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How To Use Maximize In A Sentence

  • Vehicles would move to ‘points of domination’ (the intersections) to maximize the ability to traverse the turret and use the CITV.
  • Small groups allow people to interact, discuss and ask questions, which maximizes integration of learning.
  • These two also work to stabilize the legs and help maintain correct knee tracking in exercises like the seesaw lunge so you can maximize the work of the other muscles involved.
  • It is carefully calibrated to maximize milk production while minimizing cost and might consist of haylage or silage—chopped, preserved fodder—ground with protein boosters like soy or the malted grain left over from brewing. The Dirty Life
  • The singular aim of elite globalization is to maximize profits for international corporations.
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  • If he is rational, he will choose a price that maximizes his profit, the price that equates marginal cost with marginal revenue.
  • They have to rely on short-term, high-interest bank accounts to maximize the return on spare cash they have at any time.
  • Natural in origin, Tencel was designed as an environmentally friendly cellulose fibre to be used in fabrics to maximize comfort and functionality.
  • An entrepreneur, in other words, uses resources in new ways to maximize productivity and effectiveness.
  • Apparently, the steaming process reduces the size of the brisket but maximizes the flavor.
  • Do firms try to maximize profits? Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Scarlett Johansson (left) and Kate Beckinsale maximize their almond-shaped eyes and oval faces with softly curved arches.
  • Various objections might be made to motivational hedonism: that we are often motivated by things that do not in fact maximize our pleasure, such as motivation to step under a shower that one takes to be suitably warm but which is in fact scalding hot; that not every pleasure that our options for action make available to us motivates us; or that the very idea of maximum ˜pleasure over pain™ or Hedonism
  • Initiatives such as parental leave for men and parenting classes that emphasize the role of fathers could help to maximize children's development from early childhood to preadolescence," says Serbin.
  • Those opposed to power-sharing wanted an arrangement to maximize the loyalist vote.
  • The seat mast has an elastomer in one of three stiffnesses, and up to 3cm of spacers can be slipped on under it to maximize seat height once the seat mast has been cut to length. Interbike Tech: Look 695 Pack
  • Photosynthetic gain in a plant is maximized by shedding older leaves only when photosynthesis by retranslocated nitrogen in new leaves exceeds the photosynthesis of the leaves lost.
  • C. 1. The company follows established guidelines or a code of behavior for visits to culturally or historically sensitive sites, in order to minimize visitor impact and maximize enjoyment.
  • Within each colonial prebend tribal jealousies and differences were exploited by colonial masters to maximize political power and economic advantage. Matthew Bergman: The Obama Manifesto
  • They have people who are quite skilled statisticians, call actuaries, who fiddle over mountains of data to decide how much to charge who in order to maximize profit while still being able to offer comeptitive premiums. Slashdot
  • Many catfishes are accomplished suction feeders with high volume expansion of the buccal cavity and fast jaws, whereas other taxa maximize bite force.
  • The forward-thinking family policy has to be gender-blind, assuming both sides of a couple will choose to maximize their earning power and ambitions.
  • Its primary engines are located on outrigger pylons and struts to maximize cargo space within the hull.
  • According to the Office of Medical Services '(OMS) guidelines, these techniques were designed to "psychologically' dislocate 'the detainee, maximize his feeling of vulnerability and helplessness, and reduce or eliminate his will to resist our efforts to obtain critical intelligence. Human Rights First: The Professionalization of Torture
  • Blackbirds seem to maximize that benefit by aggregating their nests in dense colonies.
  • The firm's objective should be to arrange its capital structure so as to maximize after-tax income. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Moreover, commodities would be produced in amounts that would maximize the value of society's production. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • Rational choice theory views actors as rational insofar as they act instrumentally, are utility maximizers, possess stable and exogenous preferences, and are self-interested.
  • In addition to using a new metal compound in the catalyst, Panasonic has devised a new catalyst coating technology to maximize the performance of the catalyst on a variety of DPF types (cordierite [4], SiC [5], metal, etc.). Autoblog Green
  • But if the strategic default or deviation from absolute priority rule is allowed, the decision that maximizes value of equity will be consistent with one that maximizes corporate value.
