
How To Use Maturely In A Sentence

  • At worst the disinfectant is prematurely exhausted, an effect known as organic overload, allowing large numbers of micro-organisms to survive.
  • It is early evening, but the sky is prematurely dark; thunderheads have blocked the last rays of the sun.
  • One rubber-tyred option was prematurely discarded by a now-disgraced former mayor as not developed enough, even though the cost would have been half that of lrt. Canada Line delivers a smooth ride « Stephen Rees's blog
  • Their baby was born prematurely and weighed only 1 kilogram.
  • In his early 40s, he was prematurely crotchety.
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  • It is unstable, it’s even harder to separate physically than the two isotopes of uranium, and if you try to build a bomb using the easy, “gun” design of the uranium bomb, it will begin to fissle prematurely and thus the bomb will fizzle instead of going boom. Firedoglake » Of Last Throes, Enrichment and Mickey Mouse Watches
  • I gave up smoking because I didn't want to die prematurely of cancer or heart disease.
  • If your hair is greasy, shake on some talcum powder at the roots and brush through (but use it sparingly, or you'll look prematurely grey).
  • His career was prematurely ended by his tragic death in a plane crash in 1939 at the age of 55.
  • He was still priming the timing device and the slightest error could detonate the mine prematurely. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • So disorientated was he at the end that, faced with a four-foot putt to square the match on the last green, he almost made an error that would have prematurely cost him the match.
  • Otherwise, the process will not be initiated or will be aborted prematurely.
  • The materials, made by Nashville-based Louisiana-Pacific, can prematurely deteriorate and break (see photo), posing a serious risk to anyone on a deck made of the recalled decking and railings. CPSC announces recall of ABTCo., Veranda, and WeatherBest composite decking and railings
  • After years'accumulation, our company and more steadily and maturely under the guide of this idea.
  • He has worked since November on what he termed a "detailed program" to strengthen his arm and prevent a recurrence of the elbow strain that prematurely ended his 2011 season. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • Vibrations and failure to heed the warnings by the contractor resulted in the loss of the STS-4 (IIRC) boosters when the main parachute deck fitting separation explosive bolts inadvertantly fired prematurely when the linear shaped charge used to separate the frustum (nose cone) from the booster fired and generated vibes that the decelerometers sensed as water-impact ... at 10,000 ft.! More Ares Woes - NASA Watch
  • a distant lymphatic prematurely expels her ova; these act as emboli to the nearest lymphatic glands, whence ensues stasis of lymph, regurgitation of lymph, and partial compensation by anastomoses of lymphatic vessels; this brings about hypertrophy of tissues, and may go on to lymphorrhoea or chyluria, according to the site of the obstructed lymphatics. Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883
  • Tall, unsmiling and prematurely grey, he lacks the personal presence you might expect from a media power-player.
  • If the ink is placed too near the surface, it will prematurely fade or discolour.
  • Prolonged attacks of dyspepsia, nervous headaches, chronic granular kidney disease, gout, sciatic rheumatism, middle ear abscesses, above all vertigo and gall stone colic were intermittent or chronic ailments that gradually made him the typical embodiment of a supersensitively nervous, prematurely old man. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • He swallowed, slightly prematurely, experiencing some difficulty; gulping. BEHINDLINGS
  • These may be coarse grey hair, prematurely grey hair, or the grey hair around the temples and hairlines.
  • If the bar, chain and nose sprocket are not properly lubricated, these components will surely fail prematurely.
  • Even if predators - cats, snakes, strange dogs, ants cannot gain access to the rabbitry, they may be close enough for the doe to detect their presence, and she may be frightened and kindle prematurely. Chapter 12
  • Consequently, the mere fact of life is not enough and public health medicine has become concerned with making people healthier while alive as well as preventing them from dying prematurely.
  • However, infants born prematurely are at a greater risk from superbugs caused by the very antibiotics that are supposed to be reducing their risk of infection.
  • She had undergone 200 operations, including a tracheostomy, after being born prematurely. The Sun
  • Suiting the action to the word, he thrust her rather suddenly and prematurely into a chair, and designing to reassure her by a little harmless jocularity, such as is adapted to please and fascinate the sex, converted his right forefinger into an ideal bradawl or gimlet, and made as though he would screw the same into her side — whereat Miss Miggs shrieked again, and evinced symptoms of faintness. Barnaby Rudge
  • Still, we are in danger of prematurely embracing certitudes and losing open-mindedness.
