
How To Use Maxwell In A Sentence

  • Even while he was missing, those uncertain hours of anxious speculation and dismal journalism, she had assumed Maxwell would be found boomingly alive, having spent the whole time enjoying the amorous advances of a short-sighted minke whale. Country of the Blind
  • Maxwell's theoretical unification of electricity and magnetism was engineered into the modern human power to communicate across space at the speed of light.
  • The discovery was made by accountants sifting through the remains of the Maxwell business empire.
  • Rank was a businessman who pursued a grander vision than Isidore Ostrer or John Maxwell had ever done.
  • Maxwell did not mention the banana theory but he dismissed the numerous theories and meanings ascribed to the name Sabah in published literature as "fanciful suggestions" because there was a lack of supporting evidence. Undefined
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  • Felicity Maxwell had left Lorelei's cigarettes and matches on a little table by the left arm of Lorelei 's chair. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • Maxwell believed electromagnetic waves such as light to be vibrations in the ether.
  • In the early 20th century, it was realized that the stability of atomic matter could not be explained using the Maxwell equations of classical electrodynamics.
  • I don't want to go into detail, but the phenomena can be explained by Maxwell's equation and evanescent waves.
  • We would wish to pursue further the criminal frauds committed by Robert Maxwell and others associated with the Daily Mirror.
  • The laser dynamics are formulated using the Maxwell - Bloch equations.
  • Maxwell's Theory of Electromagnetism, Light as an Electromagnetic Phenomenon, and the Triumph of the Wave Theory of Light.
  • Yes | No | Report from maxwell wrote 40 weeks 12 hours ago A Gold Medal Stag
  • The northernmost channel in our maps, “Maxwell River,” is known to Europeans and natives as Noangwa; Mamballa or the central line is called by the moderns Nshibúl, and the southern is dubbed by the hydrographer, “Rio Konio,” a truly terrible mistake for Sonho. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Maxwell was seconds away from challenging the man about it when he discovered the guy was Italian and hadn't understood a word.
  • Maxwell soon became a controversial figure in the world of big business.
  • Meanwhile, Saskia's family are thought to be trying to persuade the semi-pro footballer that she is just playing games with Maxwell and their relationship isn't serious..
  • After 12 years of teaching ethics at the Air War College, Maxwell AFB, Alabama, I have learned a few lessons from the lieutenant colonels and colonels I've taught.
  • And herein Bristow Maxwell is an "ensample" unto many bachelors of lighter hue. Our Brother in Black: His Freedom and His Future
  • The girls of Maxwell had somehow gotten used to the idea of their star athlete dating a Velton girl, not that they had much choice in the matter.
  • There are also is an isolated population of the Cape dassie Procavia capensis, also tree hyrax Dendrohyrax dorsalis; and bush pig Potamochoerus porcus, warthog Phacochoerus aethiopicus, bushbuck Tragelaphus scriptus, Maxwell's duiker Cephalophus maxwelli and black duiker C. niger, bay duiker C. dorsalis and forest buffalo Syncerus caffer nanus. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • She speaks with warmth of Maxwell, Redpath and Gillies and there's a keen eye too kept on contemporary talents.
  • According to Maxwell, the current trend in warehouse automation in the dairy industry is palletized and unitized storage and loading.
  • The roots of maxwell in coulomb and ampere are historical, not logical. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Quantum Mechanics, But Were Afraid to Ask
  • Atomic electrons do not behave in this way, regardless of Maxwell's theory.
  • Maxwell is not interested in narrowing down the genre's capaciousness. The Historical Novel in Europe, 1650-1950
  • According to Maxwell, the current trend in warehouse automation in the dairy industry is palletized and unitized storage and loading.
  • Dick Shannon seconded this proposal and it was agreed by all members, who gave a warm round of applause to Mr Maxwell.
  • The final impression, however, is that Maxwell has missed a heaven-sent opportunity to treat the decaying variety theatre as a potent poetic symbol.