  • Most drivers maximize speed through track tactics, memorizing apexes, shifts and brake points.
  • The film will contain nanoscale pieces of semiconductor material and single-walled carbon nanotubes to maximize energy conversion.
  • In Part 3 I 'maximized' the composition, now the art of subtraction is invoked, and I begin to intentionally 'poke holes' into the piece - to remove, brick by brick, elements from the composition that aren't vital to its purpose. Latest 20 Tutorials
  • That is, when we say that an agent acts so as to maximize her utility, we mean by ˜utility™ simply whatever it is that the agent's behavior suggests her to consistently desire. Game Theory
  • Each member of OPEC would seek to maximize its own production.
  • This is an investment that can be "legged" into (selling calls on up days and puts on down days) to maximize the premium collected. US Market Commentary from Seeking Alpha
  • As agents of investors, managers are obligated to maximize the interests of the owners or principals.
  • Squared Euclidean distances were utilized in order to maximize the dissimilarity of unlike clusters.
  • What is within a chef's grasp, however, is the ability to maximize the essence of his or her dish by developing a refined sense of discernment when choosing ingredients.
  • In order to maximize profit the firm would seek to maximize output.
  • You see, to maximize the stalk size they're grown either in trenches or with soil mounded around each plant.
  • In addition, if the remote operations take approximately the same amount of time to return the first row, then the benefit achieved in enabling asynchrony is maximized.
  • The commission's fact-finding, moreover, should be dispassionate; it should not be freighted with agendas that create incentives - wittingly or not - to maximize or minimize some contributory factors at the expense of others.
  • Industry special interests always have lobbyists pushing to maximize short-term profits at the expense of the environment.
  • Exercise 10-2 A government programme is administered by an agency that aims to maximize the scale of provision.
  • A basic argument behind identifying happiness as the thing-to-maximize is that 1) everything that is good is good for someone and 2) the only things that are good for someone are that person’s experiences (although some utilitarians, like Richard, think that the thing-to-maximize is not happiness but something else, like desire-fulfillment). Happiness Will Only Happen When It Can
  • Each fast-paced presentation is designed to maximize your time and enhance your learning.
  • Whether using hot rollers or a blow dryer, apply hair spray after hair has cooled to maximize the style.
  • Rawls thinks that people in the original position would make this principle — which has been called the maximin rule, because it seeks to maximize the minimum level of welfare existing in the society — subordinate to another principle guaranteeing maximum equal liberty for all. The Right to Be Rich or Poor
  • The second concerns the extent to which the parties cooperate in achieving a mutually agreed price, or whether each party attempts to impose a price that maximizes their own benefit.
  • Human Growth Supplement GrowthMaximizerPro ™ is a safe and effective HGH potentiator. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The American press lavishes attention on efforts of top execs to maximize their profits, equating their net worth with high moral character.
  • We will actively manage your portfolio to maximize the return on your investment.
  • A building can be organized to maximize interaction, so that people bump into each other and talk, drink, flirt, eat, complain, kibitz.
  • But if the strategic default or deviation from absolute priority rule is allowed, the decision that maximizes value of equity will be consistent with one that maximizes corporate value.
  • Lung cancer has to be diagnosed as early as possible in order to maximize the chance of recovery.
  • Should we attempt to maximize or minimize the risks of escalation? Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • One peptide was designed to maximize helicity and the other, having the same composition but a different sequence, was designed to minimize helical formation.
  • Cooperatives are organized to maximize economic returns for members, not top-ranking executives or distant investors.
  • In order to break through the oneness of pure wood carving delicate, especially with defects in the painting and maximize the product promotion, aesthetic and noble.
  • Where am I going to put my house to maximize passive solar heating?
  • Thus economic models of bureaucratic behaviour usually involve a theory of legislative behaviour in which politicians aim to maximize their electoral support.
  • If it does this, the management will have better incentives to maximize profits because they will get a larger share of the profits. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • The state / firm attempts to use productive resources optimally to maximize the supply of appropriate goods available for consumers.
  • The Eclipse workbench can become crowded with toolbars and views, so if you want more space for the editor, click the Maximize button at upper right.
