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How To Use Matter to In A Sentence

  • Although peeling isn't essential because this variety has a rather thin skin, it is an easy matter to plunge them into boiling water, drain and then slip off the skins.
  • To have shown it to her husband would have been her first impulse; but, besides that he was absent from home, and the matter too delicate to be the subject of correspondence by an indifferent penwoman, Mrs. Butler recollected that he was not possessed of the information necessary to form a judgment upon the occasion; and that, adhering to the rule which she had considered as most advisable, she had best transmit the information immediately to her sister, and leave her to adjust with her husband the mode in which they should avail themselves of it. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • The dean left this matter to me.
  • So, as John suggests, why won't they simply put the matter to rest by confirming or denying the facts as set out in the memos?
  • The ejecta are still moving rapidly, however, and quickly sweep up surrounding matter to form a shell that slows down as mass gets accumulated, an action similar to that of a snowplow.
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  • Accordingly the Divisional Court allowed the appeal, remitted the matter to the arbitrator and stayed the oppression remedy proceeding.
  • It was a very simple matter to reverse this procedure, generally after some unpleasantness with the appropriate squadron and station commander.
  • Article 141 The seller shall deliver the targeted matter to the agreed place of delivery.
  • It should have been a simple matter to check.
  • In one case, the bishop and I believed that the allegations met the standard and so referred the matter to the standing committee, which then issued a presentment.
  • The two sides have agreed to take the matter to arbitration to avoid expensive legal costs.
  • Thank you for calling this matter to our attention.
  • But then, of course, it becomes all-fired difficult to explain why you think certain things should matter to everybody.
  • It was expected that a gentleman would pay a polite compliment to a lady of his acquaintance, but quite another matter to be seen to mean it.
  • Their ministerial responsibilities, however unglamorous, matter to thousands of people, as the family credit fiasco showed.
  • First, don't overmix the organic, topsoil and deeper layers, as this can bury organic matter too deeply.
  • It doesn't matter to me whether it's a big game or one in the lower divisions.
  • In the midst of a long round of hellos and goodbyes, the European Commissioner responsible for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries has been in fighting form over all the issues that matter to him.
  • The arrangement of atoms is just the same a moment after death as it was a moment before, but now it's merely matter to be recycled as matter always is recycled. Coordinated Evolution
  • Basson ascribed the long delay in sorting out the matter to what he described as complicated labour laws. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Once deadlock is reached, the only option is to take the matter to court, which is both costly and time consuming. Times, Sunday Times
  • The murder was not carried out because the hired assassin changed his mind and reported the matter to the police.
  • Sometimes it is not treated as an absolute bar but as merely an important matter to be weighed on the balance of convenience.
  • It is impossible to mistake a minivet, but it is quite another matter to say to which species any particular minivet belongs. Birds of the Indian Hills
  • My fear is that attention will be diverted from issues that really matter to Selby miners, such as securing better pension rights.
  • He left the transaction of the matter to his secretary.
  • Before your Honour leaves the Bench, could I thank your Honour for relisting the matter to suit my convenience this morning.
  • If they found an earthlike planet there it would make it seem that much more plausible.. and if nothings found at least it should put the matter to rest. Kepler Discovers Planets-like Objects Hotter Than Stars | Universe Today
  • He could refer the matter to the high court.
  • It's an easy matter to observe chromatic aberrations , with a thick, simple converging lens.
  • The whole design of the cathedral bespoke a desire to cancel gravity and elevate matter toward the heavens. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Yet because most of the victims were Kurds, Shiites, marsh Arabs, Iranians and Kuwaitis, the question was why it should matter to the West—anymore than, say, the butcheries in the Congo matter. Tyranny and Indifference
  • More generally, various dimensions of prejudice matter to understanding both prejudiced attitudes and discriminatory behavior.
  • The growing and dying of the mosses, lichens and grasses added organic matter to the soil.