  • At 6 A.M., in the glory of the tropic sunrise, Mr. Maxwell and I landed in Province Wellesley, under the magnificent casuarina trees which droop in mournful grace over the sandy shore. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • Maxwell's text, in opening and closing monologues, overwrites the story of his family's trans-American migration onto the biblical arc of the Creation and Redemption allegories, a contemporary flavor skillfully affected by somehow tasteful references to free-basing. Selby Drummond: Half-way Between Gesture and Thought: Choreographer Sarah Michelson's "Devotion"
  • We theoretically investigate the non-resonant interaction between ultrashort pulse laser and para-nitroaniline molecule medium by solving the full Maxwell-Bloch equations without approximation.
  • AzTEC is the name of the camera used on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope.
  • The play is tidily constructed around the absurd situation, in which Margot's deranged student, Molly (played with winning gawkiness by Anna Maxwell Martin), blames Margot for the suicide of her mother, who jumped under a train, Anna Karenina style, holding a copy of Margot's feminist bible, "The Cerebral Vagina. Wyndham Lewis's Unusual Angle on Art
  • This fascinating study of one of the century's greatest ‘scams' shows that financial skullduggery did not begin with Robert Maxwell or Enron.
  • There are also is an isolated population of the Cape dassie Procavia capensis, also tree hyrax Dendrohyrax dorsalis; and bush pig Potamochoerus porcus, warthog Phacochoerus aethiopicus, bushbuck Tragelaphus scriptus, Maxwell's duiker Cephalophus maxwelli and black duiker C. niger, bay duiker C. dorsalis and forest buffalo Syncerus caffer nanus. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • It is worse, if possible, than the story of Mr. Maxwell's "Vivien," which reviewers accepted. Books and Persons Being Comments on a Past Epoch 1908-1911
  • Friday morning, the mist and fog was thick enough that I could barely see the mug on the Maxwell House plant.
  • Using this approximation in Maxwell's equations we see that light travels along null geodesics.
  • Unfortunately, the electrogravitational implications of Whittaker's profound work were not recognized and followed up, and their connection to Maxwell's quaternionic EM theory was not noticed nor examined. Chapter 4
  • The physicist Brian Pippard, who held Maxwell’s old chair†¦ at the University of Cambridge, has put it thus: ‘What is surely impossible is that a theoretical physicist, given unlimited computing power, should deduce from the law of physics that a certain complex structure is aware of its own existence. ’” (p44) Continuation…
  • This work by Thomson in 1856 on electricity and magnetism is important for it was these ideas which led Maxwell to develop his remarkable new theory of electromagnetism.
  • Maxwell deftly paints Phyllis as the rich, suburban housewife, but makes damn sure we can see the tigress that once ensnared Ben. Martin Maidenberg: So Much To Love, So Much To Regret
  • The ion velocity distribution of Maxwell molecule collision model can be obtained using the 16-moment approximation.
  • Write to Maxwell Murphy at maxwell. [email protected] Hasbro Profit Rises on Improved Revenue
  • A spokesman for the administrators would not comment on whether Mr Maxwell had answered the questions.
  • There are also is an isolated population of the Cape dassie Procavia capensis, also tree hyrax Dendrohyrax dorsalis; and bush pig Potamochoerus porcus, warthog Phacochoerus aethiopicus, bushbuck Tragelaphus scriptus, Maxwell's duiker Cephalophus maxwelli and black duiker C. niger, bay duiker C. dorsalis and forest buffalo Syncerus caffer nanus. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • This paper mainly deals with the features and physical significance of the unsymmetry of Maxwell's speed distribution curve.
  • One of the first attempts to explain the mechanical behaviour of materials such as pitch and tar was made by James Clark Maxwell.
  • In injury time, Maxwell did beat Boswell with a header but Burscough skipper Stephen McNulty hacked the ball off the line for a corner.
  • The Serious Fraud Office, which is investigating alleged Maxwell share support schemes, also refused to comment.
  • In this work he gave what Thomson considered the first proof of the Waterston-Maxwell equipartition theorem.
  • Sponge does not actively mislead Maxwell, the parties are dealing at arm's length and are not, for example, in a fiduciary relationship where disclosure would be necessary.
  • This is what lawyers call sui generis," said James, of the Rockville firm Maxwell & Barke. John Kelly's Washington: A legal trailblazer with a cold nose
  • He worked constantly towards the goal of developing a theory of hydrodynamic phenomena which included Maxwell's electrodynamic theory.
