
How To Use Maximising In A Sentence

  • Since interviewers represent the interface between the research and the respondent, they have an important role in maximizing the response rate for the survey.
  • And "The neoconservative hubris, which sort of assigns to America some kind of geo-strategic responsibility for maximizing democracy, overstretches the resources of a free country. Firedoglake » Can Republicans Put Country Before Party?
  • It works well, maximising fuel economy and refinement while providing extra grip when it is needed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Experts offer the following tips maximizing your earnings over the course of your career.
  • Aardvarks, rabbits, zebras, and other animals that rely on a more sedentary diet opt for eyes on each side of the head, maximizing their ability to spot lurking dangers.
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  • Economic maximizing and consumerism have induced workers not only to opt for overtime but to choose time-saving devices to aid in their leisure.
  • Meanwhile to maximizing attention to cutting costs and improving accuracy of delivery.
  • For economy's sake, and the success of the venture, the crew would be as small as was possible, maximising the volume of goods carried.
  • One possible strategy for maximizing the period of plant growth in snowbed habitats would be for seedlings to germinate as early as possible after snowmelt.
  • Maximising profit is in the nature of the animal, and if we want democratic choice, we cannot grudge commercial media exercising theirs.
  • CleanMPG. com founder Wayne Gerdes, an engineer from Illinois who coined the term "hypermiling" to describe the mileage-maximizing techniques, provided the pointers. X-bit labs
  • Our financial advisers will concentrate on minimizing your tax liabilities and maximizing your income.
  • Maximizing the advantages and capably advocating the shared interests, policies and values of one Europe in a competitive and heteropolar world will require that priority attention and adequate resources be directed towards: FPIF Latest Content
  • As rural areas have been industrialized in recent years, rice-fish farming has gained attention because it is an organic method that combines rice and fish production while maximizing labour and ricefield resources. Chapter 3
  • I've coasted along in college, doing last-minute papers, forgetting to study for tests, forgetting there was a test, falling into a coma in class, maximizing my cuts.
  • If he closes only half the quangos, then statistically, although he'll half upset both quango likers and haters, he stands the best chance of maximising votes — simple!
  • If we nonetheless accept that maximizing utility is itself the goal, then it is best seen as a non-moral ideal, akin in some ways to an aesthetic ideal.
  • As any economist will tell you, a market is based on rational individuals maximizing their utility through economic exchange.
  • But in commercial terms, has Chubby duffed his chance of maximising the big payday? Super-agent sold out of firm just as his players set out for golf grand slam
  • With maximizing profit as the ultimate goal, the capitalist production mode tortures workers and psychologically.
  • I agree that thrift and self-reliance are important values, but so are tolerance and the fair-go principle of maximising equality of opportunity.
  • Like many nymphalid, papilionid, and hesperiid butterflies, male H. bolina occupy and defend perching sites in forest clearings and along flight paths as a means of maximizing their encounters with receptive females.
  • The market players target - maximizing profit is the endogenous power to motivate the autonomous growth of economy.
  • Inside the home, insulation and moisture protection are key to maximizing efficiency.
  • Maximizing their gains demands a disciplined and rational investment strategy that is truly national in its scope.
  • Soros professes his allegiance to two masters: maximizing private profit in his market dealings and the public good in his philanthropy.
  • We are now using the engine as a tool for maximising performance, not limiting it.
  • But these small depositors were contributing to a pool which could be used to fund much larger schemes while maximising returns.
  • But they are keys to maximizing eco-efficiencies, re-engineering industrial processes, and making materials, such as photovoltaics, affordable as common building materials. Managing Places And Spaces For Living In The 21st Century: Perspectives From The Netherlands On Becoming Sustainable
  • We aim to expand our business by providing the special purpose machine and precision parts processing service best suited to our customers while maximizing our accumulated expertise.
  • Australia have long shown that maximising the cunning of the brain is as vital as brawn in managing at the scrum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among the alternative institutional arrangements, the median voter will choose the mechanism maximising her expected welfare.
  • Indeed, the user interface of the browser is confined to the margins, maximising space for the pages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bear in mind that hedging had its value in maximising income in a falling market, with high contangos, neither of which, if current sentiment persists, are likely to be present for a while.
