How To Use Matrix In A Sentence

  • The calcified matrix of bone consists of cavities known as lacunae that are connected via a network of canals known as canaliculi, which carries interstitial fluid through the skeletal system. News from The Scientist
  • Large "fandoms" erupt around popular anime series, widely read books like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, and cult movies like The Matrix.
  • They print several times faster than dot matrix printers.
  • Clad in steel, the Giga­Matrix looks like a copier from the late 1980s, with two flat TV monitors on top and a door on the side. Gut Reactions
  • Objective To evaluate the clinical use of acellular dermal matrix ( ADM ) in the repair of pharynx.
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  • This is plausible because the enzyme citrate synthase is localized in the mitochondrial matrix.
  • The building exploits the drama of this interlocked matrix of mass and light as stepped ramps zigzag through the atrium, revealing the sheer concrete wall and the great tottering stack of galleries.
  • The cultural artifacts that decorate the walls don't seem real to me - it's like stepping into the Matrix, an artificially generated world.
  • High quality dot matrix printing which looks nearly as good as material which has been typed.
  • It is widely taken that the maximum value of the voltage transfer ratio of AC-AC matrix converter is 0.866, which has considerably restrained its application breadth.
  • I created a separate data matrix for these recoded characters.
  • A matrix is a rectangular array of symbols, usually numbers, neatly arranged in columns and rows.
  • I'd want to be very sure of myself before I decided that a matrix reporting structure was the best possible answer to our intelligence woes.
  • The largest shift in molecular weight occurred during the melting stage, but matrix glycans remained at moderately high molecular weight even in overripe fruit, and were not depolymerized to small size.
  • The NMI matrix was partitioned into orthogonal patterns of amino acid variability by factor analysis.
  • Lumbar disc disease is the drying out of the spongy interior matrix of an intervertebral disc in the spine. How do you find a diet and nutrition facts dabase online?
  • For matrix multiplication, vectors without superscript are treated as columns and vectors with the T superscript as rows.
  • Working at about the same time, Heisenberg formulated matrix mechanics, which was the first complete and self-consistent theory of quantum mechanics.
  • Forensic analysis of skeletal muscle relaxants such as tubocurarine and gallamine has been hampered by the fact that these quaternary ammonium compounds are not readily extractable from the biological matrix.
  • By using the matrix geometric solution method, we derive the explicit expressions for steady-state probability vector.
  • The time-varying and incommutable character of the coefficient matrix of periodically time-varying linear systems are the bottleneck of the design for high precision direct integration methods.
  • They have got what they call a matrix display, where you choose any number of hotels and any number of flights. CNN Transcript Nov 23, 2003
  • Other ingredients, such as emery, may also be added in the matrix; and Chapter 7
  • Large cobble - sized clasts of sandstone, up to 250 mm diameter, in the conglomerates contain fractures with void infilling by matrix, indicating cataclastic deformation before lithification.
  • Secondly, a goal programming model is established and the weight vector of interval numbers complementary judgment matrix is obtained by solving the model.
  • That matrix has very low tensile strength.
  • Secondly, a goal programming model is established and the weight vector of interval numbers complementary judgment matrix is obtained by solving the model.
  • In addition, materials can be codeposited into the electroless nickel matrix to improve the hardness, for example nanodiamonds or polytetrafluoroethylene, to decrease the coefficient of friction.
  • To classify the elements with similar relation, it is necessary to transform the similar matrix to equivalence matrix.
  • Design and implementation of a data distributor for multidimensional parallel sparse matrix on distributed - memory computing environments.
  • In cross-section, the deposits consist of unsorted pebbles, cobbles, and boulders in a matrix of fine-grained debris.
  • The political matrix will change only if those concerned with enhancing privacy make such protections a major part of their agenda.
  • To study allograft acellular dermal matrix in cosmetologty repaire of nasolabial groove soft tissue deficiency.
  • A dense matrix arising from MoM can be stored in sparsity after compressed.
  • They are, in effect, extremely fast dot matrix printers.
  • Power exits the transmission through a custom metal matrix composite aluminum driveshaft into a race-specification differential with a 4.56: 1 final drive ratio.
