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How To Use Mead In A Sentence

  • Frogs and newts have already been attracted to three new natural spring ponds at Abbey Meads School.
  • Jillie leads me through an opening in the brush, a path lined with white knotweed and purple morning glories that opens up, just beyond the briers of blackberry vines that have long been picked clean by quail and finches, into a meadow lighted with goldenrod and sunlight against the rusty tops of tall grasses, striving against the subtle blues of the lobelia and the aggressive reds of jack-in-the-pulpits. Taxonomies
  • Wet meadows between rock outcrops include grasses, sedges, mosses, pitcher plant Saracenia purpurea, sundew Drosera sp. and purple fringed orchid Habenaria psycodes. Gros Morne National Park, Canada
  • He did not look up, but he felt, he just _felt_, all the eyes of all the little meadow people and forest folk burning right into him. Mother West Wind's Children
  • An ideal culture is one that makes a place for every human gift. Margaret Mead 
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  • Pasture lands and meadow lands are often greatly improved by replowing and harrowing in order to break up the turf that forms and to admit air more freely into the soil. Agriculture for Beginners Revised Edition
  • Everyone needs to have access both to grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a full human being. Margaret Mead 
  • He came out of the thick woods into a small meadow, his arrow on his bow ready to be shot at anything that moved.
  • Mexico, Ecuador finish in scoreless draw at New Meadowlands Stadium Soccer News: MLS, U.S., World & World Cup Scores, Standing & Scores
  • The hikers start in tropical rainforest territory and travel through moorlands, alpine meadows and glaciers on the summit.
  • There are now believed to be only 12 places in the country where the fritillary thrives, and Cricklade North Meadow has the highest proportion of the blooms.
  • However it has not been plain sailing for the American since his arrival at Meadowbank last month in wake of the Scots' ignominious start to the BBL season.
  • We simply do not have the space for well-organised drills of vegetables that lead to a wicker gate opening out onto a woodland meadow.
  • Other locals include yarrow, pussytoes, mallow, cudweed, meadowsweet, and chickweed.
  • The autumn birds were singing; the autumn flowers were blooming; yellow golden rod and scarlet sumach glowed in the corners of the fences; locusts chirped in treetops; grasshoppers stridulated in the meadows, one or two of them making more noise than a whole drove of cattle lying peacefully chewing their cud beneath an umbrageous elm and lifting up their great, tranquil, blinking eyes to the morning sun. The Redemption of David Corson
  • This subsection, roughly south of 45th Avenue and west of Pidgeon Meadow Road and 162nd Street, shares the name pronounced "kiss-EE-na" - though many more recent residents do not recognize Kissena Park as distinct from Flushing as a whole. NYT > Home Page
  • Alpine tundra, alpine grassland, subirrigated meadows, and wetlands occur above timberline. Ecoregions of Idaho (EPA)
  • He moonlights as a nightwatchman at the Meadowbank leisure centre in Edinburgh.
  • Meade had not thought to warn her that a woman in her condition should not drink, for it never occurred to him that a decent woman would drink anything stronger than scuppernong wine.
  • I also saw a very cute topless teenage girl with the perkiest imaginable breasts while walking around Lake Meade. Happy Hour Roundup
  • They sometimes take over a whole neglected meadow, which looks as if it is covered with tall purple heather. Times, Sunday Times
  • Luke had decided to take a long ride across the estate's grounds to the meadow in the east limit and set a picnic for both of us there.
  • The park is more commonly associated with the restorative powers of its 2,000 rose garden, teeming wildlife and hay meadows.
  • At the sound he snorted with a sudden start that jerked him through the air from water to meadow, and his feet sank into the young velvet, while he pricked his ears and again scented the air. All Gold Cañon
  • A fitful breeze stirred the pale foliage over her head, now and then showering her with pink petals from the lingering blossoms; from beneath her rose the damp sweet fragrance of soft earth and green grass, nearby a meadow-lark sang plaintively; somewhere a robin called arrogantly to his mate in the nest; from the valley, stretching below the sloping orchard, a violet mist lifted. Red-Robin
  • By fknvty, December 23, 2009 @ 5: 01 pm peeping principals more like it. fk the anthropology, i spent the best part of 2 years at uni committing m. meade to heart only to discover some years later she was a complete and proven dialectic nutjob. fkn yanks yet again.pz. v. Cheeseburger Gothic » Yes I get ffkn grmpy whn I’m on fkn deadline.