  • The viscose/rayon fibers help to wick exudate fluid laterally, maximizing the surface area for moisture vapor transfer.
  • Leadership concentrates on maximizing gains, management obsesses on minimizing losses. What Would Wernher Do? - NASA Watch
  • But maximising the advantages of science is about infrastructure as well as research grants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now the guy may be maximising his use of these words for a deliberate effect, but the point is that New Zealand newspapers no longer gloss them except for makutu "curse", which was glossed in its first use at the beginning of the article, because they are all in frequent enough use in NZ English that almost all readers would understand them. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Bureaucrats have been included among the utility maximizing groups within the political arena.
  • But there is clear evidence that bonus systems linked to maximising returns on equity have led to excessive risk-taking. Times, Sunday Times
  • The GOP pussyfoots around maximizing their war profits while liberals pull the trigger, win and get it over. Lean Left » Blog Archive » A Message to Democratic Senators and Congresspeople
  • In a cooperative 2-echelon lot-for-lot supply chain system under constant demand, the supply chain partners including a supplier and a retailer, are all selfish profit-maximizing firms.
  • His incredible productivity is based on an immaculate method, standing very still at the crease and keeping backlift to a minimum, playing forward and back, maximising the use of the crease. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Unless a mask is worn, blood or other secretions from the patient can enter the surgeon's mouth, maximising the chances of infection.
  • It is a way of maximizing physical resources to maximize the investment in hardware.
  • Bay windows also offer opportunities for built-in seats, maximising space and often exploiting attractive views.
  • The tongue contacts the food item forcefully, pushing it down into the papillae, maximizing the area of contact.
  • Time to start thinking about what kind of a system would let these unionized workers keep their right to collective representation and maintain a decent living while still maximizing efficiency in automatable industries. Un transit « BuzzMachine
  • Quick - adjustment Hydraulic System: Quick regulations on pincers & fingers, maximizing machine performance.
  • The optional wind deflector minimizes drafts and wind turbulence, eliminating wind chill and maximising comfort.
  • Economic maximizing and consumerism have induced workers not only to opt for overtime but to choose time-saving devices to aid in their leisure.
  • Over the years, economists have spent much effort to modify the capitalist, perfect-competition, profit-maximizing model of classical microeconomics to fit reality.
  • A great interior wall of white oak stained a charcoal grey forms a perfect backdrop, maximizing the sense of space and turning the focus to the spectacular view and the contemporary furniture.
  • Passion Lights up Dreams. RongYu Media consistently upholds the concept of Customer First and Fullhearted Services, maximizing customer needs and optimizing customer efforts.
  • In similar vein, 76% considered that companies should attach a high priority to maximising profits.
  • I notice there are not so many people in the world that have the dream job, and most people do not feel as if they are maximizing their potential.
  • The existence of large financial-market actors that do not care about maximizing their profits magnifies the riskiness of the bets.
  • But maximising the advantages of science is about infrastructure as well as research grants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carr and the Celtics have done a decent job the past 48 hours, maximizing the suspense surrounding their new lineup.
  • Maximizing economic growth and minimizing subsistence labor should be the twin goals of any rich, modern society.
  • Econ 101 teaches that the monopoly profit maximizing response to a decrease in demand is to reduce quantity supplied, but not ordinarily enough to completely maintain the price. Oil Econ Follow-up, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Everything else is subsidiary to maximising the retirement income of Australians.
  • Political reform should be sweeping and thorough, not a quick fix as a vehicle for maximizing votes in general elections slated for April, 2004.
  • Each step is essential for maximizing the potential for a successful and enjoyable project.
  • The key to maximizing both air and speed is to breathe as seamlessly as possible.
  • The model examines the customer's decision of whether to shoplift or not as well as the store's profit-maximizing price and monitoring intensity. Crime and Law
  • It is a method for maximizing fidelity and dynamic range for a region of interest within a digitized medical image display.
  • Indeed, the user interface of the browser is confined to the margins, maximising space for the pages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maximizing digital penetration will add stronger than expected cash flows to the balance sheet and provide an execution success story for Wall Street analysts.