  • Those who are farsighted and prematurely presbyopic may indeed be candidates for this procedure but not most aviators.
  • It will only upset the applecart and confuse the issue if that topic is broached prematurely. PROSPECT HILL
  • Spring began very early: even at the end of February the fields were green, parks hastened to bedeck themselves in their leafy wings, the blossoms hastened to bloom and fall; the opening days of May saw fruit on the apple-trees; and prematurely ripe cherries were "hawked" in the streets, beside bouquets of late blooming violets. Debts of Honor
  • The fungus usually does not invade the stalk until well after pollination when it causes the lower internodes to ripen prematurely and shred, causing breakage at the base of the plant, The inner stalk has a charred appearance due to the presence of numerous black dots (sclerotia). Chapter 10
  • So must be the pair who prematurely walked the plank. The Sun
  • They cease to receive nourishment, stop releasing toxins, die prematurely & spill micronuclei fragments into a sort of tunor bank account. Life as a Japanese employee
  • Defoliant: Chemical dust or spray applied to plants to cause their leaves to drop off prematurely.
  • Moisture under an asphalt built-up or modified bitumen roof system will leach plasticizing oils out of the membrane, making it prematurely brittle.
  • Wrinkles and sagging skin then appear prematurely. Times, Sunday Times
  • If a bulb plant is to develop to its full potential, it must be provided with good growing conditions and a suitable niche in the landscape where it can remain undisturbed without the need for its foliage to be prematurely removed.
  • I've prematurely retired from international football because I did not want to go to the African Nations Cup.
  • “I keep thinking to myself, shall I jink a little,” says the prematurely aged protagonist. Storyteller
  • If a season of drouth occurs when the cabbages have begun to head, the heads will harden prematurely; and then should a heavy rain fall, they will start to make a new growth, and the consequence will be many of them will split. Cabbages and Cauliflowers: How to Grow Them A Practical Treatise, Giving Full Details On Every Point, Including Keeping And Marketing The Crop
  • she acts very maturely for her age
  • Finally there is raffish Uncle Roy of the 13th Hussars, with his moustaches, bow tie, and pumps, looking somehow prematurely older than he should. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Determined not to melt before her charms prematurely, I decide to explore first how conscious the elevation to godhead has been.
  • This will help you to determine where you can stop should anything unexpected arise like a prematurely grumbly tummy or a nasty storm.
  • Environmentalists fear the gasoline additive prematurely ages the human brain.
  • Then, somehow, I got my semihard penis in there, and I think my penis was so relieved to have made it inside that it let down its guard, spazzed out, and prematurely ejaculated. The Double Life is Twice as Good
  • There was some anxiety about the child, but he was born safely several days prematurely.
  • Tales of lost caches of Spanish gold and silver abounded in the area as fishermen, who could have gathered a share of the sea's bounty and buried it, met death prematurely at sea without sharing their secret with relatives or friends.
  • Mid-January to mid-February was the warmest it's been seen 1659 (which is when records began), foxing unwary plants into flowering prematurely, to give the frost something to kill.
  • They might therefore be fearful of losing out if they accept a tender offer prematurely.
  • Why would they want to detract from the effect by allowing their hair and clothes to smell like a dirty ashtray and their faces to become prematurely lined?
  • This prematurely squeezes dummy, and only by discarding a high heart can declarer still survive. Times, Sunday Times
  • It ended prematurely when one whipper-in and horse tumbled over a ridge, though neither was injured. More British Than Britain
  • He was afraid we would get pecked to death if members of Congress got wind of the details prematurely. The Good Fight
  • The quins were prematurely born on February 26, 1966, and are regarded as the fifth set in the world to survive birth and the 48th set born.
  • Keeping your tyres inflated at the correct pressure is vital for your health and that of your wallet, as tyres run at the wrong pressure wear prematurely.
  • The shock of the new was superseded by a spiteful distaste for the prematurely aged.
  • He was still priming the timing device and the slightest error could detonate the mine prematurely. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • If scientific light on these matters were generally available in the practical bringing up of children, persons in charge of young children might refrain from exciting an algolagnic tendency or doing anything calculated to awake sexual emotions prematurely. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • The French midfield star's dazzling season was prematurely ended by a knee injury he picked up last week.
