How To Use Max In A Sentence

  • The lymphatic vessels of the tongue may be divided into four groups: (1) apical, from the tip of the tongue to the suprahyoid glands and principal gland of the tongue; (2) lateral, from the margin of the tongue—some of these pierce the Mylohyoideus to end in the submaxillary glands, others pass down on the Hyoglossus to the superior deep cervical glands; (3) basal, from the region of the vallate papillæ to the superior deep cervical glands; and (4) median, a few of which perforate the Mylohyoideus to reach the submaxillary glands, while the majority turn around the posterior border of the muscle to enter the superior deep cervical glands. VIII. The Lymphatic System. 3. The Lymphatics of the Head, Face, and Neck
  • Even while he was missing, those uncertain hours of anxious speculation and dismal journalism, she had assumed Maxwell would be found boomingly alive, having spent the whole time enjoying the amorous advances of a short-sighted minke whale. Country of the Blind
  • Take the maximum draw weight of the bow required and multiply this by a factor of 5.
  • In Caudipteryx, four procumbent teeth are present in each premaxilla, but the rest of the skull is edentulous. The war on parasites: an oviraptorosaur’s eye view
  • Since interviewers represent the interface between the research and the respondent, they have an important role in maximizing the response rate for the survey.
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  • Reaching a maximum height of 56cm the pygmy goat is essentially a pet.
  • The war-time legacy of the five-shilling legal maximum on restaurant bills was an open cheque for profiteers to pose as restaurateurs.
  • Actual results may differ materially from those set forth in this release due to the risks and uncertainties inherent in Somaxon's business, including, without limitation, Somaxon's interpretation of its communications and interactions with the FDA relating to the requirements for approval of the NDA for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; Somaxon's interpretation of the results of the clinical trials for Silenor, the timing of the interpretation of such results and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; the potential for Somaxon to make a resubmission to the Silenor NDA; the potential for Silenor to receive regulatory approval for one or more indications on a timely basis or at all; the potential for the FDA to impose non-clinical, clinical or other requirements to be completed before or after regulatory approval of Silenor; Somaxon's ability to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the FDA that potential NDA approval of Silenor is appropriate prior to the completion of standard, long-term carcinogenicity studies, given the context of completed trials and pending studies; the timing and results of non-clinical studies for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with Somaxon's interpretation of such results; Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
  • The maximum duration of residence, approved on each occasion, shall not exceed 3 years.
  • ‘We wanted to support the market and gave them the maximum amount of money we could,’ she explained.
  • Most lenders have relaxed their criteria around the maximum age of applicants at the end of the term. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or you could specialise in orthodontics, oral pathology, child dental health or even train to become a maxillofacial surgeon someone who specialises in facial surgery. Dentistry
  • This is particularly true of the film's climax, which somehow manages to demolish several cop cars, and find Ellen clutching a parasail and jumping through flaming hoops in water skis, yet still be completely unfunny.
  • In their place you have to look at using low-joule cordials and soft drinks, plain mineral water and soda water, low fat milk and dry wines or spirits and even then limited to a maximum of two alcoholic drinks a day.
  • Getting involved in European companies is likely to bring a complexity of personnel management that will blow their minds," Graeme Maxton, a Europe-based independent auto industry analyst, told the news service, noting Chinese companies 'poor track record of managing their businesses. DealBook
  • There is no factually established minimal toxic level or maximally allowable safe dose for diquat. The Daily News Tribune Homepage RSS
  • To take the chain of speculation one step further, this suggests that the maxilla itself was originally a flat dermal plate of some kind, possibly homologous to the superognathal of placoderms.
  • Maxwell's theoretical unification of electricity and magnetism was engineered into the modern human power to communicate across space at the speed of light.
  • Maximum assembling is the core of the design of the railway passenger station capacity and scale.
  • So his Hebrew schooling thereby climaxed; his public participation galvanising him to accelerated study.
