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How To Use Matins In A Sentence

  • The rhythm of my days goes slower now: matins and lauds, vespers and compline.
  • The Hour of Matins is divided into three nocturns, as on the greater feasts, each of which consists of three psalms with their antiphons, a versicle, and three readings with their responsories. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 5 - Tenebrae and the Divine Office of the Triduum
  • For example, the chantress Hailrat of Engelthal was at Matins on the fourth Sunday of Advent when she and the other nuns sang the fifth response Virgo Israel. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • _Domine labia mea aperies; _ when, if an answer came, he might enter and say matins with his master. Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe
  • Matins on important feasts and Sundays had three nocturns, while less important feasts and weekdays had only two nocturns.
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  • Si, je sais bien que tous les matins elles balayent leurs escaliers puis y jettent un seau d'eau. Tante Marie-Francoise
  • It was a Sunday and from modern village far below, the silence was broken by a single male, bass voice chanting: the village priest at his matins.
  • At that moment, the semantron was struck for Matins, and the priest awoke and came to himself. This Is Life!: Revolutions Around the Cruciform Axis
  • They went to that office of the night which is called matins in those churches in which it is said at midnight, as is still the custom at Notre Dame, in Paris. The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
  • This is another example of a long hymn broken up into shorter ones for use at the various Office hours of a particular feast or season; the Ut queant laxis section about the first third of the hymn is used at Vespers; the Antra deserti teneris sub annis section is used at Matins; and the O nimis felix, meritique celsi section is used at Lauds. Archive 2008-06-01
  • At St Anne's in neighbouring Strathfield he responded to Anglican ‘matins and evensong, the canticles, the psalms, the hymns, the Bible readings’, and became a choirboy.
  • 48The final type of liturgical manuscript from these houses are collectars, which contained the collects or prayers for the different hours of the Divine Office. 124 According to Humbert's prototype, the collectar starts with a calendar and then describes "the manner of singing all the capitula, the blessings before the lessons in matins, the versicles before lauds, all the antiphons, all the prayers (or orationes). Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Also, the antiphoner whose duty it was to read the invitatory at Matins, intone the first antiphon of the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • The sooner that they rose, the sharper was their appetite and the barkings of their stomachs, and the gnawings increased in the like proportion, and consequently made these godly men thrice more a-hungered and athirst than when their matins were hemmed over only with three lessons. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • In the Roman Rite the "Deus in adjutorium" is preceded in Matins by the "Domine labia mea aperies", whilst in the monastic Breviary the order is reversed. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • We used MatInspector to detect transcription factor binding sites with high compatibility to sequence matrices.
  • And when they had done matins they came to the shrine also and prayed for this damoiselle which lay there in full great pain and torment. The Golden Legend, vol. 6
  • Tu as entendu! s'énerve Audrey, elles se posent la même question tous les matins et je suis sûre que demain c'est Françoise qui demandera à Lucienne s'il faut arroser ou non les fleurs! La routine - French Word-A-Day
  • You'd really enjoy the sermon I'm going to give at matins - it's modelled on one of your Bampton lectures, the one about Athanasius. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • In the past it was broken into three hymns, Aurora lucis rutilat, Tristes erant Apostoli, and Claro Paschali gaudio, which were altered by Pope Urban VIII to Aurora caelum purpurat (Lauds), Tristes erant Apostoli (Vespers and Matins for Apostles and Evangelists in Eastertide), and Paschale mundo gaudium (Lauds for Apostles and Evangelists in Eastertide). Archive 2008-04-01
  • Another class of sacred song in exactly the same style as the Sicilian conductus has a text wherein were introduced the closing words of Matins, Lauds, and Vespers: ‘Benedicamus Domino’, ‘Deo gratias’.
  • Placebo, and the Office of Matins, if we exclude the invitatory, begins with the antiphon Dirige. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • It's almost eight o'clock." As if on cue the bell in the chapel began to toll for Matins.
  • The Office of Matins was divided into the other two volumes, one of which contained the invitatories, antiphons, hymns, etc., of Matins for the Proprium de The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • The fashionably dressed churchgoers are returning from Matins, several of them in a landau.
  • The Hour of Matins is divided into three nocturns, as on the greater feasts, each of which consists of three psalms with their antiphons, a versicle, and three readings with their responsories. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 5 - Tenebrae and the Divine Office of the Triduum
  • In the Roman office the threefold division of Matins was re-introduced even after the vigil service had split into Vespers, Matins, and Lauds, and the divisions came to be known as nightwatches or nocturns.
