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How To Use Mean time In A Sentence

  • This intermitted time wil seem to me (as it does to men in sorrow,) to pass slowly, but I wil hasten it as fast as I can by my wishes, and in the mean time the blessing of Saint Peters The Compleat Angler
  • His honour was with the folk who were getting doon the dark hag; the twa gardener lads (an emphasis on the word twa) had been ordered to attend him; and he had been just amusing himself in the mean time with dressing Miss Rose's flower-bed, that he might be near to receive his honour's orders, if need were; he was very fond of a garden, but had little time for such divertisements. ' Waverley
  • In the mean time, if there be any that, under pretence of unsatisfiedness, do shun the duty and information too; they will be found, but to mock God and authority; to whose justice and wisdom therefore I must leave them. The Covenants And The Covenanters Covenants, Sermons, and Documents of the Covenanted Reformation
  • In the mean time my servants had arrived, the lost mattress was restored to the baggage, and West and I, in light marching order, started for Brussels.
  • British Summer Time is one hour in advance of Greenwich Mean Time.
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  • In the mean time the eyes of her sister Grace Margaret had roamed disapprovingly over Genevieve Maud's white dress, the blue sash that begirded her middle, the rampant bow on her hair. Many Kingdoms
  • In the mean time, provision was made of many Flambeaux and Torches, not only for the Service of their Light, but to help extenuate those poysonous Particles there gather'd by means of the want of Air. The Lining of the Patch-Work Screen
  • His honour was with the folk who were getting doon the dark hag; the twa gardener lads (an emphasis on the word twa) had been ordered to attend him; and he had been just amusing himself in the mean time with dressing Miss Waverley — Complete
  • In the mean time the governor had heard the whisper of "boodle" -- a word of the day expressive of a corrupt legislative fund. The Titan
  • Chafing-dish of Coals; in the mean time, mingle some small cut juycy hashy of Rabet, Capon or Mutton with another parcel of like Gravy as above, till it be pretty thin. The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened
  • In the mean time, you may amuse yourself with my suspense, and put all the justices of peace in requisition, in case I come into your county with 'hackbut bent.' Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 3 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • At the mean time of the high-voltage current-limiting fuse cutting off the current, the fuse will melt and boil away, and it will generate electric arc with high temperature and high pressure.
  • pls fix it! zek July 14, 2006 7:37 AM # | Delete i have the same problem in firefox ... please fix it soon and let me know of any work arounds in the mean time. Newsline
  • He laments on this with heavy heart because his brother had died in the mean time and he is yet to meet his granddaughter.
  • I know not whether I do not too much indulge the vain longings of affection; but I hope they intenerate my heart, and that when I die like my Tetty, this affection will be acknowledged in a happy interview, and that in the mean time I am incited by it to piety. The Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D.
  • And then a relazione or an amicizia seems to be a regular affair of from five to fifteen years, at which period, if there occur a widowhood, it finishes by a sposalizio; and in the mean time it has so many rules of its own that it is not much better. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 4 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • * In the mean time Ruftan's horie difbanded, and he, with a fmall party, went over to Seva: Alv - dul with his few brave friends broke through and reached Vifiapour, his whole army dif - perfing, left Seva mafter of the field. An historical account of the settlement and possession of Bombay, by the English East India company, and of the rise and progress of the war with the Mahratta nation
  • His honour was with the folk who were getting doon the dark hag; the twa gardener lads (an emphasis on the word twa) had been ordered to attend him; and he had been just amusing himself in the mean time with dressing Miss Rose's flower-bed, that he might be near to receive his honour's orders, if need were: he was very fond of a garden, but had little time for such divertisements. '' The Waverley
  • In the mean time, as the reader is perhaps tired of all this talk about books, and I would fain part with him in good humour, I venture to take him on an imaginary ramble in the wilds of Argyllshire, in search of specimens of ancient native sculpture, that he may have an opportunity of noticing how much has yet to be gleaned off this stony field. The Book-Hunter A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author
  • The resulting system has improved manageability, by reducing the mean time to resolution (MTTR) for customer-impacting events caused by software availability, reliability and performance issues.
