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How To Use Matrimony In A Sentence

  • The notion of legal matrimony as a blessed union of souls is as misconstrued as it is unnecessary.
  • Not long after, they were joined in holy matrimony.
  • The failing to do this is the greatest mistake of the present generation, for if girls be capable of nothing but morbid sentiment or what we term flirtation, they will naturally look to matrimony as their destiny and as a means of support -- a self-abasement from which no woman can fully recover, even under the most favorable circumstances. How to Train Girls.
  • That was her reward of childless matrimony, as the appreciation of her humors was his. The Readjustment
  • Upon my poetical veracity I do not see the strength of your objection, but as matrimony is a very tender subject, as well as a longwinded one, I had better give you Mr Pitt's answer when he did not choose to give any, 'I have not made up my mind.' Letter 265
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  • A simple church service that will unite us in matrimony for the rest of our mortal days is all we need.
  • What portion of himself or herself any one complicated physical and psychological human being really and truly 'conveys' to another by means of the simple contract known as the "plighted troth" or that of a larger deed called the called the "solemnization of matrimony", is a riddle difficult of solution; and as to how much one may claim on the strength of one or other of these indentures, that is a more difficult problem still. Hints for Lovers
  • When money ran out, they were the only ones working on their land not grudging their son's indulgence in the newfound joys of matrimony.
  • Pleasures_ was published -- 1682-1683 -- the following work was registered at Stationers 'Hall: _The Woman's Advocate, or fifteen real comforts of matrimony, being in requital of the late fifteen_ sham _comforts_. The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and the Second Part, The Confession of the New Married Couple
  • Pleasures_ was published -- 1682-1683 -- the following work was registered at Stationers 'Hall: _The Woman's Advocate, or fifteen real comforts of matrimony, being in requital of the late fifteen_ sham _comforts_. The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and the Second Part, The Confession of the New Married Couple
  • The lord of cuckoldom and its surrounding lands, who is a strange lord, managed things so well, that madame was only conversing with her lord lover at the time that her lord spouse was talking to the constable and the king; at which he was pleased, and so was his wife -- a case of concord rare in matrimony. Droll Stories — Volume 3
  • For those of us who fulfill our baptismal call to follow Jesus in and through the sacrament of matrimony, kenosis is the call to a self-emptying or dying to our needs, hopes, and expectations.
  • While he was thus dangled in a state of suspension, a German trooper was transiently smit with the charms of his mother, who listened to his honourable addresses, and once more received the silken bonds of matrimony; the ceremony having been performed as usual at the drum-head. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • The only time that Melville allows the three husbands something for themselves is the opening of the second act, when they discuss the prospects of matrimony with her.
  • If you would like a bit of domestic information, a picture of matrimony, I have to inform you that our Neighbour behind the wainscot has discovered that his wife has been noodling him, and running him in debt, and the consequence is, that she is out of his house, and he has advertized that he will pay no debts that she may contract. Letter 242
  • I have been informed that polygamical love and the love of the sex, also the lust of deflowering and the lust of variety, have induced the minds (_animos_) of some to desire repeated marriages; and that the minds of some have also been induced thereto by a fear of the law and of the loss of reputation, in case they commit whoredom: besides several other circumstances which promote external inclinations to matrimony. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • From the stories told by Cherie's close friends, mother, sister, and shadchan, I realized that her road towards matrimony had been pockmarked by sudden detours, geographic dislocations, and emotional turbulence.
  • Suffice it, then, that he ruled in Noumaria five years; that he did what was requisite by begetting children in lawful matrimony, and what was expected of him by begetting some others otherwise; and that he stoutened daily, and by and by decided that the young Baroness von Altenburg -- not excepting even her lovely and multifarious precursors, -- was beyond doubt possessed of the brightest eyes in all history. Gallantry Dizain des Fetes Galantes
  • On the level! now, 'goes on Texas to Black Jack as he pulls him off to a corner an' whispers so the pinfeather party don't hear; 'on the level, Jack! ain't it my dooty -- me who saveys what he's ag'inst -- to go warn this victim ag'in matrimony in all its horrors?' Wolfville Nights
  • When the blind lead the blind, no wonder they both fall into matrimony.
  • Therefore, they say, benefits should be offered to both gay and hetero couples who want equal benefits but don't want to be committed to the institution of matrimony.
  • Survive a holiday together and you can take everything that's thrown at you in matrimony.
  • In terms of religion, the problem is straightforward, and unresolvable: holy matrimony does not work as a concept in a society that no longer believes in anything holy.