  • Tell Transportation I want the largest vehicle they have with four-wheel drive, preferably a step-up maxi-van. CHAINS OF COMMAND
  • From the first maxiskirt look, it was clear Richard Chai was on a healthy trajectory. Jim Shi: New York Fashion Week, Day One: BCBG Max Azria, Richard Chai Love, Vena Cava, Ports 1961 & L.A.M.B. (PHOTOS)
  • In other words, he ekes the maximum out of his action.
  • The maximum penalty for running grog into a restricted area is $1000 or six months for a first offence, and $2000 or 12 months for a second, plus forfeiture of the vehicle or aircraft.
  • When the President acts pursuant to an express or implied authorization of Congress, his authority is at its maximum.
  • Max MacLeod made the trip on the Jean de la Lune and found the experience bracing: Let go buntlines and clews!
  • The whole front of the theatre, a curtain of matting, is rolled up at intervals and, when the feat in progress is at its most thrilling climax, is let fall. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • The plant is operating at maximum capacity .
  • Early settlement discounts will vary from one supplier to another, but you can usually expect to obtain a maximum of 5 per cent off the total purchasing price.
  • Vehicles would move to ‘points of domination’ (the intersections) to maximize the ability to traverse the turret and use the CITV.
  • The discovery was made by accountants sifting through the remains of the Maxwell business empire.
  • This camera also supports high-speed continuous shooting of images at the maximum 10-MP size (3648 x 2736) at 10 fps, and offers a sport continuous mode, which allows for continuous shooting at up to approximately 120 fps*, and a function for recording high-definition movies with stereo sound. Digital camera reviews, photography news and views
  • The climax of these commotions came during the fourth week of September, when the parliament returned in triumph from its exile.
  • Siu said the maximum actual use instead of the maximum capacity of swimming pools was used to decide the number of lifeguards deployed.
  • Small groups allow people to interact, discuss and ask questions, which maximizes integration of learning.
  • To compete, WiMAX needs to build out now, before LTE gains a threshold in major markets — but that WiMAX buildout is in doubt. Our Readers Take on the LTE v. WiMAX Debate
  • These two also work to stabilize the legs and help maintain correct knee tracking in exercises like the seesaw lunge so you can maximize the work of the other muscles involved.
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  • What we have seen in various states is little more than the confirmation of old maxims about how and why governments grow and what, if anything, can be done to arrest that growth.
  • Under the condition of permission the idle insert, a job sequence was determined, which minimize the maximum earliness.
  • (If you are willing to postulate a matter-antimatter explosive, aka a positronium bomb, then P can increase by the maximal amount from 0 to e/3.) Dark Matter: Still Existing
  • Otherwise you'll just have to pump as much as you can into the scheme through voluntary contributions, although scope here is limited as you are restricted to a maximum of 15% of your annual salary.
  • Special emphasis shall be placed on maximum use of SI units in cooperative programs with international partners. NASA Watch: June 2009 Archives
  • Demanding that trials maximise their gathering of information on toxicology improves a protocol's balance of risk and social value.
  • We'll show you how to dress for maximum impact at the all-important audition.
  • It is carefully calibrated to maximize milk production while minimizing cost and might consist of haylage or silage—chopped, preserved fodder—ground with protein boosters like soy or the malted grain left over from brewing. The Dirty Life
  • But we have yet to see that moment of maximum pessimism when values hit the floor. Times, Sunday Times
  • He called on the Government to apply the maximum pressure on the commission to come to an early agreement so that those low-income farmers can be paid.
  • It was a movie, and carrell did his own version of max ... i thought it was quite good. Get Smart 2 | /Film
  • Biomet's product portfolio encompasses reconstructive products, including orthopedic joint replacement devices, bone cements and accessories, autologous therapies and dental reconstructive implants; fixation products, including electrical bone growth stimulators, internal and external orthopedic fixation devices, craniomaxillofacial implants and bone substitute materials; spinal products, including spinal stimulation devices, spinal hardware and orthobiologics; and other products, such as arthroscopy products and softgoods and bracing products. Business Wire Travel News
  • Do we opt for choices that will give us maximal comfort or do we make choices that will give our lives the most meaning?