  • Congratulations Maureen; you're one of Kilmead's real treasures.
  • In the town of Golden Meadow, along Bayou Lafourche, crabber Thomas Barrios said he felt "devastated" and "helpless. BP installs insertion tube, begins siphoning oil from leaking pipe
  • They bunked at Meadowood resort for a week, then headed for Pebble Beach for golfing.
  • Close by the door stood the mixen, a collection of every abomination -- streams from which, in rainy weather, fertilized the lower meadows, generally the lord's pasture, and polluted the stream. The Necessity of Atheism
  • The uneasiness grew into a formless apprehension, which drew him out into the waxing sunlight and drove him to retrace his earlier route through the meadow, towards College Rise.
  • The valley has hosted a mountain rosefinch population of about 150-300 breeding pairs since the 1970s. Breeding habitats for rosefinches consist of shrubby, mostly wet and humid meadows.
  • He soon encountered a girl of about ten, who was selling limeade at a sidewalk stand. Heart vs. Head
  • Saturday nights, walked through the meadows and round by the mill and back home past the creek on Sunday afternoons, taken his seat in the brake for the annual outing, shuffled his way through the polka at the tradesmen's ball, and generally seized all legitimate opportunities for sporting with Amaryllis in the shade, has a hundred advantages which your successful careerer lacks. The Man Upstairs and Other Stories
  • Son, if I wanted lemon or lime, I'd ask for lemon or limeade, but thank you for the thought.
  • Although it is perfectly good meadowland, none of the villagers has ever grazed animals on the meadow on the other side of the wall. STARDUST
  • Hounds moved off to draw Pinner Wood, where they found and went away across Hallows Farm, down Mapley and ran swiftly to Lannersmead, where he went to ground.
  • And there were bottles of Corona lemonade, limeade, orangeade and cherryade.
  • Bringing a set of darts to an interview could be viewed as a warning to lairy journalists to mind their manners, but not with Meadows.
  • Tana had drugged me, slipping some poison into my mead as we cavorted.
  • The cameraperson, presumed to be Oiticica, records carefree moments in the lives of the young gay men gathered on the meadows of Central Park.
  • London Olympics with gusto, Meadows is candid about her fear of the Games and the countdown to what she calls "doomsday". Evening Standard - Home
  • The couple began hosting Burgundy symposia for passionate amateurs in 1997, welcoming a dozen guests to Bouilland for an intensive week of tasting and touring, enlisting such experts as Clive Coates and Alan Meadows to assist. In the Domain of the Earth Mother of Burgundy
  • History A meadow which has been managed for hay for at least 800 years as a result of an unusual form of land tenure. A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
  • Washington sent out sixty-five of his 150 men under two officers, to intercept the French between the Meadows and the Monongahela, assuming that they had canoed up the river. George Washington’s First War
  • Here begins the manzanita, adjusting its tortuous stiff stems to the sharp waste of boulders, its pale olive leaves twisting edgewise to the sleek, ruddy, chestnut stems; begins also the meadowsweet, burnished laurel, and the million unregarded trumpets of the coral - red pentstemon. The Land of Little Rain
  • It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age. Margaret Mead 
  • Dr. Mead, above mentioned, gave a curious description of the symptoms of tarantism. Primitive Psycho-Therapy and Quackery
  • The farm was set in a valley surrounded by meadows of wild flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • These barriers halted the early flood of Anglo-Saxon invaders to fertile meadowlands and ancient woodlands.
  • Morning and evening they were exercised in the nearby meadows, and we often accompanied our father on these walks.
  • Lacy elder flowers bloomed in the meadows.
  • I love the mix of old and new furnishings, the sense of history in flagstoned kitchen and ancient Aga, the jumble of meadow mixed plants in gardens, the tactile wools and silks and cottons, the worn wooden floors.
  • South Windsor is a lovely little town and the drive down to the launch was picturesque with rolling cornfields and wildflower meadows.
