How To Use Mealy bug In A Sentence
Insects such as ants, mealy bugs and thrips have been found in 37 out of 43 shipments, which then needed fumigation.
They dart among flowers and lay eggs among clusters of aphids, mealy bugs, mites, scale and other pests where their larvae can feed.
Aphids are coming out and if you notice white fluffy stuff on your citrus it is highly likely it's a mealy bug.
To the former group belong the phytophthorous Homoptera, the plant lice, scale insects, or mealy bugs, tree-hoppers, lantern flies, and jumping plant lice; to the latter belong the caterpillars of the lycaenid butterflies, the "blues," or
Introduction to the Science of Sociology
Aphids, mealy bug and thrips cause deformity in new growth. Treat with a diluted pesticide or remove pests by hand. Never use a soap-based insecticide.
Insects such as ants, mealy bugs and thrips have been found in 37 out of 43 shipments, which then needed fumigation.
On papaya, mealy bugs damage the plant by sucking its juices and excreting a clear, gooey substance called honeydew.
Three thousand wasps were released into the chintzy holiday islands of the Florida Keys last week, to devour a plant parasite called the pink hibiscus mealy bug.
Like mealy bugs, aphids excrete honeydew which gives leaf surfaces a shiny appearance and supports the formation of sooty mold.
Cotton growers in Pakistan generally have a sound understanding of cotton production technology, but yields are limited due to the cotton leaf curl virus and mealy bug.
The plant is vulnerable to mealy bugs and red spider mites.
In recent years, however, its cultivation has become more and more difficult in some areas, due to the cassava mealy bug (Phenacoccus manihot) which has spread into the project region.
1. Sustainability of land use systems: the potential of indigenous measures for the maintenance of soil productivity in sub-sahara african agriculture.
Other common pests include spider mites and mealy bugs.