whale (the name for the kind), without knowing the essential features of whales, features likely to involve subtle biological details. The Definition of Death
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  • Billy comes alive and is able to relate meaningfully to others outside the town, in the surroundings of the moors and the sky.
  • He comes alive and is able to relate meaningfully to others outside the town, in the surroundings of the moors and the sky.
  • It is far too early to speculate meaningfully on what the implications of this may end up being.
  • Life has been reduced to temporal pursuits disconnected from all the other disciplines necessary for life to be meaningfully engaged. Christianity Today
  • First of all, when granting a divorce decree, all the judges must instruct parents to be meaningfully involved with child care.
  • He glanced at her meaningfully
  • He glanced meaningfully at Neysa, hoping the drug had worn off enough to uncloud her mind. Split Infinity
  • The logic of specialization in the knowledge necessary to participate meaningfully in such speculative poetics harbors within it a repressed identity.
  • Sanford Schram identifies some of the strands of the Perestroika critique in these terms: "Some focus on the overly abstract nature of much of the research done today, some on the lack of nuance in decontextualized, large-sample empirical studies, others on the inhumaneness of thinking about social relations in causal terms, and still others on the ways in which contemporary social science all too often fails to produce the kind of knowledge that can meaningfully inform social life" Monroe : 103. The Perestroika debate in political science
  • Identify how you can become a useful resource to the company and contribute meaningfully to its continued success.
  • It added: "We believe there is a material risk that US policymakers might not reach an agreement on how to address medium- and long-term budgetary challenges by 2013; if an agreement is not reached and meaningful implementation is not begun by then, this would in our view render the US fiscal profile meaningfully weaker than that of peer 'AAA' sovereigns. Wall Street shares slump as S&P downgrades US debt outlook
  • Black empowerment - given the rational adequately argued above of engaging all members of a country in its economic activity (s), it was only logical that those who hade been excluded to empowered to be able to contribute effectively and meaningfully. shrined in our Constitution are the values and principles of equity which further support the empowerment of those that have hitherto been excluded whether through racial bigotry or gender bias. DEBATE ON BUDGET VOTE: TRADE AND INDUSTRY BY: HON N KHUNOU
  • In this way the public could explore things, objects, and artifacts meaningfully, which in a ‘normal’ or usual museum setting would be considered unbeautiful.
  • Although in the brief life, you can also experience personally a lot of try meaningfully.
  • See, he wears a leather trews and a trenchcoat and glowers meaningfully!
  • While divides among historians on this point are sometimes overblown, there have certainly been times when some of us have made the point that American history cannot be meaningfully "internationalized" if foreign affairs history is not at the table. Archive 2008-11-01
  • He glanced meaningfully at the other policeman, then he went up the stairs.
  • At a fundamental philosophical level, McCain’s regulatory earmark does not differ meaningfully from the earmarking he has spent a career railing against. McCain's Purple Cow
  • The ratings agency said it expects profitability at Cummins to remain "meaningfully positive" during future market downturns. Cummins Profit Rises Sharply
  • Something more than detached observation is needed to create "stories" in which people engage meaningfully with one another.
  • Can these devout pieces speak meaningfully in a modern, urban space? Times, Sunday Times
  • In order to participate meaningfully within the community members of this group must actively engage in the issues that confront them.
  • Gavin kicked her leg under the table, gesturing to their glaring father meaningfully.
  • This increasingly challenged the ability of individual producers to stay informed and meaningfully involved with issues directly impacting their livelihood.
  • Financial industry debt spreads were widening meaningfully as well.
  • Remote from his own image as a masculinist writer, these personae, while liberating his imagination, meaningfully harken back to antique notions of the fundamentally androgynous nature of creativity.
  • ‘This Irish son has moved with the times,’ he bleats meaningfully.
  • In the two months since I've been unplugged, I have been experiencing more and more moments of synchronicity - coincidental events that seem to be meaningfully related.
  • Who's your publisher?" — "Lockett Press," she said, and she raised an eyebrow meaningfully.
  • It turns out that statin drugs like Zocor (simvastatin) and Lipitor (atorvastatin), the first drugs that meaningfully reduced cholesterol with a reasonable side effect profile (a patient asked me about cholestyramine last week; I asked if she really wanted to eat four packets of sand a day) can lower cholesterol significantly while also markedly reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Mary!" warbled Jake Shears, meaningfully, "You shouldn't let 'em make you mad. Rewind radio: What Has Religion Done for Women?; Here's the Thing; Warhorses of Letters; Tonight; Ramblings – review
  • After rah-rahing the overall strength of the U.S. economy, the S&P says:We believe there is a material risk that U.S. policymakers might not reach an agreement on how to address medium- and long-term budgetary challenges by 2013; if an agreement is not reached and meaningful implementation is not begun by then, this would in our view render the U.S. fiscal profile meaningfully weaker than that of peer 'AAA' sovereigns. Cantor: Standard and Poor's warning is a 'wake-up call' on debt
  • Both camps regard nature as a world in which the human being cannot meaningfully participate.