  • We hope this ban becomes permanent and our rivers and meadows are allowed to recover. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first day took me through beautiful vineyards, apple orchards, wild flower meadows and deserted villages along a wide valley. The Sun
  • Certainly our common grass of Parnassus, which is no grass at all, never starred the meadows round about the home of the Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
  • The public consultation period on the Westmead skatepark ended last Thursday, just as Chippenham Town Council gave its blessing for the plans to proceed.
  • The first day took me through beautiful vineyards, apple orchards, wild flower meadows and deserted villages along a wide valley. The Sun
  • The illustrations in such medieval prayer books represented the work of the season: here a peasant mows a meadow.
  • If you have been pining for Dales meadows brilliant with flowers the ones by the quiet lane are fair enough, yellow with buttercups, and the verges red with campions.
  • Aside from that there was a large barrel of mead and a keg of fine ale.
  • Or, perhaps, the bard received inspiration by drinking magic water from the fountain called Hippocrene, or the skaldic mead which dripped from the moon. Myths of Babylonia and Assyria
  • These pools as well as the deeper water areas of the sedge meadow provide breeding habitat for chorus frogs, spring peepers, and smallmouth salamanders.
  • She was the only British competitor apart from Richard Meade.
  • Next door, at Cruz Vega's place of business, the maiden is carved into a very large picture in which she is in an open meadow. The colorful wood carvings of Cuanajo, Michoacan
  • Wildlife spotted in East SussexButterflies (13) meadow brown; hedge brown; speckled wood; essex skipper; small skipper; large skipper; comma; small tortoiseshell; large white; small white; green-veined white; purple hairstreak; white admiral How to get back to nature when camping
  • The greenish yellow marsh meadow locust prefers to sing on hot, quiet forenoons from moist ditches and grassy banks.
  • Then she crackled her knuckles and darted out into the Meadow, where she was greeted with an unfamiliar sight.
  • The wonderful smell of lady's bedstraw not as sickly as meadowsweet becomes stronger with drying. How to make żubrówka
  • We walked most of the way down through pine woods and meadows of mown hay. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can now look at a chunk of lowish, dryish, bare-ish (not bear-ish) meadow and say: well, look out. Times, Sunday Times
  • An expert amateur astronomer in Arizona has captured a terrific photo of Jupiter and its Galilean moons with an Apple iPhone and a Meade catadioptric telescope. IPodObserver
  • Under the olive and fig trees, they plant corn and vines, so that there is not an inch of ground unlaboured: but here are no open fields, meadows, or cattle to be seen. Travels through France and Italy
  • The landscape of coastal Massachusetts is a mixture of wooded uplands, rocky outcrops, and long, low meadows that sweep down to the sea.
  • Gone was the safe, familiar home, set amidst a tumble of rolling, well-tilled fields dotted with farm buildings, and grassy meads redolent with the scent of wildflowers.
  • Here the visitor can explore 60 acres of meadows, woods and gardens, studded with a dozen pavilions designed by sculptor Erwin Heerich.
  • If anyone has any interest in keeping Meadowcroft home open, then vote accordingly at the next election.
  • Such sites might include low farm land and wet meadows along major waterways, including many infested sites along creeks and canals in northeastern Nebraska.
  • I do not suppose you will have any occasion to renovate the turf in any part of your park; but, if you should, the best way is to get a mixture of the seeds of several sorts of grasses, such as the fox-tail meadow grass (Alopecùrus praténsis), the sweet-scented vernal grass (Anthoxánthum odoràtum), the crested dog's-tail grass (Cynosùrus cristàtus), and other valuable kinds. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • In February, Data Protection commissioner Joe Meade announced that he had successfully prosecuted two legal firms for failing to register as data controllers.
  • On the south side of the manor house, he planted a large alpine meadow with masses of scillas, daffodils, anemomes and fritillarias.
  • How can you feel discouraged when sitting on a beautiful mountain meadow, looking at a high country lake with bald eagles flying around you?! Field Scrapbook
  • It came in his mind to bid his henchmen a hall uprear, ia master mead-house, mightier far than ever was seen by the sons of earth, and within it, then, to old and young he would all allot that the Lord had sent him, save only the land and the lives of his men. Beowulf, translated by Francis Gummere
  • In summer wildflowers dusted the meadows and we fished for trout in the little streams and the pond. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • We can see the faintest hint of green beneath last year's dead meadow grass and buds are just beginning to grow on the branches.