  • Sex maximising sex doxy handoff alternative tobogganing small avogadro substandard romp smash sex stenosis buckeroo quintillionth decor cfnm strapper recovered tike chromatographic. Rational Review
  • Further, given that dihedral diminishes gliding performance, its infrequent use suggests that a premium is placed on maximizing lift to drag ratio (that is, maximizing efficiency) during gliding.
  • Designed to reduce maintenance costs and improve fuel economy while maximizing payload.
  • Quick - adjustment Hydraulic System: Quick regulations on pincers & fingers, maximizing machine performance.
  • The New York Evening Post charged that the NYBVE was more interested in securing speedy job placements than in maximizing the range of opportunities available to retrained veterans.
  • Based on this data, we added baffles to optimize the light aperture within the spectrometer, thereby eliminating unnecessary rays while maximizing optical throughput.
  • This is not just a matter of maximising access and transparency about council affairs, and providing a fair hearing to both sides of any question.
  • It is possible that opportunity maximising can be at least as important. Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
  • The dual display saves time and effort, eliminating much of the selecting, deselecting, maximizing, minimizing, opening and closing of programs.
  • With an objective of maximizing benefit heterogeneity, one promotion tool per quadrant was selected, namely premium, sweepstake, and price reduction.
  • Among the alternative institutional arrangements, the median voter will choose the mechanism maximising her expected welfare.
  • Bureaucrats have been included among the utility maximizing groups within the political arena.
  • For forested rangeland, season of use is important for maximizing both forage value and production.
  • I'm sure that with more experience with the Wasp, I'll get better at minimising my fuel burn and maximising my distance.
  • Second, the centralized decision models are set up for maximizing profits of the whole supply chain system, two brands, the channel consisting of the retailer and one manufacturer, respectively.
  • But maximising the advantages of science is about infrastructure as well as research grants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Buckley, Jr is quoted as saying “The neoconservative hubris, which sort of assigns to America some kind of geo-strategic responsibility for maximizing democracy, overstretches the resources of a free country.” Firedoglake » Can Republicans Put Country Before Party?
  • By maximizing the inherent features of a GIS database, this approach maintains relative and absolute accuracies, without compromising any modeling or mapping requirements.
  • Where the problems start is in kitting the boat out and deciding where items are best stowed for ease of accessibility, but with the constant problem of maximising space at all times.
  • That meant bringing in as much natural light as possible and maximizing the view of the city.
  • Unless the incentives and rules are changed to give as many participants as possible a real stake in prevention, early diagnosis and treatment, and maximizing health and minimizing disease and injury, healthcare costs in America will never be brought under control. Wonk Room » The WonkLine: April 29, 2009
  • This keeps patients close to waking, even when extractions or other invasive procedures are needed, thus maximizing cardiac output and tissue perfusion and maintaining blood pressure. Dr. Karen Becker: Trendy Pet Dental Procedure May Do More Harm Than Good
  • By keeping a constant and sufficient pool of free-floating amino acids in your body, you may be able to minimize your body's catabolic - or muscle wasting - response while maximizing its anabolic response.
  • Another possible alternative is maximizing the use of another element of the strategic triad to reduce the airlift footprint.
  • The companies may be poor at recognising and adapting to change, but they are masters at maximising their profits.
  • They will now have to focus on maximising direct sales to their business-to-business customers, including unorganised players such as kirana stores and to organised players such as the Horeca segment," he said. The Economic Times
  • It simply decides that on the facts of that case the parent company in question had a legitimate interest in preserving and maximising the assets of its solvent subsidiary.
  • In evaluating our resources and maximizing available personnel, we decided to postpone the production of 'Finian's Rainbow' for an upcoming season," said Stories
  • Economic theory assumed that the company, like the individual entrepreneur, behaved as a profit-maximizing unit.
  • At the other extreme, hardly any weight is given to maximizing well-being as it competes with priority, and the prioritarian doctrine is then barely distinguishable from the maximin principle with well-being as the maximand.
  • Our presence is not intended to be flashy and we want to minimize our risks while maximizing our opportunities.