  • Fast forward 1 bachelors degree, years working as a modeller, and just having finished my PhD (where I was forced to play catch up and teach myself basic calculus, because shock horror - I needed it!), I have struggled unnecessarily because of my very dumb decision to drop maths prematurely. Why Girls Don't Like Math
  • The materials, made by Nashville-based Louisiana-Pacific, can prematurely deteriorate and break see photo, posing a serious risk to anyone on a deck made of the recalled decking and railings. CPSC announces recall of ABTCo., Veranda, and WeatherBest composite decking and railings
  • More than 170,000 miners have been killed in tunnel collapses, explosions, and floods, a death rate per ton at least thirty times higher than that in the United States.12 Countless more will perish prematurely of pneumoconiosis, also known as black lung disease, because there is little or no protection from the dust in the enclosed tunnels. When a Billion Chinese Jump
  • Being forced to retire prematurely at 31 because of a deep vein thrombosis after knee surgery. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is rock music that sounds blokeish, yet prematurely middle-aged, drained of subversion or the capacity to shock.
  • Sawflies infest fruitlets and cause these to drop prematurely after which the pests pupate in the topsoil.
  • Some folks have reported dramatically lower speeds and others complained of frequent micro-outages causing downloads and other operations to be prematurely aborted.
  • More than half of the games were ended prematurely, with no play possible in one game.
  • Calmly and maturely relay to her specific instances of when you've felt ignored or unfairly blamed.
  • All of this solemnity had the effect of devitalizing Potter's work, prematurely shrouding it with all the cobwebs of respectability and reverence.
  • He is one of triplets, born prematurely, and we have been close to his mother since the sudden death of her parents. Times, Sunday Times
  • The grenade may also have gone off prematurely as fuses were temperamental and several grenadiers in that era lost hands because of this.
  • These trends were found in babies born at term or prematurely and therefore reflected low rates of intrauterine growth.
  • If you want us to treat you as an adult, you have to act maturely.
  • Yet for most mortals, the sight of loved ones suffering or dying prematurely is not ennobling.
  • And most of the people who are conceding Bush's victory are predicating it on Ohio, and I would think that Florida 2000 would be more than enough to keep anyone from prematurely calling a goddamn thing. And the election night thoughts just keep on comin'.....
  • In humid climates, triticale seed had the annoying propensity of sprouting prematurely; often, while still on the parent.
  • Although there were no casualties during the bombardment, one Union artillerist was killed and three wounded (one mortally) when a cannon exploded prematurely while firing a salute during the evacuation on April 14. Think Progress » Rep. Paul Broun: The ramifications of health reform will be like ‘the Great War of Yankee Aggression.’
  • Indeed any attempt to relate them prematurely to reality may restrict the development of the model.
  • In adult life, this prematurely forced competence may lead to considerable occupational success. Trauma and Recovery
  • Just silence, while the words sink and take their effect, while the bruise forms prematurely and I am busy detachedly noting the power of a sentence to destroy me.
  • A woman who gave birth prematurely after she was held up at gunpoint by a prison escapee has successfully sued the government for negligence.
  • In the harsh environment of space, however, satellites may fail prematurely because of mechanical breakdowns, damage from solar flares, or collisions with orbiting debris.
  • How many beautiful friendships may perish prematurely because of people losing contact this way, as a result of some virus or other computer misfortune?
  • However, several of our recent overseas postings have failed with employees returning prematurely from abroad and leaving our organisation soon after.
  • For Charlie, who has suffered heart and lung problems since he was born prematurely, the weekend is set to be packed with exciting adventures.
  • Children born prematurely are likely to have enamel defects in both primary and permanent teeth.
  • He was still priming the timing device and the slightest error could detonate the mine prematurely. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • At the appointed hour when courtiers of Louis XIV were finally to call at the shop to test its wares, Pan returned prematurely from a stroll in the park, his malodor at high mast due to exercise and the sappy influences of spring. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • I had objected to the locking of certain threads prematurely over at Chapala. On Crossing the MoMo Bridge
  • I spoke prematurely
  • Although gabardine is a popular fabric, it is one that shines prematurely.
  • But prematurely and hastily restoring them at the first stumble is a guarantee of failure both for the patient and the doctor. Britain's Scientific and Industrial Achievements
  • his teenage son still behaves very immaturely
  • Night had fallen prematurely as they turned a bend in the road, and finally caught sight of the river fork.
  • Holmgren is careful not to celebrate prematurely.
  • The babies, who had announced themselves much before delivery through a pre-natal diagnosis in the sixth month of pregnancy, are among rare foursomes who were not born prematurely.
