How To Use Mccarthy In A Sentence

  • McCarthy remains dismissive of the allegations and defensive of the former sergeant, saying he was "brutalized" by his colleagues, in particular, by a few senior officers "exerting locker room peer pressure" in the department ranks. MPNnow Home RSS
  • The little divil that stole the dog-team an 'wint over the Pass in the dead o' winter for to see where the world come to an ind on the ither side, just because old Matt McCarthy was afther tellin 'her fairy stories? CHAPTER I
  • Racism, homophobia, McCarthyism, classism, it's all on display as they try to muzzle those who disagree by vitriolic, personal attack.
  • McCarthy is only 19 years old and to reach a World final and finish fifth is a remarkable achievement.
  • Not by the wildest caprice of imagination was ‘a nation terrorized’ by McCarthy.
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  • Guests can lend a hand with ranch chores if they like, baling hay and moving cows to new pastures, all the while swapping stories with Brad McCarthy, the engaging, knowledgeable head wrangler.
  • Mr McCarthy instanced the success of food companies, such as Kerry Group plc, Lee Strand Co-op, Tralee, and the Cadbury factory in Rathmore.
  • It is no accident that Boehner has put two up-and-coming second-term congressmen, Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) and Peter Roskam (lll.), in charge of drafting the new agenda for governing. Republicans divided on the importance of an agenda for midterm elections
  • The service doesn't want to "spend $2,500 to ruggedize a $200 phone," Mr. McCarthy said. Killer App: Army Tests Smartphones for Combat
  • Bristol had a lineout on their own line and hooker Neil McCarthy threw the ball long.
  • Once the home of John Grey, one of the great names in Irish yachting, this Victorian mid-terrace property is now owned by the artist Desmond McCarthy.
  • McCarthy's angular face, a weather-beaten mask of crags and furrows, hides an inner core filled with Yorkshire steel and Irish charm.
  • Between that moment and his last column Tuesday, McCarthy has affected many a life, as I heard frequently last week.
  • It was the only time I ever heard Murrow privately concede that the fear with which McCarthyism was poisoning the soul of the nation had penetrated his soul as well.
  • McCarthy need not have worried, because this film is devoid of self-pity or false sentimentality.
  • In retaliation McCarthy announced he was "breaking" with the Republican leader and accused the President publicly of "weakness and supineness" in ferreting out Communists, indeed claimed he himself had made a terrible mistake -- namely to have voted for Eisenhower in 1952! Nigel Hamilton: American Caesars
  • With his resistance to McCarthyism and quantum uncertainty, was Einstein disillusioned at the end?
  • While Woody Guthrie was a rambling, gambling, hard-travelling, hard-drinking guy who collected a handful of wives in his time and whose guitar "killed fascists", his travelling partner, Pete Seeger was a teetotalling Quaker Unitarian pacifist who married a Japanese girl during World War Two and did time briefly for refusing to name names to Joe McCarthy. "This Machine Surrounds Hate and Forces It To Surrender"
  • Miller had been absent from the stage since The Crucible, in which he used the Salem witch trials as allegory for McCarthyism.
  • All six played a part, in helping the county end a barren nine-year spell without Liam McCarthy.
  • These pressers are filled with interesting questions, like the one about weather in Green Bay, which is not really where Super Bowl XLV will be played, and how McCarthy deals with it. Super Bowl live: Donald Driver will play; Packers like 'Hoosiers'
  • If anyone has the gaucherie to point out the left's nearly unblemished record of rooting against America, liberals turn around and scream "McCarthyism! Archive 2007-02-01
  • I once noticed Mary McCarthy ending a line of dialogue with she asseverated, and had to stop reading to get the dictionary. Ten guidelines for better writing - that work
  • McCarthy at Penna stresses the importance of treating middle managers as major contributors to performance but cautions against going too far.
  • I once noticed Mary McCarthy ending a line of dialogue with “she asseverated,” and had to stop reading to get the dictionary. Words of the wise one | Diane Duane's weblog: "Out of Ambit"
  • In America in the 1950s, Senator Joseph McCarthy led a witch-hunt against people suspected of being communists.
  • However, he will remain on leave until then, with college registrar Vincent McCarthy continuing as acting director until a new appointment is made.
  • The scourge of McCarthyism made everyone a believer for fear of being labeled a commie pinko.