  • Sure enough, at crowdie-time, the men were seen coming aft, with Maxwell in the van carrying a bowl, on the pretext of a complaint against the cook. Richard Carvel — Volume 04
  • Noting, correctly, that few scholars actually finish The Historical Novel, Maxwell points out that it "fixates" 66 on the historical novel as modeled by Scott, and treats all later attempts at the form as sad deviants from the original; when Lukacs shifts his attention from Scott to Balzac, the historical novel qua form simply vanishes into contemporary realism. The Historical Novel in Europe, 1650-1950
  • Maxwell's electromagnetic theory involved an aether occupying all space, whereas Einstein's radical recasting of it eliminated the aether.
  • Later, I worked it up to more than 70,000 words with a subplot about a thaumaturge and threw in a handful of Mullah Nasruddinesque stories, and eventually got it published by Maxwell Macmillan Canada just in time for the Robert Maxwell empire to collapse and tumble the book into limbo. Archive 2005-04-01
  • Maxwell equations, which are now known as the macroscopic Maxwell equations (valid in the presence of continuous polarizable matter). Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • And the ugly shagpile I encountered at The Maxwell has hardly done anything to change that.
  • At yesterday's private hearing in the High Court Kevin Maxwell was officially declared bankrupt for a record £406million.
  • The columnist Beachcomber's "new Soviet Barracks at Stratford", the building that conservative locals called "the jam factory", although it was euphorically reviewed by architectural progressives such as Maxwell Fry, was a pretty tame animal by international standards. A stage of her own: Elisabeth Scott and the Royal Shakespeare Theatre
  • Its headquarters staff includes six generals, headed by its controversial commander, General Maxwell Thurman.
  • First Saskia admitted sleeping with Maxwell, and now Makosi and Anthony have been getting up to some suspect jiggery-pokery in the pool.
  • Ah, yes: Maxwell showed that oscillating an electric charge is just the mechanism that causes light waves to be produced.
  • It will be shown that Clerk Maxwell also definitely affirms the atomicity of the aether, while Tyndall and Huyghens also use the term "_particles of aether_" over and over again. Aether and Gravitation
  • He was second wrangler in his final examinations (in common with many other famous mathematicians who were second at Cambridge like Thomson and Maxwell).
  • The other company will hold the North America grocery business, which includes Kraft cheeses, Maxwell House coffee, Oscar Mayer cold cuts and Jell-O. Activists Pressed for Kraft Spinoff
  • Ah, yes: Maxwell showed that oscillating an electric charge is just the mechanism that causes light waves to be produced.
  • One of the first attempts to explain the mechanical behaviour of materials such as pitch and tar was made by James Clark Maxwell.
  • That explains, to some degree, how Steve Maxwell, an Australian, can be boxing next week at the Traktor Sport Palace in Chelyabinsk, Russia, for the WBC Asian Boxing Council welterweight title against Anton "The Pick Hammer" Novikov of Russia. Training for a Heavyweight Bout? Better Take a Geography Lesson
  • Maxwell resumed his furious pacing, clenching the phone tightly, ‘Is he all right?’
  • Maxwell was standing there, head bowed and hair curtaining his face, a shy blush tingeing his cheeks pink.
  • 'Godfather of Secret Societies' Jordan Maxwell aka Russell Pine If you want to know why this movie is called Water of Grace and in turn why maxwell calls himself by the term stemming from - Articles related to Tourism revenues up 28% in first half - report
  • During the equilibration phase, the velocities were reassigned every 0.5 ps, conforming to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.
  • The unifying feature of this theory was that it unified Einstein's theory of gravitation and Maxwell's electromagnetic theory.
  • Maxwell's Equations, the divergence of the magnetic field is zero, and "solenoid" is a traditional term for an electromagnet. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • By means of this concept he was able to write down modified [[Maxwell equations]], which are now known as the macroscopic Maxwell equations (valid in the presence of continuous polarizable matter). Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Before he wound up against the bumper, Maxwell's son, Preston, had rolled off a "sleep positioner. Crib bumpers present risk and little likely benefit, safety advocates say
  • The Serious Fraud Office, which is investigating alleged Maxwell share support schemes, also refused to comment.
  • Maxwell Brown had endured 20 operations after being born with his stomach unconnected to his throat, and his father's T-shirt was intended as a tribute during Essandoh's goal celebrations.
