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How To Use Mating In A Sentence

  • Nick managed to move his battered body quickly enough to launch his own counter-blast, successfully stalemating the battleship's beam.
  • When social mating systems were dichotomized, extrapair chicks were twice as frequent in monogamous as in polygynous species.
  • Mating season commonly takes place during the fall and winter seasons, but can occur at any time throughout the year.
  • The animating idea remains curiously unplumbed. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In October he issued a report to the police estimating a post-mortem interval of 24 hours.
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  • We analyzed more than 3000 infrared thermograms acquired from 1256 admitted patients and developed a thermo-visual diagnostic method for estimating the severity of intracranial hypertension.
  • The methodology is applicable to the investigation of parentage for all progeny developed from parental mating without subsequent generations of inbreeding.
  • This is the second Mercator chart showing Lindbergh's route as a series of 500 mile-long loxodromes approximating the great circle route from New York to Paris.
  • The nazir offers his hair to God as a symbol that he is sublimating and consecrating his sensuality and sexual energy.
  • Morphing "spacesuit" can adjust on astronaut's body to ensure perfect fit The 4-mm long 'peacock spider' and its mating ritual to attract a mate Walking while talking on cell phone risky for older people: Study LONDON - India has urged Western countries to stop eating beef in order to cut greenhouse emissions. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • In addition, kudzu ranked second-highest in terms of its potential impact on natural systems, because it is capable of overgrowing and decimating mature stands of trees.
  • In the wild, this effect would guarantee mating in 80 percent of females within a three-week timespan. Smithsonian Mag
  • Therefore the rational expectations hypothesis suggests a valid method of incorporating additional information when estimating macroeconomic models which contain expectation terms.
  • In mating season, Chinese bee drone and Italian bee drone have the same mating tour time.
  • By automating frequently used procedures, a macro program can save on both mousing and keyboarding.
  • To illustrate the generality of these ideas, we review two additional mating systems in which paternity markers have been used to study the heritability or fitness consequences of alternative morphs.
  • Among mating animals, the term virgin is applied to the female who has not mated," he answered. Herland
  • Mr. Lockhart shall furnish us with the brightest aspect a British Ferney ever yielded, or is like to yield: and therewith we will quit Abbotsford and the dominant and culminant period of Scott’s life: ‘It was a clear, bright September morning, with a sharpness in the air that doubled the animating influence of the sunshine, and all was in readiness for a grand coursing-match on Newark Hill. Paras. 50-73
  • I don't recall the Defense Department ever estimating casualties prior to the war, and there are obvious reasons why that may be inadvisable.
  • God forbid that I should diminish France! But amalgamating Napoleon with her is not diminishing her.
  • He criticizes the author for underestimating the mutability and interpenetration of cultures.
  • It is legitimating a human want by means of legislation.
  • Proper torquing avoids elastic separation of the mating parts under load and resists gradual loosening over time.
  • There was little if any intermarriage and little intermating between the two groups.
  • By way of example, it is suggested that an insecticide is applied to sexually mature male insects so that it spreads to the rest of the population during mating and swarming.
  • In this study on lek-breeding topi antelopes, I investigate whether female mating preferences have consequences for male investment in harassment and whether harassing males are more likely to succeed in mating.
  • No adverse effects on mating, fertility, pregnancy, parturition, lactation, embryo-fetal or pre- and postweaning development were observed. US FDA Approves New Indication for Merck's HPV Vaccine, GARDASIL® - Yahoo! Finance
  • As evidenced by the articles in this volume, a recent increase in interest in the mating systems of poikilothermic vertebrates has focused primarily on fishes, a few amphibians, and squamate reptiles.
  • Yet again, we have too sweeping a conclusion: that this is a legitimating 'construction of fictive continuities'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Formation of pair bonds begins in October with courtship displays continuing until mating takes place, usually in March.
  • One of the strangest fish you might encounter in spring is the male lumpsucker, which is left in shallow water guarding and nurturing his egg clutch after mating.
