How To Use Maypole In A Sentence
As the recitalist said, there are many kinds of dance: maypole, flamenco, ballet, to name but a few.
Celebrations include dancing and singing around Maypoles and balefires, and flowers are placed about the home.
He's just kind of standing there while Lacey does her best maypole dancing around him.
Dancing with the Stars Episode Recap: Monday, Oct. 3, 2011
There seems to be a sense that the core dynamic is the same: nursing, for all its new independence and expertise, is still dancing around the medical maypole.
Revels and merriment after the old English custome; [they] prepared to sett up a Maypole upon the festivall day . . . and therefore brewed a barrell of excellent beare [beer] . . . to be spent, with other good cheare, for all commers of that day . . .
A Renegade History of the United States

Whatever happened to good old May Queen's, Morris dancing and ribbon dancing around a maypole.
The maypole is a common part of Beltane festivals.
Where To Park Your Broomstick
One large elm out of the two on the left-hand side as you enter what I call the elm walk, was likewise blown down; the maypole bearing the weathercock was broke in two, and what I regret more than all the rest is, that all the three elms which grew in
Jane Austen, Her Life and Letters A Family Record
Sober Briquette said ... both sides are equally relieved the fence is there ... saw your comment at painted maypole - MAKE time to read that book.
Chickens are Fascinating
To recreate the country's Midsummer celebration, people in traditional dress danced around a maypole.
I'll just go and run a couple of times round a maypole and decide.
Whiskey and beer flowed freely, and whites and Indians cavorted, copulated, and danced wildly around a maypole, a Pagan invention that had become the symbol of fun and leisure in villages across England.
A Renegade History of the United States
Puritans in England and the New World called for banning the maypole and May Day festivals.
A Renegade History of the United States
Whiskey and beer flowed freely, and whites and Indians cavorted, copulated, and danced wildly around a maypole, a Pagan invention that had become the symbol of fun and leisure in villages across England.
A Renegade History of the United States
There are those on bicycles and charabancs, in schoolrooms, around maypoles, and beside aspidistras.
It is broadly composed around two matching verticals that suggest abstract maypoles.
The village is the site of one of the last remaining maypoles in England and locals celebrate in style with a weekend of dancing, entertainment and drinking.
Southbank Centre, SE1, to 25 Apr Cuckoo Festival, Marsden, SatMorris dancers around a maypole, workshops, storytelling, crafts, street theatre, a rubber duck race and the time-honoured village cuckoo procession bring a touch of olde worlde mythic magic to this spring party.
This week's new events
Children were gathered around the maypole, holding onto the brightly colored ribbons, and dancing around.
The playground, with a maypole and little roundabouts, and raised beds where children could grow vegetables and flowers, was vitally important.
Whiskey and beer flowed freely, and whites and Indians cavorted, copulated, and danced wildly around a maypole, a Pagan invention that had become the symbol of fun and leisure in villages across England.
A Renegade History of the United States
How could he not dance in uniform round the maypole with the rest of them?
The men have to lug a 50 kg bag of coal and run close on a mile - 1,108-yards - on an uphill course before dropping their sacks of coal at the foot of the maypole.
Meg was bringing Georgia fatwood to light a bonfire, Whit had been given the task of sewing herb sachets to hang on the tree as gifts to the God and Goddess, and Chelsea was going to figure out some kind of maypole.
Salem Falls
Today's revellers can enjoy live music, morris and maypole dancing, wacky races, tea and Banbury cakes before gorging themselves at a "feast of the beasts" banquet.
This week's new events
At any rate, it appears that the cobblers 'apprentices chose to call their maypole "Fidlovatchka," and that they carried it about on their feast-day, the Wednesday after Easter.
From a Terrace in Prague
The Maypole was traditionally given to the community by the local gentry.
`He was the maypole ," John Howard says, pulling me into the curve of his arm.
Revels and merriment after the old English custome; [they] prepared to sett up a Maypole upon the festivall day . . . and therefore brewed a barrell of excellent beare [beer] . . . to be spent, with other good cheare, for all commers of that day . . .
A Renegade History of the United States
In many countries, a maypole with long ribbons attached to the top is part of the celebration.
These two are erecting a maypole and tent for the annual garden fest to delight the local children.
This is a strange, liminal object: a maypole bedecked with slim red and black ribbons and chains from which hang aluminium plaques bearing grisly two-dimensional images of severed heads.
Nancy Spero: no pity
The symbolism of the pole decorated with ribbons and garlands was deeply offensive to the Puritans and maypoles were forbidden by Oliver Cromwell's parliament from 1644.
The largest piece of art was a working carousel that blew bubbles and was festooned with fake animals, flowers and ribbons - literally a maypole come to life.
The town received Unicef assistance after the Second World War, inspiring Jitka to paint children dancing around a maypole.
The accordion player played for the children as they wound their colourful ribbons round the maypole.
He pointed beyond a tall gaily striped maypole, across a teeming market square.
Get ye to a maypole dance for more traditional sorts of fertility blessings.
As the sun came up, pipers played and visitors watched fire juggling and danced around a maypole.
There will be music, maypole dancing and face painting.
Now we are asked to hold hands and dance around the maypole together, celebrating mediocrity.
Ribbons, pearl and purple, dangle from the maypole down to the pale hands of children, who pull them, giggling.
Under the Maypole
He wore a dark grey three-piece suit, obviously expensive, and bore no resemblance to anyone who might win a maypole tug of war.
Hang up the bunting, dust down the maypole, roll out the barrel, give Selkie that hamper of Cadbury's Creme Eggs, and pray perform the Ancient Semaphore Exercise Of Greeting discovered, etched on slabs of meteoritic iron, in the foundations of a Barratt house in Bournemouth for gerardbrennan is among us!
March 10th, 2009
I remember holding a maypole while my girlfriends danced around me.
These days, Midsummer is celebrated with songs, feasts, and dancing around the maypole.
Fathers, Helen decided, whose death grip on decorum had been proof against all daughterly pressure to draft them for maypole duty.
The largest piece of art was a working carousel that blew bubbles and was festooned with fake animals, flowers and ribbons - literally a maypole come to life.
Jock-bashing is just another grand old English tradition, a bit like morris dancing or cavorting round a maypole.
And with his keen sword Endicott assaulted the hallowed Maypole.
The May-Pole of Merry Mount
I'm a little too old and far too creaky to dance round the maypole but I did do a little jig by the oak tree.
The lord watched his daughter dance the maypole with the other young people.
It is everywhere taken as the first sure sign of spring, and in England it is used to decorate the traditional maypole.
Over the years, some of the most successful rituals at Rites of Spring have centered around such images: a wicker figure, the Maypole, a bifacial Goddess puppet, a gigantic multi-colored web, an earthen Great Mother protruding from the ground.
Ribbons, pearl and purple, dangle from the maypole down to the pale hands of children, who pull them, giggling.
Under the Maypole
The dance around the Maypole was arrested — the ring broken up and dispersed, while the dancers, each leading his partner by the hand, tripped, off to the silvan theatre.
The Abbot
The maypole dancing unfortunately coincided with a particularly heavy shower but the young performers bravely completed their routine despite the deluge.
Revels and merriment after the old English custome; [they] prepared to sett up a Maypole upon the festivall day . . . and therefore brewed a barrell of excellent beare [beer] . . . to be spent, with other good cheare, for all commers of that day . . .
A Renegade History of the United States
Forty years later, Barrow takes The Queue and uses it as a highly idiosyncratic maypole around which stories of the brothers' childhood, adolescence and early adulthood cavort and whirl.
Animal Magic: A Brother's Story by Andrew Barrow – review