  • The cheating scandal upset Maxwell and Anthony so much that they put salt in his sugar, the naughty scamps.
  • Working engineers and leading scientists focused upon Heaviside's vector interpretation of Maxwell's difficult quaternionic expressions. Chapter 4
  • It will be asking a lot of Maxwell to expect a fourth monumental effort in Friday's semi-final against Nepal.
  • Back at the bar, Maxwell Cole was looking at his latte with all the distaste of a tree-hugger faced with a clear-cut. BREACH OF DUTY
  • However, cue games like billiards and pool exhibit that extreme sensitivity and instability highlighted by Maxwell.
  • UPDATE: Noemie Maxwell of Washblog chimes in merrily at comment #12 after mocking McMorris 'faith at this post about Peter Goldmark, McMorris' opponent. Sound Politics: Liberals Remain Miffed About Religion
  • But the appointment would court controversy, as Maxwell Davies has proved unafraid to speak his mind.
  • It was the century of Clerk Maxwell, yes-I'm thinking mainly of his work on what we call cybernetics-and Babbage and Peirce and Ricardo and Clausewitz and a slew of other thinkers whom we're stifi living off of. There Will Be Time
  • Anthony and Maxwell are clamouring for her attention, and now the other girls think she's feigning her injury.
  • William Henry Gates and Mary Maxwell were among Seattle's social and financial elite.
  • Dunbar was, for example, to have a central role in the operation to recapture Lord Maxwell, who had escaped from Edinburgh Castle on 4 December 1607.
  • This refers to the fact that, according to [[Maxwell's equations]], the divergence of the magnetic field is zero, and "solenoid" is a traditional term for an electromagnet. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Time - dependent electromagnetic fields and Maxwell's equations. Electromagnetic waves, emission, absorption, and scattering of radiation.
  • To anyone to whom Maxwell means anything the towering screes of Beinn Sgritheall stand as a natural monument, a lasting monument, to his achievements.
  • Gadget was bionic and had various contraptions built into his body, but his personality and some of his catchphrases were distinctly reminiscent of Maxwell Smart.
  • Maxwell Salzberg, Daniel Grippi and Raphael Sofaer - floated their idea for what they called a "personally controlled, do-it-all, open-source social network" on an Internet fund-raising platform called Kickstarter. NYT > Home Page
  • Having met a beautiful mortician during their trip, the two agreed that Maxwell Reid would be a perfect choice to play that character.
  • The three types of cones are often, and somewhat misleadingly, equated with Maxwell's additive primaries of red, blue, and green.
  • The familiar Maxwell reach for a libel writ brought about an immediate public apology.
  • Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism, for example, united the previously disjointed phenomena of electricity and magnetism.
  • Maxwell suggested that the government might be prepared to make a grant equal to the amount collected by the refugee organisations.
  • Mac's golf game, Armour said, was as bonnie as Maxwellton braes.
  • Certain of the payments were made on Mr Maxwell's authority.
  • Go to the use of a better (higher group symmetry) modern electrodynamics model (such as quaternion electrodynamics, very close to Maxwell's original theory), and the operation of such asymmetric systems now is included (as it was and is in Maxwell's original 20 quaternion-like equations in 20 unknowns).
  • Mr Maxwell, whose speciality is French and English starters, can lip read quite well but can only speak a few words, so he relies on signing to communicate.
  • The familiar Maxwell reach for a libel writ brought about an immediate public apology.
  • She threw me a paper across the table that I kenned for Maxwell's by the crunkle o 'the sheets. Bog-Myrtle and Peat Tales Chiefly of Galloway Gathered from the Years 1889 to 1895
  • Felicity Maxwell stood by the bar and ordered a glass of wine.
  • Maxwell also has found fulfillment drawing the real-life dramas of the courtroom.
  • His contribution is unifying important parts of classical mechanics and Maxwell's electrodynamics.
  • And she comes at it from the inside, as a tenth-generation Mormon whose great-great grandfather, Heber Orson Maxwell O'Donovan, migrated to Utah, across the plains as a Mormon pioneer in 1847 with none other than Brigham Young himself, the second prophet, seer, and revelator of the Mormon Church. Mike Bonifer: Sister Dottie vs. The Mormon Church
  • A devilish Maxwell put this cartoon on a corridor wall.