  • Instead, it starts off with in inane, one-dimensional, simplistic “McCarthy was right” and what came out of that. Edward R. Murrow: God or not? « BuzzMachine
  • In addition, it was never clear how many of the blacklisted were actually communists and how many were just named by others to save themselves or were just useful targets for McCarthy. All’s Well That Ends Mel?
  • McCarthy's blend of half-truths and lies ruined many careers in government and the professions.
  • McCarthyism is named after the American politician Joseph McCarthy, who in the 1950s accused many Americans of being Communists.
  • Michael B: Overtly talking about “McCarthyism” or depicting a desire for transparency in govt. as somehow indicating a crypto-McCarthyite interest serves to deflect from the high and holy office attorneys too often imagine themselves holding. The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
  • The principal, Sean McCarthy, said adult education is an important sector, with over 13000 students now enrolled in courses.
  • The Road could be classified as science-fiction for the near-future setting and prophetic look of a world turned to ash, and it could be classified as horror for the suspense and direful moments the characters must endure -- two genres I'm sure McCarthy would prefer to keep at a distance from his work. Rabid Reads: "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy
  • When Amy Poehler and Melissa McCarthy joked at Sunday night's Emmy awards ceremony that they were delighted to see men finally breaking through with "meaty roles" no longer simply seen as "handsome, pretty-pretty things to look at", it was a moment that as uncomfortable as it was funny. The Playboy Club: men only
  • McCarthy is a good manager, in my opinion, much better now that when he took the job six years ago.
  • The Hollywood Reporter's Todd McCarthy calls Gosling's performance a "bid to enter the iconic ranks of tough, self-possessed American screen actors -- Steve McQueen, Clint Eastwood, Lee Marvin. Ryan Gosling turns tough guy for thriller "Drive"
  • The second half, largely spent wellying the ball aimlessly into Wigan territory, was unedifying stuff, in which only Dzeko, Agüero and Milner offered any attacking invention at all and only Hart's fine save from McCarthy – City's magnificent keeper is being presented with the man-of-the-match bubbly as I type – stopped Wigan equalising. Wigan Athletic 0 Manchester City 1 | minute-by-minute report
  • Kinsey's first major work on sexuality appeared during the first years of the Cold War, on the eve of the McCarthyite witch-hunts.
  • Fears that Crystal Bridges would sugar-coat American art may be true in the sense that it lacks the latest from profane or transgressive artists like Paul McCarthy, say, or Richard Prince. An Uneven Span Across Time
  • Eddie McCarthy scampered about among the branches stringing lights all over, and finally placing the big, illuminated star on the very highest point.
  • With a propane tank over his shoulder and the little boy tugging at his arm, McCarthy swaggered towards the tracks.
  • Note 84: Pat McCarthy, a registered nurse and a certified schoolteacher, recalls her exclusion from the midwifery crew and from teaching at The Farm school with some resentment. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • To McCarthy's right was a guy named Ron Hutchins from Internal Affairs who dressed like a mortician and sported a goatee. WILD JUSTICE
  • While McCarthyism rooted out political subversion, science and the media worked to instill proper gender roles.
  • At the same time, it is NOT to say that they are not capable of Socialism ... although the "S" word equate with Joe McCarthy reds-under-the-bed paranoia in many North American minds forgetful of the fact that their anglophonic soul mates across "The Pond" in Olde England have embraced the "S" word without throwing themselves in sheer desperation into the River Thames because of it. Like the American Revolution, Venezuela's in the name of Liberator Simon Bolivar is NOT going to be a walk-over!
  • Thus McCarthy occasionally came across as gruff or grouchy in this World Cup and some reporters took delight in this.
  • The only way to stop these "narcotic assassinations" is to take out drug gangs through long-term narcotics operations, Mr. McCarthy said. Newark's Top Cop Faces Hurdles
  • For those readers who have followed Hannah Arendt's writings and who may have wondered about occasional differences of style and clarity from one to the other, there is a postface by Miss McCarthy that describes in fascinating detail the 'Englishing' of Hannah Arendt. Stopping to Think
  • If a particular landmark on the ear is a health indicator, why not the cleft in a chin or the tilt of a brow, asks McCarthy.
  • Eugene McCarthy carried the anti-war banner successfully through one primary after another.
  • The Popular Front period would fade into history, eclipsed by the war, the McCarthy period, the blacklist, the cold war.