  • There is a Polish folksong that I learned in school and the English translation starts, "Ah, lovely meadows green and wide."
  • Beyond the buildings were five acres of overgrown garden and meadow. Times, Sunday Times
  • In summer, the meadow is in full bloom; in fall, asters and gentians shine, and the trees put on quite a display.
  • Mellow acoustic guitars keep the beat, while Mead's well-crafted lyrics perk up the listener like a good cup of joe.
  • Their main worry was the plan to move the public car park for the meadows right next to their homes.
  • They set off at an easy canter out across the meadowlands.
  • He penned a large chunk of the epic The Lord of the Rings here, inspired by the rural patchwork of hedges, meadows and woodlands rolling down to the lazy River Ribble.
  • First, we snowshoed up and around Wuksachi Lodge, following coyote tracks across the meadows.
  • The sainfoin became an emblem of those traditional flower-rich hay meadows which once covered much of this landscape. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • Meadow pipits, commonest of upland birds, negotiated undulating flight paths over white tufts of cotton grass.
  • The telescope was an old Meade ED 127 doublet which I had for only couple of weeks.
  • Meadows was a longtime cigarette smoker, Allen said.
  • the gamboling lambs in the meadows
  • The grey, flinty slopes covered in the serried ranks of vineyards, gave way to the high pastures, the Alpine meadows, which nourished the famed cattle of Switzerland.
  • In brighter mazes the relucent ftream Plays o'er the mead. The works of the English poets; with prefaces, biographical and critical
  • An ideal culture is one that makes a place for every human gift. Margaret Mead 
  • It might be the remote town below would take a different air, and my companion the botanist, with his educated observation, might almost see as much, and the train, perhaps, would be gone out of the picture, and the embanked straightness of the Ticino in the Ambri-Piotta meadows — that might be altered, but that would be all the visible change. A Modern Utopia
  • Rare species such as wavy St. John's-wort, meadow thistle, and whorled caraway can also be seen.
  • In a meadow on the hills that encompass the city, I found the American dandelion in bloom, and some large red clover, and started up some skylarks as I might start up the field sparrows in our own uplying fields. Winter Sunshine
  • A meadow-pipit tsip-tsips from rock to rock while a buzzard mounts thermals on still wings and mews down at us. Country diary: Barmouth
  • Wild flowers such as dainty purple gentians blanket the meadows. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Pacific silverweed prefers sunny coastal dunes to marsh edges, sandy bluffs, wetland meadows and mudflats.
  • An unimpeded sweep of meadows and hills afforded a peaceful setting.
  • There are four acres of wildflower meadow surrounded by woodland.
  • Herds of lechee or lechwe now enliven the meadows; and they and their younger brother, the graceful poku, smaller, and of a rounder contour, race together towards the grassy fens. A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries
  • Here Cecilia again met Miss Larolles, who came to make various remarks, and infinite ridicule, upon sundry unfashionable or uncostly articles in the dresses of the surrounding company; as well as to complain, with no little resentment, that Mr Meadows was again standing before the fire! Cecilia
  • Local drinks include natural lemonade and limeade, palm wine, and beer and gin made from millet (chapalo).
  • The first snow came. How beautiful it was, falling so silently all day long, all night long, on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the living, on the graves of the dead!
  • A tiny stream ran down the tiny valley through a tiny meadow that was carpeted knee-high with grass and blue and white nemophila. Chapter VIII
  • The alpine marmot is a large ground-dwelling squirrel living in mountain open meadows, preferentially exposed to south.
  • They cleared the crest and emerged from the pool as if into another world, for now they were in the thicket of velvet-trunked young madronos and looking down the open, sun-washed hillside, across the nodding grasses, to the drifts of blue and white nemophilae that carpeted the tiny meadow on either side the tiny stream. Chapter XXIV
  • The characters are relaxing, enjoying mead, grog, and various other old-timesy type drinks that no one actually drinks anymore like sarsaparilla, sherry, or wine coolers.