  • In a hearing before the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, consumer advocate Meredith Hatfield quoted a recent report by consultants hired to monitor FairPoint's "cutover" from Verizon that suggested FairPoint is underestimating the number of customer orders that have gone unfilled since the official transition began in late January. local, state, business and sports news
  • The largest was Basilosaurus isis, which was up to 21 m long, with well developed five-fingered flippers on the forelimbs and the quite unexpected presence of hind legs, feet, and toes, not known previously in any archaeocete; a vestigial use may have been as claspers during aquatic mating. Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley), Egypt
  • Nuptial gifts provided by males during courtship or mating can influence female mating preference.
  • My makeup had taken Claire the longest because she was not accustomed to working on someone with such pale skin, and kept overestimating the colours.
  • This paper describes a new nonlinear filtering algorithm (NLF) for tracking maneuvering targets, presents reasonable maneuvering likelihood function, derives estimating equations.
  • Never before captured on film, we witness majestic sliding, an epic fight for toboggan territory and the unique mating ritual of this rare icon of the Canadian Prairie.
  • Fully recessive mutations are maintained in higher frequencies than partially recessive ones and thus cause greater declines in fitness under consanguineous matings.
  • Establishment pomposities with a barb, are grossly underestimating his talent, intellect and capacity for sheer graft. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's legitimating hostility toward judges, however, and portraying the judges as out-of-control power-wielders.
  • Supposing the spaceplane is baselined as planned then how do astronauts plan on interfacing/mating with these earth bound supply spacecraft, and what kind of supplies (scientific experiments) will be required to return to earth. How Best to Access the ISS-and LEO? - NASA Watch
  • Wolf, roe deer and wild boar roam these mountains and in the spring the capercaillie, king of the forest, screams his mating call.
  • Male calves resulting from these matings express a higher incidence of dystocia than heifer calves because male calves are gestated longer and have considerably larger birthweights.
  • The same basic principles of animation can be applied when animating 3-D objects, where in fact perspective is usually built-in anyway.
  • Clive and Elsa are massively proud of the new male and female they have in their tank, whom they are now encouraging to perform a mating ritual-dance known as imprinting and whom they whimsically name Fred and Ginger. Splice
  • Furthermore, the best available mating may be with a sibling or an offspring on certain occasions.
  • The labial area of incisors was calculated from these measures as an approximating rectangle, and the labial area of canines as an approximating right triangle.
  • In estimating the agglutinin content or _titre_ of a serum, testing disinfectants and for many other purposes, it becomes necessary to prepare a series of dilutions of the material under examination, and in order to avoid unnecessary expenditure of labour it is convenient to adhere to some definite scale of increment, such for example as the following: The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Most ascomycetes have only two different mating types, as opposed to certain other fungi, in which many more mating types exist.
  • But I think that those who think they can decrown this guy after 20 years of being on radio are underestimating a game that they have never played before. Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • A "dink" dog, the product of the mating of a brother and sister, because his thoughtless owner didn't have either of his two dogs spayed or neutered. Do Unto Others: Thank You Mr. Anonymous, a Man With Christian Values
  • However, for reproduction about twice that is needed to allow for mating rituals. 3 If properly mated, high fertility rates and good egg hatchability can be expected. 5 Chicken
  • The invention makes possible estimating and control of the printing/copying process costs through printers, telefaxes and other digital multifunctional units operating locally or in the network of any user of this equipment.
  • The frequency of mating, researchers speculate, is meant to stimulate egg release in the female.
  • The ropes act as substitutes for brush-strokes, embodying linear patterns and animating geometric forms.
  • In recent years, a number of studies have brought attention to postmating prezygotic barriers arising from male - male competition and male - female interactions. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • To avoid the effect of unidirectional layered compression summation method without considering side swell, the approximate calculation formula for estimating sluice(dam) foundation sinking is derived.
  • Demonstrating parental behaviour towards infants may be a ruse by which low-ranking males are able to gain mating opportunities.
  • In addition to amalgamating the words "made in", the term apparently translates phonetically into Chinese as "without a roof". Exhibitions picks of the week
  • He starts his remarks by hoping: ‘A more progressive generation of ornithologists will no doubt possess itself of higher standards for estimating the value of sub-species.’
  • The authors concluded that the coordination of estimating procedures using the available state and local government data could reduce the size of these discrepancies.
  • My nervous dance consists of much weight-shifting and hand gestures similar to the mating dance of the blue-footed booby.