  • An indication of the old Greenock club's decline was the declaration of only two substitutes, one of whom was Ally Maxwell, who fulfils a number of roles from coach to general factotum.
  • Lord Maxwell ee's givin 'her a fine pension, my word ee is! an' says ee'll look after Johnnie. Marcella
  • There's also a new restaurant, named Elsa in tribute to American socialite and "hostess with the mostest" Elsa Maxwell, a frequent guest at the hotel in the 1920s. To Catch a View in Monaco
  • Maxwell spent £350,000 on the house, installing a stained glass window and glitzy Fifties Neptune statue in the hall.
  • It may be more than a mere result of education, connecting itself, probably, with the deeper mental structure of the two men, that the idea of Gassendi, above enunciated, is substantially the same as that expressed by Professor Clerk Maxwell, at the close of the very able lecture delivered by him at Bradford in 1873. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
  • The classical theory of electromagnetism is entirely revised in this book by proposing a variant of Maxwell equations that allows solitonic solutions (photons). AvaxHome RSS:
  • Flag officers from Maxwell and Pensacola and an official from Eastern were among the dignitaries at the ceremony inaugurating Dannelly Airport on July 1, 1943.
  • In the months before the Santa Fe talks, Maxwell had crisscrossed the Southwest to sermonize about the threat of an Asiatic invasion. Colossus
  • In life, Maxwell was lean, wiry, with an aquiline handsomeness that became impressively hawklike in old age.
  • Isaac Newton had described gravity 200 years earlier; James Maxwell had explained the phenomena of electricity and magnetism with his equations in 1873.
  • The fire, believed to have started when a cigarette ignited petrol, began in the shed behind the home of the Maxwell family in the Poleglass district of the city.
  • Maxwell's responsibilities overlap yours, so you will be sharing some of the work.
  • I was reminded of Maxwell Smart's ill-omened Cone of Silence.
  • As the troupe becomes even more successful, their stage set at the Maxwell Theater features a huge Sambo backdrop through whose grinning mouth the minstrels cakewalk onto the stage.
  • Amplexograptus praetypicalis is similar to A. maxwelli in it's overall dimensions, but can be differentiated from the latter species by it's much lower lappets, less inverted thecal apertures, and lack of a median septum.
  • AzTEC is the name of the camera used on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope.
  • Read in studio Voice over Kevin Maxwell has caused a stir by turning out for his village cricket team.
  • There are also is an isolated population of the Cape dassie Procavia capensis, also tree hyrax Dendrohyrax dorsalis; and bush pig Potamochoerus porcus, warthog Phacochoerus aethiopicus, bushbuck Tragelaphus scriptus, Maxwell's duiker Cephalophus maxwelli and black duiker C. niger, bay duiker C. dorsalis and forest buffalo Syncerus caffer nanus. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • During a briefing on intermediate-range bombers at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama, he had a fateful conversation with the legendary refugee scientists Edward Teller and John von Neumann.
  • Ronnie Belliard blooped to right field, and Justin Maxwell made a face-plant diving catch for the second out. Nationals shut out Dodgers, 1-0, to conclude 6-4 homestand
  • Donald Maxwell is a seasoned operatic buffo, who nicely cherishes, relishes and polishes his pontificating arias, with chorus usually dancing attendance.
  • That's jest what I've wanted to say to Steward here, many a time, but not being gifted with gab, which mos 'people calls eddi-kation, I haven't been able to perceed like the prefesser," meaning our English friend, Mr. Maxwell. Winona: A Tale of Negro Life in the South and Southwest
  • At the end the director tell us why he made the movie. discussing the research and claims of so-called 'Godfather of Secret Societies' Jordan Maxwell aka Russell Pine If you want to know why this movie is called Water of Grace and in turn why maxwell calls himself by the term stemming from "Jordanus Maximus" you may also enjoy this movie: Debunking Jordan Maxwell The Movie: It covers more of Maxwell's errors and reasons for those errors, it can be viewed here: video. also mentioned in the movie zeitgeistchallenge. com - Articles related to Tourism revenues up 28% in first half - report
  • Yes | No | Report from maxwell wrote 40 weeks 3 days ago that albino is awesome. The Best Hunting and Fishing Photos; April 2009
  • His ergodic theorem transformed the Maxwell - Boltzmann kinetic theory of gases into a rigorous principle through the use of Lebesgue measure.