  • Opry Mills Mall, 8 miles from BNA, is adjacent to the Grand Ole Opry House and has restaurants, a 20-screen movie theater and IMAX, the Gibson Showcase (store and workshop), Dave & Busters (bowling, arcade) and other amenities. Nashville Metropolitan International Airport
  • The demonstration was carefully orchestrated to attract maximum publicity.
  • And Fed officials framed their decision as being designed to fulfill its "dual mandate" to maintain maximum employment and stable prices. Fed to inject $600 billion into economy
  • The singular aim of elite globalization is to maximize profits for international corporations.
  • Their romantic interplay is glamorized to its maximum expression.
  • Max gave him a big fake smile, which quickly faded as he sunk into the couch.
  • Screw windows to the frame for maximum security.
  • Female Asiatic lions live an average of 17 to 18 years, with a maximum of 21 years.
  • Rank was a businessman who pursued a grander vision than Isidore Ostrer or John Maxwell had ever done.
  • To get maximum results, include both weight training and aerobic exercise in your routine.
  • The neutral stability curves and the character parameters are given, including the temporal and spatial growth rate, the critical wave number, the maximum wave number and the wave celerity.
  • It contains, among other things of merit, a lullaby, called "Sleep, Little Tulip," with a remarkably artistic and effective pedal-point on two notes (the submediant and the dominant) sustained through the entire song with a fine fidelity to the words and the lullaby spirit; a "Nocturne" in which Nevin has revealed an unsuspected voluptuousness in Mr. Aldrich 'little lyric, and has written a song of irresistible climaxes. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • Max Bedacht was not the kind of frowsy, self-assertive Communist most Congressmen were accustomed to encountering. On being called a bigot and/or racist
  • He is guided neither by the maxims of a political ideology nor by conspicuous moral principle, but rather by a simple need to retain power.
  • Max warned her she was sailing dangerously close to the wind and risked prosecution.
  • A given integer sequence, request an increase of its maximum length sequence.
  • After all, failure to do so could leave them as hapless bystanders in a game of musical chairs which may be nearing its climax.
  • Diocletian and Galerius spent most of their time in the East, and Maximian and Constantius policed the western provinces. Caesars’ Wives
  • The letter will have full details but basically the gist is that there ` ll be a per Gigabyte overage charge dependent on plan with a maximum charge, for example here ` s the residential packages and overages, Cogeco to launch metered billing
  • The motor velocity increases under the influence of the positive torque and the equilibrium position is attained with maximum velocity.
  • I started topamax 3 scares truley 100 bid persisting heavy hostility, mood. "/" i took my mri periods to my super trileptal for behavior control who prior shook his impact because he noted "bulging discs, professional spondylosis, sacroiliitis, psychoactive scoliosis, and unwanted increment disease" i had no peole anything was excellent with my orally until immediately a sensation of studies anytime when i administered the important helllp and have removed in horrible arm since from the changing discs. Wii-volution
  • There is what Maximus and others called a 'theandric', a divine-human reality going on there, and the icon, the image of Jesus Christ represents that theandric reality - the interweaving (not fusion or confusion) of the endless, divine resourcefulness of agency and love with the particularities of a human life. Royal Academy of Arts Byzantium Lecture 'Icons and the Practice of Prayer'
  • Pair with a floaty skirt for maximum impact. Times, Sunday Times
  • For maximum benefit, skin moisturizers should be applied generously before the longest period of no hand-washing activity (eg, before going to bed).
  • A resistance unit has a temperature fuse between a resistance and a terminal for deactivating a resistance circuit when the motor reaches the permissible maximum temperature.
  • The old maxim of going out at the top and leaving them wanting more is still the best. The Sun
  • Yet during this prolonged period of low inflation for which Gordon likes to claim credit the maximum amount claimable has risen to £159,720. Archive 2008-06-01
  • The sound has reached its maximum.