  • Populations differ in the patterning they have on the head, and while two subspecies have been distinguished on the basis of such differences, the variation actually appears to be clinal (McCarthy 1986). Sea kraits: radical intraspecific diversity, reproductive isolation, and site fidelity
  • Dare to criticize any of those folks from within the left and it's tantamount to McCarthyism.
  • There is an obsession with details among all the best managers that is notably absent in McCarthy.
  • Cormack McCarthy, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, William Faulkner, and Homero Ardijis are all very good at writing dense, layered stories that work at more than one level. Interview with String-of-10 TWO First Place Winner: Ann Pino
  • Mike McCarthy is associate director, head of sixth-form studies.
  • How is its position in this case in any principled way different from those who organized the McCarthyite anticommunist purges on American college campuses in the 1940s and 1950s?
  • Today, science fiction runs the entire gamut from the pulpish to the mainstream (Chabon, McCarthy) and ideas may be served up wholesale in many other media. John Joseph Adams » 2009 » July
  • Well, I think the point is, a libertarian can believe autofellatio should be perfectly legal and still find it disgusting, especially in the context of an exchange between Andy McCarthy and K-Lo. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
  • After reading McCarthy's take on the unspeakably evil acts perpetrated by a group of depraved 19th-century American marauders from the Old West, I queasily figured it was better to write this post than try to eat breakfast. Dave Astor: If All Books Were as Violent as Cormac McCarthy Books
  • McCarthy was asked to analyse the data from the first phase of trials of the vaccine.
  • To McCarthy's right was a guy named Ron Hutchins from Internal Affairs who dressed like a mortician and sported a goatee. WILD JUSTICE
  • She was a victim of McCarthyism.
  • The China lobby contributed to the paranoia that fostered the Cold War abroad and McCarthyism at home.
  • Feb. 28, 2011 marked the 25th anniversary of the release of "Pretty in Pink," the teen classic written by John Hughes about a thrift-store-chic girl (Molly Ringwald), a pastel-preppy guy (Andrew McCarthy) and the pompadoured geek (Jon Cryer) who wants to drive them apart. John Hughes and the art his movies inspired
  • He has stood up to petty tyrants, from dogmatic Communists, through McCarthyites to third-world dictators.
  • McCarthy did thrive on television, where his laconic, relaxed style showed off to best effect.
  • In May, Cromane saw the first of the 2003 weddings when Martina Stack of Stookisland married Nigel Clifford of Keel and Mary King of the Lake exchanged nuptial vows with Karl McCarthy
  • When McCarthy asked Welch to define "pixie," Welch replied pointedly, "a pixie is a close relative of a fairy. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Anyway, once we've found Andrew McCarthy we'll have plenty of time to pootle around. LOOKING FOR ANDREW MCCARTHY
  • Whatever the case, using "betray" -- a word associated with treason -- recalls the ugly McCarthy era, when for too many Republicans dissent corresponded with disloyalty. Richard Cohen Brings On the Stupid
  • There are very good organisations like Safe Network in Auckland, run by John McCarthy, which deals with trying to rehabilitate and run programmes for recidivist sex offenders.
  • He was blacklisted during the McCarthy years and subsequently suffered a severe nervous breakdown.
  • McCarthy said yesterday that there is no conflict in the two letters, and that the CPA money could be used with everything associated with the purchase of the Fernald property, such as the title examination, appraisal and environmental study. The Daily News Tribune Homepage RSS
  • Eisenhower did not criticize McCarthy, even when the senator accused Eisenhower's good friend, and fellow World War Two hero, General George Marshall, of being a traitor.
  • In other words, we have an exemplary instance of McCarthyites gulling the naive, just as the infamous senator from Wisconsin liked to do. About This Site
  • Historian Ellen Schrecker wrote that "in this country, McCarthyism did more damage to the constitution than the American Communist Party ever did.
  • Suddenly a gang of young hoodlums enters, led by a thug named Frankie McCarthy.
  • McCarthy always includes a ‘friendship wall’ in her shows on which numerous works by her artist friends are displayed, exemplifying the community spirit that seems so pervasive in San Francisco.
