How To Use Meadowlark In A Sentence
the melodious song of a meadowlark
The Debussy she sneaked in between the covers of a Bach Mass was all contrived nature and yet gorgeous as a meadowlark.
Grasslands and prairies support a number of polygynous species as well, including meadowlarks, bobolinks, dickcissels, lark buntings, and great-tailed grackles.
It also contains old growth habitat crucial to the threatened Northern spotted owl and numerous other bird species such as the western bluebird, the western meadowlark, the pileated woodpecker, the flammulated owl, and the pygmy nuthatch.
Proclamation On The Cascade Siskiyou National Monument
I did see other signs of spring including listening to eastern meadowlarks and eastern bluebirds.
The center hopes that other ground-nesting species, such as quail, pheasant and eastern meadowlark, will follow.
Join naturalist Casey Pittrizzi to search for migratory birds that might be stopping by Meadowlark Gardens during migration season.
Green Scene: The bounty of fall includes tours, lectures and workshops
At a village on the edge of the Enchanted Woods, Phineas Brock bought lunch that afternoon and purchased a roan pinto stallion named Meadowlark because he had a lucky pink hoof.
Here is a meadowlark atop a regal walnut, next to it a young nectarine tree girdled with compost.
And for nearly two hours they were mesmerized watching Meadowlark Lemon and his teammates perform amazing stunts with a basketball, stunts that would be discussed and reenacted by young boys for weeks to come.
The Sins of Brother Curtis
I pulled over at Schaar's Bluff, turned off my car and just sat and listened, beyond the bluebirds and meadowlarks you could hear tree sparrows and red-winged blackbirds.
Burrowing arid short-eared owls, Baird's and LeConte's sparrows, chestnut-collared longspurs, and Sprague's pipits are often spotted as well as the western meadowlark, the Montana state bird.
Based on the song of a meadowlark he had heard in the Dakotas, McKay wrote Song Over the Great Plains to be another nature piece.
Ty grabbed MeadowLark's halter and tugged on it.
Walk among mature trees in their fall colors and enjoy late-blooming perennials such as white wood aster, goldenrod and Joe-Pye weed. 2 p.m. Meadowlark Botanical Gardens.
Green Scene: The bounty of fall includes tours, lectures and workshops
The meadowlarks and magpies would gather right outside.
Once outside she gave MeadowLark a few carrots then remounted.
Western meadowlark and mink prefer narrow grass buffers.
My state flower is the bitterroot and my state bird is the western meadowlark.
Grasslands and prairies support a number of polygynous species as well, including meadowlarks, bobolinks, dickcissels, lark buntings, and great-tailed grackles.
I expect she knows about every yellow-bird's nest an 'blue jay's an' bobolink's an 'meadowlark's that there 's ben round here these five years, an' how they 's goin 'to set an' hatch without her 's best known to 'emselves, I s'pose.
Oldtown Folks