  • The result is a lightweight source of entertainment that maximizes humor and minimizes serious stuff.
  • Click on the square icon to maximize the window.
  • Do oil deposits get depleted too fast as oil countries try to maximize their oil earnings?
  • So only a partner who was disposed to keep promises even in cases where doing so wouldn't maximize his utility (i.e., a non-foolish promiser) could be relied upon to do his part in a prisoner's dilemma scenario, and thus only those sorts of promisers could reach the agreements that constitute these solutions. Transport: a Flash-Fiction Triptych
  • Awareness campaigns maximize target audience reach and frequency, and then measure the key statistics such as unaided awareness, aided awareness and recall of key messages. Scott Carter
  • If you want to maximize the amount of light coming into the room, make the ceiling opening larger than the roof opening and connect them with a splayed light shaft; you can splay any or all shaft walls.
  • In order to maximize profits from their government contracts, food suppliers delivered partial shipments and rancid provisions.
  • Time marches on, companies making money are always working a niche (sometimes a big monopolistic niche), and people doing well are always fighting to keep things the same (aka maximize their profit). Boing Boing
  • He often manifests a gregarious desire for team-mates and audiences, a tactful considerateness for their concerns; and he has a capacity for deeply felt shame, leading him to maximize the chances he takes of exposure.
  • We're saying that it's no longer enough for companies to maximize their profit without a concern for the world, and we're also saying it's time to up the ante on how much social good a company can do and should be expected to do -- beyond the usual, well-accepted, and always needed charity and philanthropy work. David D. Burstein: 1 Million Pairs of Shoes Bought, 1 Million Pairs of Shoes Given Away
  • Strategies that maximize the individual fitness component may be termed selfish.
  • (Actually, I should have said "maximized," not full-screen, as there's a slight difference.) PCWorld
  • By keeping your file sizes and page sizes as small as possible, you can maximize the amount of page views your site can produce.
  • Or again, using Bruno Giacosa as an example (not because his wines have been any more likely of fraud than any others, but simply as an example), buy his white label non-Riserva bottlings instead of the red label Riservas - if a counterfeiter is going to go through the trouble of making the fakes in the first place, would not the most likely thing be to fake the more expensive bottling and maximize profit? Natural wines, premox, chenin blanc, 07 Port and Rhone – John Gilman | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • The Ballot itself was carefully constructed to maximize support for the League, and minimize areas of disagreement.
  • The question each firm faces is how to choose output to maximize profits. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • But highway engineers exist to build roads, and corporations exist to maximize profits. Getting There: The Epic Struggle between Road and Rail in the American Century
  • Thermodynamically, the migration of nonbinding particles to these weakened microdomains is entropically favorable because it maximizes particle motions.
  • Both of these items are reasonably priced, reasonably sized, and designed in a way that can minimize discomfort but maximize ease of use.
  • You need to refine your stroke length and pace to maximize your hydrodynamic efficiency.
  • Gettman, who teaches at Shenandoah University and lives in Lovettsville, Va., calls it the "atomization" of marijuana cultivation that fuels a singularly American fixation for growing crops to maximize yield. Boutique buds: What underground mom-and-pop growers did while we debated legalization
  • He maximized his role
  • It is the precise role of statecraft to work with other countries with which one shares common economic, social and security interests to maximize mutual benefit from that relationship.
  • Strategies that maximize the individual fitness component may be termed selfish.
  • The heuristic searching algorithm maximizes the fitness of the additional constraint set, thereby reaches the final result that can satisfy the user's expectation.
  • Instead of harvesting a few big trees to maximize sawlogs, each tree is carefully chosen to create openings, leaving trees of various sizes in clumps.
  • To maximize its effectiveness, it is often added to products that also contain caffeine, as well as guarana or mate.
  • CSS Series: These closed system straight through miniature inlet filters have a unique "hockey puck" style filter element that maximizes surface area over its given size.
  • To maximize performance without excessively tight tolerances on dimensions, design a carefully optimized number of mechanical adjustments into the instrument.
  • The logic of the capitalist is to maximize profit for him or herself.