  • Like all histories and memories, the history of the self is always orchestrated from fragments of information, both factual and fictional, into a conceptual matrix that re-presents truth or reality.
  • Using comparison theorem and some properties of the matrix norm and the matrix measure, the paper provides several stability conditions for single and symmetric composite uncertain delay systems.
  • By the generalized inverse matrix and the minimal norm solve of the consistent linear equation sets, a complete track controller of the linear time-invariant system is designed.
  • As the fossils weather out of their matrix, they break into pieces and disperse; complete specimens are rare.
  • The inner mitochondrial membrane is folded into cristae that permeate the soluble, internal matrix.
  • The receiver is molded from a steel reinforced fiberglass and polymer matrix.
  • Another key-stroke superimposed a grid matrix on the screen, and with a cursor he began to take measurements. COMPULSION
  • A thin layer of extracellular matrix (perimysium) separating fiber groups within the muscle appears in cross-section.
  • Such isoforms and their relative abundance could mediate specific cell type or matrix interactions.
  • Not only is it a science fiction author's ultimate idea repository and writer's-block alleviator, but the folks at DARPA obviously have a sense of humor about their overtly Matrix-like, world-dominating aspirations. Brave New World Order: A Googlement Above, Around, and Ahead of the People
  • As we broke the bonds of relationship and interdependency with one another and disrupted our ecological matrix, our link to the divine mysteries became all but lost. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Chapter four mainly researches on the possibility of drinking products' self development, utilize the matrix analysis to study on the new development direction.
  • Limited dolomitization of the calcite around the edges of the fossils and in the matrix of the concretion occurred at a later stage.
  • The transmission properties of the one-dimensional photonic crystals with defects were studied using the eigen matrix method, and a new kind of tunable optical filter is proposed in this paper.
  • Application of standard form of real symmetric matrix under the orthogonal similarity transformation in matrix problems is given by examples.
  • The rules for multiplication and division of a matrix by a scalar (a real number) are simpler.
  • The path isolation for a matrix card is the impedance from the HI and LO terminals of one path to the HI and LO terminals of any other path.
  • Rebecca cast Ansley a hurt look, but Ansley was haltering Matrix and didn't catch it.
  • The angular magnification of any optical system can be obtained from the system matrix for the system.
  • The results show that the microstructure of the alloys system is the compound of the acicular martensite and partial residual austenite. From the matrix, the composite carbides were precipitated.
  • What seems a random pattern of painstakingly rendered cuts in the paper is in fact a nine-times repeating pattern made from a rubber matrix print containing the Pollock-like marks.
  • Secondly, the kinematics calculation algorithm is designed by matrix calculation module.
  • Such isoforms and their relative abundance could mediate specific cell type or matrix interactions.
  • These fibres are surrounded by a matrix of disorderly keratin-like proteins cross-linked by sulphur atoms, like steel cables embedded in concrete.
  • Why, just create a matrix of the links and then an eigenvector of that matrix is the answer. Investing in the Black Box
  • We adapt the general matrix multiplication formula to, where the vertex vectors consist only of column 0 and the second subscript refers to the row entry of the vector.
  • Some procedures supply immediate gratification, such as zapping away brown spots or erasing lines, and some can provide long-term antiaging results by growing more collagen and invigorating the extracellular matrix. Simple Skin Beauty
  • I imagined some guy in the back of a white van bobbing is gun around in frustration cursing those damn mormons and their matrix-like bullet dodging abilities. How the DC snipers hacked an ex-police car to make a killing machine - Boing Boing
  • Newer: « Matrix Trilogy comes in neat toy Nebuchadnezzar Zombie Defense weapons for LEGO minifigs | My[confined]Space
  • In this compartment, called the matrix, the pyruvic acid is decarboxylated to a two-carbon acetyl group, releasing a CO 2 molecule, and is enzymatically joined to Coenzyme A, a large carrier molecule.
  • The matrix is composed of microgranular quartz with some fibrous chalcedony.