  • You name plime and tace -- I mean time and place, and we'll be there, you bet!" declared Harry. Frank Merriwell at Yale
  • Christi illa fratrumque dilectione, ea sinceritate cordis et pietatis officia praestandi conscientia; unde per of which, by the operation of the Spirit, this assurance may in due time be revived, [1582] and by the which, in the mean time, they are supported from utter despair. [1583] operationem spiritus eadem illa certitudo tempestive possit reviviscere: [1584] quibusque interim ne prorsus in desperationem ruant suffulciuntur. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • In this form it is carried into the radicle by vessels appropriated to that purpose; and in the mean time, the fermentation having caused the seed to burst, the cotyledons are rent asunder, the radicle strikes into the ground and becomes the root of the plant, and hence the fermented liquid is conveyed to the plumula, whose vessels have been previously distended by the heat of the fermentation. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • In the mean time, he is trying to complete three reports that will allow him to have his qualifications recognised.
  • There were a few timber merchants along the river he would call on in the mean time. Burning Bright
  • In the mean time, I have been indulging a hope, which at moments has appeared almost a certainty, that Clifton, by our mutual efforts, shall acquire all this true ardour, which is so lovely in Frank. Anna St. Ives
  • The mean time interval between completion of radiation treatment and surgery was 10 days.
  • Do but behold, in the mean time, what an unexpressible Pleasure your dearly Beloved hath in the tricking up of her sweet Baby in the most neatest dresses. The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and the Second Part, The Confession of the New Married Couple
  • To project the expected to-be improvement, you need to be able to assign a probability and mean time of occurrence for events in the process model.
  • In the mean time, gi-essive in Turkey, as well as he sent for the Pervise, whorti he elsewhere. Sporting Magazine
  • In the mean time, a royal pursuivant was despatched to the The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Clocks were regulated by electricity to Greenwich mean time.
  • If any physician in the mean time shall infer, Ne sutor ultra crepidam, and find himself grieved that I have intruded into his profession, I will tell him in brief, I do not otherwise by them, than they do by us. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • In the mean time, until the hole is bunged, Slemko recommends that customers not access the Web site.
  • In the mean time you can check out sample Acheronian Dirge tracks via the band's official MySpace page. Metal
  • So irrefragable, in the mean time, that what they have once said, they must and will maintain, in whole tomes, duplications, triplications, never yield to death, so self-conceited, say what you can. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • His honour was with the folk who were getting doon the dark hag; the twa gardener lads (an emphasis on the word twa) had been ordered to attend him; and he had been just amusing himself in the mean time with dressing Miss Rose’s flower-bed, that he might be near to receive his honour’s orders, if need were; he was very fond of a garden, but had little time for such divertisements.’ Waverley
  • In the mean time, he in their name supplicated him to have episcopacy restored, because he saw it would please the malignant faction. Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) A Brief Historical Account of the Lives, Characters, and Memorable Transactions of the Most Eminent Scots Worthies
  • In the mean time, questions about the performance of the Justice Department are treated by the Clinton administration not as serious allegations of criminal activity, but as little more than a below-the-belt salvo in the culture wars. The Volokh Conspiracy » Waco
  • Mean time he obUged the am - bafiadors with gifts ', and, at length, fent his brother Roc - noMdin, under the care of Bahao'ddin, the interpreter, whom he made his atabek, or tutor. The modern part of an universal history from the earliest accounts to the present time;
  • The reliability lab ship fuel oil donkey boiler controlled by relay control system is evaluated using counting method, and mean time to failure (MTTF) of the control circuit is educed.
  • In the mean time I am putting the pattern into shipping today and hopefully you will receive by Monday or Tues.
  • In the mean time, don't worry about the millions of hardcore bukkake, gang-bang, and rape sites your filters miss, satire sites should be your top priority.
  • In the mean time the caliph asked a few questions of each beeldar, until he came to Yussuf, who had taken care to stand last. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • Even though the mean time between failures of the hardware hasn't changed, the backups and scripts put in place mean that the data is safe and that you can quickly rebuild the environment, if needed.
  • In the mean time, let half a pint of Sack or White muscadin boil a very little in a bason, upon a Chafing-dish of Coals, with three quarters of a pound of Sugar, and three or four quartered Nutmegs, and as many pretty big pieces of sticks of The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened
  • If madame la baronne will be good enough to come to-morrow, I will compose something for her in the mean time. Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885
  • But in the mean time, I'd better go figure out what a labret is. Get me to the Church of Body Modification on time
  • If, however, the person who first made the conjecture, afterwards became an editor, and gave it in his own text, while, in the mean time, it had been adopted by some other editor, the 'conj.' is omitted. The Works of William Shakespeare [Cambridge Edition] [9 vols.] Introduction and Publisher's Advertising
  • Repairable systems reliability is an important branch of the reliability theory. For a repairable system, availability, reliability and mean time between failures are all important indexes.