  • If he is rational, he will choose a price that maximizes his profit, the price that equates marginal cost with marginal revenue.
  • And "The neoconservative hubris, which sort of assigns to America some kind of geo-strategic responsibility for maximizing democracy, overstretches the resources of a free country. Firedoglake » Can Republicans Put Country Before Party?
  • In the ensuing litigation, this was portrayed as blackmail - a serious offence that has a maximum prison term of 14 years.
  • On the whole the maxillopodan groups Ostracoda and Cirripedia and the Malacostraca have left the most significant fossil records.
  • We have lifted our speed up to maximum and then slowly ease it down. The Sun
  • We also expect sale and leaseback to prove popular as companies seek to realise maximum value from their assets.
  • Libya, it was claimed, had ordered the embassy to orchestrate a night of carnage in the nightclub and ‘cause maximum and indiscriminate damages’.
  • They have to rely on short-term, high-interest bank accounts to maximize the return on spare cash they have at any time.
  • As professional profiler, Max suspects that the mastermind is a frustrated academic.
  • Some of these examples are maxims, precepts, quips, proverbs and epigrams.
  • With a few [extremely non-generic] exceptions, namely the ones with maximal isometry groups, one can say definitely whether they are expanding or not. Does Space Expand?
  • At my hearing, I was sentenced to twelve months imprisonment in a maximum security jail.
  • Maxwell did not mention the banana theory but he dismissed the numerous theories and meanings ascribed to the name Sabah in published literature as "fanciful suggestions" because there was a lack of supporting evidence. Undefined
  • In the late 19th century there were frequent matches as it was a way of testing design and modifying sailing rigs for maximum performance.
  • It is widely taken that the maximum value of the voltage transfer ratio of AC-AC matrix converter is 0.866, which has considerably restrained its application breadth.
  • It is amazing for a person who later expounded the doctrine of maximum efficiency to have accomplished such a feat.
  • The note and controller data from the guitar is sent to the sampler via MAX but no processing occurs.
  • So, more studies are needed before concluding the maximum amount of additives for each ingredient and deciding whether the foods qualify under the regulation.
  • Salvato librario, et Demetrio lectore, ducatos XLV Francischo fabro lignario mediolanensi habitatori piscinæ urbis Romæ pro banchis Bibliothecæ conficiendis, maxime vero decem quæ ad sinistram jacent, quorum longitudo est XXXVIII palmorum, vel circa, et ita accepta parte pecuniarum, cujus summa est centum et XXX ducatorum, facturum se debitum promittit et obligat, die XV Julii 1475. The Care of Books
  • Assault carries a maximum penalty of seven years' imprisonment.
  • The, for 1420 alloy at double - ageing, the maximum corrosion depth was consistent the Gumbel distribution law.
  • She herself meant eventually to marry, because one couldn't forever hang on to rich people; but she was going to wait till she found some one who combined the maximum of wealth with at least a minimum of companionableness. The Glimpses of the Moon
  • Here we use the EM algorithm to obtain the maximum likelihood estimate of multinomial random variables with probabilities. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The offence carries a maximum jail term of six months. The Sun
  • It works well, maximising fuel economy and refinement while providing extra grip when it is needed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Felicity Maxwell had left Lorelei's cigarettes and matches on a little table by the left arm of Lorelei 's chair. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • In outdoor soccer, athletic attributes like speed and strength can be maximised.
  • If you really want a professional website that maximises your idea's potential, then get in the professionals.
  • In the rest of the review, this translates to the criticism that The Confessions of Max Tivoli is too clever, The Dew Breaker too "exotic," Little Children too jokey. Politics and Literature
  • Maxwell believed electromagnetic waves such as light to be vibrations in the ether.
  • Natural in origin, Tencel was designed as an environmentally friendly cellulose fibre to be used in fabrics to maximize comfort and functionality.
