How To Use matzoh In A Sentence
- I loved reading how Cohen's grandmother would tease her and call her a ganef, meaning a thief, for trying to grab matzoh balls from the kitchen and then how, many years later, Cohen found an old cookbook that referred to a kind of matzoh ball actually called a ganef.
- Going along with this theme, how about a post on matzoh pizza! Matzo Brei 101
- Resultantly, our Bubbah spent her free time travelling in gypsy cabs to Manhattan, bringing jars of gefilte fish and matzoh ball soup to Moishe so he wouldn't die of starvation. Cheryl Pearl Sucher: Life Is Prayer During The Days Of Awe
- Extended families typically gather to retell the story of the exodus and eat unleavened bread called matzoh. The Seattle Times
- I've always considered migas Mexican matzoh brei, having had matzoh brei first. Migas in the morning | Homesick Texan
- Shockingly, Sarah's parents excused their daughter from the table without either of them informing her of the existence of children in China that don't have matzoh brei at all. Mark C. Miller: Least-Known Jewish Miracles
- Now get Grandma some matzoh for dunking while we wait for your mother. Brooklyn Story
- Cover and cook 20-25 minutes, until the farfel and matzoh balls are done. Toast:
- My grandmother used to render shmaltz to great effect, and now because of George Bush's way of rendering, I no longer enjoy matzoh ball soup. Aaron Belkin: Long Night's Journey into Obama
- You need: turkey or chicken broth tiny turkey matzoh balls thinly sliced carrots thinly sliced fennel thinly sliced scallions several handsful of toasted farfel (or substitute pastinas or orzos) several handsful of escarole, chard leaves or lacinato kale, cut in thin ribbons chopped fresh parsley Melting Pot Soup