How To Use Maxillary sinus In A Sentence

  • Behind this process a broad, thin plate, the ethmoidal process, ascends to join the uncinate process of the ethmoid; from its lower border a thin lamina, the maxillary process, curves downward and lateralward; it articulates with the maxilla and forms a part of the medial wall of the maxillary sinus. II. Osteology. 5b. 6. The Inferior Nasal Concha
  • Below the bulla ethmoidalis and hidden by the uncinate process of the ethmoid is the opening of the maxillary sinus (ostium maxillare); an accessory opening is frequently present above the posterior part of the inferior nasal concha. II. Osteology. 5d. The Interior of the Skull
  • The maxillary sinus is most commonly involved; however, most patients with radiologic maxillary sinusitis have abnormalities of the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses.
  • Radiological study revealed that the right maxillary sinus was totally obliterated by a multilocular mass containing numerous radiopacities within the radiolucent areas.
  • Accessory ostia of the maxillary sinus are found in about 30% of skulls; as many as three in one skull have been reported.
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  • A curved lamina, the uncinate process, projects downward and backward from this part of the labyrinth; it forms a small part of the medial wall of the maxillary sinus, and articulates with the ethmoidal process of the inferior nasal concha. II. Osteology. 5a. 6. Ethmoid bone
  • It has also been reported in other parts of the skull, such as the frontal and maxillary sinuses and orbit.
  • Below the bulla ethmoidalis, and partly hidden by the inferior end of the uncinate process, is the ostium maxillare, or opening from the maxillary sinus; in a frontal section this opening is seen to be placed near the roof of the sinus. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1b. The Organ of Smell
  • Cavity and maxillary sinus measurements were also obtained with mouth breathing and breath holding techniques.
  • The ethmoid sinuses which are right along the side of your nose and the maxillary sinuses in your cheek. CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2007
  • There is a surgical procedure, preferably performed under anaesthetic, for those who suffer from recurrent bouts of sinusitis in which the maxillary sinus is pierced via the nasal cavity, flushed out with saline and hey presto you wake up being able to breath again. Nightingale Part Two : The Fountain Pen
  • The two frontal sinuses are just above the eyebrows, the two maxillary sinuses by the cheekbones and the two ethmoidal sinuses are between the nasal cavity and the eye sockets, and drain into the middle of the nose.
  • The two frontal sinuses are just above the eyebrows, the two maxillary sinuses by the cheekbones and the two ethmoidal sinuses are between the nasal cavity and the eye sockets, and drain into the middle of the nose.
  • The inferior turbinate was incised, and a bulging tumor in the right maxillary sinus was taken out piecemeal through the maxillary sinus ostium.

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