  • They were calling on the Government to replace millions of pounds, plundered by Maxwell from pension funds.
  • Maxwell could spend some time in the slammer for failing to keep up with court-ordered guidelines after a marijuana conviction.
  • Alex Maxwell, Airdrie-born but now an accomplished local historian, walks me round the town.
  • Although the tumour cannot be completely eradicated, Maxwell's surgeon has told her that tests have revealed it to be relatively benign, and her prognosis is good.
  • With the availability of excellent and extensive expositions of the vector interpretation of the translation force-field subset of Maxwell's theory by Heaviside and Hertz, and with the nearly insurmountable difficulty associated with the complex quaternions and potentials which few scientists understood, the rejection of the quaternionic form of Maxwell's theory and the acceptance of the vector subset was inevitable. Chapter 4
  • Maxwell Davies's Stedman Caters for chamber ensemble and Stedman Doubles for clarinet and percussion are based on bell peals.
  • Maxwell, one of the Dexter miniature breed of cattle, is the first calf to be born at Tatton's Home Farm since the foot and mouth epidemic devastated British livestock in 2001.
  • Deborah sings almost everything between Mozart and Maxwell Davies, and has a lovely voice!
  • Inspectors had been appointed to investigate two companies under the control of Robert Maxwell.
  • It will be asking a lot of Maxwell to expect a fourth monumental effort in Friday's semi-final against Nepal.
  • I also reported that Tom Bower, biographer of Robert Maxwell, had a new biography deal.
  • As we have already seen, the early thermodynamicists like Maxwell and Boltzmann implicitly gave credence to the atomic idea by treating gases as though they were mechanical systems of microscopic masses.
  • Every time Maxwell closed a deal he got a cut, and this book traces the money trail better than any previous efforts.
  • The Maxwells are also suing the maker of the sleep positioner. Crib bumpers present risk and little likely benefit, safety advocates say
  • The shares were then sold and the proceeds used by Maxwell, the prosecution alleged.
  • There are also is an isolated population of the Cape dassie Procavia capensis, also tree hyrax Dendrohyrax dorsalis; and bush pig Potamochoerus porcus, warthog Phacochoerus aethiopicus, bushbuck Tragelaphus scriptus, Maxwell's duiker Cephalophus maxwelli and black duiker C. niger, bay duiker C. dorsalis and forest buffalo Syncerus caffer nanus. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • Maxwell land grant case, which he characterizes as a wanton and shameful surrender to the rapacity of monopolists of 1,662,764 acres of the public domain, on which hundreds of poor men had settled in good faith and made valuable improvements. Buchanan's Journal of Man, October 1887 Volume 1, Number 9
  • I mentioned to him that Einstein was very struck as a young high school student by Maxwell's equations, the laws of electricity and magnetism, and that they made a very deep impression on him.
  • I have a set of notes that I took when I went to see a Maxwell Bates exhibit on Thursday.
  • Others, notably James Clerk Maxwell, restricted their opposition to the attempts to apply the concept of natural selection outside the biological realm by pointing to the invariances of the microscopic world.
  • I am a proud alumna of the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University.
  • Maxwell had borrowed heavily to finance his business projects.
  • Instead, he applies the standard quantization procedure to twistor theory, the same canonical quantization that has been previously applied to nonrelativistic particles, spin, Maxwell's electromagnetic field and strings. Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
  • Read in studio Antique dealers and bargain hunters have been looking through the belongings of the late Robert Maxwell.
  • The familiar Maxwell reach for a libel writ brought about an immediate public apology.
  • Full vectorial Maxwell solver based on eigenmode expansion Gentoo Packages
  • Rendon Photography and Fine Art, Garcia Glass, Bower Gallery and Isaac Maxwell Metal are among the galleries found along Southtown's labyrinthine streets.
  • Einstein believed that Maxwells theory should, like all other laws of nature obey the principle of relativity.
  • From Maxwell's equation, the transmitting behavior in bulk metal and the reason why microwave does not effectively couple with bulk metal are analyzed.
  • The Serious Fraud Office, which is investigating alleged Maxwell share support schemes, also refused to comment.
  • Read in studio One of the oldest parts of Robert Maxwell's collapsed empire has been revived by a management buyout.