  • While book sales did not reach the level of the reader option, and the level of overstock was higher than in the author option (indicating a greater level of waste), the publisher's strategy maximized their overall profit.
  • She swallowed bile and willed the pill to dissolve faster, sneaking a glance at her fellow commanding officers, all arrayed around the readout in stolid contemplation. “Looks like the blast points were precise, ” one of the men observed, pointing out charred circles on the readout with his stylus. “They maximized human casualties rather than structural damage. ” “That makes sense, ” a blue-eyed woman replied. “That†™ s one of the few plants that isn†™ t automated. 365 tomorrows » J. Loseth : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The garden, which slopes away from the house, was parceled into a series of terraces to maximize the usable area.
  • Sophisticated computer systems are employed to project the number of no-shows, to maximize flight loads and minimize bumped passengers.
  • Should we attempt to maximize or minimize the risks of escalation? Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • The results are recipes for manufacturing pigmented coatings that maximize solar reflectance for a given color.
  • Other things equal, if it wishes to maximize the value of its stock, it must minimize the value of its bond. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • I always open my Finder windows from one of, like, 5 places so as long as I open them, "maximize" them, then close them, they'll always open filling the screen, which is preferred. RightZoom Makes The OS X Maximise Button More Like Windows | Lifehacker Australia
  • In order to maximize profit the firm would seek to maximize output.
  • Sellers maximize profits for their own benefit. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • If you minimize your working capital - that is, the amount tied up in receivables, payables, and inventory - you maximize your cash flow.
  • Taylor assumed that piecework incentives would discourage opportunism because workers would be motivated to maximize their earnings.
  • In space-challenged homes, wall-mounted floating shelves are chic storage maximizers and a freestanding piece of furniture helps delineate space in an open room plan. Bookish Good Looks
  • There you can learn how to maximize your profits with online trading as well as setting up an online business.
  • The predictive dialer's pacing algorithm controls the dialing rate in an effort to minimize agent idle time and maximize productivity.
  • To maximize the view, he positioned the house perpendicular to the river, angled the river-side wall, and raised the home on 18-inch reinforced concrete piers.
  • On the fat-burning side of the equation, the foods and combos of foods you eat before and after you hit a cardio session can maximize your ability to cut up and retain hard-earned muscle mass.
  • Finally, he said, as professors try to maximize the likelihood of student success, they may resort to using positive reinforcement for successful behavior.
  • The second challenge is associated with the need to maximize the total capacity of the transport and logistics business through performance capability.
  • While Megan is ecstatic about her Greenpoint rooftop honeybee hive and especially loves honey, her interest in apiculture stems from her desire to maximize the amount of food she can produce in her 700 square foot Brooklyn backyard. Aftermath: The Calm After the Storm
  • The firm said "at some point a tight-lipped communications strategy morphs into a shareholder perception of entrenchment—the desire of incumbent directors to keep a good thing going for themselves, rather than maximize value for unaffiliated shareholders—and crystallizes into a governance issue. Proxy Firm Questions Ralcorp Board Governance
  • Much of corporate law can be viewed as allocation of risks between shareholders and managers in an attempt to minimize the effects of these conflicts and to maximize the corporation's overall success.
  • You would also think that making it legal to steal car stereos would maximize the amount of theft.
  • Examples of hybrid organizations include joint ventures and consortia that maximize resources, particularly information exchange between organizations.
  • We suggest that ash-laden vertical density currents probably attain and then oscillate about a characteristic size that maximizes the buoyancy flux and represents the optimum efficiency for vertical mass transport.
  • As we try to maximize the assistance we can give, many of our Minnesotan friends have asked whether they can donate through us.
  • Moreover, commodities would be produced in amounts that would maximize the value of society's production. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • Remember, remodeling your kitchen or bathroom to maximize space can be done with custom or semi-custom cabinetry, or by selecting storage accessories in stock cabinets.
  • Empowered, Economic Man is free to choose in a variety of realms and free to act in such a way that his utility is maximized.
  • It should also be noted that the acoustics in these establishments are, I suspect, scientifically engineered to maximize the audibility of regular, unstrained conversations.
