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  1. by chance
    we may possibly run into them at the concert
    it may peradventure be thought that there never was such a time
    perhaps she will call tomorrow

How To Use mayhap In A Sentence

  • 'Mayhappen not,' he said; 'yet yesterday I could not but look into the slaughter to come, and it seemed to me a grim thing, and darkened the day for me; and I grew acold as a man walking with the dead. The Roots of the Mountains; Wherein Is Told Somewhat of the Lives of the Men of Burgdale
  • I would like your temperate drinker to pause, and reflect upon the fact, that the quantity of brandy or rum that he took at a drink, when he commenced this downhill course, has been gradually increased; so that in the second year, what had been quite sufficient to please his palate and produce all the desired effects in the first, was then insipidly small; and more so in the third year, if, mayhap, he could with any decency lay claim to the title of _temperate drinker_ so long. Select Temperance Tracts
  • Mayhap thou didst sleep over-sound last night when I called by the river bank," he began, glowering darkly. THE MARRIAGE TO LIT-LIT
  • Epps: I conceive I saw something I couldnt mayhap hit seen.
  • I hope sincerely that you will come, and mayhap if possible bring the boy too.
  • After, I marveled, and thought mayhap he had liked my playing; the Adept Stile has termed my hom a mellow saxophone. Here There Are Monsters
  • Mayhap, moreover, his comely face had something to do with it, for, i 'fecks, ne'er saw I a goodlier countenance on Roundhead or Cavalier. A Brother To Dragons and Other Old-time Tales
  • But Vendhya is a strange land, mayhap too devious for a simple northlander like me. Conan The Victorious
  • Less than a wife, mayhap, but much more than a mere bedmate. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Perhaps I have, or mayhap I have just become used to my surroundings and not so much changed as adapted.
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