How To Use Meadow pipit In A Sentence
Meadow pipits, commonest of upland birds, negotiated undulating flight paths over white tufts of cotton grass.
Favourite host species include dunnock, meadow pipit and reed warbler.
Times, Sunday Times
Something about its appearance puzzled me: too long-tailed for meadow pipit, but not elegant enough for a wagtail.
Birdwatch: Water pipit
These once common farmland birds, along with many others, including the meadow pipit, lesser spotted woodpecker and nutcracker, are now at their lowest levels across Europe since records began, according to a survey.
Europe's farmland birds on decline
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds says that nests of species such as short-eared owls, merlins, red grouse, meadow pipits, skylarks, twite and curlews will have been wiped out.
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds says that nests of species such as short-eared owls, merlins, red grouse, meadow pipits, skylarks, twite and curlews will have been wiped out.
If we did that, we would destroy the nests of the skylark and meadow pipit, which is illegal.
This will create the right conditions for wildlife to flourish like voles, skylarks and meadow pipits.
One of its most important roles is as a habitat for ground-nesting birds, including the increasingly-rare skylarks and meadow pipits.
Species such as skylark, twite and meadow pipit were found to be decreasing in number in the inspection carried out jointly with English Nature.
Meadow pipits - or 'mipits' in birder jargon - are back on the moors.
Times, Sunday Times
In summer this is a green and lush place, the haunt of meadow pipits and skylarks.
One of them had a titlark, or meadow pipit, which he had just caught, in his hand, and there was a hot argument as to which of the two was the lawful owner of the poor little captive.
A Shepherd's Life Impressions of the South Wiltshire Downs