  • Tu as entendu! s'énerve Audrey, elles se posent la même question tous les matins et je suis sûre que demain c'est Françoise qui demandera à Lucienne s'il faut arroser ou non les fleurs! Lettres de ma Terrasse
  • Morning prayer, known as matins, and evening prayer, known as vespers or evensong, are most common.
  • I'm not saying an exorcism couldn't be done, but I certainly couldn't do it before the Cathedral opens for matins at seven-thirty. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Below is a video from Tenebrae of Good Friday, showing two of the Matins responsories, and the Benedictus with its antiphon in English. Tenebrae at Blackfriars Oxford
  • The friars inhabited the cloister, sang the matins, fasted and prayed within the walls and lived their lives in Banada six centuries ago.
  • Whether my companions heard it or not, I know not, but it was a kind of matins to me, and the event of that forenoon. The Maine Woods
  • a psalm (like our antiphons), which introduces a sticheron, or hymn sung at Matins and Vespers. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • The large bell -- used to announce the services of the church, and, through the kindness of Lady Rollo, to ring at "matins" and at "even-song" -- is of very full tone. Chronicles of Strathearn
  • 28 January 2009 at 12: 13 pm ahh kelan lutz is amazing and he definitely just gained some points with loving aston matins in my book!!! Twilight Lexicon » Kellen Lutz and Emmett Truck Connection
  • A quarter of an hour later we were saying matins in the parish church. GOODBYE CURATE
  • The rhythm of my days goes slower now: matins and lauds, vespers and compline.
  • The morning, the grey cold morning, came at last; he had outwatched the stars, and listened to the matins of the waking birds. Henrietta Temple A Love Story
  • The church commences her solemn service of each of these days with that part of the divine office called matins and lauds, and at this time Tenebrae from the _darkness_ with which it concludes. The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome
  • And when you come to me for Matins," he added, "don't come into the cell, but only say in a loud voice, 'Domine, labia mea aperies;' and if I answer, 'Et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam,' you will come in, otherwise you will go back. The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
  • Tu as entendu! s'énerve Audrey, elles se posent la même question tous les matins et je suis sûre que demain c'est Françoise qui demandera à Lucienne s'il faut arroser ou non les fleurs! Lettres de ma Terrasse
  • Morning prayer, known as matins, and evening prayer, known as vespers or evensong, are most common.
  • At St Anne's in neighbouring Strathfield he responded to Anglican ‘matins and evensong, the canticles, the psalms, the hymns, the Bible readings’, and became a choirboy.
  • In the Bell Tower a fine chime of bells is placed the playing of which at noon and sunset recalls the matins and vespers of the The Old Franciscan Missions Of California
  • AspigPogPap wrote on September 21, 2007 2: 54 PM: alleluia i ascendit deus song responsorium hodie nobis de caelo pax music responsorium o magnum misterium proper of the mass for easter sunday dedication of a church from first vespers responsorium quem vidistis pastores mp3 download chants for palm sunday proper of the mass music dedication of a church from second vespers introitus viri galilaei mp3 download introitus dominus dixit mp3 dedication of a church chants for the mass song introitus ecce advenit song ambrosian chant chants for offices mp3 introitus dominus dixit song responsorium hodie nobis caelorum rex mp3 coro des monjes de la abadia de montserrat et al cd1 mp3 choralschola der abtei munsterschwarzach cd2 responsorium o magnum misterium song alleluia dominus dixit chants for palm sunday proper of the mass mp3 download choeur des moines notredame fontgombault cd3 music dedication of a church from matins introitus ecce advenit three times seven on a pilgrimage mp3 titan transcendence mp3 beer epitaph music tital transcendence mp3 download path of the righteous mp3 download omnio beer song closing in music seed of sound music the divinity of wisdom Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Kerry Blasts Boehner Over Troop Deaths "Small Price" Remark
  • As he was sleeping one night, the semantron was sounded calling the monks to Sunday Matins, but Platon did not hear it. This Is Life!: Revolutions Around the Cruciform Axis
  • Most importantly they had to pray seven times a day from the matins in the early morning to the vespers in the evening.
  • After matins (morning prayers), the monks assemble in the upstairs refectory for a simple breakfast of tea, bread, and olives.
  • Two of the pieces we will chant are pulieli which are sung within the matins, with each verse followed by Alleluia.
  • It was indeed a scene of exquisite stillness; so much so, that the restless waves of the Solway seemed, if not absolutely to sleep, at least to slumber; on the shore no night-bird was heard — the cock had not sung his first matins, and we ourselves walked more lightly than by day, as if to suit the sounds of our own paces to the serene tranquillity around us. Redgauntlet

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