  • The long ascending line from dead matter to man has been a progress Godwards, -- not an asymptotical progress, but destined from the beginning to furnish a point of union; and occupying that point as true God and true man, -- as Creator and created, -- we recognize the adorable Monarch of all the future! The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • Add plenty of organic matter to improve the soil.Sentence dictionary
  • But it is not the usual type of textbook that presents how a discipline currently sees itself and introduces its subject matter to beginners.
  • You know, you may feel good or bad about who wins, but it doesn't really matter to your life.
  • It was the Conservative Party's honourable decision to put this matter to the arbitrament of the British people by way of referendum.
  • It would not matter to you, then, that my father was merely a stableman?
  • The dean left this matter to me.
  • The fame difficulty accounts for the large proportion of nitre required to deflagrate with it completely; a quantity required, not becaufe there is much combuf - tible matter to be burned, but becaufe a long conti - nued and elevated heat is neceiliiry; by which means much of the nitre is decompofed, and its vital air flies off, without having been employed in the combullion, as appears by the two thirds of the elaftic produft, which will fupport the flame of a candle. The first principles of chemistry
  • The steady spending late last year makes the donors well-positioned now to call on the members they helped reelect to assault or defend elements of the reform that matter to their bottom line. Health-related money continues to flow to members of Congress
  • My boss was grateful that I had brought the matter to his attention.
  • The House promptly proceeded, acting in a purely partisan manner, to impeach the president, and send the matter to trial in the Senate.
  • But it was an entirely different matter to attempt a communal discernment in a large and already polarized parish.
  • But I would like to thank the National Party for being so unaccommodating and not allowing this matter to proceed in the simple procedural way suggested by a Statutes Amendment Bill.
  • The decision to refer the matter to the Security Council is a sign, moreover, that the world is united in its view that North Korea and Iraq are grave concerns.
  • A spokeswoman for the Ontario Securities Commission confirmed the regulator referred the matter to the RCMP.
  • He had acquired the agility of a cliff-dweller from scaling the embankment by means of the "toe-holts"; yet, at that, it was no easy matter to transport a bucket of water without spilling it. The Dude Wrangler
  • a matter to which he can go forth, and from which he can come in -- a woman's work, of keeping the place of the forthgoing and incoming, is never done, from the very nature and ceaseless importance of it. Debate on Woman Suffrage in the Senate of the United States, 2d Session, 49th Congress, December 8, 1886, and January 25, 1887
  • Its remit is to progress the matter to see what level of medical cover was needed.
  • He left the transaction of the matter to his secretary.
  • But it is a very different matter to appoint apparent separatists to sustain a corrupt government!
  • Of course, that is a matter totally outside the ambit of my remit tonight.
  • Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful, that’s what matters to me. Steve Jobs 
  • But it is important that members have this opportunity to speak on the issues that matter to their constituents. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oddly enough, in contrast to Mr Anonymous's (teeth achingly-patronising) suggestion that rebellion against Empire leads inevitably to children growing up in a meaningless, nihilistic world (the children! think of the children!), I'm quite happy to judge myself by the accumulated affection and/or scorn that I manage to evoke from the people that matter to me. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART FOUR
  • With nothing but miles of open, bleak desert ahead of her, she battled mind over matter to reach the end of a gruelling 160 km trip.
  • It was a very simple matter to reverse this procedure, generally after some unpleasantness with the appropriate squadron and station commander.
  • Add plenty of organic matter to improve the soil.
  • Mr Capstick added that he believed the trouble came from a fuse which tripped as a result of an overload although he stressed that he and his staff intended to leave the matter to professionals.
  • I do have one further matter to trouble your Lordship with if that is convenient.
  • There are two ways to do this, most rifle cartridges have some degree of case body taper and it's a simple enough matter to get rid of some and slightly increase powder capacity.
  • So it seems to me better to adjourn this matter to the first suitable date convenient to the parties after two weeks.
  • When I was younger I never really cared much for this, as it didn't seem to matter to me.
  • We will be referring this matter to the police for investigation and have had the social media profiles removed,' the ministry said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Material things are not important and don't matter to us anymore.