  • was prematurely congratulating himself on bringing off a mediating tour de force. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Huger had the look of a man prematurely aged, and his slowness may be explained by the despairing term "arteriosclerosis. LEE’S LIEUTENANTS
  • Most of the annoying things children do can be dealt with very effectively by ignoring them and attending to children when they behave more maturely.
  • Gunpowder can fail to ignite or explode prematurely.
  • They issued eulogies of his career, prematurely exiling him to history's jaundiced pages.
  • News releases have indicated that an additional technology will allow the disk to be prematurely destructed if copyright violations are detected.
  • Indeed, the preceding year, the royal houses of Holland, Austria, and England had concluded a treaty of alliance at the Hague, with the intention of plucking the crown of Spain from the head of Philip V, and placing it on that of an archduke to whom they prematurely gave the title of Charles III. Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
  • We would rather put an animal down prematurely than have it suffering. Times, Sunday Times
  • The narrow-gauge railway stops prematurely outside the pierhead station, blocked by a contractor's fence. Times, Sunday Times
  • As for "prematurely" archived, that is a pretty subjective statement you made. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Standing bang there overlooking the mirror, he cursed himself, his prematurely greying lock of hair.
  • Not to end them prematurely in some squalid crack house. The Sun
  • Norman Lamont got a lot of stick for allegedly having identified the green shoots of recovery somewhat prematurely.
  • Back today after a 21-day ban for easing up prematurely and being beaten on a clear leader at Pontefract, he has a good chance at Redcar.
  • She is now in her early 40s, weather-beaten and prematurely aged, wearing only a tattered, faded sari that ends high above the ankles.
  • Although gabardine is a popular fabric, it is one that shines prematurely.
  • It will only upset the applecart and confuse the issue if that topic is broached prematurely. PROSPECT HILL
  • To prove this she interviewed mothers who had given birth prematurely and discovered that a high proportion of them had suffered stress events in pregnancy.
  • Those who are farsighted and prematurely presbyopic may indeed be candidates for this procedure but not most aviators.
  • He was still priming the timing device and the slightest error could detonate the mine prematurely. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • Second-trimester miscarriage often is caused by problems with the uterus (such as an abnormally shaped uterus) or by a weakened cervix that dilates prematurely.
  • Second-trimester miscarriage often is caused by problems with the uterus (such as an abnormally shaped uterus) or by a weakened cervix that dilates prematurely.
  • In adult life, this prematurely forced competence may lead to considerable occupational success. Trauma and Recovery
  • Later, she unbends a bit; unlike Kitty, men don't leave her, ‘but they all go prematurely grey.’
  • Worse, they might avoid theft by prematurely consuming goods that they would otherwise save, thereby depleting the social store of wealth over time.
  • The war and the years in the harsh mountains had prematurely aged him.
  • The reason why food is diverted prematurely to power plants is simple. Times, Sunday Times
  • When hair starts greying prematurely, it can cause a great deal of anxiety and hopelessness.
  • The baby was born prematurely at 28 weeks gestation.
  • The young gentlemen were prematurely full of carking anxieties. Dombey and Son
  • A form of bacterial wilt which withers healthy banana plants and prematurely ripens fruits into a smelly goo is destroying crops and livelihoods as it moves across Uganda.
  • According to the fur industry this foetal karakul lamb fur is from lambs that are prematurely born.
  • If his grandfather went prematurely bald too, then your future son-in-law is likely to follow suit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The game ended prematurely when his batsmen walked off at the start of their innings amid claims of sledging.
  • Steven Slater, a flight attendant who worked for twenty years dealing with the possibility of terrorists, a plane crash or, God help him, bad-mannered passengers, lost his temper after a female passenger ignored his instructions, prematurely retrieved her suitcase from the overhead compartment and hit him in the head with her bag. Beth Armogida: Steven Slater: Flight Attendant and Role Model
  • But, Tackitt says, often the term SIDS comes up prematurely. NPR Topics: News
  • Kampala was born prematurely in the rhino bomas at the Kruger National Park, while Thandi was born at Addo.
  • You should behave more maturely.
  • So must be the pair who prematurely walked the plank. The Sun
  • She seemed about the same age as Mrs Lewis up at the hotel, thought Chrissy, but her face was prematurely wrinkled, weathered by sun and saltwater.
  • There have also been instances where prisoners are prematurely released as a result of the unsanitary conditions at the Police Station.