  • If you can't use other methods, minimise your tax by maximising your deductions, reliefs and tax credits.
  • Coun Cuthbertson wrote that his party is committed to maximising the development of brownfield sites in York.
  • I haven't charted this yet, but it seems that there is an inverse relationship between focusing on maximizing investor return, and actual investor return.
  • This could lead, of course, to slower functionality when re-maximising Firefox, or even bugginess. Prevent Firefox From Hogging Memory When Minimised | Lifehacker Australia
  • Can we suppose that people would have consented to a maximizing rule covering these situations?
  • The profit-seeking firm faces the difficult task of searching for the appropriate profit-maximising output and profit margin.
  • This would minimize toxic effects while maximizing the chance of cure.
  • Maximizing utility for increasing risk aversion shows the decreases in profit that the representative farm would be willing to accept for decreases in variability of net returns.
  • With an objective of maximizing benefit heterogeneity, one promotion tool per quadrant was selected, namely premium, sweepstake, and price reduction.
  • The heliotropism itself is an adaptation for survival, the plant maximizing sunlight.
  • The employees would prefer profits to be lower if maximising them involves plant closures or the introduction of job-destroying technology.
  • It can instead devote its time, money, and energy to maximizing the benefits it has realized.
  • However, the rational wealth maximizing company may refrain from such conduct even if there are strong incentives to use the information.
  • On Hare's view, just as an ideal prudential agent applies maximizing rationality to his or her own preferences, an ideal moral agent's reasoning applies maximizing rationality to the set of everyone's preferences that its archangelic capacity for sympathy has enabled it to internalize. Moral Reasoning
  • The new movable curtains are interchangeable, reversible and can hang upside down, maximising the area exposed to bullet damage and reducing the stress while increasing their serviceable life from three to nine years.
  • Maximizing profitability is essential in today's market.
  • Where possible, cost is attacked before design, tooling or a process even exists, maximizing the opportunity to hit project cost goals.
  • the profit-maximizing price
  • Our challenge is to balance these priorities: maximising Glasgow's metropolitan strengths, while addressing the needs of its disadvantaged areas.
  • Nonoptimal or satisficing decisions are the result, rather than profit maximizing. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • Australia have long shown that maximising the cunning of the brain is as vital as brawn in managing at the scrum. Times, Sunday Times
  • The director can shelter the income by maximising his employee pension contributions to the 15% limit of his gross salary.
  • We cannot totally escape from negative emotions, but we can choose to suppress them by maximizing our positive emotions. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The bill is not the best means of maximising the contribution universities can make, and may indeed be counterproductive, causing mistrust and alienation. Times, Sunday Times
  • This process of reasoning is "deontological" -- that is, it cannot be subsumed under a simple model of maximizing rationality. Social agency and rational choice
  • Clearly, this is an irksome fact to someone whose ambitions extend beyond maximising profit.
  • Where such factors are present one would expect the crime to attract not only profit-maximising individuals but also profit-maximising firms.
  • Learning how to minimise drag has a far greater impact than maximising propulsion.
  • But these small depositors were contributing to a pool which could be used to fund much larger schemes while maximising returns.
  • Dare says its designers did not begin from the standpoint of maximising profit.
  • The memorandum said that maximising the benefits of joint activities in the areas of investment and re-equipment would be a key focus for both.
  • The memorandum said that maximising the benefits of joint activities in the areas of investment and re-equipment would be a key focus for both.
  • We cannot totally escape from negative emotions, but we can choose to suppress them by maximizing our positive emotions. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Shared assumptions are compatible with corporate agendas: maximizing profits while minimizing concern for people at the lower rungs of the economic ladder.
  • Hanging baskets are a great way of maximising space on a small verandah or patio and provide opportunities for injecting a splash of colour around the house.
  • Distillation follows in a flavour-maximising pot still or flavour-minimising continuous still. Times, Sunday Times
  • It lifts hairs away from the skin before cleanly cutting them, maximising closeness and reducing skin irritation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although it seems like skating uphill requires more edging, more pushing back and lots of grunting, focus on forward motion of your core and maximizing glide.

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