  • The bacteria, the skin cells, and the sebaceous matter together form a stinking mass called smegma. Modern Science in the Bible
  • Add plenty of organic matter to improve the soil.
  • This led to a series of two-sided drawings - it didn't matter to the artist which side was shown - that explored what she calls paper's ‘natural geometry.’
  • He referred all queries about the matter to his attorney.
  • With his team already through to the second stage, this result probably will not matter to United when the final points in Group F are totted up.
  • We pay them too much heed and now we are letting them control the one team that matter to us all. Times, Sunday Times
  • It should have been a simple matter to check.
  • He apparently felt that including his resignation in this document would bring the matter to a head.
  • Hold still, friend; we merchants always deduct a certain amount for the tare, which is to indemnify us against loss by the attachment of extraneous matter to the bales. Fisher's River (North Carolina) Scenes and Characters
  • Although Cochrane v Deener (1877) explained a process as "an act, or a series of acts, performed upon the subject-matter to be transformed and reduced to a different state or thing" later authorities had rejected the overly broad implications of the case. The IPKat - Passionate about IP
  • We pay them too much heed and now we are letting them control the one team that matter to us all. Times, Sunday Times
  • It didn't matter to her that Timothy Gedge intended to enact monstrous scenes in a rectory garden.
  • Add plenty of organic matter to improve the soil.
  • Although Jay Jay finds it necessary to mix display ads with his reading matter to make the latter palatable, he declares that his painful monthly emission has "the largest circulation of any medical magazine in the world" -- thereby indicating that while his mentality may be atrophied, his imagination is intumescent. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
  • But it is always a delicate matter to fathom the depth of a medical man's sagaciousness. Archibald Malmaison
  • I suggested putting the matter to a vote, but the chairman demurred.
  • Big frocks, bodacious bods and grand entrances don't matter to her.
  • It is then a simple matter to print off the data you have collected.
  • It'd be a simple matter to scry for something as singular as a Keystone.
  • M. Yriarte, however, goes a step further, and prefers to translate it as "corsage," which at once, and unpleasantly, falsifies the picture; and he adds matter to dot the I's to an extent certainly not warranted even by Infessura. The Life of Cesare Borgia
  • Since i'm not, and I don't, it doesn't matter to me, and in fact I spend a lot of my time computing all over the place -- something which i'm keen to change in this gorgeous BC outdoorsy-panoramic-mountainy-spectacular place. It just dawned on me.
  • The appropriate course for me to take is to remit the matter to the disciplinary committee.
  • After recoiling in horror when she realised it wasn't her boyfriend, she told the man to get out of her room and reported the matter to the police.
  • Early models were not factory drilled and tapped, but it was a simple matter to do so.
  • To this end the city directed its scavengers to deliver ‘clean’ garbage free of rotting vegetable matter to the site.
  • Basically what you want is someone to be considering your purpose at all times, bossing you around constantly, and not only that, they are expected to approach you on the matter to begin with.
  • Tennyson's frequent excursions into the realm of spiritual consciousness while still a child, bears out our contention that many children not infrequently have this experience, and either through reserve or from lack of ability to explain it, keep the matter to themselves; generally losing or "outgrowing" the tendency as they enter the activities of school life, and the mortal mind becomes dominant in them. Cosmic Consciousness
  • Leave was granted for the bringing of this motion by Justice Cullity and it is for me to decide whether or not there is a triable issue such as to get this matter to proceed.
  • Register and sign up for your own personalized ticker, and get special news and even e-mail alerts about stocks that matter to you.
  • It's five years out-of-date, but that doesn't matter to him. OFF THE CHART
  • It should have been a simple matter to check.
  • It is a property of matter to attract.
  • Tom likes to have some difficult matter to chew on.
  • After all, I†™ m still going to be LIVING Life Nomadic,. "you got all hyped about pushing through the dip, but it doesn't seem like you're going to do that for LN to make it the best in the world. anyways, i follow all your sites (gadling, here, etc) through rss, so combining them or not doesn't matter to me, i'll see all your content anyways. it could be a fine idea Tynan | Life Outside the Box
  • She can nod the deal through; she can agree to the deal but ask for certain undertakings; or she can refer the matter to the Competition Commission.