  • One person who assisted CiA Inspector General John Helgerson with his probe was Mary O. McCarthy, who alleged CIA officials lied to members of Congress during an intelligence briefing when they said the agency did not violate treaties that bar, cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment of detainees during interrogations, according to a May 14, 2006, front-page story in The Washington Post. Bill of Rights Defense Committee - Headlines
  • McCarthy reaches down for a saddle strap, and the gray colt turns his head back and nips at the shoulder of his seasoned owner, trainer, groom, hot-walker, stall mucker and masseuse. Undefined
  • This is one of McCarthy's fun contemporary romances, with absolutely no paranormality in sight. Stumbling Over Chaos
  • Directed with anodyne pertness by Raben, it's the story of Robbie Hart Ciaran McCarthy who, until he becomes a rock star, fronts a band that plays at weddings in Ridgefield, New Jersey. James Scarborough: The Wedding Singer, Musical Theatre West
  • McCarthy’s mare, in extended order, a tree’s length from the longest way out, down the switchbackward slidder of the land-sown route of Hauburnea’s liveliest vinnage on the brain, the unimportant Parthalonians with the mouldy Firbolgs and the Finnegans Wake
  • January 17, 2009 at 2: 21 pm yeah i agree pat, though zaki is doing it at the moment, so would maybe keep doing it for us til the end of the year, though obviously it wouldn't be a possibility anyways. agree about santa cruz too, look what happened to benni mccarthy, they're very similar situations apart from benni didn't leave before being found out, santa cruz will do marginally better than city's signing of benjani because he was having his one good season last year! wenger said very specifically "kolo will be captain WHEN HE PLAYS" (whilst cesc is out) and i think it was very significant that he specified the when he plays bit, because he won't play ahead of gallas when he's back from injury. News
  • Demoralized by the McCarthy witch hunts at the State Department, the embassy staff feared Donovan was invading with a planeload of OSS spooks to take over the diplomatic mission. Wild Bill Donovan
  • Besher, himself an adept reinsman on the hunt field, likes Tom McCarthy's General Quarters as a "sentimental favorite," Friesan Fire as the sensible play over the sloppy track. Undefined
  • McCarthy has an expertise in psychometrics, assessment and research methods, and a longstanding commitment to education in psychology.
  • McCarthy walks General Quarters around the shed row himself, 35 minutes a day, rather than leaving the routine task to a hot-walker. Undefined
  • Gobiodon okinawae, yellow clown goby, male, guarding its eggs in Caulastrea furcata, teal candy cane coral, by Kevin McCarthy — Neither of these specimens is rare or endangered, but they are both fascinating. Photography contest: Finalists, General Category - The Panda's Thumb
  • MCCARTHY: I was such a hedonist in college, always on the golf course and never really studied very much and kind of frittered it all away. All of One Peace: Essays on Nonviolence
  • There was an appeal that had been filed in the Supreme Court by the attorneys of a skinhead whod written the word towelhead in white paint on the driveway of his employer, a Pakistani convenience store owner whod fired him for being drunk on the job; some research about why the words under God had been added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954 during the McCarthy era; and a stack of mail equally balanced between desperate souls who wanted me to fight on their behalf and right-wing conservatives who berated the ACLU for making it criminal to be a white churchgoing Christian. Change of Heart
  • McCarthy's perceived influence among his peers is matched by his personal popularity.
  • Actor Albert Dekker, who appeared in Kiss Me Deadly, The Killers, and Suddenly, Last Summer, was blacklisted in Hollywood for several years for criticizing anticommunist Senator Joe McCarthy.
  • The Harvard Law School constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe pointed out this week that even Joe McCarthy did not go so far as this Congress and president did in conspiring to "try to undo the processes of a state court. March 2005
  • Referee Peter McCarthy refused to stand for any nonsense and brandished a succession of cards.
  • After the political somnolence of the McCarthy era, the ban the bomb and civil rights movements awakened a new generation of young activists.
  • The hoolie is the major fundraiser for the Joseph W. McCarthy Memorial Scholarship. Custom Search
  • Yet to sojourn in San Antonio unherbed was to set off under the searing sun naked, scalped, and bootless across some scree of burning rock straight out of Cormac McCarthy. Alamo Rag
  • McCarthy, those like him, and those who followed them, were clearly nonacademic and antiacademic, the barbarians at the gates. THE CLOSING OF THE AMERICAN MIND
  • I can admire Avram Davidson for his baroqueness, and Hemingway for his plainness and Cormac McCarthy for both at different times in his career, but they were/are all capable of balancing the explicit and the implicit to achieve a desired effect. The Scarecrow-in-the-Desert Effect
  • McCarthy yesterday refused to indicate who will figure in his team selection even though he confirmed he had settled on a team in his own mind.