  • What cheeses me off, of course, is that these offers are available only to those who can be provided with a service at minimum cost and thus maximum profit to the service provider.
  • The left maxilla preserves 13 tooth sockets, which are slightly larger than the premaxillary tooth sockets.
  • In the early 20th century, it was realized that the stability of atomic matter could not be explained using the Maxwell equations of classical electrodynamics.
  • I've been asked to limit my speech to ten minutes maximum.
  • I drew attention, as have other commentators, to troubling improbabilities in the tremendous watery climax to Eliot's novel.
  • Choose from women-only or coed classes, each with a maximum 8-1 student-teacher ratio.
  • Although sagebrush now dominates this zone, it may not represent climax growth, but rather a disclimax produced by overgrazing. Intermountain Semidesert and Desert Province (Bailey)
  • They often use primitive weapons rocks, blunt objects and machetes to conserve their limited munitions and inflect maximum brutality. Jedidiah Jenkins: Obama Made the Right Decision in Africa, Here's Why...
  • Objective To evaluate and generalize the application of intermaxillary fixation screw in the jaw fracture.
  • The old maxim is: 'The law does not recognise a part of a day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ossein pretreated for a 2weeks period exhibited the maximum % yield incase of bone gelatin, while the yield from intact skin was higher than that realized incase of de-scaled skin.
  • It is all white, with maximum workspace and minimum cupboards, and has a built-in breakfast table and matching chairs.
  • These are all multijoint movements that recruit a maximum number of muscle fibers, leading to an increase in anabolic-hormone production.
  • Until the climax of the sexual erethism, woman is for man the acme of supreme desire; but with detumescence the emotions tend to swing to the opposite pole, and excitement and longing are forgotten in the mood of repugnance and exhaustion. Taboo and Genetics A Study of the Biological, Sociological and Psychological Foundation of the Family
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  • WHITFIELD: For an update on Katrina, let's head to the National Hurricane Center in Miami and that's where the center's director, Max mayfield is standing by. CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2005
  • On the other hand … happiness, contentedness and serenity fill me with the desire t0 love life and live it to the max … this is best achieved in the real world with real people … and writing about that seems dull by comparison. The pages are still blank « Write Anything
  • She tried to dismiss the odd feeling of anticlimax she was experiencing.
  • The Empire Crusade was designed to cause the maximum trouble for the Conservative leadership.
  • The maximum load for this elevator is eight persons.
  • ~~~~~~~~~French Vocabulary~~~~~~~~~~ en lin = on linen; ce temps que tu m'as accordé alors que Maxime était haut comme 3 pommes ... je recevais des courages de toi ... = this time that you have given me back when Max was "tall as three apples" ... Recette / Recipe
  • An entrepreneur, in other words, uses resources in new ways to maximize productivity and effectiveness.
  • Max's paternal grandfather was a member of the Red Army and had to carefully hide the fact his wife's parents had been landowners.
  • Lomax's car was badly damaged and had a smashed windscreen and two shredded tyres.
  • The big milling machine was working on the final large beryllium component, a large metallic hyperboloid about fifty centimeters in length, with a maximum width of twenty. The Sum of all Fears
  • More importantly, since riders are more interested in acceleration than maximum speed, that power and torque are available across the whole rev range. Times, Sunday Times
  • Methods Maximum tolerance test of anti - seasickness oral solution was performed in Kunming mice.
  • Council has the power to co-opt, to a maximum of five additional members as required.
  • Seventy-five words absolute maximum per entry, but you may submit as many entries as you like.
  • Instead of stopping at the top as you normally would on a squat, perform an upright row by pulling the dumbbells up to your collarbones as you pronate your hands - then push off the balls of your feet as the weights reach their maximum height.
  • It is so relentlessly "sick", its unleashed cruelty so sadistic (the climax is a graphic clitorectomy) that the audience at the premiere booed and hissed. Karin Badt: Cannes Buzz: Which Film Will Win?
  • And since most of his donors have not yet contributed the $2,000 legal maximum, they can likely give and give again as the primary campaign heats up.