  • But now that we're all plugged into the Matrix, will we basically conjure up a "dreamworld" that feels very much like the "real world? Archive 2007-11-01
  • The chondral phase consists of a unique Type I bovine collagen matrix that provides a malleable, flexible substratum that allows cell infiltration and de novo formation of hyaline tissue. Medgadget
  • Just in time for Christmas, Digital Spy tells us that a ten disc 'Matrix' DVD boxset is planned. Now With 20% More Oracle!
  • These were then used to shape the matrixes from which the records were pressed.
  • For the 50 random variables in the design matrix, in expectation, the coef fi cients on 5 will be signi fi cant at the 0.1 level. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Regulation of interleukin-1beta-induced chemokine production and matrix metalloproteinase 2 activation by epigallocatechin-3-gallate in rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • Europe is remaking itself politically within the matrix of the European Community.
  • Future agricultural research and development needs to be cast in a social matrix.
  • This indurated metamorphic rock and its tectonic fabrics are cut across by several centimetre-scale cracks infilled by undeformed quartzitic matrix.
  • Although the Jordan normal form is named after him, the Gauss Jordan pivoting elimination method for solving the matrix equation Ax = b is not.
  • Remnants of the hypersaline fluid were found in outgassed matrix glass Evidence for Fluid Saturation and Degassing
  • The sediment matrix of the specimen consists of crudely bedded very fine sandstone with Ophiomorpha burrows.
  • To be able to print your designs on paper, you will need a dot matrix, ink jet or laser printer.
  • A loss allocation method based on cross interaction matrix is presented in this paper and allocation results reflect interaction of bilateral transactions.
  • This paper introduces the Layer Analysis Method to analyze hypermedia system by use of matrix, optimize the structure of hypermedia system with this method , and strengthen its navigation function.
  • This constitutes a very nice way to get a diagonalizable mass matrix from the see-saw mechanism. A Quantum Diaries Survivor
  • In his individuated free-floating imagery that defines his iconography, he is rooted in the social and cultural matrix.
  • Based on Shannon entropy in information theory, this paper establishes fuzzy design structure matrix.
  • Finally through a comparison of numerical error and error images, proves that the feasibility and effectiveness of the methods for the numerical solution of the matrix difference equations.
  • Infanticide matrix, as a social phenomenon, has its particular social root.
  • A favourite candidate is the so-called matrix structure.
  • In this case the surrounding sediment matrix is dominated by detrital quartz and illite along with various other clay minerals.
  • In this “Stepford Wives” meets “The Matrix” world, most people carry out their daily actions through the use of humaniform robots. Trailer for Bruce Willis’ new “Surrogates” sci-fi action film
  • The nitrated peptides were eluted with 50% acetonitrile/0. 2% trifluoroacetic acid, dried, resuspended in 1.5 µl of matrix suspension (4 mg α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid, 0.8 mg 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid in 50% acetonitrile/0. 1% trifluoroacetic acid, 0.1 mM fucose), and deposited on a stainless steel target. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Pearson uses the concept of uncertainty to offer a matrix which directs attention to characteristics that might reduce the risks of innovation.
  • Math majors still have trouble setting up word problems, MBAs cannot specify all the basic components for a specific production activity, and Economists have difficulty in assigning weight to various elements of the economic matrix. lgl Barbell Labor Market?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The payoff matrix is a simple way of showing such interaction. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • The rigidity of a matrix is the number of entries in a matrix which need to be changed in order to bring the rank of the matrix down to a certain value.
  • The extracellular matrix is a complex mixture containing proteins such as fibronectin and collagen that provide structural support to cells and traction for cell movement. Science Blog - Science news straight from the source
  • LU decomposition is a triangular decomposition approach of non-singular matrix, and the digital image can be seen as a matrix.
  • The extreme pathways of this simple metabolic network can be readily calculated from the stoichiometric matrix.
  • Conclusion: Acellular dermal matrix is a ideal graft material for soft tissue augmentation.
  • Integrin is the molecule that connects the outside of the cells to the extracellular matrix.
  • In this paper, we discuss the problem of how to select the weights of every band in multiband remote sensing image when we extract texture features based on gray level co-occurrence matrix.