  • I had earlier copy and pasted into Word on a PC and repasted turning off all formating. Speeding up Adobe Reader - Anil Dash
  • Now, Hawaiian surf officially is measured by estimating the actual height between the crest and the trough of the breaking waves.
  • Walt Disney has done devilishly well in animating evil incarnate at the climax of the film. Will You Go See Avatar?
  • If the pollsters are overestimating Labour's support once more, the consequences of their blunders could leave a lot of leftish voters looking very silly.
  • For the past two hundred years scholars have been engaged in matching the maker's marks on objects to the potteries and estimating dates of manufacture.
  • The male bird performs a sort of mating dance before copulating with the female.
  • He believes they are grossly underestimating the impact of growth on their infrastructure.
  • The first method for estimating the intellingence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. 
  • Automated capabilities such as multivariable testing (MVT), segmentation and targeting, product recommendations, and advanced analytics provide advanced functions that increase conversion rates, sales, customer engagement and lifetime value while automating processes to lower costs and increase marketing agility. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • For instance, male peacocks not only have a long tail, but they are brightly colored and have eye spots, a crest on their head, spurs on their feet, and a mating call.
  • Should I succeed in animating it, Life and Death would appear to me as ideal bounds, which I shall break through and pour a torrent of light into our dark world. Act I
  • It turns out that in some pulmonates mating is anatomically reciprocal, while in others unilateral (for example, see Davison & Mordan, 2007). Archive 2009-05-01
  • Grey nurse sharks grow relatively slowly and mature at between four and six, though the precise timing of mating and pupping in Australian waters remains unknown.
  • This makes it possible to arrange matings by computer in order to minimize problems caused by inbreeding.
  • Freddie rose, with an expression approximating to happiness on his face. Something New
  • The apartment block is marginally less austere, stepping back as it rises over 10 storeys with faceted bay windows like concertinas animating the wall plane.
  • On a large construction project, for example, the estimating process begins with the decision to submit a bid.
  • Apparently, as underrepresented as female students were on the school's roof, they're overabundant in the hives themselves, where, according to principal Durnford — whose time seems to have been well-spent at beekeeping classes — males have little function besides mating with the queen. Generating Buzz, and Honey
  • Seife calls this error "disestimation," the mathematical sin of underestimating the uncertainties associated with most numbers. Charles Seife's 'Proofiness,' reviewed by John Allen Paulos
  • The normal workings of the rugby world are put on hold in the week before an international, but as soon as something approximating to business as usual resumes tomorrow morning, the inquest which has been brewing all week will begin.
  • There are various ways of estimating a neutral rate of interest, one that would be neither expansionary nor contractionary. Times, Sunday Times
  • The incision then was dressed with self-adhesive wound approximating strips.
  • One important clue comes from estimating the rate at which sediments were deposited.
  • It was in fact a kind of nuptial hymn, which, taking its start from the thought of nature as the universal mother, celebrated the preliminary pairing and mating together of all fresh things, in the hot and genial spring-time -- the immemorial nuptials of the soul of spring itself and the brown earth; and was full of a delighted, mystic sense of what passed between them in that fantastic marriage. Marius the Epicurean — Volume 1
  • On inspection it was found that everything in the recently developed transmission was operating perfectly, the jamming in fourth gear traced to the mating of the standard gear linkage to the new gearbox.
  • The last five years, the government has been grossly underestimating its revenue, steadily.
  • A female may come into her brief period of estrus at any time during the mating season, which runs from late November through mid-January.
  • Common mistakes made by novices include underestimating the size that trees will attain.
  • He was aquiver with the idea that he had glimpsed an animating force—“the secret of life.” SuperCooperators
  • The scoundrel was on his way to the fazenda with the idea of consummating a vile scheme of extortion which he had been preparing for a long time. Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
  • In some situations, automating a process can change the role of human involvement and eliminate the risk of mistakes.
