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How To Use Matrilineage In A Sentence

  • They practiced uxorilocal marriage, and they managed inheritance along the line of a woman's matrilineage. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • A similar kind of onomastic matrilineage is established through a practice Junod, around the turn of the century, described as the most frequent method of infant-naming among the Tsonga, and through which many of the eldest interviewees had received their birth name: consulting the divining bones to obtain the name of an ancestor so as to kupfuxa (wake up) that ancestor's spirit in the person of the child. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Kwere speakers also note tombo to name the matrilineage of the * - kolo matriclan. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • 52Though the significance of a child's father's matrilineage may have grown in sociocultural importance in East Ruvu communities, it did not supplant the predominance of one's mother's matrilineal * - kolo. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • Kwere speakers also note tombo to name the matrilineage of the * - kolo matriclan. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
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  • Even in the face of increasing focus on patrilineages in coastal communities, and contemporaneous exchanges with patrilineal Njombe -, Eastern-Sahelian -, and Cushitic-speaking populations on their northern and western borders, Ruvu societies did not relent from keeping the prominence of the matrilineage entrenched in their cultures. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE

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