  • Based on the song of a meadowlark he had heard in the Dakotas, McKay wrote Song Over the Great Plains to be another nature piece.
  • We walked most of the way down through pine woods and meadows of mown hay. Times, Sunday Times
  • The deciduous woods and associated meadows support an abundant population of fox squirrels.
  • An unimpeded sweep of meadows and hills formed a peaceful setting.
  • That was my Granny's house behind the Dacks' and a pightie at the back - we used to call them pightles, you'd call them meadows.
  • Horns are used as butter dishes and large horns as cups for drinking mead.
  • When a silver angel at the top of the tree trumpeted, still more beverages spouted out of the pipes: wine, clarified mare's milk, a honey drink, rice mead – take your pick.
  • Heavy doses of nitrogen fertiliser will tip the competitive balance in favour of grasses, and soon purple wood crane's bill, blood-red greater burnet, frothy white pignut and meadowsweet, yellow lady's bedstraw, globe flower and blue speedwells will vanish, leaving an "improved" pasture – more productive, more profitable, but oh-so dull. Make hay meadow photos while the sun shines | Phil Gates
  • While exploring the woods near his home, he came across a forest meadow erupting in purple pasqueflowers, blue lungworts, yellow anemones and white corydalis.
  • Its forests and meadows also make it great for country walks. The Sun
  • Greystones Farm is a site of special scientific interest, with lowland wet meadow in which orchids flourish.
  • A more delicate flower of riversides and damp meadows is lady's smock or cuckoo flower, with both names equally common. Times, Sunday Times
  • Patrick Swayze, Joan Crawford, Margaret Mead and Luciano Pavarotti all died from a more common form of pancreatic cancer, called adenocarcinoma.
  • Beyond the barricade was a little meadow, shoulder deep in a curious grass with bristly heads which grew very thickly. The Iron Star — and what It saw on Its Journey through the Ages
  • I expect she knows about every yellow-bird's nest an 'blue jay's an' bobolink's an 'meadowlark's that there 's ben round here these five years, an' how they 's goin 'to set an' hatch without her 's best known to 'emselves, I s'pose. Oldtown Folks
  • One such hike led through meadows, down forest trails, and across slippery shoreline rocks all inclined in the same direction.
  • Close to the beginners meadow are gentle slopes, which become imperceptibly steeper, enabling you to improve without fear.
  • Depending on when and how the limeade is to be served, and how strong you want it, you can add more ice and water.
  • Meadow's coat was a dull grey, covered with sweat, lather and blood.
  • Aspens and cottonwoods turn from green to gold, meadows are dotted with milkweed pods spilling their silvery strands, and a peaceful splendor invites you to relax.
  • Walking the Imperial Alps is definitely something to savour - mountains, meadows, fruits, cheese, beer, schnapps, wine, flowers, clanging cowbells - what more could you want from a holiday?
  • It is home to hundreds of species of wildflowers and grasses - including the tansy, meadowsweet, poppy, vetch and marigold - a host of butterflies, insects and beetles, and birds of prey such as the owl and kestrel.
  • This meadow is probably one of the prime zander venues on the river, and it also produces quality catfish on a regular basis.
  • Her sea-pinks, meadow-sweet, hairbells, daisies, trefoils, orchids and clovers are all still there in a rich rug of purples, blues, pinks, yellows and creams.
  • Species found in the meadows include great burnet, meadow foxtail, red fescue, meadow saffron, narrow-leaved water-dropwort, mousetail, and the unusual small-flowered winter-cress on bare banks of the Severn.
  • The rural imagery is varied: the rising sap, meadows, individual plants, birds, a bedewed rose among its thorns, storm, flood, and fair weather.
  • The arctic meadows, tundras, and steppes contained the herbaceous plants, leaves, and sprigs of shrubs and low shrubs needed for the mammoth to feed on and survive in glacial Siberia.
  • Let us do what the Vikings did for their departed ones and raise giant mugs of mead and bellow songs of warrior conquests!
  • They had been walking in the Flower Meadow east of Norntown, where most of the norns lived in a warren of interconnected rooms and gardens.