  • The format of antiphonaries is large and the text consists of several abbreviations to maximize the size of the script, so that it could be read by the choir, gathered at a tall pulpit during mass.
  • His goal was to maximize the talent on every team and outcoach other coaches. Pistol
  • Consequently, we decided to maximize the thickness of photoresist films known to be free of these outgassing problems.
  • AMC has shrewdly scheduled the program not just to help introduce "Rubicon" -- another new drama -- but seemingly to maximize its exposure while the latest round of Emmy ballots are in circulation.
  • A window receives this message when the user chooses a command from the window menu (also known as the System menu or Control menu) or when the user chooses the Maximize button or Minimize button.
  • It is the inherent requirement for the government's utility maximizes to control the administrative cost.
  • We'll try to maximize the opportunity. The Sun
  • Organizations are assumed to choose a policy that their cognitive representation suggests maximizes their payoff.
  • The minimize option is -m; however, the default behavior of the script function is to maximize (-M) the output record data and display all fields.
  • Therefore, he argued that the People's party should gather bimetallists under its banner and maximize its chance of winning office.
  • He is meticulous in developing, implementing and maintaining systems which minimize inventory and maximize profit.
  • Some developers try to squeeze in as many homesites as possible to maximize profits.
  • Keep all four wheels on the pavement as long as possible to maximize the power and length of your strokes.
  • Once the right to graze on the commons is assigned, the owner has the economic incentive to allow the maximum number of cows on the grasslands to maximize profit, but halt grazing at the precise point where future profitability is impended by overgrazing. Matthew Bergman: The Roads of Africa: Moving Beyond the Tragedy of the Commons
  • Click on the square icon to maximize the window.
  • Instead, they were handled several layers down in the organization by people with clear and strong incentives to maximize revenues.
  • So the monopolist will set a price or produce a quantity which will maximize its profits, other things being equal.
  • In the second stage, choose the expenditure allocation so as to maximize overall welfare subject to the overall budget constraint.
  • It is a way of maximizing physical resources to maximize the investment in hardware.
  • This corresponds to the optimal distribution of leaf nitrogen that maximizes carbon assimilation and crop productivity.
  • Consequently its objective is to maximize the firm 's net present value. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Click on the square icon to maximize the window.
  • What they want is someone whose main job is to maximize profit - to arrange corporate outings and special events that will bring in money.
  • The job of the credit manager is not to minimize the number of bad debts; it is to maximize profits. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Even if you don’t install solar electric panels now (and I don’t recommend it, economically, at present) at least plan for the future possibility in siting your house – give it a clear southern exposure (you probably will anyway to maximize passive heating). Waldo Jaquith - Degree days and energy usage.
  • Utilitarianism, held that self-interest ” understood as pleasure or happiness ” should be "maximized" and pain "minimized James Mill
  • Contention for procuration is the last resort for the shareholders of a listed company to punish the management who fail to maximize the company's profits.
  • A magazine publisher is trying to decide how many magazines she should deliver to each individual distribution outlet in order to maximize profits.
  • Early resection also maximizes compensatory lung growth; long-term follow up has shown normal pulmonary function. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • They are joint-stock organizations whose principal purpose is to maximize profits for their shareholders.
  • What should specifically targeting non-military targets to maximize civilian casualties be called?
  • To be sure, plenty of companies peddle low-quality products at cheap prices to maximize their profits.
  • Small groups allow people to interact, discuss and ask questions, which maximizes integration of learning.
  • I watched in September 2005 as they sought to maximize news impact by waiting for hours until live TV cameras were rolling before staging a pronuclear rally in front of the British Embassy.89 Ready-for-camera vitriol was spewed; U.S., British, and Israeli flags were burned; some of the hundreds of protesters gathered buckets full of stones. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • Indeed many local governments act as if their main goal were to maximize land values within the jurisdiction.
  • They provide the facility which allows you to move your windows around the screen, iconify and maximize them, and kill off those applications which just refuse to go away.
  • In economic production period of an oil field, economic volume determined through marginal analysis can be considered the output making an oil company obtain maximized profit.
