
View Synonyms
[ US /ˌmætɹəˈmoʊniəɫ/ ]
[ UK /mˌætɹɪmˈə‍ʊnɪəl/ ]
  1. of or relating to the state of marriage
    married bliss
    marital fidelity
    marital status
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How To Use matrimonial In A Sentence

  • With such a matrimonial event in the offing, it got me thinking today about the numerous weddings I've been to over the last few years.
  • With his lineage blemished by the bar sinister, with no lands of his own, he was no great matrimonial prize. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • [406] It was only the language of the inhabitants of Leptis that had experienced a change, in consequence of their matrimonial connections with the Numidians, otherwise they had for the most part preserved their Sidonian, that is, Phoenician, laws and habits, being separated from the inhabited part of Numidia by extensive deserts, which was also the reason of the Numidian king's seldom residing at Leptis, although the town belonged to his kingdom. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • If a present-day Darwin were to agonize over his matrimonial fate in what ways might it differ from the example above?
  • Family and matrimonial lawyers, according to Brown, are at the highest risk of being threatened.
  • This establishes the matrimonial contract and the legal rights of the couple.
  • One review of surviving 1828 materials claims that ‘his matrimonial affairs, his profanity, his gamecocks and race horses, his duels and brawls, were the subject of merciless campaign propaganda’.
  • His own case, asking for an adjournment in a matrimonial, was down for just before lunch, and immediately preceded by the criminal cases. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • That is one of the means by which, in matrimonial litigation, a level playing field is commonly achieved.
  • And when he said this, it seemed as if the voices of Mr. and Mrs. Skratdj rose higher in matrimonial repartee, and the children's squabbles became louder, and the dog yelped as if he were mad, and the maids 'contest was sharper; whilst the snap-dragon flames leaped up and up, and blue fire flew about the room like foam. Snap-Dragons: A Tale of Christmas Eve; and Old Father Christmas: An Old-Fashioned Tale of the Young Days of a Grumpy Old Godfather
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