  • The learned professions, or black arts, lost at least ninety-five per cent in importance; and so rapid as been the increase of the evil, that, at this time of day, it is a hard matter to impose on any clodpole in Europe! Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 339, January, 1844
  • He left the transaction of the matter to his secretary.
  • This he mows and lets decay, allowing the organic matter to break down, improving tilth.
  • What is interesting to me is how incongruent this prevailing view that such aspects of personalities matter to voters is with the new fashionable attitude to politicians' personal morality.
  • Not only did he not renounce and deject -- er ... denounce and reject -- the comments from his now "good friend" GW Bush and Rove and the rest of that ilk, he didn't apologize then for his vote and lack of support for the MLK holiday and any number of other bills and issues that would matter to the African-Americans in his constituency. McCain: I Was Wrong To Vote Against Making MLK Day A Holiday
  • However, that didn't matter to the vociferous home support who cheered their side's maiden league victory to the echo.
  • Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful, that’s what matters to me. Steve Jobs 
  • However, the cellco took the matter to the High Court in Mzuzu and gained an injunction against MACRA's fine until TeleGeography CommsUpdate
  • It is for him to decide, if I remit the matter to him, that particular issue.
  • The company said it had referred the matter to law-enforcement authorities and planned to send replacement cards to a majority of the affected customers. Citi Defends Delay in Disclosing Hacking
  • I can't see the visitors right now. I have an urgent matter to attend to.
  • It was a simple matter to have the soil of the road sink a decimeter directly under his foot, and to have a puddle of water form there, extending a full two meters on in front of him. Enjoyment
  • In the exploitation of forests it is an important matter to be able to measure the cubature of trees, and the process most generally employed consists in determining their height and mean circumference, the apparatus used for this latter measurement being compasses having the form of the calipers used by mechanics. Scientific American Supplement, No. 1157, March 5, 1898
  • For that reason we submit that the appropriate course is to remit the matter to the Court of Appeal.
  • If we successfully transfer conventional matter to their anti-universe, and we get back an equivalent mass of anti-matter to our universe … Her voice tailed off as she made a tiny correction to the asymmetric compensator. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » May : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • What is missing from the planting schemes is a deeper understanding and appreciation of the way trees matter to us.
  • However, these seem to me to be insignificant factors compared to the factors that weigh in favour of sending the matter to the Federal Court.
  • I presume at some stage the question will arise whether, if the Full Court's approach was flawed, this Court should do more than set aside its order and remit the matter to it?
  • They saw grasses close to six feet in height with the equivalent of five tonnes of dry matter to the hectare.
  • Be careful not to overmix the layers, as this can bury organic matter too deeply.
  • The person is unwilling to step aside and allow the matter to move forward. Christianity Today
  • This introduces a lot of fine air bubbles into the effluent, floating the algal matter to the surface to be skimmed off.
  • The socialists in the European Parliament refuse to acknowledge this fact and have consistently refused to anathemize Communism in the same terms as Nazism, making it clear that those victims do not matter to the enlightened establishment. They'll never agree
  • He referred the matter to the Attorney General for possible action against several newspapers.
  • The angst of the past 18 months was finally over, but there was still one small matter to broach - breaking it all to hubby who, at this point, knew nothing about the project.
  • That might not matter too much if our domestic economy were in robust good health. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three months was so short a time for love, but it didn't matter to either of them really.
  • Its value lies in introducing its subject matter to those without special knowledge.
  • It was a lighter matter to interfere with freedom of contract and avoid covenants under seal.
  • It is, however, an easy matter to unblock a mobile phone account.
  • The two methodologies give opposite results when accounting for the input of allochthonous (produced outside) organic matter to a particular ecosystem: CO2 flux measurement gives negative NEP due to increased CO2 emission from soil to atmosphere, while weighing gives a higher accumulation of organic carbon (C) in the soil. Uncertainties in the understanding of ecological processes and changes driven by climate and UV-B radiation
  • We pay them too much heed and now we are letting them control the one team that matter to us all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let's put the matter to a vote.