  • Venturi has another year left on his contract, but McCarthy's deal expires in March.
  • The cop pulled back the sawhorse and waved McCarthy and Tim Kerrigan through. TIES THAT BIND
  • Offering the Republican response, California Rep. Kevin McCarthy criticized what he called the continuation of a "stimulation strategy that's led to more debt and fewer jobs. Obama to Step Up Pressure on Jobs Plan
  • Her response toMcCarthy's gift of sheep: "I have a hatchback, so that'll work outwell. Megan Mullally's surreal debut |
  • His belief in the value of free thought and speech, and his merry willingness to defy authority, caused him to be an adamant opponent of McCarthyism.
  • McCarthy & Hayes 1969 with the need for a nonmonotonic logic, and sketches the logical ideas of domain circumscription, which is now classified as the simplest case of circumscription. Logic and Artificial Intelligence
  • Cohn center, who Paul called “fascist bully-boy types,” with McCarthy during a subcommittee hearing in 1953. A Covert Affair
  • To equate their actions with McCarthy's rampage is as wrong as painting each American progressive or Communist as a Stalinist agent. George Orwell's List
  • To McCarthy's right was a guy named Ron Hutchins from Internal Affairs who dressed like a mortician and sported a goatee. WILD JUSTICE
  • Irish boss McCarthy was not on the list of those he said sorry to.
  • McCarthy's Communist witch-hunt had been unleashed with the support of leading Republicans and had undoubtedly helped to elect Eisenhower in 1952.
  • The management team is led by Sean Oldfield and is chaired by a former chairman of the Financial Services Authority, Sir Callum McCarthy, who is one of seven non-executive directors. Homeowners benefit from fourfold surge in prices from to 1998 to 2008
  • No Country for Old Men offers much more hard-driving suspense than any of McCarthy's previous works; in fact the plot's motor is so overdriven that one tends to read too fast to savor the writerly nuances.
  • Not all drywall is alike," says Jack McCarthy, president of Environmental Health & Engineering, the firm hired by the government to perform the air quality tests. Chinese drywall linked to corrosion of pipes, wires
  • Overtly talking about “McCarthyism” or depicting a desire for transparency in govt. as somehow indicating a crypto-McCarthyite interest serves to deflect from the high and holy office attorneys too often imagine themselves holding. The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
  • To be sure, a popular work reappraising the issues associated with McCarthy is overdue, and a reappraisal of McCarthy himself is not to be despised.
  • Yes, McCarthy’s “analysis” of the Bybee/Yoo memoranda is flimsy and ideologically motivated, just like his criticisms of the AQ7. The Volokh Conspiracy » My Contribution to the NYT ‘Room for Debate’ Blog on the AQ7 Argument
  • A couple of hours later, Obama campaign manager David Plouffe defended Gen. McPeak's comparison of Bill Clinton to Joe McCarthy and slammed Hillary for "wallowing" in lobbyist cash. Judas vs. Joe McCarthy - Real Clear Politics –
  • The case against McCarthy is based largely on circumstantial evidence.
  • Will a new McCarthyism devolve from the current "Tea-Party" movement that exists only to attempt to deny the fact that Barack Obama is in fact a United States Citizen and has legitimately been elected President of all Americans? Virginia governor declares April as Confederate History Month
  • Graduation took place on Sunday, May 21. Kelly McCarthy delivered the salutatory address and Lauren Boucher, the valedictory address.
  • The red hunt was misguided because the equation that came to define the McCarthy era (to be a liberal is to be a pinko is to be a red is to be a spy) was misguided.
  • Nor did a demagogue emerge to match Senator Joseph McCarthy, whose cynical witch-hunts in the l950s put a generation on trial.
  • And I think on the whole our record is pretty good with, I agree, exceptions. There was McCarthy, there was the Red Scare after World War I.
  • Stephen McCarthy, the founder of Clear Creek Distillery, is up on a ladder, nosing a tall vat of fermenting mirabelle plums, but his attention isn't entirely on the fruit. The Fruits of Clear Creek Distillery's Labor
  • He was among the earliest figures to publicly confront Senator Joseph McCarthy's witch-hunt.