  • Estimating the future rate of energy growth is of critical importance for predicting future concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
  • Worryingly, studies of recent trends (published after the IPCC report was compiled) indicate the models are underestimating precipitation changes, such as the drying of the subtropics. Steve | Serendipity
  • I always correct my primatology students to use the term ventral-dorsal when they refer to the more usual animal mating position: doggy style. Observation: Gorillas Mate Face-To-Face
  • By carefully amalgamating myth with certain breakthroughs and future possibilities in the field of biotechnology and telecommunications as described in many sf stories we made attractive tableaux to lure the public and then to educate them about S&T principles and background. MIND MELD: Guide to International SF/F (Part II)
  • Calves were sired by Artificial Insemination or in single sire mating pastures.
  • ‘There's some evidence the female has to eat the head of the male mantid to release the full complement of mating behaviors,’ Heydon said.
  • Males utilize bright mating colorations when displaying on the lek and contribute only genes to their progeny.
  • Attracting females directly would allow growers to eliminate the females and their unlaid eggs and to monitor mating cycles more precisely.
  • Those guys tend to have a lot of electron density on them, and bonding between them is a careful, arm's-length affair, sort of like porcupines mating.
  • One can do this by basing the material on the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein theorem and the like, approximating the Black-Scholes model with discrete-time binomial trees.
  • Our model assumes that populations evolve with temporal variation in outcrossing rates with no genetic drift, no selection (particularly no heterotic selection), and with the random mating of outcrossing gametes.
  • Tuberculosis is not considered to be a notifiable disease in India and hence routine health data have not served as the source of information for estimating the disease state in the community.
  • Thus, there also is no evidence for extensive consanguineous mating in the polygyne population of S. geminata that we studied.
  • Second, the multispectral images can be used for estimating surface spectral reflectance of an object in a natural scene, which is an inherent physical property of its surface.
  • The red giants also may be useful in calibrating cosmic distances and estimating the age of the universe.
  • Arrowheads point to the upper cell of two of the croziers; they show and keep the typical round shape of young croziers and contain two nuclei of opposite mating type.
  • Abstract: Three published estimates of the frequency of polyploidy in angiosperms 30 to 35 percent, 47 percent, and 70 to 80 percent were tested by estimating the genome size of extinct woody angiosperms with the use of fossil guard cell size as a proxy for cellular DNA content. Junk DNA is still junk - The Panda's Thumb
  • A simple bimolecular one-step kinetic model is used for estimating the upper bound of the number of ROS that are generated in the skin and that react with DHR.
  • This hypothesis was investigated by re-estimating the preferred equation up to 1987 Q2 prior to the stock market crash.
  • In addition, the genetic composition of the hybrid populations, the mating pattern, and population genetic structure also require quantification.
  • During the mating season, males drum while wandering around the habitat searching for receptive females, which are more stationary than are males.
  • Computers are widely used because cost estimating may involve complex mathematical calculations and require advanced mathematical techniques.
  • A psychologist might interpret my conversion as sublimating my guilty feelings, but I prefer to think about it as fulfilling my Jewish destiny.
  • Male California sea lions are polygamous, mating with many females.
  • Here the humanoid on display was a rapaciously acquisitive creature engaged in elaborate and expensive mating rituals. Kim Kardashian Fails the P.T. Barnum Test
  • Many also attacked the FSA's cost-benefit analysis for underestimating the cost of new rules and overstating the likely benefits.
  • He succeeded in mating a cow with the menagerie's bison, but the ensuing pregnancy came to a disastrous end.
  • Courtship and mating takes place from late winter to spring.
  • By the method of estimating the probability distribution of training examples, a new and simple method of dealing with numeric attribute based on example distribution and entropy is turned out.
  • For this reason concentrations of potentially interfering metal ions approximating the serum levels are used in the standards.
  • + In the speech of Vulteius in Lucan, animating his soldiers in a great struggle to kill one another. — “Decernite lethum, et metus omnis abest, cupias quodcunque necesse est.” Letter to a Friend
  • They are mating with the local rare species of white-headed duck producing a mongrel that could force the indigenous breed into extinction.
  • It is recognised as a major improvement on previous methods of estimating breeding values.
  • According to the official from the parks and wildlife agency it is mating and egg laying season for the cockies.
  • Although these phenotypes and their resulting dynamics are important, we have little understanding of the proteins that mediate these phenotypes, particularly for species groups where postmating, prezygotic traits are the primary mechanism of reproductive isolation. ScienceBlogs Channel : Physical Science
  • Here, mating partners repeatedly alternate donation of a small parcel of unfertilized eggs, which is then immediately fertilized by their mate, who subsequently assumes the female role.