  • Cochrane v. Deener, 94 U.S. 780, 788 (1877), explained that a 'process' is 'an act, or a series of acts, performed upon the subject-matter to be transformed and reduced to a different state or thing.' New Product Reviews
  • Footplate, baluster and armrest are stair gives a person the most intuitionistic " figure " , they also are the mainest component of stair, matter to us really " body home life " .
  • It didn't seem to matter to Paul - within seconds he was able to answer your query.
  • It is then a simple matter to measure the relative proportions along this line as a numerical value of "feeling". The Allergy Handbook
  • I assumed that truth, equity, tolerance, justice, morality and principles matter to most Australians.
  • But the Board has decided not to refer the matter to an Ethical Standards Officer for investigation as it has ruled that the comments had not breached its code of conduct.
  • This did not matter to passenger liners at sea, which simply wanted to be able to telegraph each other, and harboured no secrets. SIGNOR MARCONI'S MAGIC BOX: The invention that sparked the radio revolution
  • And keep watching for increased coverage of the topics that matter to you most.
  • Another method of purifying the ultramarine from the cement may be used, which is the pricking the yolks of eggs with a pin, and moistening the matter to be purified with the soft part that will run out, and working them together in a glass or flint mortar; after which the mixture must be put into the lixivium, and proceeded with as is above directed. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Rice, mung bean, ormosia, peanut and many legume vegetables always need to be soaked before washing them. However, it is a rather troublesome matter to keep the water separated from the food.
  • It is not an easy matter to do this, but it can be, and has been, done; and a tide-predicter has not only been constructed, but two of them are in regular work, predicting the tides for years hence -- one, the property of the Indian Government, for coast stations of Pioneers of Science
  • It is a simple matter to manipulate such a situation.
  • It didn't matter to them who they were drawn against in the quarterfinal.
  • All the assets of the fund are available to meet claims of all members, no matter to which category they belong.
  • I have come to the conclusion that politics are too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. Charles de Gaulle 
  • So, falling from one merry matter to another, yet without any mislike at all: the Gentlemen, having their horses prepared, and their Portmantues fastened behind, drinking to their hoast, mounted on horsebacke, and they roade away towards Florence, no lesse contented with the manner of occasions happened, then the effects they sorted to. The Decameron
  • This is too complex a matter to be left in the clandestine care of legal draftsmen.
  • It amazes me that it has taken so long for this matter to come to court, when it has for many years been a contentious issue.
  • Water-glass interactions matter to people working to glassify liquid and sludge-like waste from nuclear weapons into a safer, solid form. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The bacteria, the skin cells, and the sebaceous matter together form a stinking mass called smegma. Modern Science in the Bible
  • Berezovsky said that he reported the matter to British intelligence through an intermediary.
  • Having a large volume of such matter in your colon is not healthy, and a simple colon cleanse with a product like OxyPowder can assist in unclogging the colon, ridding it of the bad bacteria, and hence allowing a smoother passage for fecal matter to flow regularly. Master Rots | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • If your soil is high in clay or sand, add organic matter to break up clay particles for better drainage.
  • Thank you for calling this matter to our attention.
  • She was just about to ask why the heck it should matter to him, when a scream of pain came from behind her.
  • Baits in summer really don't matter too much with big hungry carp swimming around on the prowl for a good nosh-up but in winter I feel the bait, and the baiting up, is probably the most crucial factor to success.
  • Mr. Rijnhart frequently gave expression to his one burning ambition to be of service in evangelizing Tibet – whether by his life or his death, he said, did not matter to him. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • Analogies can obfuscate, but in their own way they can distill a matter to its essence.
  • Clay tablets were rarely baked in antiquity, so it was a simple matter to soak, refashion and reuse them. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The tragedy is that you have to twist the knife in your own gray matter to make this defense work.