  • So must be the pair who prematurely walked the plank. The Sun
  • Another (British) study monitored reactions to the DTP when given to infants born prematurely and discovered severe apnoeic episodes in these infants following the administration of the DTP. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Hence, we include this treatment to further highlight features that tend to narrow discussion and prematurely exclude working hypotheses from consideration.
  • Cardiovascular mortality was not related to the duration of gestation except for a small increase in death rates in men born prematurely.
  • It's ironic, people use sunbeds because they think they'll look better, and yet they will probably end up looking old prematurely and possibly getting skin cancer.
  • The Black Hills are a maturely dissected domal uplift with an exposed core of Precambrian rocks; encircling hogbacks, enclosed hogbacks, and enclosed strike valleys rim the province. Black Hills Coniferous Forest Province (Bailey)
  • In humid climates, triticale seed had the annoying propensity of sprouting prematurely; often, while still on the parent.
  • There was a chill in the air with winds from the not-so-distant fog harassing the prematurely yellowed leaves of maples.
  • The other Congressman - a media hog (the sanctimonious, prematurely white-haired self-admitted cherisher of the voice of Rush Limbaugh, Mike Pence, who has built a thriving side business plastering his face across every TV and cable screen in the Western World). Mary Lyon: Three Little Words
  • Clermont will surely suppose this precipitance all mine; and already, possibly, concludes it is upon my suggestion he has thus prematurely been called from his travels, and impeded in his praise-worthy ambition of studying the laws, manners, and customs of the different nations of Camilla
  • There are parts of Manchester where prematurely ending a game of critical importance would guarantee the hairdryer treatment from the management. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there was no question that the States at this juncture, and in spite of the dangers impending from the Spanish marriages, must have an ambassador ready to do his best to keep France from prematurely sliding into positive hostility to them. PG Edition of Netherlands series — Complete
  • To his left, a be-wigged, rake-thin, old-beyond-his-years type kneels on a chintzy carpet looking across at his elder, not perhaps entirely in awe, but at least a genial grin creases his prematurely lined face.
  • There was some anxiety about the child, but he was born safely several days prematurely.
  • Taken together, the studies suggest that people born prematurely experience a "spectrum of social and emotional difficulties that range in severity from quite mild to severe," says Catherine Limperopoulos of McGill University in Montreal, lead author of one of the autism studies. Premature babies grow up shy
  • Her hair had greyed prematurely, her once youthful face lined with worry and fraught with grief.
  • Danny was born prematurely, weighing only 3lb 3oz.
  • Other clinical problems associated with the placenta are placenta praevia, in which the placenta is located below the fetus, and placental abruption, in which the placenta separates prematurely from the wall of the uterus.
  • Just three or four years ago, food scientist Agung Tandjung at Purdue University in Indiana finally discovered why these pericarps pop open prematurely. Book Give-Away Contest: Week 3 winner, final week begins!
  • The bombs exploded prematurely in the house, but no one was hurt in the incident.
  • The plaintiff was born prematurely and suffered from an oxygen deficiency.
  • Also a freak of nature, since I've yet to meet a teenager with prematurely white hair.
  • Soon after this ordeal, Richard was bereaved by the death of his prematurely worn-out father.
  • All of this solemnity had the effect of devitalizing Potter's work, prematurely shrouding it with all the cobwebs of respectability and reverence.
  • Captain Fannicot, a bold and impatient bourgeois, a sort of condottiere of the order of those whom we have just characterized, a fanatical and intractable governmentalist, could not resist the temptation to fire prematurely, and the ambition of capturing the barricade alone and unaided, that is to say, with his company. Les Miserables
  • When it comes to the prematurely departed the temptation to canonise is even stronger. Dear Mariella: I live with a widower who still keeps his first wife's clothes in his wardrobe. I just feel like a second choice
  • ‘Hallo Men,’ however, was left off 71 Minutes due to space considerations, so its tripped-out gutbucket funk was prematurely hidden from the ears of 21st Century fans.
  • Born prematurely, they suffered from febrile seizures as toddlers, a condition which left them weaklings.
  • You do it in several passes cutting an inch or so with each pass; otherwise you can wear out shims prematurely.