  • Supermarkets all over the country have been lowering wages and decimating workers' health plans.
  • This arrangement for approximating the exchange rates of member currencies one to another became known as the ‘snake-in-the-tunnel’.
  • However, different investigators have used the term ‘monogamy’ to describe both concepts, whereas in reality they are not synonymous: social monogamy can occur with monogamous, polygynous, and polyandrous mating strategies.
  • The patient can let a doctor look carefully at particular case in the home, examination X mating plate, consult the data such as anamnesis .
  • Fearing the consequences of consummating his relationship with Nancy, his much-younger ward, Edward sends her to join her father in India.
  • In October he issued a report to the police estimating a post-mortem interval of 24 hours.
  • Wala namang may makaisip kung saan pwede gumala so ... napagdesisyunan namin na mag-abang ng jeep at kung anong unang dumating, kahit ano pang nakalagay sa placard, doon kami sasakay. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Never before captured on film, we witness majestic sliding, an epic fight for toboggan territory and the unique mating ritual of this rare icon of the Canadian Prairie.
  • Here, males maintained a constant sperm number irrespective of whether a mating involved one, two, or three males.
  • Ford Motor Co. is estimating production will decline 4 percent, while Chrysler Corp. plans to boost output 5 percent.
  • He made the mistake of underestimating the power of the press.
  • It can be used as an approximative measure of support for one or the other model and, therefore, allows estimating the evidence in favor of one or the other hypothesis.
  • Reveillon by St. Gervais) -- I say if any of these comforters of the living anywhere grace the earth, you shall find my master Rabelais giving you the very innermost and animating spirit of all these good things, their utter flavour and their saving power in the quintessential words of his incontestably regalian lips. On Nothing and Kindred Subjects
  • (which is a sound approximating ch in the German word ich), is to be found on page 206, Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. Osage Traditions
  • In true gangster fashion, our hero plans a classic double-cross, but ends up underestimating at least one of his foes.
  • Yet the fact is, Boswell ruined the literary reputation of Johnson by intimating that Johnson wrote Johnsonese; but that is a mistake. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great
  • Recently a paragraph appeared in the paper columns intimating that the curious object on the hillside was ‘casting its coat,’ as it was in need of a whitewash.
  • To point out a method of difcovering which of thefe caufes operate in a given cafe, and of eftimating the quantity of them, is the objed of hygrometry and of the prefent effay. The Monthly Review
  • She just stood there, staring off at some birds mating in a tree.
  • This device is especially useful for approximating tissues, repair of enterotomies and cystotomies, and performance of the laparoscopic Burch procedure.
  • The first method for estimating the intellingence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. 
  • Studies of captive lorises have shown that after a female has given birth, the demands of lactation and raising an infant may keep her from mating again for ten to fourteen months.
  • Something approximating to a fair outcome will be ensured.
  • Within a few generations Hera's pitiful descendents were mating with preverbal cavemen. MIND MELD: If We Ran Battlestar Galactica
  • The first method for estimating the intellingence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. 
  • There, every morning soon after dawn, two pigeons performed an elaborate and very noisy mating dance.
  • Thanks for intimating that you and she had some kind of thing going on as a result of which she had to make a choice.
  • There was no adult male in sight, because the female assumes all the duties of nesting; the male's reproductive role begins with courtship and ends with mating.
  • The color is a key to mating success - the brighter the better.
  • When will PWC, Goldman etc wake up to the simple fact that they are hugely underestimating medium term geopolitical risk around China's growth, from both internal and external factors? GDP projections from PwC: how China, India and Brazil will overtake the West by 2050
  • A team of digital artists can spend months animating a character or creating a landscape.
  • Here the pairs rub bills and coo to each other before mating and going ashore to lay the eggs.
  • Oskar Fischinger back in the Thirties was animating abstract visuals to music and projecting those.