  • It had previously said that it was open to registering same-sex unions but wanted to reserve the term matrimony for heterosexual marriages. Latest Stories
  • Matrimony, even as in bodily medicines, some are applied externally, such as plasters and drugs, while others are acts of the person who seeks to be cured, such as certain exercises. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • My guilt was a clear proof of the Church's view of matrimony as an indissoluble tie.
  • But her sister's marriage had scarcely been a success and though Mary, queen of Scots, can hardly be accused of being against matrimony, the results were not encouraging.
  • Most infuriating to the onlooker was the fact that Minto Mrs. Moore never gave the faintest hint of gratitude: indeed she regarded herself as J's benefactor: presumably on the grounds that she had rescued him from the twin evils of bachelordom and matrimony at one fell swoop! On Mrs. Moore
  • Ironically this mine of medical misinformation about sexuality was intended to exalt the state of matrimony.
  • As society has come to understand the essential unchosen nature of same-sex desire, the offering of new forms of matrimony that support such couples would seem consonant with a contemporary sense of justice and social responsibility.
  • The more he intermingles mordacious taunts with earnest reflections on the feelings of a man suffocated by a less than satisfying matrimony, the harder it is to take him seriously.
  • Spirea Van Houttii, best known as Bridal Wreath, we might include and a few of the hardy vines if a trellis or other support was given for them, such as clematis paniculata, coccinea and jackmani, the large purple and white honeysuckle, Chinese matrimony vine, etc. Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
  • Only the girl's youth and the necessity for the young man to become established in his calling precluded the thought of matrimony for the present. The Mission of Janice Day
  • The daughter's steadfast refusal to enter into a state of matrimony is in large part due to having a secret lover of her own.
  • Remember that in matrimony, as in everything else it is the premier "bloomer" which blows up les châteaux en Espagne. Over the Fireside with Silent Friends
  • Matrimony reminds us of the earthiness of human clay, breathed upon by God's love, and of the completed, united twoness of our essential nature.
  • Fifteen years after the broken engagement, her attraction to Eddie was muddled neither by youth nor by the threat of matrimony.
  • They were joined together in holy matrimony .
  • So much that you would continue on with your matrimony just for their sake.
  • In open violation of the Concordat, these nuptiality restrictions encroached upon the authority of canon law in the sacrament of matrimony and deprived the Christian wedlock of converts from Jewry of civil effects.
  • Their marriage will face tests and have them both wondering if matrimony was the best answer for them.
  • Fifteen years after the broken engagement, her attraction to Eddie was muddled neither by youth nor by the threat of matrimony.
  • Ho! only this! it alludes to my disrelish to matrimony: Which is a bottomless pit, a gulph, and I know not what. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Consequently, all Jews are intended to experience both the joy and hardship of matrimony, including rabbis.
  • She considers the gender of the viewer, her or his level of education, familiarity with the classical and vernacular sources, and familial role in relation to the matrimony commemorated by the cassoni.
  • Well-born but impecunious younger brothers kidnap heiresses and roguishly attempt to persuade them into matrimony.
  • Traditional family values, I have taken it to mean, that the holy matrimony is sanctified. The Volokh Conspiracy » Much Easier to Fight Caricatures
  • It would seem that, for those who wish to enter into matrimony, now is the time to do it.
  • A Women's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. Jane Austen 
  • Cynicism about matrimony has always come easily to me.
  • Matrimony was 'historically heteronormative and patriarchal', she said, and the couple 'cannot marry conformable with their conscience'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nevertheless, GIs shared with the American home front a remarkable faith in matrimony, looking homeward for the peace, security, and affection they craved. Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • Anyway, matrimony carried an added bonus: travel benefits.
  • Well-born but impecunious younger brothers kidnap heiresses and roguishly attempt to persuade them into matrimony.
  • “The next piece was a satire on certain members who were getting very much into the way of joking on the worn-out subjects of matrimony and old maid and old bachelorism. The Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • Just thinking about medieval Castile, which is the historical period and location I know best, Among the Visigoths adulterium (illicit sexual intercourse of many kinds) and stuprum (usually fornication with an unmarried woman or widow) were most serious matters and, while illegal sexual relations were an implicit danger in the grave offence of abduction, kidnapping for the purpose of matrimony was the pernicious offence in raptus. Dear Author: Romance Novel Reviews, Industry News, and Commentary » Read Enough Romances and Rape Is No Longer Rape » Print
  • In 1977, the heretical "Dutch Catechism" which denied original sin and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, as well the indissolubility of matrimony, was not condemned as a whole by the Vatican, but only "some portions to be altered". Obama's "Humble Realism"???