  • The budget distribution that maximizes John's total utility is the point M at which one isoline is tangent to this budget line. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Auto - Rate - Controller technology maximizes disc space by squeezing the highest quality video onto a disc . 9.
  • We also adopt the standard microeconomic assumption that the firm aims to maximize its profits.
  • The rules are complex but there are ways the savvy taxpayer can maximize the tax shelter.
  • This method is being used by many experienced crapshooters to maximize their winnings and minimize the house's edge.
  • We will actively manage your portfolio to maximize the return on your investment.
  • Fecundity is affected mainly by the time that lizards experience suitably elevated body temperatures that maximize the net rate of energy assimilation.
  • Yea I know-all the "maximized" worthless processes have about made me throw in the towel! Launching the 21st Century American Aerospace Workforce - NASA Watch
  • I did that and as a consequence of that, tomorrow morning I'm going to have surgery from a superb pioneering surgeon, Dr. Patrick Walsh, who has broken through with respect to what they call nerve sparing surgery and surgery which reduces bleeding and maximizes the long-term curable possibilities. CNN Transcript Feb 11, 2003
  • Maximize plant availability and improve equipment stability by effective mechanical maintenance service.
  • However, he maximizes his potential and has a great natural feel for the game.
  • That, in turn, has maximized the number of sets tuned in to the league, which last year inked a TV contract worth about $4.6 billion, double its previous deal.
  • The technicians and experts simply mirror this reality as they squabble over the means to maximize profits for their respective ruling classes.
  • MDIs are designed with a mouthpiece that maximizes deposition of the medication in the small airways when used properly.
  • Utilize bluffing ; bluff with the best - balanced frequency to maximize its usefulness.
  • If it does this, the management will have better incentives to maximize profits because they will get a larger share of the profits. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • By applying this principle total world output will be maximized and benefits will accrue to all parties.
  • Ultimately, it will offer the maximized delivered value to the customers. Also, Shunfeng's excess value will turn to the competition advantages.
  • Other things equal, if it wishes to maximize the value of its stock, it must minimize the value of its bond. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • In addition, too many wideouts and defensive linemen have not been maximized.
  • We assume that the object of the rational individual person is to maximize utility given the choices and constraints facing the person.
  • In order to maximize profit the firm would seek to maximize output.
  • Should we attempt to maximize or minimize the risks of escalation? Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • We can then assign rights so as to maximize each individual's freedom, compatible with a like freedom for all.
  • A magazine publisher is trying to decide how many magazines she should deliver to each individual distribution outlet in order to maximize profits.
  • aero-tuned rear spoiler: Reduces lift, creates vacuum to maximize airflow through helmet.
  • How many of us in academic posts have maximized our potential for excellence?
  • Still, extreme ectomorphs can't eat lean and clean and maximize mass.
  • A female should also maximize fitness of both sons and daughters.
  • It is commonly fashioned into cabochons which is a cut that maximizes the chatoyancy of the mineral.
  • This way you maximize your winnings as you wait for the shooter to seven out.
  • MVA, TSR and ER are to maximize shareholder wealth as targets in the various indicators of measuring value creation. They are not suitable for the core indicators as value creation management.
  • In changeful wind conditions and load fluctuation maximizes the stability of shaft output.
  • As Martin Lindstrom reminds us in "Brandwashed," marketers make sneaky appeals to our fears and desires, leverage our social connections to maximize peer pressure, dazzle us with tinfoil celebrity and lure us with sexual come-ons that would embarrass a bawd. The Amygdala As Sales Tool
  • Here, the basic assumption is that firms attempt to maximize profits.
  • Digital cervical images and cytology and histology slides were externally reviewed to maximize patient safety.
  • It customizes a social media and mobile strategy to build crowds, promote and monitor conversations around their brand, and executes on a 12-month campaign pre and post-book launch to maximize transactions of the book, derivative products, and author engagements. Patricia Benesh: Entrepreneur Publishers Are Hooked on the Vook
  • The six processors in Ozone 3 are paragraphic equalizer, multiband dynamics, multiband harmonic exciter, multiband stereo imaging, loudness maximizer and mastering reverb.

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