  • While he recognises the political sensitivity of closing or amalgamating hospitals, he says there are 220 children's hospital units in the UK, of which a third are not compliant with the European working time directive that no doctor should work more than 48 hours a week. NHS children's care at risk through lack of well-qualified doctors and nurses
  • And at the end of the arm there -- as you see it kind of descend down, sort of the middle-lower part of the screen -- is an item they call the pressurized mating adaptor. CNN Transcript - Special Event: NASA Astronauts Prepare for Second Space Walk on International Space Station - February 12, 2001
  • By Sink-Bathtub amalgamating sink and bathtub into a single object » IMvsMI blog on April 23, 2010 at 7: 58 am Inspiring Wooden Bathroom Collection, Milan 2010
  • These effects can usually be avoided by estimating and controlling the cumulative oxygen dose.
  • Since neither mating type switching nor transposition will be discussed here in further detail the interested reader is referred to the reviews cited in this paragraph.
  • One thing this seems to imply is that that soul is not the mystical animating spirit of the person, so much as their conscience.
  • In other groups, the dominant male gets most of the matings, and the other males are allowed an occasional copulation.
  • This article introduce a new method to make the latent fingerprints emerge by using the iodine heat-sublimating spray-gun heated by a sort of quartz lamp.
  • A third of candidate genes within these two loci are located in the 89B cytogenetic position, highlighting a possible major role for this chromosome position during the evolution of species specific adaptations to postmating prezygotic reproductive challenges. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The ability to undergo both unisexual and bisexual reproduction may provide evolutionary advantages in environments where suitable mating partners are scarce.
  • We are certainly not going to catch them cold or underestimating us.
  • Saaski moved his pawn to the final square and exchanged it for a queen, checkmating the king, who was hemmed in by his own defensive perimeter.
  • Our documentation also says "There are various methods for 'approximating' strain based material data from the more readily available monotonic data such as tensile strength, modulus etc. All Discussion Groups: Message List - root
  • At the end of the breeding season phase, we removed birds from their home aviaries and conducted a mating competency tournament.
  • The 18th-century Chinese scholar Tai Chen presented an elegant dissection for approximating the value of pi - the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
  • Nevertheless, with random mating among sexually produced gametes, selection on a modifier of sex is very weak.
  • A wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) contracts its wings during a mating ritual on South Georgia Island, Antarctica.
  • Mountbatten's "failure to negotiate in good faith was the only impediment to consummating the transaction" with Taconic, the firm's complaint states. Condo Complex Sparks a Battle
  • By closely following the female and tying with her after mating, the dog fox tries to prevent himself from being cuckolded by other dog foxes.
  • Some cost estimators now specialize in only estimating computer software development and related costs.
  • Marxism and liberation theology condemn religion for supporting the status quo and legitimating the power of the oppressor.
  • The pandas only have one mating season per year, and the San Diego pair did not mate.
  • A method of paired comparison is adapted for use in estimating economic measures of value.
  • The dead-end of Western policy towards Baghdad is also animating fears about what comes next.
  • The president made a mistake in underestimating me.
  • Random mating can be looked for by using the Hardy-Weinberg test, or conversely departure from panmixia can be detected by using linkage disequilibrium tests.
  • Sharks are diverse reproducers, and their mating has been observed only on rare occasions.
  • The lines abnormity , with the artistic conception, simple and elegant, amalgamating thousands of species amorous feelings, deduces the beauty of the natural world.......
  • Estimating the distance that the mini-drags, Clarity, and the breagar had to travel raced through Flinx's mind in an instant. Flinx's Folly
  • The first method for estimating the intellingence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. 
  • Estimating the cost of accepting a cowbird egg was done by experimentally placing newly hatched cowbird chicks into catbird nests.
  • Another technique for estimating age was applied to the woman: the pits on the inner surface of her skull were counted and she was estimated to be around 50 years old when she died.
  • This paper presents a new method for estimating two dimensional angle of arrival in the presence of coherent signal sources with two parallel linear array.
  • Frey predicts that butterfly watchers in the rest of the country may be able to see more monarch drinking binges in hot spells and during mating periods.
  • He made the mistake of underestimating the power of the press.
  • Scientists have created eerie zombie dogs, reanimating the canines after several hours of clinical death in attempts to develop suspended animation for humans.
  • One focus group of women wanted a smaller wedge for estimating pie or cake servings.
  • What is needed is some basis for estimating the functional from a finite number of experimental results.

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