  • It is clearly no easy matter to write a biography of a Cold War spy. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Tom likes to have some difficult matter to chew on.
  • It would be more efficient if the central government just admitted that it was wrong to fire on unarmed civilians and put the matter to rest.
  • Politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. Charles de Gaulle 
  • A 'comber' is the name for a large wave with a comb or crest of foam, a sort of wave over which our ship ought to have ridden; but I must tell you that it was no easy matter to meet them on this occasion, because Miscellanea
  • They would have it thought that the commonalty was against him, and therefore laboured to get him cried down by a multitude, and it is no hard matter to pack a mob; whereas, if a fair poll had been granted, I doubt not but it would have been carried by a great majority for the releasing of him. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Not all Catholics are conservative on the social issues that matter to evangelicals.
  • I took the view that I was not to be further addressed and took the matter to avizandum.
  • It did not really matter to him whether it was hot or cool; he was imparadised in weather which had nothing to do with the temperature. Their Silver Wedding Journey — Complete
  • It was a very simple matter to reverse this procedure, generally after some unpleasantness with the appropriate squadron and station commander.
  • It would be a trivial matter to peel off the feet and position them correctly with a dab of superglue, but it would also have been nice for them to be correct in the first place.
  • It should have been a simple matter to check.
  • The term sewage many years ago was rightly applied to the excremental refuse of towns, but it is a most difficult matter to define the liquid that teems into our rivers under the name of sewage to-day; in most towns "chemical refuse" is the best name for the complex fluid running from the sewers. Scientific American Supplement, No. 799, April 25, 1891
  • Sneak's gun was likewise still heard at regular intervals, and what seemed an extraordinary matter to Joe was that Sneak should yell out something or other about the "asafoetida," and "moccasin tracks," after every discharge. Wild Western Scenes A Narrative of Adventures in the Western Wilderness, Wherein the Exploits of Daniel Boone, the Great American Pioneer are Particularly Described
  • The precise measure of a kilogram is a weighty matter to some people. Web Teacher › The Kilogram: Just a Little Off
  • Three sepals, three petals, twice three stamens, three styles, a three-celled ovary, the flower growing out from a whorl of three leaves, make the naming of wake-robins a simple matter to the novice.
  • Once deadlock is reached, the only option is to take the matter to court, which is both costly and time consuming. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a simple matter to circulate a newspaper in the metropolitan area.
  • It doesn't matter to me, but, again, I thought it might be important to some.
  • Romances and intrigues shouldn't matter to anyone but myself and those involved.
  • Some six months after the matter arose and after his policy had expired, the insured decided to report the matter to his professional liability insurer.
  • Football is a pretty good example: you can usually tell when the result of a game doesn't matter to one side.
  • Add plenty of organic matter to improve the soil.
  • Ideas matter to all of us who enter public life, particularly at the national level.
  • Grow in soil enriched with organic matter to retain moisture. Times, Sunday Times
  • He left the transaction of the matter to his secretary.
  • And the right of FEMA or any branch of the federal government for that matter to issue such a ban on American soil seems highly dubious to me.
  • Indeed, these two birds so much resemble each other in color, form, manner, voice, and general habits that, were it not for the difference in size, -- the grossbeak being nearly as large again as the indigo-bird, -- it would be a hard matter to tell them apart. A Book of Natural History Young Folks' Library Volume XIV.
  • It doesn't really matter to me who is prime minister, who's president, who has what job.
  • I have come to the conclusion that politics are too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. Charles de Gaulle 
  • It didn't matter to the hearers, and as they were told and retold, it mattered less and less to CummyNup and Sybbis. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • This in turn made it a simple matter to adapt Watt's engine to provide rotary motion.
  • What Shahzad means to emphasize is that suffering doesn't matter to him; he is unaffected no matter what the court would throw at him. Yursil Kidwai: Time Square Bomber: Theological Confusion & Hypocrisy in Action
  • Size did not matter to the expert judging panel, who were looking for flair and creativity within the space available.

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