  • Through the leaves that hid his nest he could see the yellowing vines in the distance, and the meadows where the straked cows were at pasture, filling the silence of the sleeping country-side with their plaintive long-drawn lowing. Jean Christophe: in Paris The Market-Place, Antoinette, the House
  • This is the bloom of the alfileria, and swiftly it spreads from the southern slopes, where it begins, and runs from meadow to hill-top. Our Italy
  • No doubt I will be back the area in the not too distant future and I will be able to fish Tree Meadow again.
  • It's your average, run-of-the-mill marble Mead composition notebook.
  • They are also found in wet, plowed fields and grassy meadows near the coast and on inland marine waters.
  • So many wildgardeners add annual seed to their meadow areas each spring, since they want to assure a full flush of annual bloom.
  • Then white umbels of pignuts contrast with the drooping honey-scented cream plumes of meadowsweet.
  • But a meadow is a delicate embroidery in colors, which you must examine closely to understand all its merits; the nearer you are, the better. Rural Hours
  • Then old Mr. Mead did (_did_ is the word) Shylock. McClure's Magazine, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, July 1908.
  • She was the only British competitor apart from Richard Meade.
  • The color scheme runs along the high ridges from blue to rosy purple, carmine and coral red; along the water borders it is chiefly white and yellow where the mimulus makes a vivid note, running into red when the two schemes meet and mix about the borders of the meadows, at the upper limit of the columbine. The Land of Little Rain
  • If you like the charm of a natural flowering meadow with a mismatch of blooms, you should try growing your own wildflower garden.
  • A genuine autumn flower that can still be seen is the meadow saffron. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've had meadow argus, a species you find all over the world, around my daisies.
  • The referees to whom he proposed to assess the damages due for the meadow declared that about three desyatins [a desyatin is about three acres] of the meadow had been damaged, and the fine they considered right would be ten rubles per desyatin. Leo Tolstoy: Childhood and Early Manhood
  • The landscape of coastal Massachusetts is a mixture of wooded uplands, rocky outcrops, and long, low meadows that sweep down to the sea.
  • The first meadow brown butterflies are flitting along with a wobbling motion between the tall grasses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, miserable black dwellings, a black canal, and sick black towers of chimneys; now, a trim garden, where the flowers were bright and fair; now, a wilderness of hideous altars all a-blaze; now, the water meadows with their fairy rings; now, the mangy patch of unlet building ground outside the stagnant town, with the larger ring where the The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
  • Known as ‘Holme Mead’ it comprised an Edwardian villa with stables and several outbuildings.
  • There was silence in the meadow for a few minutes, except for the cries of distant birds.
  • I was pointing frantically towards the meadow and trying to catch my partner's attention by squawking in a hushed tone, so as not to disturb this first major article of wildlife I'd spotted so far on our trip.
  • Southern RockiesThe Southern Rockies are characterized by rugged, steep mountains, intermontane depressions and open meadows, and high-elevation plateaus composed of dissected, horizontally layered rocks. Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
  • Fully comprehending the imminent danger, Warren sent to General Meade for a division.
  • The tugai plant communities are comprised of the poplars (Populus diversifolia, P. pruinosa), dzhidda (Elaeagnus oxycarpa), willows (Salix spp.), and tamarix (Tamarix spp.) forests which alternate with meadows and reeds. Central Asian riparian woodlands
  • Saffers built up Kingsmead as their bounciest and fastest track with enough grass for all of Indias cows to graze and their batters got bounced out. The Ashes 2010: England have work to do after the euphoria | Duncan Fletcher
  • He started painting rural idylls featuring churches and meadows which he intended to sell to the urban bourgeoisie.
  • Alone in rural Texas and with barely anything to eat, she retreats further and further into the world of her imagination – a world where she converses with fireflies and dismembered Barbie doll heads, a world where the meadow is the bottom of the ocean and a great shark swims about, a world where ghosts and frightening Bog Men are on the loose. Archive 2007-09-01
  • Growing in this village was an aromatic heaven: wild flowers covered the hills and meadows in the spring, filling the air with their delicate and sweet scents; aromatic herbs such as hyssop, sage, thyme and white mint grew on the mountains. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Officials say the lightning may have hit the eavestrough, causing the two-alarm fire to spread through the top floor of a corner unit and an adjacent unit at 9468 and 9470 Sheppard Ave. near Meadowvale Rd. - Home Page
  • This land, you will observe, Mr Campbell, is peculiarly good, having some few acres of what we call prairie, or natural meadow. The Settlers in Canada
  • There are everyday photos in the style of Frank Meadows Sutcliffe of fishermen and their womenfolk, and examples of the smocks and oilskins worn by them.