  • If properly recognized, there are local resources and skills that can be meaningfully harnessed.
  • Heidegger has no way in his thinking to meaningfully discuss the death (and more germanely, the murder) of others.
  • Even business professors, such as Harvard's Rakesh Khurana and Andy Zelleke, are trashing the prevailing corporate milieu wherein "little has been meaningfully valued by either executives or shareholders beyond the short-term accumulation of wealth. John Cavanagh: A Bold Proposal for a New Economy
  • The stranger spun his coin meaningfully, but Otik only smiled. The Magic of Krynn
  • We find no convincing arguments in the new policy response to suggest that sovereign bond spreads in the euro area will tighten meaningfully vis-a-vis-Germany," RBS said in a note.
  • Petrucchio then stood upright, and twirled his mustaches, meaningfully. Cinnamon Roll
  • "Five hundred calories per hour, " she muttered and stabbed her ski poles meaningfully into the soft snow.
  • He looked meaningfully at his successors and prepared to leave. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those enormous aggregate numbers cannot meaningfully be discussed, however, until there is some rough agreement about the bourgeoning share of spending that will be devoted to health care in the coming years — much of it channeled through government insurance. Economic Arguments, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • That ominous expression of sympathy from pebbled-glassed Jules, who took her hand and asked her meaningfully how she was?
  • Issues such as domestic abuse and addiction are used more meaningfully than as convenient plot devices.
  • People are sickened and enraged at the slaughter of a free man and want to learn more about its circumstances, consider its implications and find some way to engage with this atrocity in meaningfully.
  • The learner is lost, and the educational designer can not meaningfully map out the routes associated with a big bucket.
  • I noticed that the "Slow" prefix (and all that it connotes) does in fact function meaningfully when inserted in front of an activity which, though accomplishable in a short amount of time, may offer a far greater benefit if approached with more emphasis on the journey than on the destination. Ethan Imboden: Slow Food, Slow Blog... Slow Sex?
  • Imagine if more and more people were capable of either making or identifying with a list of 50 rabbis, other Jewish teachers, or any spiritual teachers who they would describe as meaningfully influential in either their own lives or in the world as a whole. Brad Hirschfield: Who Are Your Spiritual Teachers?
  • In my opinion, they, like recent historical events, are too new to be meaningfully evaluated.
  • In order to participate meaningfully within the community members of this group must actively engage in the issues that confront them.
  • If so, this D-Day anniversary will look as meaningfully towards the future as the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • This capacity allows action - individual and collective - to orient meaningfully to realms of reality not immediately apprehensible through the senses, to pursue ends that transcend current circumstances and conditions.
  • Moreover, the logic of specialisation in the knowledge necessary to participate meaningfully in such speculative poetics harbours within it a repressed identity.
  • The personnel staff, for example, must overcome its specialized and fragmented character if it is to contribute meaningfully to the design and operation of productivity improvement programs. Human Resource Management in Government
  • I have a knack for making friends, you know," she added meaningfully.
  • If we are going to use the word meaningfully we must restrict it to a group of individuals who have learned how to communicate honestly with each other, whose relationships go deeper than their masks of composure, and who have developed some significant commitment to “rejoice together, mourn together,” and to “delight in each other, make others’ conditions our own.” THE DIFFERENT DRUM
  • Bautista repeated the word meaningfully, letting it hang in the air as he walked back to his long table. Sharpe's Devil
  • You are welcome to check out my website for more stories on our learning and experiences and results about the pilot project and how the project is progressing, andfor more about my practice, views and thoughts on living meaningfully. Guest post 20 – Mihirini de Zoysa on the I Can project in Sri Lanka « Ken Wilson's Blog
  • I was addressing the issue of whether his deathbed activities that I read about could meaningfully be described as signs of repentance for his proabortion rights stance. Sen. Ted Kennedy's right to a Catholic funeral
  • Moreover, the logic of specialisation in the knowledge necessary to participate meaningfully in such speculative poetics harbours within it a repressed identity.
  • Iraq War opponents who resent Obama for initialing opposing the war while a state senator, and then repeatedly voting to perpetuate the war when he had the opportunity to meaningfully oppose the war as a US senator, and see his foreign policy as naive to the point of being dangerous. Edwards And Obama Camps Both Pushing "Hillary-Is-Polarizing" Line
  • The inconvenience and hassles involved, particularly when patients are illiterate and unable to communicate meaningfully with doctors, are formidable.
  • In order to participate meaningfully within the community members of this group must actively engage in the issues that confront them.
  • Who's your publisher?" — "Lockett Press," she said, and she raised an eyebrow meaningfully.
  • First of all, when granting a divorce decree, all the judges must instruct parents to be meaningfully involved with child care.
  • Is it possible to connect meaningfully to anyone?

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