How To Use Meadow rue In A Sentence
When a visitor stands in the center of the trail and scans eastward across the tops of a myriad of purple meadow rue, old witch grass, big blue stem, and wild raspberries and plum, ‘natural history’ becomes visually literal.
This combination of management and heavy, poorly-drained soils favoured characteristic plants such as great burnet, devil's bit scabious, meadow rue and pepper saxifrage.
Other wildflowers to look for are western mountain aster, meadow rue, pink wintergreen, and Chinese houses (a plant in the snapdragon family).
Among the wildflowers are a wild geranium, an aster with smooth stems and leaves, leafy arnica, yellow monkey flower, meadow rue, and bluebells.
The dainty blooms of this early flowering meadow rue provide an excellent contrast with larger flowered plants.
Meadows consist mainly of Kobresia (K. pygmaea and K. humilis) and Carex atrata sedge, often associated with forbs such as knotweed (Polygonum sphaerostachyum), meadow rue (Thalictrum alpinum), everlasting (Anaphalis xylorrhiza), edelweiss (Leontopodium pusillum), blue poppy (Meconopsis horridula), Potentilla spp.,
Tibetan Plateau alpine shrub and meadows