  • A crystalline solid is a solid consisting of atoms arranged in an orderly three-dimensional matrix.
  • Not only could fat be wrung out of the bread, there were dark foreign objects within its matrix, which upon further investigation turned out to be little globules of maple syrup.
  • The action is hackneyed - the slo-mo martial arts stuff was neat the first time, but it was already getting old by the time it was re-used in The Matrix Reloaded.
  • The invention relates to a dye composition for lens. The dye composition comprises a dichloro-quinoxaline-type pigment matrix, a hydrophilic polymer matrix and a vinyl-type binding agent.
  • The hanging-wall mylonite consists of an interconnected muscovite and chlorite network within a quartz-rich matrix.
  • So the matrix is the ideological apparatus, the artifice of reification - the superstructure, seen from the outside to be the evidence of the alienation of man's labour-power.
  • The chemical compositions of the Ningqiang carbonaceous chondrite matrix and a dark rim are analysed with instrumental neutron activation method.
  • The outer layer consisted of a loosely bound matrix of fibrous, textured material.
  • Acidic proteins are known to trigger carbonate precipitation via matrix mediated processes in microbialites.
  • I liked the idea of the movie, with the whole ‘matrix’ thing, but in some parts I found the plot weak and predictable.
  • Sandstone is indurated sand, composed of silicilastic grains bound together by chemically precipitated cement or a recrystallized matrix of fine sediment.
  • We performed principal components analysis on the untransformed data using the correlation matrix, thus weighting all variables equally.
  • It will take many years to create a video online world as complex as that of The Matrix, where millions of avatars interact in a stunningly realistic simulation of a 20th century big city.
  • The payoff matrix for these two firms is shown below. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • A method of applying Non - negative Matrix Factorization ( NMF ) group strategy for face recognition is put forward.
  • A blank matrix is provided for you to plot your own pattern. Christianity Today
  • The concretion matrix is dominantly an interlocking mosaic of calcite, ferroan dolomite and quartz.
  • Ground and polished, it can reveal a subtle, colored matrix of gradated sands and rock, such as you might find along the edge of a stream bed.
  • The larger dolomite crystals fill voids in the fine-grained dolomite matrix.
  • The diagonal of the rate matrix is specified such that the row sums are equal to zero.
  • Now buses have automated announcements at each stop that repeat what's written on the dot-matrix screens. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the presence of excess ground waters, brucite in the friable matrix dissolves, leaving behind a residue of amorphous iron oxides.
  • Covariance velocity spectrum is based on the fact that the sampled data can be arranged in eigen structure of covariance matrix.
  • form dominance", a mechanism to achieve a form-diagonalizable effective neutrino mass matrix from the type-I see-saw. A Quantum Diaries Survivor
  • The proteins (collagen and elastin fibrils) are the base of the interstitial matrix.
  • You made your fan film during the height of Matrix-mania; is that what inspired you to make the film? Interview: Fanimatrix Director Rajneel Singh | Fan Cinema Today
  • To obtain the transpose of a matrix, the rows of the matrix become the columns and vice versa.
  • Journal of Cell Biology reveals that an extracellular matrix protein called laminin shapes both sides of the junction to ensure they fit together. Health News from Medical News Today
  • One character points out that he thinks that ‘Rat Race to me is going to be a mix of complete brainlessness and The Matrix.’
  • Most specimens are on a typical brown goethite matrix and may have associated calcite, plattnerite, barite, fluorite, and hemimorphite.
  • Protruding from the frozen earth, like dinosaur fossils in a matrix of rock, was a row of brown vertebrae, ancient and massive.
  • This is the well-known criterion which says that a system of linear equations has a solution if and only if the rank of the matrix of the associated homogeneous system is equal to the rank of the augmented matrix of the system.
  • Once the fibroblast is fully mature, displayed by being completely surrounded by the matrix, it is called a fibrocyte. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The null space of the stoichiometric matrix that describes the topology of metabolic networks and that contains the steady-state flux distributions has been analyzed in detail.
  • First, the 2-D IDCT is transformed into two cascaded 1-D IDCT. Then 1-D IDCT can be implemented by multiplication and addition of matrix according to butterfly computation.