  • Courtship is a bowknot that matrimony pulls into a hard knot. More Toasts
  • Oh, well, the sailors for'ard may be hard-bitten, but I can promise Miss West that here, aft, is one male passenger, unmarried and never married, who is an equally hard-bitten adventurer on the sea of matrimony. CHAPTER XV
  • For better or worse, not everyone is quite so calculating in their approach to matrimony.
  • At its strongest, sexuality within holy matrimony was only justified as a necessary part of reproduction.
  • The term denunciation is also applied to matters connected with the Sacrament of Matrimony (see BANNS). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • At Heidelberg, making the acquaintance of M. Fortnoye contemporaneously with my departure, he had become more enthralled than he ever confessed to this radiant traveler -- whom he called a packman, but regarded as a M.rcury -- and his pretty scheme of matrimony in motion. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • Fifteen years after the broken engagement, her attraction to Eddie was muddled neither by youth nor by the threat of matrimony.
  • The patriarchal conjugal family, man and wife, each acting within their proper sphere, and the containment of sexuality within legal matrimony, became the keystones of social stability and moral progress.
  • My endearment of, New Year's Day, can you remember today is ours matrimony anniversary?
  • The next piece was a satire on certain members who were getting very much into the way of joking on the worn-out subjects of matrimony and old maid and old bachelorism. Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe Compiled From Her Letters and Journals by Her Son Charles Edward Stowe
  • To show that they are in mock marital relationship they wear mangal sutra, round their necks a sign of matrimony Hijda Grooming -Ritu gets Ready « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • Survive a holiday together and you can take everything that's thrown at you in matrimony.
  • As for matrimony, Negro marriages were seldom allowed under Southern slavery, and Unmarried motherhood was the imposed and accepted code.
  • But she was married to the first princelet who happened to catch the eye of Empress Frederick, namely Prince Bernhardt of Saxe-Meiningen ” aye, and she was hustled into matrimony in such a hurry, too, as to give a sort of foundation for some shameful and base slanders, cruelly unmerited, but which one hears even Germans who profess loyalty to the crown repeating to this day. The Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Europe
  • Green though he was with seaweed, Samphire took his place beside the bride clad in white and was joined to her in matrimony.
  • Instantly the scene changed, crowds of friends gathered round our baron, who meanwhile had lost his head over a celebrated demi-mondaine; he even discovered some relations; moreover a number of young girls of high birth burned to be united to him in lawful matrimony. The Idiot
  • He begins, like Dinarzade, [307] by "cheeking" the Sultan on his views of matrimony; and then he tells how he set out from his dominions in quest of adventures, and met another bearer of the remarkable name which his mother had insisted on giving him. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • The daughter's steadfast refusal to enter into a state of matrimony is in large part due to having a secret lover of her own.
  • She could choose her own partner in matrimony, as long as she gave no utterance to her passions and emotions.
  • She said she did not think the impending war had changed soldiers' minds about entering the state of matrimony.
  • The term solemnity is also used in contracts, especially matrimony, in votive Masses, in vows, and in ecclesiastical trials. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Long term players on the merry-go-round of matrimony, they have come through 20 years of being together to be contenders for the perfect couple.
  • They observe seven sacraments: the Eucharist, Baptism, Confirmation, Penance, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and the Anointing of the Sick.
  • So far as my imperfect hearing can ascertain, he has been instructing the jury that they may utterly dismiss from their minds my highly ingenious plea of inability to offer any other kind of matrimony than a polygamous union -- surely, a very, very slipshod off-hand method of disposing of such a nice sharp quillet of the Law! ... Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • There were times when matrimony itself seemed to him to be a gamble not worth the taking. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • But some clergy had questioned whether church ceremonies - and the term matrimony - should be reserved for heterosexual unions. Latest Articles
  • My reasons for marrying are, first, that I think it a right thing for every clergyman in easy circumstances (like myself) to set the example of matrimony in his parish.
  • But the aforementioned compositions do not capture the roughhewn joy of newlyweds, the married couple of fifty years, and those who have transitioned from tempestuous waters to calmer seas in matrimony. Andrew Wilkes: Appreciation For The 'Sacred Dance' Of Marriage
  • Nowadays love is a matter of chance, matrimony a matter of money and divorce a matter of course. Helen Rowland 
  • However, custom has taken off the edge of it since; namely, that they who did thus contract matrimony should forfeit their indentures, that is to say, should lose the benefit of their whole service, and not be made free. The Complete English Tradesman (1839 ed.)