  • Especially at the start of the Cold War, the McCarthy era prosecuted many with many film directors losing their jobs or else fleeing the United States like Jules Dessain who ended up marrying Melina Mercouri and since then is staying here in Greece. Hatto fischer | politics and the arts « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • BLACKBURN, England (AFP) - Benni McCarthy made his point to Sam Allardyce as the South African's late goal put Blackburn on course for a crucial 2-1 win against Tottenham on Saturday.
  • Even as you learn to endure the slaughter McCarthy describes, you become accustomed to the book's high style, again as overtly Shakespearean as it is Faulknerian.
  • Mr McCarthy also attributed the increased demand to current economic situation prevailing in Zimbabwe.
  • However, history may treat McCarthy more favourably than the contemporary press.
  • It was the only time I ever heard Murrow privately concede that the fear with which McCarthyism was poisoning the soul of the nation had penetrated his soul as well.
  • In Calgary, his role is one of their top enforcers,(Sentence dictionary) with Sandy McCarthy sidelined by a broken ankle.
  • McCarthy returned the favor by letting Anderson listen on the extension during supposedly confidential conversations with Republican leaders.
  • I'd like the Canadian government to step in, quash the bullying, censorious action brought by the Canadian Muslim Congress, shut down the pseudo-legal "human rights" kangaroo courts that exist to enable this sort of injudicial nuisance suit, apologise to Mark Steyn and the magazine which published his article, reprimand the Muslim organisation involved, and ensure that religious pressure groups never again have the power in a civil society to bully writers or publishers into silence with the threat of McCarthyesque quasi-trials invoking the elastic term "human rights". On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • And while it has been marketed as "salacious," aside from a few anecdotes about players hooking up with local girls (some not of legal age) and a slew of raunchy actions in the clubhouse, McCarthy left a lot out. Jon Greenberg: Odd Man Out ... Again
  • But for many the policy evokes a chapter of the country's history they would wish to forget - the McCarthy-inspired witch-hunts of the 1950s, aimed at rooting out communist agitators.
  • Superintendent Noel McCarthy has now appealed to parents not to purchase fireworks or bangers for their children.
  • Newer: « cure for obama communism is a new era of mccarthyism Beached dildo | My[confined]Space
  • Well, those of us old enough can remember Joe McCarthy, and his rabid press demagogues, cowing Americans into silence. Archive 2009-09-01
  • At 30, Joe McCarthy was the youngest man ever elected a circuit judge in Wisconsin.
  • - What, Janet asked herself, did the magazine's fair-minded, noble, and spirited disdain for McCarthyism mean if it did not mean action? ISAAC CAMPION
  • The weathered face on TV, the weathered voice on radio, the Camel cigarette, his decision to end his adulterous affair with Pamela Churchill when his son was born, his savvy baritone as he righteously confronted Sen. Joseph McCarthy. Cool Is as Cool Was
  • McCarthy was a state-backed bully and demagogue who harmed many innocent people.
  • Hoover's deepening, marriage-like relationship with his hand-reared assistant director Clyde Tolson is intercut with glimpses of canned history – the Palmer raids, the slandering of Dr King, the compromising private files … But no Joe McCarthy nor his ruthless chief counsel Roy Cohn, not enough Nixon and no substantial mention of Cointelpro, the pharaonic, black-propaganda campaign against 1960s civil rights workers and the student left. J Edgar is a woefully boring movie
  • Elvis 'blue-eyed soul, snarl and McCarthy backhanding gyrations stirred the teens of the 50's, and Michael's beyond-his-years innate soulfulness and performer's polish captivated a generation in the late 60's and 70's. The Curious Case Of Michael Joseph Jackson
  • Ventriloquist, straight man for brashy puppet, Charlie McCarthy, Candice Bergen's father Celebrity Dirty Laundry
  • ET23: The ball's played through the centre for Park Ji-sung to chace, but Palace skipper Patrick McCarthy slides in and clears with a magnificent tackle. Manchester United v Crystal Palace
  • Instead, it starts off with in inane, one-dimensional, simplistic “McCarthy was right” and what came out of that. Edward R. Murrow: God or not? « BuzzMachine
  • Whatever happened, it's clear that Saint John's has forgotten the principles that once informed the idealism of Eugene McCarthy, who believed that a university is to be an arena for the free expression of all views and that even those ideas which do not comport to orthodoxy must be heard in order to be understood. Kitty Kelley: Smudging a Senator's Legacy
  • This cravenness represents one of American journalism's darkest hours -- as dark as the depth of the McCarthy era. Naomi Wolf: WikiLeaks, Revolution, and the Lost Cojones of American Journalism
  • Everything from a 1989 Wall Street Journal stipple drawing of Martha Stewart to Andrew Tift's hyperrealist black-and - white painting of author Cormac McCarthy, right, will be on display at the National Portrait Gallery's "Americans Now" exhibit. The Short List
  • McCarthy was asked to analyse the data from the first phase of trials of the vaccine.