  • A bar graph shows present depth and maximum depth reached.
  • And the loveable curmudgeon is responsible for most of literature's best quotations, maxims and aphorisms.
  • The propulsion system provides a maximum submerged speed of 33 knots and a surface speed of 10 knots.
  • To his Majesty this was merely the voice of Max at his flightiest. King John of Jingalo The Story of a Monarch in Difficulties
  • They asked for the maximum penalty for hoax calls to be increased to one year.
  • The female turtles can only lay a maximum of three fertile eggs at a time - three times less than green sea turtles.
  • Apparently, the steaming process reduces the size of the brisket but maximizes the flavor.
  • Palpifer: any palpus-bearing part: specifically, a small sclerite hearing the maxillary palpus and itself articulated to the stipes. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • But then, after a so-so fight with yet another dinosaur, the movie is over, and it hasn't even had a climax yet.
  • I tried to bolt, sidestepping Maxim's frail attempts to stop me and opening the lock as I had the last time.
  • The drama builds steadly toward a climax.
  • During the audited period, all committee members were paid the maximum honoraria even if they failed to attend meetings.
  • I don't want to go into detail, but the phenomena can be explained by Maxwell's equation and evanescent waves.
  • A story about to reach its climax. Times, Sunday Times
  • Granted, Tyson's may be fixed over the next 30 years by extending the Washington Metro, but the street layouts, set up for maximum automobility, that define the urban space are problematic and limit possibilities. The End of Suburbia
  • The tube contains toroidally shaped rings within the maximum diameter portions of the corrugations in the tube wall.
  • It becomes as necessary, therefore, in the performance of surgical operations upon the subclavian artery, to fix the clavicle by depressing it, as in Plate 8, as it is to give fixity to the lower maxilla and larynx, in the position of Plate 7, when the carotid is the subject of operation. Surgical Anatomy
  • Most mushers start with the maximum-allowed team of 16 dogs but settle down to 12 to 14 for the main haul beyond Rainy Pass.
  • The primary muscles of the hip joint are the gluteus maximus and hamstrings.
  • The dynamic attributes of the C-MAX are good, with dependable handling on twisty roads and the car holds its line on bumpy surfaces.
  • $max_line_length = 40; # set your curl location my $curl = "/ usr / bin / curl";
  • Experts offer the following tips maximizing your earnings over the course of your career.
  • Do firms try to maximize profits? Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Her merchant father, Maximilian Lévy (1872 – 1946), was born in Mulhouse, Germany (Alsace), but in 1882 the family, which included three other children, moved to Montbéliard, a small town in the Doubs region of France, possibly in order that the two sons should not have to serve in the German army. Resistance, Jewish Organizations in France: 1940-1944.
  • At a maximum speed of 300 kph, the planned train system would operate along an 80-kilometer route connecting Haneda Airport and Narita Airport via Tokyo's Rinkai Fukutoshin waterfront subcenter and Chiba City. News On Japan
  • Aardvarks, rabbits, zebras, and other animals that rely on a more sedentary diet opt for eyes on each side of the head, maximizing their ability to spot lurking dangers.
  • The aim of the bombers was to destroy public property and get maximum publicity.
  • Seemingly just in such a flash, the national fountainhead and mysterious maxim of Mongolia dawn era on grassland drew a streak of apocalyptical light across my heart.
  • A human couple relaxed on a porch swing on the veranda and Max thought the place looked peaceful.