  • Unless of course the enemy is way ahead of her and has booby trapped it with protruding bayonets and land mines, which Caitlin spies at the last minute and escapes death - to quote maxwell smart ‘by that much’. Cheeseburger Gothic » Gentlemen’s Club.
  • The three types of cones are often, and somewhat misleadingly, equated with Maxwell's additive primaries of red, blue, and green.
  • The old quantum theory, as these efforts came to be called, was an uneasy and unreconciled combination of the classical ideas of Newton and Maxwell with the quantum prescriptions of Planck and Einstein.
  • Maxwell believed electromagnetic waves such as light to be vibrations in the ether.
  • Maxwell Award (Miglior Giocatore Offensivo): come gi anticipato saranno gli alfieri di Florida e Texas, Tebow e McCoy, the giocarsi criminal Mark Ingram la conquista del premio come miglior offensive player della nazione, anteponendo il loro carisma e la loro care allastro nascente di uno dei migliori runningback visti allopera in questa stagione, capace di conquistare 1,399 yards in 207 portate per un totale di twelve touchdowns; segnature che ha ottenuto anche fuori dal backfield, entrando per 3 volte in endzone e ricevendo per 225 yards totali. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Mr. Pitcher, she said to the confidential clerk, did Mr. Maxwell say anything yesterday about engaging another stenographer.
  • In 1856 the British astronomer James Clerk Maxwell refined that hypothesis, arriving at an interpretation more in keeping with the satellite pattern elsewhere evident in the solar system: not millions of rings but millions of moonlets.
  • Maxwell was apparently tired of the tactful, diplomatic route Ralph was always preaching to him.
  • Mr Maxwell added that the defendant had been making steps towards living a proper lifestyle and, if she lost her liberty, she would be back to square one.
  • William Henry Gates, Jr. was a prominent corporate lawyer while Mary Maxwell was a board member of First Interstate Bank and Pacific Northwest Bell.
  • The adoption of Maxwell stresstensor method can find alternative analysis of electromagnetic force for BSRM.
  • His son, James Willard Maxwell was also a banker and established a million-dollar trust fund for William Henry Gates III.
  • Felicity Maxwell stood by the bar and ordered a glass of wine.
  • Maxwell set sail with his crew of 11, bound east toward the north part of Grand Canary. A Tycoon's Final Days
  • Czech immigrant and British media tycoon Robert Maxwell drowned alone at night while yachting off the Canary Islands in November 1991.
  • Read in studio Voice over Kevin Maxwell has caused a stir by turning out for his village cricket team.
  • From Maxwell's equation, the transmitting behavior in bulk metal and the reason why microwave does not effectively couple with bulk metal are analyzed.
  • Write to Maxwell Murphy at maxwell[email protected] Pharmacies Turn Tamiflu To Liquid
  • Inspired by Maxwell and his mathematics, Niven turned increasingly towards the study of spherical and ellipsoidal harmonics.
  • Jason Maxwell was once again fouled 40 yards from goal and Danny Walsh hoisted a dangerous cross over.
  • Read in studio One of the oldest parts of Robert Maxwell's collapsed empire has been revived by a management buyout.
  • Yes | No | Report from maxwell wrote 40 weeks 6 days ago what about useing the banjo minnow i hear its amazeing. Favorite Lures of the Largemouth Guides
  • Outlined first by James Clerk Maxwell and then by Albert Einstein in his theory of special relativity, much of modern physics relies on the idea that nothing can travel faster than light.
  • In the Penguin edition J. C. Maxwell does not follow the capitalization conventions of the text printed here.
  • Maxwell's electromagnetic theory involved an aether occupying all space, whereas Einstein's radical recasting of it eliminated the aether.
  • Maxwell himself came and took a handful of Demetre's hair, yanking his face up.
  • Maxwell's compact and powerful quaternionic expression of the general equations of the electromagnetic field are given in Article 619, Vol. 2, p. 258 of his Treatise. Chapter 4
  • Abraham's work is almost all related to Maxwell's theory and he wrote a text which was the standard work on electrodynamics in Germany for a long time.
  • He has, of course, come into recent prominence through a long association with the late Robert Maxwell.
  • Maxwell also continued work he had begun at Aberdeen, considering the kinetic theory of gases.

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