  • ‘We want to introduce new efficiencies and streamline the service as much as possible,’ Mr McCarthy said.
  • “Since the signing of the Cross-Debarment agreement earlier this year, INT has worked diligently with our MDB partners to ensure that enforcement is not delayed,” said McCarthy.
  • We're here happily discussing Jim Carry never marrying Jenny McCarthy and ignoring the fact that The Number 23 looks like a rancid bag of pigswill that only idiots will go and see. Jim Carrey & Jenny McCarthy No Longer An Insufferable Couple
  • Media Mob reader Peter Van Allen writes in to point out the recurring pattern: Besides McCarthy and Irving, Kakutani has applied the "lugubrious" label to Graham Swift, Don DeLillo, Mark Helprin, J.M. Coetzee and many more. Lugubrious and Repetitive
  • I'd just taught Cormack McCarthy's THE ROAD, which was well written but mindnumbingly depressing, and I wondered (since EARTHBOUND had a similar opening situation) whether I could make my book work without it being so psychologically painful. Grand Master Joe Haldeman tells all (or some, anyway) to Sci Fi Bookshelf
  • McCarthy played very well when introduced and, indeed, finished as his side's top scorer.
  • As their words evoke the McCarthy era, we are reminded of the blackness of the postwar period.
  • He acknowledged that Woodson's gesture isn't common, and he called it classy, echoing the exact word Green Bay coach Mike McCarthy used in a teleconference earlier in the week. The Fist Bump That Baffled Football
  • Reality is biting these people in the ass, and they have no choice but to fight back with racist slurs, innuendo, McCarthyite claims and third-grade-level smirky jokes. Think Progress » GOP Rep. Nunes Excuses Racist, Homophobic Tea Partier Slurs As A Response To ‘Totalitarian Tactics’
  • The clerk retired with the magistrates when they considered their verdict and the magistrates proceeded to find McCarthy guilty.
  • Accordingly, researchers in logic-based AI have put a lot of effort into developing a variety of non-monotonic reasoning formalisms, such as circumscription (McCarthy 1986), and investigating their application to the frame problem. The Frame Problem
  • The bulk of the criticism levied against the Tea Party has been directed at their most visible absurdities: the laughable primitivity of O'Donnell, Rand Paul, and Sharron Angle, the drawing of Hitler mustaches on the president (and occasionally on themselves), Glenn Beck's high-octane McCarthyism, the unhinged nativist fashion shows, etc. Daniel Cluchey: The Price of Tea
  • The signing gives offensive coordinator Mike McCarthy good flexibility with his offensive line.
  • As a new father going through a hard time, I was extraordinarily moved by McCarthy's celebration of the love between man and son in a desolated postapocalyptic world. Readers recommend their favourite books of 2010
  • Both shows also have their moments of absorbing drama and distasteful levels of bullheadedness, set against an American backdrop that once again seems mere steps away from the full-on, Cormac McCarthy-style apocalypse. 'Storage Wars' and 'Gold Rush: Alaska' are mining at the recessionary frontier
  • Well," McCarthy deliberated, "there's other talk goes round, 'Tis said Vincent is over-thick with a jade down in the town -- Lucile, they speak iv her. CHAPTER 16
  • McCarthy yesterday refused to indicate who will figure in his team selection even though he confirmed he had settled on a team in his own mind.
  • To: nateriver did not Andrew McCarthy at NRO expound upon bammie's dishonesty already? give me break - at this point bammers doesn't even qualify for weisenheimer status as long as you sit down with him and have beer eberytink is gonna 'be otay Latest Articles
  • Throwing out the term communism has all the demagoguery of Sen. Joseph McCarthy and recalls a dark chapter in American history. Byron Williams: Facts Left the Health Care Debate Long Ago, Emotion Is the Driver Now!