  • Even the Canonists themselves were never able to put forward any coherent and consistent ground for the indissolubility of matrimony which could commend itself rationally, while Luther and Milton and Wilhelm von Humboldt, who maintained the religious and sacred nature of sexual union -- though they were cautious about using the term sacrament on account of its ecclesiastical implications -- so far from believing that its sanctity involved indissolubility, argued in the reverse sense. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
  • He took it into his head at one time that he ought to be married, and having got the consent of a haverel wench to yoke with him in the silken bonds of matrimony, went to the minister several times, and asked him to perform the ceremony. Spare Hours
  • I was utterly sick of matrimony and almost of human company.
  • It is hardly surprising that King was a spinster considering that she spoke contemptuously of the ‘hollow sham called matrimony’ in a letter to a recently married sister.
  • Randy: Traditional family values, I have taken it to mean, that the holy matrimony is sanctified. The Volokh Conspiracy » Much Easier to Fight Caricatures
  • However they might differ on other issues, all the reformers vigorously defended the honourable estate of matrimony.
  • “And, therefore,” as he concluded something abruptly, addressing Jeanie and Butler, who, with faces as high-coloured as crimson, had been listening to his lengthened argument for and against the holy state of matrimony, “I will leave you to your ain cracks.” The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • Fifteen years after the broken engagement, her attraction to Eddie was muddled neither by youth nor by the threat of matrimony.
  • She could choose her own partner in matrimony, as long as she gave no utterance to her passions and emotions.
  • For many, service to Christ constituted the only creditable alternative to matrimony and childbed.
  • However they might differ on other issues, all the reformers vigorously defended the honourable estate of matrimony.
  • While laws are prescribed to matrons ... virginity and continency are beyond all law; there is nothing in the laws of matrimony which pertains to virginity; for by its loftiness it transcends them all. Archive 2009-05-03
  • They married in Edinburgh in August 1811, though Shelley disapproved of matrimony, as well as royalty, meat-eating, and religion.
  • When we say that the begetting and education of children is the primary end of matrimony, this is what we mean: the parent "educates" the child in life, not mearly reading, writing, and rithmitic. Christendom's Building Blocks — Catholic Communities
  • - 829 Telltale Signs Infidelity doesn t have to mean your matrimony is over COPING WITH INFIDELITY IN MARRIAGE Director: Harry Winer Overview That s since affairs have been so common in matrimony Greg Swenson, Ph With our guidance, learn what to do when we design your partner or associate of doubt or disloyalty as well as what to do when we want to come clean about your own affairs, either carried out in Infidelity expert Ruth Houston s comments, observations, as well as insights upon popular doubt or disloyalty issues in a headlines Coping with Infidelity: Part 1 How Do Affairs Begin? Infidelity ( Ucsb Gold ) Kinhd Anhra Videos
  • I'm just glad Rob didn't win (though he's got his hands on the money via matrimony anyway), and that Rupert got a nice fat cheque.
  • Many thousands of couples were joined in matrimony during communal ceremonies.
  • This sport does not result in actual matrimony - just a kiss.
  • A good day was had by all, and matrimony was the winner on the day.
  • She suspected that Louis was not entirely aware of monsieur le duc's reputation, nor of his determination to avoid matrimony. THE PROMISE IN A KISS
  • When the Iranian-backed Hizbullah militia started the systematic recruitment of holy warriors to fight the Israeli occupation of Lebanon in the early 1980s, its mullahs approved so-called mut'aa marriages, involving contracts of matrimony that could be almost as short as one-night stands. Women of Al Qaeda
  • Divorce ... does not stain, but highly honours, the ideal of marriage; it recognizes that the dignity and prime blessing of matrimony lie in spiritual comradeship, which is not often achieved. Heroic Milton: Happy Birthday
  • Since then, hundreds of would-be widows and widowers have applied for what's billed as ‘post-mortem matrimony.’
  • A Women's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. Jane Austen 
  • After all, fidelity in matrimony is voluntary, too …/sarcasm off Think Progress » Bush Rides Roughshod Over Protected Federal Land
  • Done right, affairs are neither sordid nor matrimony imperilling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Men and women of no particular faith or god can and do join in matrimony.
  • And when I think that it is true — when I see that the sportiveness and kitten-like gambols of girlhood should be over, and generally are over, when a girl has given her troth, it becomes a matter of regret to me that the feminine world should be in such a hurry after matrimony. The Small House at Allington
  • The most striking deviation from this pattern was shown by England, for there the age of marriage for women fell continuously and a growing proportion of the population engaged in matrimony.
  • When blind lead the blind, no wonder they both fall into matrimony. - --- George Farguhar.
  • The bride, given in matrimony by her father Tom, looked very elegant in a gown of white raw silk, perfectly adorned with diamanté stones and full length train.

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