  • The Banksy Effect, the term coined by journalist Max Foster several years ago, speaks to an awakening of interest in the (often illegal) interventions that artists use to call attention to the way we complacently live under larger-than-life infrastructures built (often) by one-eyed men. Dylan Kendall: Street Art: A Window to a City's Soul
  • Maxine is correct about the way which this development has skewed the incentives which young talented people face (as a college student I have firsthand knowledge of this, the vast majority of people want to go into banking, consulting, or another part of the financial sector). Matthew Yglesias » The Bitter Fruits of a Finance-Oriented Economy
  • Propè ad vallis medium sub vna rupium, apparet omni tempore visibiliter integrum ac maximum caput daemonis vsque ad humeros tantùm, cuius speciem præ horrore nullus pleno intuitu humanus audet diu oculus sustinere: nam respicientes contrà aspicit truculentèr, agitans oculos minacitèr, tanquam ex palpebris eiecturus (quæ et scintillant) flammas in altum. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • At a 6. 7\% annual rate, NOT including taxes and property insurance (called PITI payment), at max you can qualify for $238K …. and that's if that debt ratio fits in your income. Progressive Bloggers
  • Sir Max had fulminated against the government's call to silence in a leader-page article in the Daily Mail.
  • Fragrant abelia is hardy to Zone 5 and maxes out at about 5' x 5' Archive 2008-07-01
  • In gall bladder filling after a test meal, V r e s reflects maximum gall bladder volume.
  • The maximum additional income that would be buyable in this way would be 25 a week. Times, Sunday Times
  • The designed maximum capacity of the supply system is 1.1 billion cubic metres per annum.
  • The intercom buzzed, and Max let Jared inside the building.
  • But when Max is accused of murder, Josh considers his own role in Max's path of life. January 2009
  • As they start researching, the details of the picture come together for the reader, who wonders why the heck they don't get it a lot sooner and run away to Australia (as if that might make their lives any safer -- Max has a _lot_ of money and no ethics at all). Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Methods Micro - CT was used to scan the intact maxillary first premolar.
  • Just as we all vary in height and body habitus, everyone has their own personal maximum heart rate genetically ‘hardwired’.
  • But the oldest maxim in football is that goals change matches. The Sun
  • Scarlett Johansson (left) and Kate Beckinsale maximize their almond-shaped eyes and oval faces with softly curved arches.
  • Keep the ball in the middle in all phases of the approach to align the aircraft for maximum efficiency.
  • After the retreat of the ice sheets since the last glacial maximum, northern Europe was subsequently reinvaded from several refuges in southern Europe.
  • The offence carries a maximum jail term of six months. The Sun
  • Two-wheeler maker TVS Motor Company has said it plans to replace two-stroke motorcycle ‘Max’ with a four-stroke entry-level motorcycle within six months to arrest the erosion in sales.
  • Standards for noncarcinogenic chemicals, for instance, are defined by the maximum dose that causes no harm to animals in a toxicity study, divided by numerical factors to reflect data uncertainties. Toxicity testing- new dimensions
  • Currently AMCL manages a medium - sized tanker fleet composed of VLCC, SUEZMAX and AFRAMAX.
  • Various objections might be made to motivational hedonism: that we are often motivated by things that do not in fact maximize our pleasure, such as motivation to step under a shower that one takes to be suitably warm but which is in fact scalding hot; that not every pleasure that our options for action make available to us motivates us; or that the very idea of maximum ˜pleasure over pain™ or Hedonism
  • For a man, sex instinctively is a testosterone drive toward the ultimate release of climax.
  • Max was a center who always seemed to have the puck attached to his stick.
  • However, the capacity of sucrose unloading in 23 DAA fruit, a point at which SuSy activity is maximal in untransformed fruit, was not significantly decreased in the antisense SuSy plants compared to controls.
  • Main-Focus Sights", ambidextrous "Maximum Reach Magazine Release" buttons, "Minimal Error Disassembly" takedown lever, a loaded chamber indicator, a striker status indicator, an Ultra Safety Assurance (USA) trigger safety, grip safety, and "Multi-Adjust Rail System Defense Review
  • Other more widespread common species include Putterlickia pyracantha, Rhoicissus tridentata, Grewia accidentalis, Phyllanthus verrucosus, and the grass Panicum maximum. Maputaland-Pondoland bushland and thickets
  • If the antecedent is more true than the consequent, then the conditional is less than the maximal truth by the difference between their values.

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