  • The issue is fundamentally one of the fitness of things - of the comity of my learned friends appearing on both sides of the table, as it were, in respect of what is fundamentally the same factual matrix.
  • Sliding without apparent effort into the baggy matrix of Apatow-ness, where every character — however half-assedly written — is allowed his or her lopsided human value, Brand played a sharp-tongued, oversexed cheeky-monkey rock star with the accent of a Blakean chimney sweep. Brit Wit
  • Graduate and Undergraduate Courses and Research in Composite Materials, Polymer Matrix Composites, Metal Matrix Composites, and Fiber Reinforced Plastics. Micromechanics . Buckling.
  • For the estimation of satellite state, the extended sequential estimation algorithm was applied. The numerical method was used to integrate state vector and error covariance matrix.
  • The defects in traditional drive circuit existing in availabele EL monitors are pointed out Matrix drive circuit system for EL monitor is designed using the conception of "balanced drive".
  • The derm is is composed of fibroblasts, collagen, matrix proteins, and elastic fibers.
  • These parameters hinge upon the conceptualization of fracture-matrix interaction, and are related to the dynamics of the fluids.
  • Perutz froze the compound into an argon matrix, and irradiated the molecule with light.
  • passive matrix displays are generally inferior to active matrix displays
  • Specifically, for a particular inner-coupling matrix, a sufficiently large coupling strength will ensure the whole network to achieve synchronization by pinning any one node of the network.
  • A new echo signal simulation method based data matrix of point object is put forward.
  • The mineral forms within a protein matrix as fibrous structures about 50 nanometers wide and 500 nanometers long.
  • If the cull is sufficiently small, this response is given by an element of the inverse of the Jacobian matrix.
  • Ground and polished, it can reveal a subtle, colored matrix of gradated sands and rock, such as you might find along the edge of a stream bed.
  • As the name implies, a dot-matrix printer uses patterns of dots printed within a rectangular matrix to generate individual characters.
  • Other minor elements, such as aluminum, antimony, arsenic, bismuth, lead, magnesium, cerium, and calcium, can significantly alter both the graphite morphology and the microstructure of the matrix.
  • The intensity of burning in this event is visible in both rooms, where patches of reddish gray clay form a matrix with pieces of carbon or black ashy soil.
  • Such isoforms and their relative abundance could mediate specific cell type or matrix interactions.
  • It is likely that this, too, is a function of the incompleteness of certain taxa in the data matrix, which increases ambiguity under resampling techniques such as the bootstrap.
  • Fibroblasts are found in connective tissue, which includes cartilage and the cellular matrix known as stroma that provides support to body structures, such as organs, glands and also tumors. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The matrix precipitation separation technique in trace analysis is a recent development.
  • Objective : To investigate the applicability of treating saddle nose deformity with allogeneic bone matrix gelatin implant.
  • His dot-matrix scroll stretched out on the floor to about 10 metres. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ironstone is locally represented by hematite matrix-supported vein quartz breccia.
  • DNA chips are highly miniaturized devices containing an orderly, matrix-like arrangement of synthesized oligonucleotides or pure DNA fragments.
  • Therefore, a question relating to this selection is studied, which is whether the performance function (weight matrix) of a optimal control law is unique.
  • Voltage transfer ratio is a key element to restrict matrix converter industrialization all the time.
  • In this paper, 29 pesticides in 17 sorts of vegetable matrices were collected for the study of matrix effects by GC-MS.
  • Pitzer suggested that I investigate the matrix isolation infrared spectrum of disiloxane in order to establish whether the SiO-Si bond was linear or bent. Robert F. Curl Jr. - Autobiography
  • Each matrix was constructed by subtracting the differences in values between populations.
  • Immunostaining of WARP-interacting ligands demonstrated that the collagen VI microfibrillar matrix was severely reduced and mislocalized in peripheral nerves of WARP-null mice. Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
  • What Yang's method essentially reduces to is finding the determinant of the matrix of coefficients of the system of equations.
  • While flow through the fine micropores of the soil matrix is essentially non-turbulent or laminar flow, flow through macropores can be turbulent and erosive.
