How To Use Maximisation In A Sentence
In fact there are some numbers in the Ten operations that drive Kerry Packer mad with envy, and are driving the John Alexander approach to income maximisation at Nine.
The problem remains, however, that the maximisation of profits is the whole ‘reason for being’ of companies working within the corporate capitalist system, and this goal is inherently unsustainable and in fact anti-life.
Flexible and effective treatment customer needs and company profit maximization balance between them.
Furthermore, if firms pursue objectives other than profit maximisation then the picture becomes even less clear-cut.
The maximization of value, profit and satisfaction are still the critical success factors in a commercial transaction.
Secondly, the competition of economic theory is cast solely in terms of price competition and narrowly defined profit maximisation.
Similarly, one could also cite the much-deplored corporate fixation with the short-term maximisation of profits at the expense of longer-term strategies.
Economists the framework of utility maximization to about how households about making these decisions.
Furthermore, if firms pursue objectives other than profit maximisation then the picture becomes even less clear-cut.
So, the double factors of the national well-being maximization and attracting investment should be considered according to the positive and negative influence during adjusting tax preferences.
The idea is that managers derive utility from spending the company's funds to an extent beyond that necessary for profit maximisation.
The way an authoritarian government can flourish is to create a sub-maximization: look at all the trouble that people who are trying to over-throw us are causing.
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This article does not propose to explain the theory behind profit maximisation with price discrimination.
It is assumed that these are linked not to profit maximisation, but depend on the size of the enterprise.
There is an obvious connection between profit maximisation and productive efficiency.
While Porter doesn't mention the term explicitly, he is in effect calling on all businesses large and small to reinvent themselves as social enterprises and redefine their operations beyond profit maximisation towards addressing societal needs.
CSR is dead, long live social enterprise
After the analysis of profit maximization of model, this thesis got a conclusion that the weak relation can be more beneficial if social capital is just treated as job information transfer tool.
From theoretical mean the marginal cost to the marginal revenue is the enterprise profit maximization principle.
By involving international banks and multilateral agencies whose interest is solely in cash-flow maximization by the project, the sponsor may prevent harmful action by the host government.
Economists the framework of utility maximization to about how households about making these decisions.
KFI's spot load is an instance of the kind of multivariable maximization problem that M.B.A. programs thrive on.
Branch Manager is to be a mini "CEO" in the city, responsible for corporate governance and the maximisation of business return in the city for both Consumer Banking (CB) and Wholesale Banking (WB).
Branch Manager is to be a mini "CEO" in the city, responsible for corporate governance and the maximisation of business return in the city for both Consumer Banking (CB) and Wholesale Banking (WB).
The maximization of exports was to be stimulated by subsidies, tax incentives, and monopoly privileges granted by the Crown to export enterprises.
Whether managers fully exploit the pocket of discretion thus created depends on the intensity of their own commitment to profit maximisation.
Work with 3 PL to ensure maximisation of container packing and weight limit is adhered to.
The construction of this model included a number of innovations, i.e., a further development of older theories of consumption and of production, the formulation of conditions for multimarket stability, an extension of the applicability of the static method of analysis to include multiperiod analysis, and the introduction of a capital theory based on profit maximization assumptions.
The Prize in Economics 1972 - Press Release
Does the enterprise to be able to pursue the profit maximization.
Whether managers fully exploit the pocket of discretion thus created depends on the intensity of their own commitment to profit maximisation.
Second , the total would like to pursue profit maximization.
The expectation - maximization ( EM ) algorithm is a standard frame for maximum likelihood estimation in finite mixture models.
This duty does not exclude the possibility of corporate philanthropy, although the word philanthropy used in the context of profit maximization is misleading.
Creative Capitalism
Establish equipment maintenance process and system to ensure maximization of equipment up - time.
It seems these slaves to efficiency have mastered the age-old art of time maximization like no others of our generation.
University-oriented donation is essentially a kind of economic behavior, with immaterial utility of the donator and utility maximization.
Any microeconomicagency is rational economic man and will pursue the utility maximization, so is government.
This would include the mobilization of domestic savings and the maximization of capital flows, as well as a plan to reform aid and promote the idea of debt reduction for the continent.
The idea is that managers derive utility from spending the company's funds to an extent beyond that necessary for profit maximisation.
Who cares about evolution if we can explain the length and breadth of human behavior on the basis of minimalistic principles such as operant conditioning or utility maximization?
David Sloan Wilson: EvoS: Coming Soon to a College Near You
Capitalism is all about maximization of profits and if that requires appealing to the lowest instincts and the darkest recesses of human nature, so be it.
Where firms face limited information, Baumol has argued that firms will focus on sales revenue maximization as the short-run objective of their decision-making.
On the supply side, individuals are assumed to operate on the principle of utility maximization.
Those who have pushed for copyright maximization over the past decade or so have been able to do so unfettered by inconveniences like public deliberation or even serious attention.
The "denaturalized" economics that these economists developed, where maximization of individual utility was paramount, where rational behavior reigned and where markets reached equilibrium, is still with us today.
The Chicago Blog: Review: Schabas, The Natural Origins of Economics
The strategy of market segmentation can help to cultivate customer loyalty and achieve benefit maximization.
As we all know, the fundamental goal of business is the pursuit of profit maximization.