  • In order for a Stryker and its up to 11-person crew to survive an RPG, it will have to be fitted with what's called slat armor, a sort of bird cage that causes the grenade to detonate prematurely. CNN Transcript Sep 12, 2003
  • Babies who had a low birth weight, were born prematurely or had breathing problems such as colds were also at risk. Baby Slings Linked to Infant Deaths
  • His previous conduct was open to censure, for he had used towards Captain Downie urgency of pressure which induced that officer to engage prematurely; "goaded" into action, as Yeo wrote. Sea Power in its Relations to the War of 1812 Volume 2
  • Oh yes, I went through my phases too, of comfort-and-convenience foods - there was a peanut butter sandwich phase, then a poha phase, which ended prematurely when the mega-packet of rice flakes ran out and I refused to make a trip to Queens to buy another ... followed by a bread-pizza phase (pepperidge farm sliced bread, topped with pasta sauce and sprinkled with pre-shredded cheese) ... Archive 2007-08-01
  • When your rock band implodes prematurely, cutting short a career that was still ascending after four full-lengths, don't you just have to believe in life after death, kind of?
  • We would rather put an animal down prematurely than have it suffering. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bald figures of lives prematurely ended, of families bereaved before they should have been, however, barely hint at the enormity of the crime this man committed.
  • Sausage, hamburger steak and "game" with a high flavor, are little if any better than carrion, and the poisons which such foods introduce into the body must all be detoxicated by the liver and eliminated by the kidneys, and thus they are worn out prematurely by overwork. Northern Nut Growers Report of the Proceedings at the Twenty-First Annual Meeting Cedar Rapids, Iowa, September 17, 18, and 19, 1930
  • If the ink is placed too near the surface, it will prematurely fade or discolour.
  • But doctors yesterday warned they face a high risk of seeing the new quadruplets born prematurely or with abnormalities.
  • The original chickens are fed soylent green, which is made from dead Pee-pul, who died prematurely from the double-down induced coronary infarct. Breaking the Duck: Coming to Terms with Cycling
  • Chester, the mild and laconic prematurely bald guy.
  • Holmgren is careful not to celebrate prematurely.
  • As juvenile and immaturely sexist as this may seem, you will never imagine how useful this can be.
  • Apparently the fans were enjoying the proceedings on the pitch when Banda pre-maturely blew the whistle to signal the end of the thrilling encounter.
  • I am satisfied to score a hundred at Lord's," said Amla, who was 104 not out when the match ended prematurely thanks to what South Africa captain Graeme Smith said was a "gentleman's agreement" even though the Proteas were only 47 ahead with a minimum of 19 overs left in the day. Archive 2008-07-01
  • In the real world, however, there are no prematurely ended careers so far, no blacklists, no gulags for the dissidents.
  • As the booms and bangs from the fireworks continued, thousands of startled birds, awoken prematurely from their roosts beneath bridges and enclaves in nearby buildings, dived and swerved to avoid the onlookers.
  • The reason why food is diverted prematurely to power plants is simple. Times, Sunday Times
  • Children who are born prematurely or who have a history of lung disease, such as asthma, may develop severe breathing difficulties if they get croup.
  • Later analysis determined this round fired prematurely, causing the gun to jam due to stress on the breech bolt in the unlocked position.
  • Luke is born prematurely weighing only one pound and four ounces.
  • While conventional strawberries at the supermarket are shipped from California and picked prematurely to make the journey, these ones are ripened on the vine and often come with the hangtag stem, great for dipping! Fresh Strawberry Basil Milkshake
  • Something had stirred him prematurely from his sleep about an hour before his alarm would have sounded, and a sense of foreboding coursed through him.
  • Not to end them prematurely in some squalid crack house. The Sun
  • No proper post-mortem was carried out on Mrs Gregory because her body was released and embalmed prematurely.
  • Drew Carey is giving away dinette sets on the "Price is Right" now, Christa Miller is the most reasonable mom on "Cougartown," and Craig Ferguson is the prematurely crazy grandfather of late night. The Top 10 TV Theme Songs We Listen to on Purpose
  • Being forced to retire prematurely at 31 because of a deep vein thrombosis after knee surgery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Either it has been inserted, by a printer's error, prematurely; or, more probably, it may be an instruction to the "prompter" to see that the properties needed in the next Scene are ready, which has crept from an acting version of the play into the Quartos. Bussy D'Ambois and The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois
  • This prematurely squeezes dummy, and only by discarding a high heart can declarer still survive. Times, Sunday Times
  • He suggests that products based on certain harsh ingredients (as found in many of these new cosmeceutical ranges) could oversensitise the skin, causing it to age prematurely.

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