  • A rectangle of light dazzles us and, as our eyes adjust, we see a summer meadow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grasslands and prairies support a number of polygynous species as well, including meadowlarks, bobolinks, dickcissels, lark buntings, and great-tailed grackles.
  • And not only that the knowledge of surfing with the dragon and the parachute (kiteboarding), also known as kiting, driving attractive to travel on the sea, but also on snow, ice, sand consolidated basis or even a meadow. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • A more pleasant-tasting tea can be brewed from equal amounts of meadowsweet, wintergreen and cramp bark.
  • Drinking citrus juices like lemonade, limeade, orange juice and grapefruit juice can help nasal and throat tissues heal faster, says Tanya Y. Jones, M.D., an associate professor of family medicine at Morehouse School of Medicine.
  • Soft grasses and wafting perennials are enchanting in a meadow but can look insignificant against the architecture of a house. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we climb, the maze of trees, ferns, and blueberry bushes gives way to subalpine meadows painted with purple lupine, pale blue gentians, crimson columbine, and yellow arnica.
  • My state flower is the bitterroot and my state bird is the western meadowlark.
  • At lunch, they all lay under the deep shade of the cooper beech on the far side of the meadow, the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were heavenly, the lemonade, nectar of the gods.
  • A spray of green leaves embodies and radiates light against the relatively flat and abstracted background of a blooming meadow; shadows on the brocade reverberate with preternatural energy.
  • I recall another footpath near Worcester, Massachusetts; it leads up from the low meadows into the wildest region of all that vicinity, Tatesset Hill. Oldport Days
  • To those believers shall he who is of my type among men not bind his heart; in those spring – times and many – hued meadows shall he not believe, who knoweth the fickly faint – hearted human species! Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
  • Halfway up the meadow she turned and walked unhesitatingly into the woods, with the familiarity of someone repeating an oft-travelled route. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • To me, that's a chequered cloth spread on a grassy meadow, carefully arranged to avoid the cowpats and covered with fly-ridden curled-up sandwiches and lashings of ginger beer.
  • They were particularly numerous where there was a small bay, or pokelogan, as it is called, bordered by a strip of meadow, or separated from the river by a low peninsula covered with coarse grass, wool-grass, etc., wherein they had waded back and forth and eaten the pads. The Maine Woods
  • Roughton twelve oxgangs rateable to gelt, with three sokemen, and a half sokeman holding two carucates of land with three draught oxen; also fifteen acres of meadow land, a fishery worth 2s. yearly, and forty acres of woodland, containing pasturage in parts. Records of Woodhall Spa and Neighbourhood Historical, Anecdotal, Physiographical, and Archaeological, with Other Matter
  • (Woden's last words to Balder are famous); the riding round the pyre; the eulogium; the piling of the barrow, which sometimes took whole days, as the size of many existing grass mounds assure us; the funeral feast, where an immense vat of ale or mead is drunk in honor of the dead; the epitaph, like an ogham, set up on a stone over the barrow. The Danish History, Books I-IX
  • Mr. Leahy, who is Kilmeaden's local county councillor, pointed out that there were no less than 40 different species of aquatic life growing in and around the lagoons, with about 10 to 12 main species such as thyfa, iris and phragmites.
  • That form has since been well franked as Wild Passion is now one of the leading lights of the Noel Meade yard.
  • It is now nearly four months since police imposed a dispersal order covering Rodbourne Cheney, Moredon and Green-meadow following a barrage of complaints about rowdy youths.
  • The Wonderland Trail, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington: This 93-mile circumnavigation of the mountain traverses lowland forests and subalpine meadows.
  • To the right, it becomes innately benevolent, permeated by numina, a romantic meadow of Thinning; its aesthetic is idyllic. A Theory of Modes and Modalities

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