  • In the mean time, Edmund and the guys were at the bar, clinking their beer bottles.
  • In the mean time, I resolved to let him decide what we should do together, and go along with it unless I thought it would have a negative impact on him somehow.
  • In the mean time the carcass is windlassed to a height which brings it clear off the floor and the gammon level with a series of skids, a distance apart equal to the length of the gammon; the ends of which groove into smooth slots.
  • In the mean time the two favourites, taking um - brage at the intimacy that appeared between the emprefs and the Comneni, refolved to remove the two brothers out of the way. An universal history, from the earliest accounts to the present time
  • In the mean time, your car will be safely locked away at the Metro Police pound.
  • And in the mean time, we can telegraph the Judge in Sacramento.
  • The mean time interval between completion of radiation treatment and surgery was 10 days.
  • The only purpose this legislation seems to serve is to kick the bucket further down the road and in the mean time give democrats hope of creating a government sponsored enterprise in the form of the domestic automobile industry. Archive 2008-12-01
  • In the mean time, let's keep hoping for an extinction-level meteor to hit the earth just so it takes him out too.
  • In the mean time, astronomy is paving the path for ours and future generations to follow. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1131
  • There were a few timber merchants along the river he would call on in the mean time. Burning Bright
  • In the mean time the wind had been driving the ice so fast off the land as to form for us a clear communication with the open water before seen to the eastward; and thus we were at length liberated from our confinement, after a close and tedious "besetment" of twenty-four days. Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole, Volume 2
  • In the mean time, we ordered a poulard or two to be roasted, and these, wrapped in a napkin, were put into the boot of the coach, together with bread, wine, and water. Travels through France and Italy
  • He had in the mean time found a wife for himself after settling in life with a comfortable income leaving his past far, far behind.
  • In the mean time, the Grecian army receives loss on loss, and is half destroy’d by a pestilence into the bargain: Quicquid delirant reges, plectuntur Achivi. Dedication
  • Each hard drive has a MTBF mean time between failures which is essentially the life expectancy of a hardrive. It’s April Fool’s Day. Have You Backed Up Your Ebooks?
  • Very unpractical but at least we managed to keep Tommy happy with pizza crust in the mean time. Next time I'll try McDonalds.
  • In the mean time they pass for the mandatories of the popular sovereign, with full power in all directions, because he has delegated his omnipotence to them, and the sole power, because their investiture is the most recent; under this sanction, they stalk around somewhat like supernumeraries at the Opera, dressed in purple and gold, representing The French Revolution - Volume 2
  • In the mean time came there two other men, who without exprefling any diffatisfaftion or furprife, continued all night in the hut; but foon as dawn began to break, upon faying a few words, in an indant every one took to flight, man, woman, and child; the children even fcampering away with greater fpeed than the reft. Voyages and TRavels in All Parts of the World
  • In the mean time many prodigies were announced; the greater part of which were little credited or even slighted, because individuals were the reporters of them, and also because, the Etrurians being now at war with them, they had no aruspices through whom they might attend to them. The History of Rome, Books 01 to 08
  • No man’s person shall be restrained or imprisoned by any authority whatsoever, before the law hath sentenced him thereto, if he can put in sufficient security, bail or mainprise, for his appearance, and good behaviour in the mean time, unless it be in Crimes Capital, and Contempts in open Court, and in such cases where some express act of Court doth allow it. The Massachusetts Body of Liberties
  • In the mean time I rest assured that you will, when convenient, write to me and inform me of the health of yourself and Children whom I should like to see, and allso to remember me to Mr B, and All Friends at Stouts Hill, And with these hopes, being much fatigued with writing and other persuits, I take my leave for the present, and Am Letter 252
  • The mean time interval between completion of radiation treatment and surgery was 10 days.
  • The khidmutgar, in the mean time, seized and brought into the room two large gharahs or pitchers of drinking water, that stood outside, as the weather was very hot, and the party would require it They were afraid that poison might be put into the water if left outside after they had commenced the assault. A Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, Volumes I & II
  • The return to Greenwich Mean Time means more light in the morning, when farmers are up and about, but less in the evening, when most of us get our ration of daylight.
  • In the mean time, as I am at least one of the principal heroes of my own politics, being secure of any invasion, I am going to leave all my lares, that is, all my antiquities, household gods and pagods, and take a journey into Siberia for six weeks, where my father's grace of The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 1

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