  • McCarthy's long-term objective is to formalize common sense reasoning, the prescientific reasoning that is used in dealing with everyday problems. Logic and Artificial Intelligence
  • The Moriarty family anciently possessed this district, from which they were expelled by McCarthy-Mór.
  • The bulk of the criticism levied against the Tea Party has been directed at their most visible absurdities: the laughable primitivity of O'Donnell, Rand Paul, and Sharron Angle, the drawing of Hitler mustaches on the president and occasionally on themselves, Glenn Beck's high-octane McCarthyism, the unhinged nativist fashion shows, etc. Daniel Cluchey: The Price of Tea
  • Note 67: For a discussion of the nuns 'efforts, see Frank Galgay, Michael McCarthy, Sr. Teresina Bruce, and Sr. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • His attitude is dictated to some extent by his admiration for the work of manager Mick McCarthy.
  • However, during the McCarthy-era anti-communist witch-hunts he was once again named as a risk to national security by an informer who described him as ‘an active and fanatical Stalinist’.
  • McCarthy's film is really a portrait of the risks and rewards of letting others see your vulnerable side.
  • At the same time, it is NOT to say that they are not capable of Socialism ... although the "S" word equate with Joe McCarthy reds-under-the-bed paranoia in many North American minds forgetful of the fact that their anglophonic soul mates across "The Pond" in Olde England have embraced the "S" word without throwing themselves in sheer desperation into the River Thames because of it. Like the American Revolution, Venezuela's in the name of Liberator Simon Bolivar is NOT going to be a walk-over!
  • In diction that juxtaposes archaisms with a lyricism that defies easy explication, McCarthy offers not a simple subject position but a widening pool of imagistic encounter.
  • California McCarthy (Kevin McCarthy) is expected to become the party whip.
  • Hellman was repeatedly accused of untruthfulness, most notably by her longtime adversary Mary McCarthy, who announced on US television: "Every word Hellman writes is a lie – including 'and' and 'the'. The scandalous Lillian Hellman
  • Cllr Pat McCarthy said he wanted clarification on whether or not the car park would contravene the development plan.
  • So keep your eyes peeled on all the long-haired Emmy nominees such as Connie Britton, Elisabeth Moss, Tina Fey, Melissa McCarthy, Amy Poehler and beautiful Laura Linney as they step out of the limo onto the red carpet with all the gorgeous latest fashions from Mercedes Fashion week and elegant, fabulous, sexy CURLS! Kim Vo: Upcoming Emmys Will Dictate the Hottest Trends for 2012
  • McCarthy hopes to avoid the pitfalls of the transfer period this month by ignoring overseas players, who often require additional time to acclimatize to the British game. European Soccer's Darkened Window
  • McCarthy was asked to analyse the data from the first phase of trials of the vaccine.
  • During the McCarthy period, Chinese laundrymen from New York and San Francisco were victimized.
  • The principal, Sean McCarthy, said adult education is an important sector, with over 13000 students now enrolled in courses.
  • 1954 - Red Scare: The United States Senate votes 65 to 22 to condemn Joseph McCarthy for conduct that tends to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute.
  • Along with conference chairman Kevin McCarthy, Mr. Ryan has been doing an internal road show for all 87 House freshmen and many senior members on the looming debt and entitlement crackup, three sessions a week, six or eight members at a time, 10 minutes of PowerPoint, 50 minutes of questions and "listening. Ryan's Charge Up Entitlement Hill
  • We visited Paul McCarthy's installation of his seven year-long project Pig Island. ART BASEL EXCLUSIVE: By Bettina Korek
  • During those last 29 months the Journal-American and Mirror imposed a press "brownout" on McCarthy, occasionally mentioning him in news stories but almost never in columns and editorials. Jim Tuck's homepage, biography and published works
  • At this Christmas time comes a wonderful little book by the biogeographer Dennis McCarthy. Dan Agin: Book Review: Here Be Dragons
  • Uber-babe Jenny McCarthy has hinted at the trials young actresses must undergo in Hollywood's seedier realms.
  • Even with the Internet input, the platform is also sure to be more concise than the 2004 Republican platform, which Mr. McCarthy said ran 98 pages and 41,000 words. G.O.P.’s Platform Gets Web Input - The Caucus Blog -

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