  • I used to think of movies like The Matrix and Inception as science fiction -- fake adrenalized entertainment in place of boring reality. Jeff Klima: (The Dangerous World of) Parentheses
  • There are seven independent, real parameters in general, which are further reduced to five in OCT as a result of the transpose symmetry of a Jones matrix.
  • There are two kinds of method to calculate the eigenvalues of a matrix:characteristic polynomial method and QR method.
  • The epoxy matrix is very durable and resists most common chemicals. Technical Q&A with Lennard Zinn: Safe crank removal?
  • Some matrix ash samples were also analysed to ensure that the complete geochemical range could be assessed, and where lapilli were not available.
  • It occurs as small, white single crystals or twins densely covering matrix.
  • (sometimes several inches across) submerged in it, and consists of more or less gelatinous matrix enclosing innumerable "cocci," "bacteria," or other elements of the Schizomycete concerned. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • For matrix multiplication, vectors without superscript are treated as columns and vectors with the T superscript as rows.
  • The transformation matrix from the sensor coordinate frame to the theodolite coordinate frame is then found.
  • Cue up a kaleidoscope of House Industries techniques, substrates, disciplines and muscle memory compressed into high-definition pixels and actively matrixed through modulated electroluminescence with an audio lesson from Boing Boing
  • Under a weak electric field, the holes drift toward a matrix of a million or so tiny pixel electrodes.
  • Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxal-5-phosphate) 10 mg Magnesium (as Creatine MagnaPower® creatine magnesium chelate, magnesium glycyl glutamine chelate) 202.5 mg Chromium (as Chelavite® chromium nicotinate-glycinate chelate) 20 mcg AminoBolic Hyperhydration Complex ™ 24.5 g Replenish BCAA Matrix ™ (L-Leucine, L-Valine, L-Isoleucine), MagnaLoad Creatine MatrixWil's Ebay E-Store
  • Variance component model of the random effects of covariance matrix unit for the "Linear model introduction" matrix has been studied.
  • The ancient skeletal fossils are made not of bone, but of calcite, which is the same material that makes up the rock matrix in which they are embedded. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • This is a fine-grained quartz sandstone with clayish matrix.
  • On the inner surface of the cell layer, a basal lamina (an organized layer of extracellular matrix) is laid down.
  • Without protein, minerals would be unable to form the metalloproteinase matrix necessary for bone synthesis. Forever Young
  • In the programming for finding the eigenvalues of the companion matrix of the characteristic polynomial equation, a new balancing transformation technique is developed.
  • The SDXC matrix can implement non - blocking cross - connect of any grade STM - 1 input signal.
  • Plus, it's on a contrasting matrix of black tetrahedrite. In Pictures: Highlights Of Marc Weill's Mineral Collection
  • DNA microarrays consisting of thousands of individual gene sequences can be printed in a high density format on a glass microscope slide or deposited on a miniature matrix by a photolithographic process.
  • When present, the annelid peritoneum either rests directly on the muscle cells or is separated from them by a layer of extracellular matrix.
  • D, E, H. Colonies of _Myconostoc_ enveloped in diffluent matrix. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • The problem of sliding mode control for uncertain systems subject to input constraint is considered. There exist uncertainties in state matrix and input matrix, respectively.
  • Except for a few small bone fragments, no fossils have been observed within the clasts or in the matrix.
  • A loss allocation method based on cross interaction matrix is presented in this paper and allocation results reflect interaction of bilateral transactions.
  • The calculation can be performed with standard transfer matrix technique computer programs. The procedure provided here can avoid the calculation difficulty met in the procedure of some literatures.
  • If you encounter one of the unusual exceptions, I suggest checking to make sure that the matrix is diagonalizable. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Copal is a general term for very hard, insoluble resins, where the polymer is usually cross-linked to form a tough matrix.
  • From the point view of applications, the matrix element of the involved linear system of equations is an explicit expression without numerical integration.
  • Based on Householder transformation, MPI + OpenMP hybrid parallel algorithm of tridiagonalizing a dense symmetric matrix is presented.

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